2,069 research outputs found

    Experimental validation of the exact analytical solution to the steady periodic heat transfer problem in a PCM layer

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    Phase change materials (PCM) are used in many industrial and residential applications for their advantageous characteristic of high capacity of latent thermal storage by means of an isothermal process. In this context, it is very useful to have predictive mathematical models for the analysis of the thermal performance and for the thermal design of these layers. In this work, an experimental validation of an analytical model that resolves the steady periodic heat transfer problem in a finite layer of PCM is presented. The experimental investigation was conducted employing a PCM with thermophysical and thermochemical behavior very close to those hypothesized in the formulation of the analytical model. For the evaluation of the thermophysical properties of the PCM sample used, an experimental procedure created by the authors was employed. In all tests realized in a sinusoidal and non-sinusoidal periodic regime, the comparison between the measured and calculated trends of the temperature at different sample heights and of the surface heat fluxes show an excellent agreement. Moreover, also having verified the analytical total stored energy, the analytical model constitutes a valid instrument for the evaluation of the latent and sensible contribution and the trend in time of the position of the bi-phase interface.The work was partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), ENE2015-64117-C5-3-R (MINECO/FEDER), and ULLE10-4E-1305). GREA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2014 SGR 123). This project has received funding from the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under Grant agreement NÂș PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE) and from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement NÂș 657466 (INPATH-TES). Alvaro de Gracia would like to thank Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2014-19940. JuliĂ  Coma would like to thank the Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la InformaciĂł de la Generalitat de Catalunya for his research fellowship (2016FI_B2 00147). Aran SolĂ© would like to thank Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2015-25741

    Charge dynamics of a single donor coupled to a few electrons quantum dot in silicon

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    We study the charge transfer dynamics between a silicon quantum dot and an individual phosphorous donor using the conduction through the quantum dot as a probe for the donor ionization state. We use a silicon n-MOSFET (metal oxide field effect transistor) biased near threshold in the SET regime with two side gates to control both the device conductance and the donor charge. Temperature and magnetic field independent tunneling time is measured. We measure the statistics of the transfer of electrons observed when the ground state D0 of the donor is aligned with the SET states

    Climate-dependent CO2 emissions from lakes

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    Inland waters, just as the world's oceans, play an important role in the global carbon cycle. While lakes and reservoirs typically emit CO2, they also bury carbon in their sediment. The net CO2 emission is largely the result of the decomposition or preservation of terrestrially supplied carbon. What regulates the balance between CO2 emission and carbon burial is not known, but climate change and temperature have been hypothesized to influence both processes. We analyzed patterns in carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO2) in 83 shallow lakes over a large climatic gradient in South America and found a strong, positive correlation with temperature. The higher pCO2 in warmer lakes may be caused by a higher, temperature-dependent mineralization of organic carbon. This pattern suggests that cool lakes may start to emit more CO2 when they warm up because of climate ch

    A multilayer panel in cork and natural phase change materials: thermal and energy analysis

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    This paper presents thermal and energy analysis of a multilayer panel in bio-based cork material and natural phase change materials (PCMs) for the development of prefabricated, recyclable and energy-efficient and autonomous building modules. For this purpose, a calculation tool is developed for the dynamic simulation of the thermal and energy behaviour of the sandwich panel. In particular, through an extensive parametric survey, the panel is sized with the identification of the arrangement of the layers, PCM temperature, and layer thicknesses to optimize the insulating and damping properties, considering typical climatic conditions of the Mediterranean climates of Southern Italy. From the conducted simulations, the types of sandwich panels that have the best insulating and storage characteristics for the building module construction were chosen. The results of these simulations will be used in future research for the preliminary design of tests to be carried out in a climatic chamber and to build a building module in real conditions to be constantly monitored through the automatic instrumental survey of internal and external physical quantities such as temperature, humidity and radiant temperature


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    The present study explores the relationship between the new frontiers of architectural survey and architectural restoration. The result is a project for the reassembly of the Altar of the Holy Heart of Mary in the Cathedral of Gerace, in the province of Reggio Calabria. It was dismantled in the last century with the purpose to restore the "solemn and sober aspect" of the church during the medieval age. The idea was born in the sphere of a multidisciplinary didactic experience, which involved history, conservation, digital modelling, design and enhancement of cultural heritage. The process, from analyses to project, followed four steps: realization of a systematic photogrammetrical survey of each architectural element of the 18th century altars of the cathedral, which were dismantled in the last century, with high precision photomodelling techniques; early identification of the single objects, positioning structured QR-CODE with metadata and short description directly in the shooting phase; pre-cataloguing phase, implemented by the compilation of single cards regarding each piece, using a redrafted version of the ICCD OA card (artwork 3.00 version); a proposal for the reassembly of the altar of the Holy Heart of Mary. The reassembly is conceived as an alternative to the reconstruction of the altar "as it was", using a steel structure that is partially visible, which was studied to support and "exhibit" the marble pieces. The availability of numerical models for each piece facilitated, on one side, weight distribution analysis and, consequently, correct dimensioning of the support structure and, on the other side, interactive simulation processes for design optimisation and aesthetic evaluation

    On essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schroedinger and Pauli operators on the unit disc in R^2

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    We study the question of magnetic confinement of quantum particles on the unit disk \ID in \IR^2, i.e. we wish to achieve confinement solely by means of the growth of the magnetic field B(x⃗)B(\vec x) near the boundary of the disk. In the spinless case we show that B(x⃗)≄32⋅1(1−r)2−131(1−r)2ln⁥11−rB(\vec x)\ge \frac{\sqrt 3}{2}\cdot\frac{1}{(1-r)^2}-\frac{1}{\sqrt 3}\frac{1}{(1-r)^2\ln \frac{1}{1-r}}, for ∣x⃗∣|\vec x| close to 1, insures the confinement provided we assume that the non-radially symmetric part of the magnetic field is not very singular near the boundary. Both constants 32\frac{\sqrt 3}{2} and −13-\frac{1}{\sqrt 3} are optimal. This answers, in this context, an open question from Y. Colin de Verdi\`ere and F. Truc. We also derive growth conditions for radially symmetric magnetic fields which lead to confinement of spin 1/2 particles.Comment: 18 pages; the main theorem has been expanded and generalize

    Role of Estrogen and Estrogen Receptor in GH-Secreting Adenomas

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    Acromegaly is a rare disease with several systemic complications that may lead to increased overall morbidity and mortality. Despite several available treatments, ranging from transsphenoidal resection of GH-producing adenomas to different medical therapies, complete hormonal control is not achieved in some cases. Some decades ago, estrogens were first used to treat acromegaly, resulting in a significant decrease in IGF1 levels. However, due to the consequent side effects of the high dose utilized, this treatment was later abandoned. The evidence that estrogens are able to blunt GH activity also derives from the evidence that women with GH deficiency taking oral estro-progestins pills need higher doses of GH replacement therapy. In recent years, the role of estrogens and Selective Estrogens Receptor Modulators (SERMs) in acromegaly treatment has been re-evaluated, especially considering poor control of the disease under first- and second-line medical treatment. In this review, we analyze the state of the art concerning the impact of estrogen and SERMs on the GH/IGF1 axis, focusing on molecular pathways and the possible implications for acromegaly treatment

    Mechanochemical Preparation of Dipyridyl-Naphthalenediimide Cocrystals: Relative Role of Halogen-Bond and π-πInteractions

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    Naphthalenediimide derivates are a class of π-conjugated molecules largely investigated in the literature and used as building blocks for metal-organic frameworks or coformers for hydrogen-bond-based cocrystals. However, their tendency to establish halogen-bond interactions remains unexplored. By using a crystalline engineering approach, we report here four new cocrystals with N,Nâ€Č-di(4-pyrydyl)-naphthalene-1,4,5,8-tetracarboxidiimide and diiodo-substituted coformers, easily obtained via a mechanochemical protocol. Cocrystals were characterized via NMR, electron ionization mass spectrometry, thermogravimetric analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystallographic structures were then finely examined and correlated with energy framework calculations to understand the relative contribution of halogen-bond and π-πinteractions toward framework stabilization
