505 research outputs found

    Multivariate meta-analysis of QTL mapping studies

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    A large number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for milk production and quality traits in dairy cattle has been reported in literature. The large amount of information available could be exploited by meta-analyses to draw more general conclusions from results obtained in different experimental conditions (animals, statistical methodologies). QTL meta-analyses have been carried out to estimate the distribution of QTL effects in livestock and to find consensus on QTL position. In this study, multivariate dimension reduction techniques are used to analyse a database of dairy cattle QTL published results, in order to extract latent variables able to characterise the research. A total of 92 papers by 72 authors were found on 25 scientific Journals for the period January 1995-February 2008. More than thirty parameters were picked up from the articles. To overcome the problem of different map location, the flanking markers were mapped on release 4.1 of the Bos taurus genome sequence (www.ensembl. org). Their position was retrieved from public databases and, when absent, was calculated in silico by blasting (http://blast.wustl.edu/) the markers’ nucleotide sequence against the genomic sequence. Records were discarded if flanking markers or P-values were not available. After these edits, the final archive consisted of 1,162 records. Seven selected variables were analysed both with the Factor Analysis (FA), combined with the varimax rotation technique, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). FA was able to explain 68% of the original variability with 3 latent factors: the first factor extracted was highly associated (factor loading of 0.98) to marker location along the chromosome and could be considered as a marker map index; the second factor showed factor loadings of 0.74 and 0.84 related to the variable number of animals involved and year of the experiment, respectively, and it can be regarded as an indicator of the dimension of the study; the third factor was correlated to the significance level of the statistical test (0.78), number of families (0.63), and, negatively, to the marker density (-0.43). It can be named as index of power of the experiment. Same patterns can be observed in the eigenvectors of PCA. Four PCs were able to explain about 80% of the original variance. The first two PCs basically underlined accurately the same structure found with the first two factors in FA, whereas PC3 and PC4 summarized the structure of F3. The score that each QTL gets on each Factor or PC could be useful to classify the original QTL records and make them more comparable once that the redundancy of information has been removed

    Pancreatic fistula: A proposed percutaneous procedure

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    AIM: To propose a percutaneous treatment for otherwise intractable pancreatic fistula (PF). METHODS: From 2005 to 2011, 12 patients (9 men and 3 women, mean age 59 years, median 63 years, range 33-78 years) underwent radiological treatment for high-output PF associated with peripancreatic fluid collection. The percutaneous procedures were performed after at least 4 wk of unsuccessful conservative treatments. We chose either a one or two step procedure, depending on the size and characteristics of the fistula and the fluid collection (with an arbitrary cut-off of 2 cm). Initially, 2 to 6 pigtail drainages of variable size from 8.3 (8.3-Pig Duan Cook, Bloomington, Indiana, United States) to 14 Fr (Flexima, Boston Scientific, Natick, United States) were positioned inside the collection using a transgastric approach. In a second procedure, after 7-10 d, two or more endoprostheses (cystogastrostomic 8 Fr double-pigtail, Cook, Bloomington, Indiana, United States in 10 patients; covered Niti-S stent, TaeWoong Medical Co, Seoul, South Korea in 2 patients) were placed between the collection and the gastric lumen. In all cases the metal or plastic prostheses were removed within one year after positioning. RESULTS: Four out of 12 high-output fistulas fistulas were external while 8/12 were internal. The origin of the fistulous tract was visualised by computer tomography (CT) imaging studies: in 11 patients it was at the body, and in 1 patient at the tail of the pancreas. Single or multiple drainages were positioned under CT guidance. The catheters were left in place for a varying period (0 to 40 d - median 10 and 25(th)-75(th) percentile 0-14). In one case external transgastric drainages were left in place for a prolonged time (40 d) due to the presence of vancomycin-resistant bacteria (Staphylococcus) and fluconazole-resistant fungi (Candida) in the drained fluid. In this latter case systemic and local antibiotic therapy was administered. In both single and two-step techniques, when infection was present, we carried out additional washing with antibiotics to improve the likelihood of the procedure’s success. In all cases the endoprostheses were left in situ for a few weeks and endoscopically removed after remission of collections, as ascertained by CT scan. Procedural success rate was 100% as the resolution of external PF was achieved in all cases. There were no peri-procedural complications in any of the patients. The minimum follow-up was 18 mo. In two cases the procedure was repeated after 1 year, due to the onset of new fluid collections and the development of pseudocysts. Indeed, this type of endoprosthesis is routinely employed for the treatment of pseudocysts. Endoscopy was adopted both for control of the positioning of the endoprosthesis in the stomach, and for its removal after resolution of the fistula and fluid collection. The resolution of the external fistula was assessed clinically and CT scan was employed to demonstrate the resolution of peripancreatic collections for both the internal and external fistulae. CONCLUSION: The percutaneous placement of cistogastrostomic endoprostheses can be used for the treatment of PF that cannot be treated with other procedures

    Padrão espacial e temporal das coletividades de artrópodes associados à macrófitas em um rio subtropical de baixa ordem (Chaco, Argentina)

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la composición y abundancia del ensamble de artrópodos asociados a la vegetación acuática en diferentes tramos de un río de llanura, situado en la región Neotropical, provincia biogeográfica Chaco, Argentina. Los muestreos se efectuaron en cinco sitios localizados entre 27º06´49´´ y 27º25´47´´S y entre 58º57´45´´ y 59°27´23´´O, en el gradiente longitudinal del río Negro durante periodos lluviosos y de estiaje. De acuerdo a las características ambientales el análisis de componentes principales agrupó a los sitios del tramo medio y segregó los sitios del tramo bajo, los cuales tuvieron alta conductividad y salinidad. La densidad media de artrópodos varió entre 197 y 42775 individuos por m2 cubierto por vegetación y entre 79 y 45542 individuos por 100g de materia vegetal seca. La abundancia total difirió entre sitios, fechas de muestreo y en las diferentes especies de plantas, y el análisis de regresión múltiple indicó que el sustrato vegetal explicó el 46% de la variación de la densidad total. En los ensambles, Chironomus sp. y Parachironomus sp. fueron eudominantes, mientras que Cytheridella ilosvayi Daday, Hyalella curvispina Shoemaker, Simocephalus serrulatus Koch, Callibaetis sp. y Ablabesmyia sp. fueron dominantes. El análisis de ordenamiento mostró que las diferencias en la abundancia de los taxones dominantes en la colectividad de artrópodos fueron más importantes entre tramos que entre condiciones hidrológicas.The aim of this study was to determine the composition and abundance of arthropod assemblages associated with aquatic vegetation in different sections of a plain river and during different hydrologic conditions. Surveys were carried out in five sites located in the longitudinal gradient of the river (27º06'49''-27º25'47''S and 58º57'45''-59°27'23''W) during rainy and drought periods. According to the physical and chemical features, principal component analysis grouped the sites of the middle section and separated the sites of the low section, which had high conductivity and salinity. Mean arthropod density varied between 197 and 42775 individuals per m2 of vegetation-covered areas and between 79 y 45542 per 100g of dry O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a composição e abundância de ensembles de artrópodes associados à vegetação aquática em diferentes trechos de um rio de planície, situado na região Neotropical, província biogeográfica Chaco, Argentina. As amostragens foram efetuadas em cinco áreas localizadas entre 27º06'49'' e 27º25'47''S e entre 58º57'45'' e 59°27'23''O, no gradiente longitudinal do rio Negro durante períodos chuvosos e de estiagem. De acordo às características ambientais a análise de componentes principais agrupou as áreas do trecho médio e segregou as áreas de trecho baixo, os quais tiveram alta condutividade e salinidade. A densidade média de artrópodes variou entre 197 e 42775 indivíduos plant matter. Total abundance differed significantly between sites, dates, and plant species, and stepwise-multiple regression indicated that plant substrates explain 46% of the variation of total density. In the assemblages, Chironomus sp. and Parachironomus sp. were eudominant, while Cytheridella ilosvayi Daday, Hyalella curvispina Shoemaker, Simocephalus serrulatus Koch, Callibaetis sp. and Ablabesmyia sp. were dominant. The non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analysis indicated that differences in the abundance of the dominant taxa in the arthropod assemblages were more important across sections than across hydrologic conditionsO objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a composição e abundância de ensembles de artrópodes associados à vegetação aquática em diferentes trechos de um rio de planície, situado na região Neotropical, província biogeográfica Chaco, Argentina. As amostragens foram efetuadas em cinco áreas localizadas entre 27º06'49'' e 27º25'47''S e entre 58º57'45'' e 59°27'23''O, no gradiente longitudinal do rio Negro durante períodos chuvosos e de estiagem. De acordo às características ambientais a análise de componentes principais agrupou as áreas do trecho médio e segregou as áreas de trecho baixo, os quais tiveram alta condutividade e salinidade. A densidade média de artrópodes variou entre 197 e 42775 indivíduos plant matter. Total abundance differed significantly between sites, dates, and plant species, and stepwise-multiple regression indicated that plant substrates explain 46% of the variation of total density. In the assemblages, Chironomus sp. and Parachironomus sp. were eudominant, while Cytheridella ilosvayi Daday, Hyalella curvispina Shoemaker, Simocephalus serrulatus Koch, Callibaetis sp. and Ablabesmyia sp. were dominant. The non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination analysis indicated that differences in the abundance of the dominant taxa in the arthropod assemblages were more important across sections than across hydrologic conditions. por m2 coberto por vegetação e entre 79 e 45542 indivíduos por 100g de matéria vegetal seca. A abundância total diferiu entre áreas, datas de amostragem e nas diferentes espécies de plantas, e a análise de regressão múltipla indicou que o substrato vegetal explicou o 46% da variação da densidade total. Nos ensembles, Chironomus sp. e Parachironomus sp. foram eudominantes, enquanto que Cytheridella ilosvayi Daday, Hyalella curvispina Shoemaker, Simocephalus serrulatus Koch, Callibaetis sp. e Ablabesmyia sp. foram dominantes. A análise de ordenamento mostrou que as diferenças na abundância dos táxons dominantes na coletividade de artrópodes foram mais importantes entre trechos que entre condições hidrológicas.Fil: Damborsky, Miryam Pieri. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; ArgentinaFil: Poi, Alicia Susana G.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Ecología Aplicada del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Mazza, Silvia Matilde. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    THAD in biliary duct disease

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    The Relationship between Compulsive Behaviour and Internet Addiction

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    A variety of behavioural and emotional problems among university students is due to Internet Addiction (Alavi et al. 2012, Rusconi et al. 2012). In 2013 a survey is conducted on a sample of 532 students of University of L’Aquila. The purpose is to investigate Internet use patterns and the correlation between Internet Addiction disorder and compulsive behaviour. Two self-administered questionnaires are used: the Internet Addiction Test and the Cognitive Behavioural Assessment 2.0. 517 students show signs of Internet Addiction, which is moderate for 31% of respondents and severe for 1% of them. 5% shows intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are statistically associated with Internet Addiction (chi² test=23.53, p=0.000). Among young people there is a relationship between compulsive behaviour and Internet Addiction. This relationship has significant effects on treatment of Internet Addiction

    Control del minador de las hojas de los cítricos (Phylocnistis citrela) en plantas jóvenes de Naranja Valencia

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    El minador de las hojas de los cítricos (Phylocnistis citrela, Stainton), ataca los brotes tiernos de las plantas destruyéndolos por completo. Debido a su aparición en el Nordeste Argentino, resulta necesario ajustar técnicas de control. Con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento y residualidad de diferentes formas de aplicación de Imidacloprid y su comparación con abamectin para su control, entre 1996 y 1998, se llevó a cabo una experiencia en plantas de naranja Valencia (Citrus sinensis) a partir de los 2 años de implantadas. Los tratamientos fueron: 1) Testigo; 2) Imidacloprid 35% al 0,05%, 5 1 de solución por m de altura de planta, aplicado al suelo; 3) Imidacloprid 35%, l O, 1 %, 5 1 por m de altura, aplicado al suelo; 4) Imidacloprid 35% al 0,02% más aceite 0,5%, pulverización foliar y 5) Abamectin 0,025% más aceite 0,5%, pulverización foliar. El diseño fue totalmente aleatorizado con 4 repeticiones, parcela útil 1 planta y sus respectivas borduras. Los trabajos se iniciaron en diciembre de 1996, determinando cada 15 días el porcentaje de brotes sanos entre diciembre y abril de cada año. Las plantas testigo mantuvieron siempre entre 20 y 30% de brotes sanos. Los tratamientos 4 y 5 (pulverizaciones foliares), requirieron tres aplicaciones para mantener los brotes con bajos niveles de ataque; en los tratamientos 2 y 3 (en suelo), la aplicación inicial mantuvo los brotes de las plantas libres de larvas durante toda la evaluación

    Incidencia de NPK y Estiércol en el crecimiento y la productividad de plantas de Mamonero, bajo cobertura plástica

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer la respuesta de plantas de mamón de origen venezolano, bajo cobertura plástica, a diferentes combinaciones de N, P y K, con y sin estiércol. El lote se implantó en agosto de 1997, en el Campo Experimental del Departamento de Producción Vegetal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, en un suelo Udipsamment álfico, a una distancia de 1,30m por 1,80m. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Se aplicaron siete tratamientos con diferentes combinaciones de Nitrógeno (200 kg.ha-1), Fósforo (P2O5) (300 kg.ha-1), Potasio (K2 O) (240 kg.ha-1) y Estiércol (20 tn.ha-1). Las necesidades hídricas fueron cubiertas a través de riego por goteo con dosis estándar para todas las plantas. Se evaluó mensualmente: altura de plantas, diámetro y altura de copa, durante dos años hasta estabilizar crecimiento y desde agosto de 1998 por tres años peso de cosecha. Se aplicó el test de Tukey (α=0,05) para todas las variables y tanto en el crecimiento de planta como en los tres años de cosecha, se destacó el tratamiento que incorporó nitrógeno, fósforo y estiércol. Los análisis foliares del primer y segundo año de implantación no dieron diferencia significativa según Tukey

    Machine learning applied to the prediction of citrus production

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    An in-depth knowledge about variables affecting production is required in order to predict global production and take decisions in agriculture. Machine learning is a technique used in agricultural planning and precision agriculture. This work (i) studies the effectiveness of machine learning techniques for predicting orchards production; and (ii) variables affecting this production were also identified. Data from 964 orchards of lemon, mandarin, and orange in Corrientes, Argentina are analysed. Graphic and analytical descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, principal component analysis and Biplot were performed. Production was predicted via M5-Prime, a model regression tree constructor which produces a classification based on piecewise linear functions. For all the species studied, the most informative variable was the trees’ age; in mandarin and orange orchards, age was followed by between and within row distances; irrigation also affected mandarin production. Also, the performance of M5-Prime in the prediction of production is adequate, as shown when measured with correlation coefficients (~0.8) and relative mean absolute error (~0.1). These results show that M5-Prime is an appropriate method to classify citrus orchards according to production and, in addition, it allows for identifying the most informative variables affecting production by tree

    Mineral elements concentrations in aerial parts and infusions of Margyricarpus pinnatus (Lam.) Kuntze (Pearl fruit)

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    Introducción: la "perlilla" o “yerba de la perdiz” es un subarbusto que habita en Sudamérica de donde es nativo. Las infusiones de las partes aéreas: hojas y tallos, se utilizan en la medicina popular, fundamental para el tratamiento de diversas afecciones urinarias. No se encontraron estudios sobre el contenido mineral de las partes aéreas ni de las infusiones de esta especie. Objetivos: determinar la concentración de elementos minerales en partes aéreas e infusiones de Margyricarpus pinnatus (Lam.) Kuntzé. Métodos: se colectaron muestras de M. pinnatus en San Luis, Argentina y se determinaron las concentraciones de 32 elementos en las partes aéreas e infusiones, por espectroscopia de emisión óptica por inducción de plasma acoplado. Resultados: en las partes aéreas se encontraron concentraciones de veinticuatro elementos en tanto que, en las infusiones solo se detectaron concentraciones de catorce elementos. El resto de los mismos presentó valores por debajo del límite de cuantificación. Para eficiencia de extracción se registró el siguiente orden Potasio> Calcio> Cromo> Sodio> Fósforo> Cobre> Magnesio> Boro> Zinc> Silicio> Manganeso> Estroncio> Aluminio> Hierro. Los contenidos minerales de las infusiones son más bajos que los límites establecidos para la ingesta diaria de minerales. Conclusiones: se realiza un aporte al conocimiento de la composición elemental de las partes aéreas e infusiones de M. pinnatus. El consumo diario de las infusiones no resultaría perjudicial para la salud.Fil: Martinez, Gloria Cristina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Pellerano, Roberto Gerardo. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura; ArgentinaFil: del Vitto, Luis Angel. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Quimica, Bioquimica y Farmacia. Departamento de Quimica; ArgentinaFil: Mazza, Silvia Matilde. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Marchevsky, Eduardo Jorge. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Quimica, Bioquimica y Farmacia. Departamento de Quimica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Química del Sur; Argentin

    Aplicación de transformaciones para el cumplimiento de los supuestos de normalidad y homocedasticidad, a Concentraciones Foliares de N, P y K en Mandarino

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en analizar la distribución que presentan las concentraciones foliares de N (g.kg.1), p (g.kg.1) y K (g.kg.1) en mandarino (Citrus reticulata, Blanco), y evaluar el efecto de diferentes transformaciones aritméticas sobre su normalidad y homocedasticidad. Las variables en estudio fueron determinadas en 12 muestreos de ramas fructíferas realizados durante las estaciones de verano, otoño e invierno, en lotes comerciales ubicados en el Departamento de Monte Caseros, provincia de Corrientes. Para evaluar la normalidad se utilizó el test de Shapiro-Wilk y el test de Shapiro-Wilk modificado por Mahibbur y Govindarajulu (1997), complementando el análisis con herramientas descriptivas, entre ellas gráfico de frecuencia y de Box Plot. La homocedasticidad se analizó por medio de los tests de Bartlett y Levene. Se trabajó sobre las variables originales y las familias de transformaciones: logaritmo natural, raíz cuadrada y potencia de Box y Cox. Las transformaciones de potencia de Box y Cox son las que logran establecer la normalidad para N y K, en cambio para P no se consigue normalidad con ninguna de las transformaciones probadas. Según el test de Bartlett, las ransformaciones logarítmicas y raíz cuadrada reducen la heterocedasticidad pero no logran homogeneizarlas en todos los casos. En cambio, las transformaciones de potencia de Box y Cox son las más efectivas para lograr la homocedasticidad en estas variables. Los valores obtenidos con la prueba de Levene, en todos los casos indican el logro de la homocedasticidad