1,668 research outputs found

    Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory

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    The problem of sharing entanglement over large distances is crucial for implementations of quantum cryptography. A possible scheme for long-distance entanglement sharing and quantum communication exploits networks whose nodes share Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. In Perseguers et al. [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008)] the authors put forward an important isomorphism between storing quantum information in a dimension DD and transmission of quantum information in a D+1D+1-dimensional network. We show that it is possible to obtain long-distance entanglement in a noisy two-dimensional (2D) network, even when taking into account that encoding and decoding of a state is exposed to an error. For 3D networks we propose a simple encoding and decoding scheme based solely on syndrome measurements on 2D Kitaev topological quantum memory. Our procedure constitutes an alternative scheme of state injection that can be used for universal quantum computation on 2D Kitaev code. It is shown that the encoding scheme is equivalent to teleporting the state, from a specific node into a whole two-dimensional network, through some virtual EPR pair existing within the rest of network qubits. We present an analytic lower bound on fidelity of the encoding and decoding procedure, using as our main tool a modified metric on space-time lattice, deviating from a taxicab metric at the first and the last time slices.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; title modified; appendix included in main text; section IV extended; minor mistakes remove

    Why Users (Don’t) Use Password Managers at a Large Educational Institution

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    We quantitatively investigated the current state of Password Manager (PM) usage and general password habits at a large, private university in the United States. Building on prior qualitative findings from SOUPS 2019, we survey n=277 faculty, staff, and students, finding that 77% of our participants already use PMs, but users of third-party PMs, as opposed to browser-based PMs, were significantly less likely to reuse their passwords across accounts. The largest factor encouraging PM adoption is perceived ease-of-use, indicating that communication and institutional campaigns should focus more on usability factors. Additionally, our work indicates the need for design improvements for browser-based PMs to encourage less password reuse as they are more widely adopted

    Opinia członków ZRM dotycząca funkcjonowania systemu teletransmisji EKG

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    Wstęp. Do istotnych elementów pracy personelu ZRM należy zarówno sporządzanie elektronicznej dokumentacji medycznej (składającej się na elektroniczny rekord pacjenta), jak i udostępnianie zawartych w niej danych, co możliwe jest dzięki wdrożeniu rozwiązań telemedycznych, takich jak system teletransmisji EKG. Ponieważ opinia pracowników może warunkować wykorzystywanie wdrożonych systemów, duże znaczenie mają poglądy personelu nt. przydatności opracowanych rozwiązań oraz wynikających z nich korzyści. Cel pracy. Celem pracy było ustalenie opinii członków ZRM (P oraz S) dotyczącej funkcjonowania systemu teletransmisji EKG. Materiał i metoda. Na potrzeby badania (przeprowadzonego metodą sondażu diagnostycznego) przygotowano kwestionariusz ankiety składający się z 18 pytań. W badaniu udział wzięło 115 członków ZRM pracujących w KPR (w tym 82 ratowników medycznych, 21 pielęgniarek oraz 12 lekarzy). Wyniki. Wykonywanie teletransmisji EKG zadeklarowało 93,91% (n=108) respondentów. Ze stwierdzeniem, że bezpośredni transport pacjenta do OKI znacznie skraca czas rozpoczęcia inwazyjnego leczenia w porównaniu do przewiezienia chorego do najbliższego SOR zdecydowanie lub raczej zgadza się 99,13% ankietowanych. 87,83% (n=101) respondentów jest zdecydowanie lub raczej zadowolonych z możliwości wykonywania teletransmisji EKG. Wdrożony system oceniony został jako zdecydowanie lub raczej przydatny przez 93,91% członków ZRM. Wśród respondentów 91,30% osób jest zdecydowanie lub raczej pozytywnie nastawionych wobec wdrażania oraz rozwijania w systemie PRM rozwiązań telemedycznych. Wnioski. Ratownicy medyczni i pielęgniarki znamiennie statystycznie częściej deklarują wykonywanie teletransmisji ECG podczas pracy zawodowej w porównaniu do lekarzy. Ratownicy medyczni i pielęgniarki istotnie statystycznie częściej postrzegają system teletransmisji ECG jako przydatny w opiece nad pacjentem z podejrzeniem Ostrego Zespołu Wieńcowego w porównaniu do lekarzy. Ratownicy medyczni istotnie statystycznie częściej uważają, że wdrożenie systemu teletransmisji ECG wpływa na poprawę jakości pracy ZRM w porównaniu do lekarzy. Ratownicy medyczni znamiennie statystycznie częściej są zadowoleni z możliwości wykonywania teletransmisji ECG w porównaniu do lekarz.Introduction. Filling in the electronic medical documentation (which the electronic patient record is comprising of) and sharing data (which are included in documents) are important elements of Medical Rescue Team (MRT) staff’s work. That’s possible due to implementation telemedicine solutions like ECG teletransmission. The personnel’s opinions can affect the use of systems. That is the reason, the staff’s opinion on usefulness and benefits of systems is very important. The purpose of the study. The aim of the study is to establish the MRT (Basic: BMRT and Specialist: SMRT) staff’s opinion on the subject of functioning of ECG teletransmission system in Emergency Medical Service (EMS) in Cracow. Material and method. The survey questionnaire (which contains 18 questions) was prepared for the needs of the study (carried out by a method of diagnostic survey). 115 MRT employees of EMS in Cracow (82 paramedics, 21 nurses and 12 doctors) took part in the research. Results. 93,91% respondents declared making an ECG teletransmission. 99,13% participants definitely or rather agree with the statement that direct patient transport to the interventional cardiology unit significantly shortens the time of invasive treatment. 87,83% MRT members are definitely or rather satisfied with the possibility of using ECG teletransmission system. 93,91% MRT employees evaluate the implemented system as definitely or ra-ther useful. 91,30% respondents are definitely or rather positive about the implementing and developing the telemedicine in EMS in Poland. Conclusions. Medical rescuers and nurses significantly more often declare Electrocardiograpfy teletransmissions during their professional work than doctors. Medical rescuers and nurses significantly more often perceive the ECG teletransmission system as useful in the care of a patient with suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome compared to doctors. Medical rescuers are statistically signifi-cantly more likely to believe that the implementation of the ECG teletransmission system improves the quality of work of the Medical Rescue Team as compared to physicians. Medical rescuers are statistically significantly more often satisfied with the possibility of ECG teletransmission in comparison to physicians

    Universal properties of correlation transfer in integrate-and-fire neurons

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    One of the fundamental characteristics of a nonlinear system is how it transfers correlations in its inputs to correlations in its outputs. This is particularly important in the nervous system, where correlations between spiking neurons are prominent. Using linear response and asymptotic methods for pairs of unconnected integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons receiving white noise inputs, we show that this correlation transfer depends on the output spike firing rate in a strong, stereotyped manner, and is, surprisingly, almost independent of the interspike variance. For cells receiving heterogeneous inputs, we further show that correlation increases with the geometric mean spiking rate in the same stereotyped manner, greatly extending the generality of this relationship. We present an immediate consequence of this relationship for population coding via tuning curves

    Molecular Marker Analysis as a Guide to the Sources of Fine Organic Aerosols

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    The molecular composition of fine particulate (D_p ≥ 2 µm) organic aerosol emissions from the most important sources in the Los Angeles area has been determined. Likewise, ambient concentration patterns for more than 80 single organic compounds have been measured at four urban sites (West Los Angeles, Downtown Los Angeles, Pasadena, and Rubidoux) and at one remote offshore site (San Nicolas Island). It has been found that cholesterol serves as a marker compound for emissions from charbroilers and other meat cooking operations. Vehicular exhaust being emitted from diesel and gasoline powered engines can be traced in the Los Angeles atmosphere using fossil petroleum marker compounds such as steranes and pentacyclic triterpanes (e.g., hopanes). Biogenic fine particle emission sources such as plant fragments abraded from leaf surfaces by wind and weather can be traced in the urban atmosphere. Using distinct and specific source organic tracers or assemblages of organic compounds characteristic for the sources considered it is possible to estimate the influence of different source types at any urban site where atmospheric data are available

    Selected, new proposals of geotouristic attractions from Lower Silesia

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    The Lower Silesia is the region of the largest diversity of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks used for construction and decoration. These rocks are extracted in numerous quarries, which are generally inaccessible for tourists. Hence, the educationally important, unique or just interesting sites remain unknown and cannot be included into the educational activity. However, there is a great number of abandoned quarries, which have been densly vegetated since the closure and which were rather distant from popular tourist trails. Among them are many sites of significant historical value due to the age of exploitation or particular stones then used for construction of important historical monuments or for carving the stonework or sculpture masterpieces. The following paper presents the currently operating quarries with the reference to modern buildings in Wrocław, in which specific stones were used. Moreover, the abandoned quarries were described, which may become tourist and geotourist attractions if properly developed and provided with relevant information

    Reversible suppression of an essential gene in adult mice using transgenic RNA interference

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    RNAi has revolutionized loss-of-function genetics by enabling sequence-specific suppression of virtually any gene. Furthermore, tetracycline response elements (TRE) can drive expression of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) for inducible and reversible target gene suppression. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of transgenic inducible RNAi for suppression of essential genes. We set out to directly target cell proliferation by screening an RNAi library against DNA replication factors and identified multiple shRNAs against Replication Protein A, subunit 3 (RPA3). We generated transgenic mice with TRE-driven Rpa3 shRNAs whose expression enforced a reversible cell cycle arrest. In adult mice, the block in cell proliferation caused rapid atrophy of the intestinal epithelium which led to weight loss and lethality within 8-11 d of shRNA induction. Upon shRNA withdrawal, villus atrophy and weight loss were fully reversible. Thus, shRpa3 transgenic mice provide an interesting tool to study tissue maintenance and regeneration. Overall, we have established a robust system that serves the purpose of temperature-sensitive alleles in other model organisms, enabling inducible and reversible suppression of essential genes in a mammalian system

    GDR Feeding of the Highly-Deformed Band in 42Ca

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    The gamma-ray spectra from the decay of the GDR in the compound nucleus reaction 18O+28Si at bombarding energy of 105 MeV have been measured in an experiment using the EUROBALL IV and HECTOR arrays. The obtained experimental GDR strength function is highly fragmented, with a low energy (10 MeV) component, indicating a presence of a large deformation and Coriolis effects. In addition, the preferential feeding of the highly-deformed band in 42Ca by this GDR low energy component is observed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Zakopane2004 Symposium, to be published in Acta Phys. Pol. B36 (2005