240 research outputs found


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    Ce papier a pour but de mettre en  lumière  le  rôle  important de  l’approche d’évaluation post occupationnelle  (EPO) comme outil d’évaluation de la performance du logement et l’évaluation de la satisfaction des usagers en se basant essentiellement sur les  impressions et  la perception des utilisateurs sur leur espace de vie ou de  travail. Cette approche est généralement utilisée dans les pays anglo-saxons, nous l’avons adoptée dans notre recherche pour évaluer la satisfaction dans les logements sociaux locatifs dans la ville de M’sila.  The  purpose  of  this  paper  is highlight  the  important  role  of Post Occupancy Evaluation  as a  useful  tool  for  evaluating  the performance of housing and assessment of user satisfaction,  based primarily on the impressions and perceptions of users about their  living or working space. This approach, commonly used  in Anglo-Saxon countries, has been applied  in  this research to evaluate user satisfaction in social housing estates in the city of M’sila


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    Ce papier étudie la relation entre l’environnement thermique et le comportement des habitants de la ville de Biskra. Afin de calculer la température moyenne de la peau, la température du noyau, la température du corps et du niveau métabolique des participants par rapport aux différents degrés de la température ambiante de l’air choisis dans une gamme comprise entre (16°C≤Tair≤32°C), plusieurs mesures sur des points bien précis du corps de chaque sujet ont été réalisées à l’aide de l’utilisation du Testo 480. À ce propos, dix participants de sexe masculin, de 22.2 ± 1.14 an, 70.2 ± 4.55 kg et de 1.79 ± 0.03 m ont été considéré comme échantillon intentionnel pour cette étude. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la température ambiante de l’air a un grand impact sur le niveau du confort thermique (objectif et subjectif) des habitants, ainsi qu’il existe de très fortes corrélations entre les différentes variables corporelles des habitants de cette ville

    Phytosanitary practices of apple growers in the Ifrane province of the Middle Atlas of Morocco and perspectives of improvement.

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    This study consisted of a survey of the phytosanitary practices of apple growers in the Ifrane province of the Middle Atlas of Morocco during the 2014-2015 growing season, in order to improve them to protect the human health and preserve the environment. The results of the survey showed that farmers do not have clear and defined strategies to control the pests and diseases, with only 52% of the cases contending with following weather forecasts on media before deciding to apply pesticides. The remaining 48% have no surveillance plan and engage in pesticide sprays after they observe pests and diseases in their orchards. Furthermore, the spraying equipment shares not properly calibrated in about half of the cases, which could lead to more pesticide input in orchards. Pesticide applications varied from a minimum of 8 treatments in the least treated fram to a maximum of 25 in the most treated farm, thus bringing pesticide input from 25 kg of active ingredients/ha in the less treated orchard to over 70 kg a.i./ha in heavily treated orchards. This stresses the importance of farmer education to a more rational use of pesticides to preserve human health and the environement. Concerning pest resistance, 74% of the interviewed farmers declared alternating active ingredients to avoid pest resistance, the remaining 26 % contended with alternating commercial products. The majority of apple growers (78%) declared respecting the safety period separating the last pesticide application from fruit harvest, while 22% remain ignorant of this safety standard


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    Durant les dernières décennies  la masse des déchets produite par chaque habitant dans le monde  n'a cessé de croître. Les déchets représentent non seulement un vrai  problème pour les municipalités et les industriels, mais aussi une menace  pour l'environnement. Il existe deux types de déchets, les déchets ordinaires que traitent les municipalités et les déchets industriels traités par des entreprises. Auparavant  la seule solution dont nous disposions, était de détruire ces déchets en les brûlant, ou de s'en débarrasser en les enterrant.Un changement de mentalité de la part de tous les citoyens est nécessaire pour aborder cette question,  au lieu d'éliminer systématiquement la totalité des déchets, on a choisi d'en valoriser une bonne partie, c'est à dire de les recycler et de les transformer pour les réutiliser. Cela conduira d’une part à la préservation des ressources naturelles et d’autre part à la protection de l’environnement.Mots clés : Environnement ; pollution ; déchets ; recyclage ; matière première  ABSTRACTIn recent decades the mass of waste produced by every person in the world has continued to grow. Waste is not only a real problem for municipalities and industry, but also a threat to the environment. There are two types of waste, ordinary waste that treat municipal and industrial waste treated by companies. Previously the only solution available to us was to destroy these wastes by burning them or get rid      of by   burying. A change of mentality on the part of all citizens is necessary to address this issue, instead of systematically eliminating all waste, we chose to promote a good party that is to recycle and transform them for reuse. This leads firstly to the preservation of natural resources and secondly to protect the environment

    Primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary: A case report

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    Primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary (HCO) is a very rare type of high-grade invasive malignant ovarian tumor with hepatic differentiation and production of á-fetoprotein (AFP). We describe a 78-year-old Moroccan woman who presented to our hospital with abdominal distension andpurplish nodules infiltrating the para umbilical skin with weight loss and impairment of her performance status. Excisional biopsy of the paraumbilical nodule revealed a cutaneous localization of moderately   differentiated adenocarcinoma and pelvic ultrasonography noted the presence of a tumoral right adnexal mass. The patient underwent an exploratory laparoscopy which found peritoneal carcinomatosis with pelvic adhesions allowing only a peritoneal biopsy. Diagnosis of primary hepatoid carcinoma of the ovary was established on the basis of classic   histopathologic findings, immunohistochemical staining and marked elevation in serum of á-fetoprotein more than the carbohydrate antigen 125. The patient received 3 cycles of chemotherapy based on Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with disease progression. No second line chemotherapy was given because of the drop of patient's performance status to 3. The patient died one month later

    Breathing Current Domains in Globally Coupled Electrochemical Systems: A Comparison with a Semiconductor Model

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    Spatio-temporal bifurcations and complex dynamics in globally coupled intrinsically bistable electrochemical systems with an S-shaped current-voltage characteristic under galvanostatic control are studied theoretically on a one-dimensional domain. The results are compared with the dynamics and the bifurcation scenarios occurring in a closely related model which describes pattern formation in semiconductors. Under galvanostatic control both systems are unstable with respect to the formation of stationary large amplitude current domains. The current domains as well as the homogeneous steady state exhibit oscillatory instabilities for slow dynamics of the potential drop across the double layer, or across the semiconductor device, respectively. The interplay of the different instabilities leads to complex spatio-temporal behavior. We find breathing current domains and chaotic spatio-temporal dynamics in the electrochemical system. Comparing these findings with the results obtained earlier for the semiconductor system, we outline bifurcation scenarios leading to complex dynamics in globally coupled bistable systems with subcritical spatial bifurcations.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 70 references, RevTex4 accepted by PRE http://pre.aps.or

    Underwriters' allocation with and without discretionary power: Evidence from the Hong Kong IPO market

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    This study uses a unique and extensive data set from the Hong Kong IPO market to examine the theory of adverse selection under two distinct regulatory regimes in relation to underwriters' discretionary power in IPO share allocation. Consistent with Rock's (1986) theory of adverse selection in the IPO market, we show that, prior to the introduction of the clawback provision; retail (uninformed) investors were allocated more of the overpriced offerings and less of the underpriced issues. However, after the provision is implemented, retail investors have been allocated significantly more of the underpriced offerings and less of the overpriced ones. Overall, we find that allocation-adjusted initial returns for the retail investors are lower (higher) than the risk-free rate pre- (post-) clawback provision. These findings imply that the mandatory clawback provision has enhanced the fairness in IPO share allocations among different investor groups and has reduced the winner's curse in the IPO market

    Germination and Seedling Growth of a Set of Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Varieties under Drought Stress Conditions

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    Drought stress is one of the major abiotic factors affecting seed germination and plant growth especially in arid and semi-arid regions. In this study, we investigated the effects of drought stress on seed germination and seedling growth of five varieties of rapeseed. Seven drought stress levels of zero (control), -3, -5, -7, -9, -11 and -13 bars were performed using polyethylene glycol-6000 (PEG-6000). A completely randomized design with three replications was used for this experiment. Germination percentage (GP), germination rate (GR), mean germination time (MGT), root length (RL) and shoot length (SL) were measured to evaluate the varieties response to PEG-induced drought stress. Drought stress, variety and the interaction drought × variety had a significant effect on all studied parameters. GP and GR decreased with the increase in stress level, while MGT increased. There were no seeds germinated for all varieties at -11 bars and -13 bars. Shoot length decreased with increasing drought stress but different varieties show different performance under stress environment. Root length decreased with increasing level of severe drought stress. However, the presence of moderate drought stress could even improve the root growth of the investigated varieties. The varieties ‘INRA-CZH2' and ‘INRA-CZH3' exhibited the highest germination percentage and the best early seedling growth. Thus, they could be recommended for environments with early cropping cycle drought

    A fitter code for Deep Virtual Compton Scattering and Generalized Parton Distributions

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    We have developped a fitting code based on the leading-twist handbag Deep Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) amplitude in order to extract the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) information from DVCS observables in the valence region. In a first stage, with simulations and pseudo-data, we show that the full GPD information can be recovered from experimental data if enough observables are measured. If only part of these observables are measured, valuable information can still be extracted, certain observables being particularly sensitive to certain GPDs. In a second stage, we make a practical application of this code to the recent DVCS Jefferson Lab Hall A data from which we can extract numerical constraints for the two HH GPD Compton Form Factors.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Les prothèses d'expansion cutanee dans les séquelles de brulures

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    L’expansion cutanée est une technique de Chirurgie Plastique qui permet de restituer au patient une qualité et surface cutanée optimale en cas de perte de substance à couvrir. Ce travail est une étude rétrospective portant sur une série de 15 cas durant une période de 3 ans au Service de Chirurgie Plastique du CHU Avicenne de RABAT, destinée à étudier les résultats de cette technique en fonction du siège des séquelles et du nombre de prothèses implantées. L’âge moyen des patients a été de 29 ans, avec un sex ratio femmes/hommes de 1,5. Le siège prédominant des séquelles est l’extrémité céphalique. Le résultat final a été jugé excellent dans 46.6% des cas, avec les meilleurs résultats au niveau du scalp
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