511 research outputs found

    Drops bouncing off macro-textured superhydrophobic surfaces

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    Recent experiments with droplets impacting a macro-textured superhydrophobic surfaces revealed new regimes of bouncing with a remarkable reduction of the contact time. We present here a comprehensive numerical study that reveals the physics behind these new bouncing regimes and quantify the role played by various external and internal forces that effect the dynamics of a drop impacting a complex surface. For the first time, three-dimensional simulations involving macro-textured surfaces are performed. Aside from demonstrating that simulations reproduce experiments in a quantitative manner, the study is focused on analyzing the flow situations beyond current experiments. We show that the experimentally observed reduction of contact time extends to higher Weber numbers, and analyze the role played by the texture density. Moreover, we report a non-linear behavior of the contact time with the increase of the Weber number for application relevant imperfectly coated textures, and also study the impact on tilted surfaces in a wide range of Weber numbers. Finally, we present novel energy analysis techniques that elaborate and quantify the interplay between the kinetic and surface energy, and the role played by the dissipation for various Weber numbers

    New approaches to perfluoroalkylation of aromatic compounds, and tailor-made catalysts for C-X bond forming and water oxidation reactions. Mechanistic insights.

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    Aquesta tesis esta dividida en dos parts: la primer part es va realizar a l’Institut Català d’Invstigació Química (ICIQ) desde 2012 fins a 2015, aquesta part tracta sobre la perfluoroalquilació de substrats aromatics i inclou dos projectes principals. L’objectiu del primer projecte era la producción en flux continu de CuCF3 com a reactiu trifluorometilat i la confirmació de la seva eficacia en la trifluorometilacio de diversos halurs aromatics, els quals van ser tractats amb CuCF3 i es van convertir selectivament en composotos trifluorometilats. En el segon projecte, l’objectiu era transformar diferents halurs vinílics a anàlegs trifluorometilats i pentafluoroetilats emprant els reactius nucleòfils CuCF3 i CuC2F5, el quals ja havien estat utilitzats prèviament en el mateix grup. La segona part s’ha dut a terme a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) a partir de 2015 fins al 2017. Aquesta part tracta sobre diferents reaccions catalítiques de formació d’enllaços C-X i estudis mecanístics sobre d’aquestes. Aquesta part conté 4 projectes d’investigació. Tres d’ells tracten sobre la síntesi i l’aplicació en varies reaccions catalítiques de gran rellevància de diversos complexes de carbens anormals amb Ir (I), Ir (III) i Ru (II). Aquests catalitzadors altament eficaços s’han aplicat amb èxit en la hidrogenació per transferència d’enllaços C = O, C = N i C = C, també en la deshidrogenació d’alcohols i l’oxidació amb aigua. L’últim projecte tracta sobre la formació catalítica asimètrica d’enllaços C-C amb una nova i versàtil lligandoteca de lligands P-N quirals. Tots els objectius d’aquesta segona part de la tesis s’han realitzat amb èxit. En resum, en aquesta tesis s’ha realitzat diverses transformacions químiques importants, totes elles de gran interès en la formació de productes farmacèutics, agroquímics, naturals i de química fina y en ala producció d’energia neta. El treball realitzat en aquesta tesis conté aspectes fonamentals de la química i des del punt de vista química i industrial, existeix una gran demanda en el desenvolupament i millora de tots els processos mencionats.Esta tesis está dividida en dos partes: la primera parte se realizó en el Instituto Catalán de Investigación Química (ICIQ) desde 2012 hasta 2015, esta parte trata sobre la perfluoroalquilación de sustratos aromáticos e incluye dos proyectos principales. El objetivo del primer proyecto era la producción en flujo continuo de CuCF3 como reactivo trifluorometilado y la confirmación de su eficacia en la trifluorometilación de algunos haluros aromáticos, los cuales fueron tratados con CuCF3 y se convirtieron selectivamente en compuestos trifluorometilados. En el segundo proyecto, el objetivo era transformar varios haluros vinílicos a análogos trifluorometilados y pentafluoroetilados usando los reactivos nucleófilos CuCF3 y CuC2F5, los cuales habían sido utilizados previamente en el mismo grupo. La segunda parte se ha llevado a cabo en la Universidad de Rovira i Virgili (URV) a partir de 2015 hasta 2017. Esta parte trata sobre diferentes reacciones catalíticas de formación de enlaces C-X y estudios mecanísticos sobre de estas. Esta parte contiene 4 proyectos de investigación. Tres de ellos tratan sobre la síntesis y aplicación en varias reacciones catalíticas de gran relevancia de varios complejos de carbeno anormales con Ir (I), Ir (III) y Ru (II). Estos catalizadores altamente eficaces se aplicaron con éxito en la hidrogenación por transferencia de enlaces C = O, C = N y C = C, también en la deshidrogenación de alcoholes y la oxidación con agua. El último proyecto trata sobre la formación catalítica asimétrica de enlaces C-C con una nueva y versátil biblioteca de ligandos P-N quirales. Todos los objetivos de la segunda parte de la tesis se realizaron con éxito. En resumen, en esta tesis se han realizado diversas transformaciones químicas importantes, todas ellas de gran interés en la formación de productos farmacéuticos, agroquímicos, naturales, de química fina y en la producción de energía limpia. El trabajo hecho en esta tesis contiene aspectos fundamentales de la química y desde el punto de vista químico e industrial existe una gran demanda en el desarrollo y mejora de los procesos mencionados.This dissertation divided into two main parts: the first part which had been done from 2012 until 2015 in Institute of chemical research of Catalonia (ICIQ) is about perfluoroalkylation of aromatic substrate including two main works. In the first project the goal was continuous flow production of CuCF3 as a trifluoromethylated reagent and confirming its efficiency in trifluoromethylation of some aromatic halides which were treated with batch made CuCF3 reagent and selectively converted to trifluoromethylated conterparts. In the second project the target was transforming several vinylic halides to trifluoromethylated and pentafluoroethylated analoges with nucleophilic CuCF3 and CuC2F5 reagents which were demonstrated previously in the same group. The later part has been carried out in the University of Rovira I Virgili (URV) from 2015 until 2017. Generally this part is about different catalytic C-X bond forming reactions with mechanistic insights which contains 4 research projects. Three of them are about synthesis and catalytic application of several Ir(I), Ir(III) and Ru(II) abnormal carbene complexes in several important and challenging catalytic reactions. These highly efficient catalysts successfully applied in transfer hydrogenation of C=O, C=N and C=C functionalities, alcohol dehydrogenation and water oxidation. The last project is asymmetric catalytic formation of C-C bond with a new and versatile chiral P-N ligand library. All of the objectives for the second part of thesis were performed successfully. In conclusion, various important chemical transformation were made in this thesis which all of them are vital in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fine and natural products and the production of clean energy. The total works in this thesis are so important in chemistry and there is a huge demand about developing and improving the mentioned processes from the chemical and industrial point of view

    Hydrogen as an energy carrier: prospects and challenges

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    This paper provides an insight to the feasibility of adopting hydrogen as a key energy carrier and fuel source in the near future. It is shown that hydrogen has several advantages, as well as few drawbacks in using for the above purposes. The research shows that hydrogen will be a key player in storing energy that is wasted at generation stage in large-scale power grids by off-peak diversion to dummy loads. The estimations show that by the year of 2050 there will be a hydrogen demand of over 42 million metric tons or 45 billion gallon gasoline equivalent (GGE) in the United States of America alone which can fuel up 342 million light-duty vehicles for 51 × 1011 miles (82 × 1011 km) travel per year. The production at distributed level has also been discussed. The paper also presents the levels of risk in production, storage and distribution stages and proposes possible techniques to address safety issues. It is shown that the storage in small to medium scale containers is much economical compared to doing the same at large-scale containers. The study concludes that hydrogen has a promising future to be a highly feasible energy carrier and energy source itself at consumer level

    A Study On Computer Programmes Applied For Solar Simulation In Architecture And Urban Design

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    This paper conducts a study on the computer programmes which are applied to simulate solar radiation in research area of urban development and architecture

    Sustainable Development: Divergences And Complexities In Interpretation

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    Unprecedented complexities in confronting economy, society and environment in addition to myriad of systematic dysfunctions resulted in UN sponsored World Commission of Environmental Development (WCED) led by former Norwegian Prime Minister Brundtland in 1987

    Sectional Analysis of Pendentive Dome Mosques During Ottoman Era

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    This study analyses types of pendentive dome mosques based on their variations from sectional view of documented drawings. The scope of this study is limited to the mosques constructed in Ottoman period which refers to the pendentive dome mosque architecture. The methodology applies descriptive analysis to classify its variation. This analysis takes into account that the main dome plays important role in classifying the variation. There are 51 mosques selected for the case studies. The study found that five types of the pendentive dome mosques can be identified accordingly. The number, position and organization of the dome design become the determining factors that influence the categories. The analysis also finds that all main domes share similar position located at the center of the prayer hall. The number of main domes comprises two and three units in the third category and it has more than three units in fourth category whereas the number of main dome is not more than one unit in other categories. The dome with higher rank of category show higher quality in terms of aesthetical value leading to visual feeling of domination in section view. In overall, the rank of the mosque’s category besides corresponds to the level of its dome organization. The mosques in the higher ranked categories have more elaborated dome organization. This fits well with the logic of the hierarchy of importance to the corresponding category. Keyword: pendentive dome; section; mosque; Ottoman era; architectureRésumé: Cette étude analyse les types de mosquées à dôme pendentif en fonction de leurs variations à partir d'une vue sectionnelle des dessins documentés. La portée de cette étude est limitée aux mosquées construites dans la période ottomane qui se réfère à l'architecture de la mosquée à dôme pendentif. La méthode utilise l'analyse descriptive de classer sa variation. Cette analyse prend en compte que le dôme principal joue un rôle important dans la classification de la variation. Il y a 51 mosquées sélectionnées pour les études de cas. L'étude a révélé que par conséquent, cinq types de mosquées à dôme pendentif pouvaient être identifiés. Le nombre, la position et l'organisation de la conception du dôme deviennent les facteurs déterminants qui influent sur les catégories. L'analyse révèle également que tous les dômes principaux ont une position semblable qui est située au centre de la salle de prière. Dans la troisième catégorie, le dôme principal comporte deux et trois unités et il y a plus de trois unités dans la quatrième catégorie, alors que dans les autres catégories, le nombre de dôme principal ne dépasse pas un. Le dôme avec une catégorie plus élevée montre une meilleure qualité en termes de valeur esthétique, conduisant à une sensation visuelle de domination. Dans l'ensemble, la catégorie de la mosquée correspond au niveau de l'organisation de sa coupole. Les mosquées dans les catégories supérieures ont une organisation de coupole plus élaborée. Cela correspond bien à la logique de la hiérarchie d'importance de la catégorie correspondante.Mots-clés: dôme pendentif; section; mosquée; époque ottoman; architectur

    Sectional analysis of pendentive dome mosques during Ottoman era= Analyse sectionalle des mosquees a dome pendentif pendant l'epoque Ottomane

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    This study analyses types of pendentive dome mosques based on their variations from sectional view of documented drawings. The scope of this study is limited to the mosques constructed in Ottoman period which refers to the pendentive dome mosque architecture. The methodology applies descriptive analysis to classify its variation. This analysis takes into account that the main dome plays important role in classifying the variation. There are 51 mosques selected for the case studies. The study found that five types of the pendentive dome mosques can be identified accordingly. The number, position and organization of the dome design become the determining factors that influence the categories. The analysis also finds that all main domes share similar position located at the center of the prayer hall. The number of main domes comprises two and three units in the third category and it has more than three units in fourth category whereas the number of main dome is not more than one unit in other categories. The dome with higher rank of category show higher quality in terms of aesthetical value leading to visual feeling of domination in section view. In overall, the rank of the mosque’s category besides corresponds to the level of its dome organization. The mosques in the higher ranked categories have more elaborated dome organization. This fits well with the logic of the hierarchy of importance to the corresponding category


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    Abstract The Main objective Determining the effect of training of self-regulation strategies, assessment as learning and interacting with the families on self-concept and students' academic achievement in mathematics and comparing the effectiveness of these methods with each other. The study sample consisted of all female students of third grade in the middle schools of Arak city in academic year of 2011-2012, including 171 classes accounting for over 5094 students enrolled in this city. In this study, four subjects groups (three experimental groups and one control group) were needed. Since the selected sample in each group included 31-38 subjects, and the total sample consisted of 137 female students in the third grade of middle school, the current study is considered as a semiexperimental study. Analysis of data showed that the training of assessment components as learning can increase the self-concept and academic achievement in math in female students in the third grade of middles school. Based on collected data analysis on the second research hypothesis, suggesting "training self-regulation strategies increases the self-concept and academic achievement in mathematics of female students", the second research hypothesis was also confirmed. As a conclusion, assessment as learning can have a great impact on academic achievement and self-concept of the students. In fact, this type of assessment has gone far beyond the assessment for learning, since the assessment for learning is an educational tool that not only monitors the students' learning and control to, but also increases the evaluation of learning