36 research outputs found

    Presiones plantares, en estática bipodal, en niños/adolescentes con síndrome de Down

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    Objetivo: Determinar las presiones plantares en estática bipodal y la alineación de retropié y rodilla, en niños/adolescentes con Síndrome de Down (SD), comparando los datos con los de un grupo control (GC). Diseño. 32 sujetos con SD y 33 control. Se valoró la superficie plantar, presión media y máxima y su distribución porcentual en 9 zonas de la superficie plantar (plataforma”Footchecker”) en estática bipodal. Asimismo, se valoró la alineación del retropié en el plano frontal y la de la rodilla en los planos frontal y sagital. Resultados. En el grupo SD: superficie plantar mayor (p<0.0001); presión media menor (p<0.01); picos de presión menores en el retropié (zona interna p<0.0001) y mayores en parte interna del mediopié y del antepié (p<0.0001); participación menor del retropié, principalmente en parte interna (GC:23.09%; SD:15.87%; p<0.0001), y mayor de la parte interna del mediopié (GC:4%; SD10%; p<0.0001) y del antepié (GC:12%; SD:17%; p<0.0001). Conclusiones. El grupo SD presentó mayor desviación en valgo de talón y rodilla, tendencia al recurvatum de rodilla y aumento de la superficie de apoyo plantar, relacionado con el pie plano que suelen presentar estos sujetos. Además, presentó tendencia a menores presiones medias y modificación de la distribución porcentual de la carga, con menor participación del retropié y mayor de las zonas internas del mediopié y antepié; es decir, hubo un desplazamiento de la carga hacia la zona ántero-interna.Objective. To determine the plantar pressures in standing and the hindfoot and knee alignment, in children/adolescents with Down syndrome (DS). Material and Methods. The sample comprised two groups of 32 children / adolescents, one with DS and other without pathology (CG). We analyzed in standing she support surface, average and peak plantar pressures and their distribution (by means of a Footchecker platform), hindfoot alignment in the frontal plane and knee alignment in the frontal and sagital planes.Comparison between both groups was carried out. Results. The DS group showed: higher plantar surface (p<0.0001); lower average pressure (p<0.01); lower peak pressure in the hindfoot (internal zone p<0.0001) and a higher one in the internal zone of the midfoot and forefoot (p<0.0001); lower involvement of the hindfoot, specially in the internal part (CG:23.09%, DS:15.87%, p<0.0001) and a higher one of the internal part of the midfoot (CG:4%, DS:10%, p<0.0001) and forefoot (CG: 12%, DS: 17%, p <0.0001). Conclusions. The DS group presented higher valgus deviation of the hindfoot and knee, a tendency to a knee recurvatum and higher support surface, related to the flatfoot they usually had. On the other hand, they presented a tendency to lower average pressures and a variation in the porcentage distribution of load, with a lower involvement of the hindfoot and a higher one of the internal parts of the midfoot and forefoot: that’s to say, there was a load displacement towards the anterior and internal zone.Peer Reviewe

    PEF treatments of high specific energy permit the reduction of maceration time during vinification of Caladoc and Grenache grapes

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    Phenolic compounds extracted from the solid parts of the grapes during the maceration-fermentation stage define many of the sensory attributes of red wine such as color, bitterness or astringency. The effect of moderate a PEF treatment (M-PEF) (5 kV·cm-1, 8.8 kJ·kg-1) and an intense PEF treatment (I-PEF) (5 kV·cm-1, 52.9 kJ·kg-1) on the reduction of maceration time during vinification of Caladoc and Grenache grapes was investigated. In both grape varieties, M-PEF treatment combined with 4 days of maceration was the most effective treatment in achieving high anthocyanin content, color intensity and total phenol index at the end of fermentation. The I-PEF treatment promoted a rapid release of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, along with a fast increment in the color intensity of the must after 24 h of maceration. Although the color intensity and anthocyanin content decreased significantly throughout fermentation when grape pomace was removed after 24 h, these parameters were similar, after 3 months of bottling, in the case of Caladoc and slightly lower in Grenache than the control wine, for which maceration was extended for 10 days. Therefore, results obtained in this investigation are the first to demonstrate the potential of I-PEF for the reduction of maceration time to 24 h in red winemaking

    Gravity modeling of the lithosphere in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (Spain): geodynamic implications

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    The origin of the intraplate volcanism in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (CVP) is controversial. On the basis of its geochemical signature it has been ascribed to an “aborted” rift, implying lithospheric thinning. However, the volcanism occurred during the generalized Cenozoic NW−SE-oriented compressive tectonic regime. On the other hand, on the basis of evidence for its deep-seated origin, it has been linked to the existence of a baby-plume detached from an active megaplume below the Canary-Azores Islands and the western Mediterranean. In order to understand better the aforementioned geodynamic scenarios for the origin of the CVP, we address here the study of the lithosphere in the CVP and its vicinity by means of gravity analysis and 2+1/2D modeling. Gravity modeling results do not support the rifting model adopted for the intraplate volcanism occurred in the CVP because the crust shows a constant thickness. Density models suggest the existence of a sub-crustal, anomalous low-density block that could be underplated magmatic material at the base of the crust, suggesting that only a minor part of it intruded up into the crust and erupted. The localized magmatism of the CVP can be related to the combination of two factors: one active, the gentle folding of the Iberian lithosphere and associated uplifting of the Variscan basement due to the NW-directed transmission of compressive stresses in the upper plate yielded by the subduction/collision in the south Iberian margin. The formation of the lithospheric folding in the Calatrava region results in a decrease of the pressure beneath the swell of the antiform that is likely to bring about basaltic magmatism below the swell; and one passive, the existence of a Variscan right-lateral shear band, which yields a weakened  crust that facilitates the ascent of the magmatic materials. The relatively small volume, but large extension, of the volcanic outcrops could be associated with the preferential ascent of the magmas along the weakened crust of this NW−SE-trending Variscan shear band.El origen del volcanismo intraplaca en la Provincia Volcánica de Calatrava (CVP) es controvertido. En base a su signatura geoquímica se ha atribuido a la formación de un rift “abortado”, implicando un adelgazamiento litosférico. Sin embargo, el volcanismo se desarrolló durante un régimen tectónico compresivo orientado NW-SE que fue generalizado en la región de Calatrava durante el Cenozoico. Por otro lado, en base a las evidencias de su origen profundo, se le ha relacionado con la existencia de una mini-pluma desconectada de una mega-pluma activa debajo de los archipiélagos de Canarias y Azores, y en el Mediterráneo occidental. Con el propósito de contribuir a la discriminación entre los escenarios geodinámicos mencionados para el origen del volcanismo se ha abordado aquí el estudio de la litosfera en la CVP y en las zonas próximas mediante el análisis gravimétrico y la modelación 2+1/2D. Los modelos gravimétricos no apoyan el modelo de rifting adoptado para el volcanismo intraplaca ocurrido en la CVP porque el espesor de la corteza es cuasi-constante. Los modelos siguieren la existencia de un cuerpo anómalo sub-cortical de baja densidad que podría ser material magmático acrecionado y almacenado en la base de la corteza indicando que sólo una parte menor habría intruido en la corteza y producido erupciones. El volcanismo localizado de la CVP se puede relacionar con la combinación de dos factores: a) Un factor activo correspondiente a un amplio plegamiento de la litosfera (corteza) Ibérica y el consiguiente levantamiento asociado del basamento varisco debido a la transmisión hacia el NW de los esfuerzos compresivos en la placa superior de la subducción/colisión miocena en el margen meridional Ibérico. La formación del anticlinal a escala cortical en la región de Calatrava ha producido la disminución de la presión en el intrados del anticlinal y ha originado probablemente el magmatismo basáltico; b) Un factor pasivo correspondiente a la existencia de una banda de cizalla con dirección próxima a NW-SE, heredada de la deformación varisca, que localiza una zona de debilidad cortical favorecedora del ascenso del magmatismo

    Exploring the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a secondary bifurcation

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    We present new experimental results on the quenching dynamics of an extended thermo-convective system (a network array of approximately 100 convective oscillators) going through a secondary subcritical bifurcation. We characterize a dynamical phase transition through the nature of the domain walls (1D-fronts) that connect the basic multicellular pattern with the new oscillating one. Two different mechanisms of the relaxing dynamics at the threshold are characterized depending on the crossing rate μ=dεdtε=0\mu=\left.\frac{d\varepsilon}{dt}\right|_{\varepsilon=0} of the quenched transition. From the analysis of fronts, we show that these mechanisms follow different correlation length scales ξμσ\xi \sim \mu^{-\sigma}. Below a critical value μc\mu_c, a slow response dynamics yields a spatiotemporal coherent front with weak coupling between oscillators. Above μc\mu_c, for rapid quenches, defects are trapped at the front with a strong coupling between oscillators, similarly to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in quenched phase transitions. These defects, pinned to the fronts, yield a strong decay of the correlation length

    Frozen dynamics and synchronization through a secondary symmetry-breaking bifurcation

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    We show evidence of the frozen dynamics (Kibble-Zurek mechanism) at the transition one-dimensional (1D) front of an extended 1D array of convective oscillators that undergo a secondary subcritical bifurcation. Results correspond to a global synchronization process from nonlocal coupling between the oscillating units. The quenched dynamics exhibits defect trapping at the synchronization front according to the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, predicted for condensed matter systems. A stronger subcriticality prevents the fronts from freezing defects during the quenched transitions. A synchronization model of supercritical oscillating units is proposed to explain differentiation mechanisms in morphogenesis above a critical crossing rate when the frequency of the individual oscillators becomes coherent. The phases of such oscillators are spatially coupled through a Kuramoto-Battogtokh term that leads to the experimentally observed subcriticality. As a consequence, we show that the Kibble-Zurek mechanism overcomes non-locality of a geometrical network above a critical crossing rate

    Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a pattern forming secondary bifurcation

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    We present new experimental results on the quenching dynamics of an extended thermo-convective system (a network array of 100 c onvective oscil- lators) through a secondary bifurcation. The topology of th e new coherent struc- tures which are fronts (domain walls), when this secondary bi furcation is crossed upwards from a basic stationary multicellular pattern towar ds a propagative pat- tern, allows us to characterize a freezing dynamics related t o the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). This mechanism defines a correlation length ξ ∼ σ when the threshold has been crossed at a quench rate = dǫ dt | ǫ =0 sufficiently large to freeze almost instantaneously the phase transition front. This stu dy concerns several sequences of quenches where convective oscillators become d ifferently correlated depending on . Spatio-temporal correlation analysis will allow us to deter mine the behavior of the KZM from the front dynamics. The novelty of these results is that the front dynamics is expected to show the freezing-out dy namics beyond the threshold, and therefore it will provide the healing length of the system depending on the strength of the quench rate. Furthermore, in our system the effect of res- onant nonlinearities pins the front and diminishes its fluctu ations as we increase the quench rate

    NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics

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    Xenarthrans – anteaters, sloths, and armadillos – have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with 24 domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across their full distribution ranges. The Neotropics harbor 21 species of armadillos, ten anteaters, and six sloths. Our dataset includes the families Chlamyphoridae (13), Dasypodidae (7), Myrmecophagidae (3), Bradypodidae (4), and Megalonychidae (2). We have no occurrence data on Dasypus pilosus (Dasypodidae). Regarding Cyclopedidae, until recently, only one species was recognized, but new genetic studies have revealed that the group is represented by seven species. In this data-paper, we compiled a total of 42,528 records of 31 species, represented by occurrence and quantitative data, totaling 24,847 unique georeferenced records. The geographic range is from the south of the USA, Mexico, and Caribbean countries at the northern portion of the Neotropics, to its austral distribution in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. Regarding anteaters, Myrmecophaga tridactyla has the most records (n=5,941), and Cyclopes sp. has the fewest (n=240). The armadillo species with the most data is Dasypus novemcinctus (n=11,588), and the least recorded for Calyptophractus retusus (n=33). With regards to sloth species, Bradypus variegatus has the most records (n=962), and Bradypus pygmaeus has the fewest (n=12). Our main objective with Neotropical Xenarthrans is to make occurrence and quantitative data available to facilitate more ecological research, particularly if we integrate the xenarthran data with other datasets of Neotropical Series which will become available very soon (i.e. Neotropical Carnivores, Neotropical Invasive Mammals, and Neotropical Hunters and Dogs). Therefore, studies on trophic cascades, hunting pressure, habitat loss, fragmentation effects, species invasion, and climate change effects will be possible with the Neotropical Xenarthrans dataset

    Gravity modeling of the lithosphere in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (Spain): geodynamic implications

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    The origin of the intraplate volcanism in the Calatrava Volcanic Province (CVP) is controversial. On the basis of its geochemical signature, it has been ascribed to an “aborted” rift, implying lithospheric thinning. However, the volcanism occurred during the generalized Cenozoic NW−SE-oriented compressive tectonic regime. On the other hand, on the basis of evidence for its deep-seated origin, it has been linked to the existence of a baby-plume detached from an active megaplume below the Canary-Azores Islands and the western Mediterranean. In order to understand better the aforementioned geodynamic scenarios for the origin of the CVP, we address here the study of the lithosphere in the CVP and its vicinity by means of gravity analysis and 2+1/2D modeling. Gravity modeling results do not support the rifting model adopted for the intraplate volcanism occurred in the CVP because the crust shows a quasi-constant thickness. Density models suggest the existence of a sub-crustal, anomalous low-density block that could be underplated magmatic material at the base of the crust, suggesting that only a minor part of it intruded up into the crust and erupted. The localized magmatism of the CVP can be related to the combination of two factors: active, the gentle folding of the Iberian lithosphere and associated uplifting of the Variscan basement due to the NW-directed transmission of compressive stresses in the upper plate yielded by the subduction/collision in the south Iberian margin. The formation of the lithospheric folding in the Calatrava region results in a decrease of the pressure beneath the swell of the antiform that is likely to bring about basaltic magmatism below the swell; and one passive, the existence of a Variscan right-lateral shear band, which yields a weakened crust that facilitates the ascent of the magmatic materials. The relatively small volume, but large extension, of the volcanic outcrops could be associated with the preferential ascent of the magmas along the weakened crust of this NW−SE-trending Variscan shear band

    Presiones plantares, en estática bipodal, en niños/adolescentes con síndrome de Down

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    Objetivo: Determinar las presiones plantares en estática bipodal y la alineación de retropié y rodilla, en niños/adolescentes con Síndrome de Down (SD), comparando los datos con los de un grupo control (GC). Diseño. 32 sujetos con SD y 33 control. Se valoró la superficie plantar, presión media y máxima y su distribución porcentual en 9 zonas de la superficie plantar (plataforma”Footchecker”) en estática bipodal. Asimismo, se valoró la alineación del retropié en el plano frontal y la de la rodilla en los planos frontal y sagital. Resultados. En el grupo SD: superficie plantar mayor (p<0.0001); presión media menor (p<0.01); picos de presión menores en el retropié (zona interna p<0.0001) y mayores en parte interna del mediopié y del antepié (p<0.0001); participación menor del retropié, principalmente en parte interna (GC:23.09%; SD:15.87%; p<0.0001), y mayor de la parte interna del mediopié (GC:4%; SD10%; p<0.0001) y del antepié (GC:12%; SD:17%; p<0.0001). Conclusiones. El grupo SD presentó mayor desviación en valgo de talón y rodilla, tendencia al recurvatum de rodilla y aumento de la superficie de apoyo plantar, relacionado con el pie plano que suelen presentar estos sujetos. Además, presentó tendencia a menores presiones medias y modificación de la distribución porcentual de la carga, con menor participación del retropié y mayor de las zonas internas del mediopié y antepié; es decir, hubo un desplazamiento de la carga hacia la zona ántero-interna.Objective. To determine the plantar pressures in standing and the hindfoot and knee alignment, in children/adolescents with Down syndrome (DS). Material and Methods. The sample comprised two groups of 32 children / adolescents, one with DS and other without pathology (CG). We analyzed in standing she support surface, average and peak plantar pressures and their distribution (by means of a Footchecker platform), hindfoot alignment in the frontal plane and knee alignment in the frontal and sagital planes.Comparison between both groups was carried out. Results. The DS group showed: higher plantar surface (p<0.0001); lower average pressure (p<0.01); lower peak pressure in the hindfoot (internal zone p<0.0001) and a higher one in the internal zone of the midfoot and forefoot (p<0.0001); lower involvement of the hindfoot, specially in the internal part (CG:23.09%, DS:15.87%, p<0.0001) and a higher one of the internal part of the midfoot (CG:4%, DS:10%, p<0.0001) and forefoot (CG: 12%, DS: 17%, p <0.0001). Conclusions. The DS group presented higher valgus deviation of the hindfoot and knee, a tendency to a knee recurvatum and higher support surface, related to the flatfoot they usually had. On the other hand, they presented a tendency to lower average pressures and a variation in the porcentage distribution of load, with a lower involvement of the hindfoot and a higher one of the internal parts of the midfoot and forefoot: that’s to say, there was a load displacement towards the anterior and internal zone.Peer Reviewe

    Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a pattern forming secondary bifurcation

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    We present new experimental results on the quenching dynamics of an extended thermo-convective system (a network array of 100 c onvective oscil- lators) through a secondary bifurcation. The topology of th e new coherent struc- tures which are fronts (domain walls), when this secondary bi furcation is crossed upwards from a basic stationary multicellular pattern towar ds a propagative pat- tern, allows us to characterize a freezing dynamics related t o the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). This mechanism defines a correlation length ξ ∼ σ when the threshold has been crossed at a quench rate = dǫ dt | ǫ =0 sufficiently large to freeze almost instantaneously the phase transition front. This stu dy concerns several sequences of quenches where convective oscillators become d ifferently correlated depending on . Spatio-temporal correlation analysis will allow us to deter mine the behavior of the KZM from the front dynamics. The novelty of these results is that the front dynamics is expected to show the freezing-out dy namics beyond the threshold, and therefore it will provide the healing length of the system depending on the strength of the quench rate. Furthermore, in our system the effect of res- onant nonlinearities pins the front and diminishes its fluctu ations as we increase the quench rate