105 research outputs found

    Atomic-level understanding of a formamidinium hybrid halide perovskite, FAPbBr<sub>3</sub>

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    Herein, we show how electron microscopy can provide atomic-level understanding of FAPbBr3 , where electron diffraction and high-resolution imaging were combined allowing not only the characterization of the pristine material but also the identification of different intermediates upon its structural disintegration. Additionally, a minor tetragonal phase was also identified whose structure was also solved

    Structural characterization of HPM-7, a more ordered than expected germanosilicate zeolite

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    HPM-7, a germanosilicate synthesized using long imidazolium-based dications with two different linkers, is shown to possess the POS topology, although disorder may exist but it is very difficult to discern. First, three simple ordered polymorphs (POS-A to POS-C) with very similar energies and structural motifs could give rise to intergrowths that would be very difficult to recognize by powder X-ray diffraction, according to DIFFaX simulations. Another four structures (POS-D to POS-G) can be derived from POS by changing the orientation of two single four rings within the structure, possibly providing an additional source of disorder. While 3D EDT strongly suggests that HPM-7 basically possesses the POS-A (i.e. POS) topology, a detailed HR-STEM study demonstrates the rare existence of some disorder compatible with the polymorph POS-D. The general avoidance of polymorphs with very similar structural motifs and comparable energies points to a rather specific structure-direction by the organic dications used

    Direct TEM Observation of Vacancy-Mediated Heteroatom Incorporation into a Zeolite Framework: Towards Microscopic Design of Zeolite Catalysts

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    Incorporating hetero-metal-atom,e.g., titanium, into zeolite frameworks can enhance the catalytic activity and selectivity in oxidation reactions.However,the rational design of zeolites containing titanium at specificsites is difficult because the precise atomic structure during synthesis process remained unclear.Here, a titanosilicate with predictable titanium distribution was synthesized by mediating vacancies in a defective MSE-typezeolite precursor,based on a pre-designed synthetic route including modification of vacancies followed by titanium insertion,where electron microscopy(EM) plays a key role at each step resolving the atomic structure.Point defects including vacancies in the precursor and titanium incorporated into the vacancy-related positions have been directly observed. The results provide insights into the role of point defects in zeolites towards the rational synthesis of zeolites with desired microscopic arrangement of catalytically active sites

    Core-Satellite Gold Nanoparticle Complexes Grown by Inert Gas-Phase Condensation

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    Spontaneous growth of complexes consisted of a number of individual nanoparticles in a controlled manner, particularly in demanding environments of gas-phase synthesis, is a fascinating opportunity for numerous potential applications. Here, we report the formation of such core-satellite gold nanoparticle structures grown by magnetron sputtering inert gas condensation. Combining high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy and computational simulations, we reveal the adhesive and screening role of H2O molecules in formation of stable complexes consisted of one nanoparticle surrounded by smaller satellites. A single layer of H2O molecules, condensed between large and small gold nanoparticles, stabilizes positioning of nanoparticles with respect to one another during milliseconds of the synthesis time. The lack of isolated small gold nanoparticles on the substrate is explained by Brownian motion that is significantly broader for small-size particles. It is inferred that H2O as an admixture in the inert gas condensation opens up possibilities of controlling the final configuration of the different noble metal nanoparticles.Peer reviewe

    The Co–Au interface in bimetallic nanoparticles: a high resolution STEM study

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    We report the formation of Au/Co nanoparticles and their characterization by aberration (Cs) corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The nanoparticles were synthesized by inert gas condensation, forming initially core-shell and bimetallic crystals. However, after thermal treatment at normal atmospheric conditions, the Co nanoparticles changed their morphology into a fine layer forming a perfect interface with the gold. The ordering of the zone rich in Co presents a fcc arrangement matching the gold lattice. The atomic analysis on the interface and the comparison of the STEM images with numerical simulations corroborated the atomic substitution of gold by cobalt

    Designed synthesis of STA-30 : a small pore zeolite catalyst with topology type SWY

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    R.G.C. thanks the University of St Andrews and Johnson Matthey for funding. P.A.W. thanks the EPSRC (Designed Synthesis of Zeolites: EP/S016201/1) and the Royal Society (Industry Fellowship INF\R2\192052) for support. A.M. acknowledges the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Ramon y Cajal programme (RYC2018-024561-I), the Regional government of Aragon (DGA E13_20R), and to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NFSC-21850410448; NSFC-21835002).Small-pore aluminosilicate zeolites are attractive targets for synthesis because of their activity as catalysts in important reactions, including ammonia-mediated selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx in auto-exhaust emissions. Such a zeolite with SWY framework type, previously observed as a silicoaluminophosphate, has been prepared with high crystallinity via designed syntheses employing organic 1,8-(1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane)octyl (diDABCO-C8) and K+ cations as templates. STA-30 (St Andrews microporous material 30) is an ABC-6 structure in the erionite-offretite family of zeolites that exhibits the 12-layer stacking sequence AABAABAACAAC. The framework, which can be prepared with a controllable Si/Al ratio, possesses columns of alternating d6r units and can cages, of which the latter are oriented to give an inter-column pore space comprising gme cages and swy cages connected via 8Rs. DiDABCO-C8 cations fill the swy cages of as-prepared STA-30, while K+ cations display high occupancy in the can cages. Removal of the template by calcination, followed by ammonium ion exchange of K+ cations residing outside the can cages and subsequent deammoniation, gives a highly crystalline zeolite (K3H6Al9Si72O144, P63/mmc, a = 12.9922(9) Å, c = 29.9624(12) Å) with solid acidity shown by solid-state 1H MAS NMR. Upon hydration, a portion of the Al adopts octahedral geometry, as demonstrated by two sharp resonances at −2.0 and −3.1 ppm in the 27Al MAS NMR. These octahedral species can be converted back to tetrahedral Al by ammonium exchange and are interpreted as distinct hydrated framework Al sites. The activated K,H-STA-30 is a small-pore solid acid with a three-dimensionally connected micropore volume of 0.31 cm3 g–1. In the copper-loaded form, it is an active catalyst for the SCR of NO by ammonia.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Can NbO Keep nbo Topology under Electrons? –Unveiling Novel Aspects of Niobium Monoxide at the Atomic Scale

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    A precise investigation of NbO has been carried out by advanced electron microscopy combined with powder and single crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure of pristine NbO has been determined as Pm-3 m space group (SG) with a = 4.211 Å and the positions of Nb and O at the 3c and 3d Wyckoff positions, respectively, which is consistent with previous report based on powder XRD data. Electron beams induced a structural transition, which was investigated and explained by combining electron diffraction and atomic-resolution imaging. The results revealed that the electron beam stimulated both Nb and O atom-migrations within each fcc sublattice, and that the final structure was SG Fm-3 m with a = 4.29 Å, Nb and O at the 4a and 4b with 75 % occupancy and same chemical composition. Antiphase planar defects were discovered in the pristine NbO and related to the structural transformation. Theoretical calculations performed by density functional theory (DFT) supported the experimental conclusions

    Improved O2-assisted styrene synthesis by double-function purification of SWCNT catalyst

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    The catalytic performance of SWCNT was notably improved in the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene (EB) to styrene (ST) upon a double-function purification in one step of the raw SWCNT. This consists of lowering the MeOx concentration and generating surface C=O groups after processing it in nitric acid at controlled conditions, while preserving the structure. The textural improvement was ascribed to the cutting of the tubes/bundles by oxidation and to MeOx removal itself (dilution effect). Both EB conversion and ST selectivity increased with a parallel lowering of the undesired COx selectivity. The conversion was interpreted by the enhancement of the intrinsic properties (i.e., more surface ketonic groups) but also to the higher load of SWCNT in the bed upon purification; both factors contribute to a higher number of active sites (C=O) in the bed for styrene formation. The most purified catalyst underperformed in conversion once the purification altered the SWCNT structure notably. Thus, preserving the structure is an important condition to achieve high conversion and yield. The better selectivity was explained in two ways; more styrene-forming sites (C=O) or less COx-forming sites (uncoated MeOx) in the bed, or both. The styrene yield per catalyst volume was improved by an average of ca. 240 % in comparison to the non-purified SWCNT. Deactivation is critical in maximizing the purification effect on the intrinsic and volumetric yields. In practical terms, the purification method proved to enhance the reaction; the selectivity towards the unwanted COx was significantly lowered with a gain towards styrene, achieving comparable selectivity values as in the conventional process, but operated at much lower temperature

    Insights into the capping and structure of MoS2 nanotubes as revealed by aberration-corrected STEM

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    Aberration-corrected electron microscopy (STEM-HAADF) has been used for the first time to understand the capping, nature and structure of the MoS2 nanotubes. The MoS2 nanotubes that have been obtained have various unusual faceted caps presumably arising from the presence of topological defects. A detailed study of the capping of the nanotubes, along with identification that the MoS2 nanotubes are of the zigzag type have been carried out using both experimental and simulated STEM images. The presence of 3R-rhombohedral stacking of the MoS2 nanotubes has been identified