5,835 research outputs found

    Hmong History and LGBTQ Lives: Immigrant Youth Perspectives on Being Queer and Hmong

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    This article highlights some of the cultural barriers that exist for Hmong people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), while placing these barriers in an historical context. It uncovers differences and similarities found between the experiences of queer Hmong youth and the larger population of queer youth living in the United States. Despite the perception that a traditional Hmong culture holds no place for queer Hmong Americans, individuals are finding spaces for acceptance and slowly moving the larger Hmong community to a place of understanding and tolerance. A vital part of this movement is Shades of Yellow (SOY), an organization that supports queer Hmong. The life stories of three of its members inform this study, offering a more nuanced look at the experiences of queer Hmong living in the Midwest. Though few social studies researchers have broached this topic, the new social historians of the 1960s, who centered their research on broad social movements and the contributions of those formerly excluded from the grand historical narrative of progress, opened the door to this conversation within the field

    Oxidation and formation of deposit precursors in hydrocarbon fuels

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    The oxidation of two jet turbine fuels and some pure hydrocarbons was studied at 130 C with and without the presence of small amounts of N-methyl pyrrole (NMP) or indene. Tendency to form solid-deposit precursors was studied by measuring soluble gum formation as well as dimer and trimer formation using field ionization mass spectrometry. Pure n-dodecane oxidized fastest and gave the smallest amount of procursors. An unstable fuel oil oxidized much slower but formed large amounts of precursors. Stable Jet A fuel oxidized slowest and gave little precursors. Indene either retarded or accelerated the oxidation of n-dodecane, depending on its concentration, but always caused more gum formation. The NMP greatly retarded n-dodecane oxidation but accelerated Jet A oxidation and greatly increased the latter's gum formation. In general, the additive reacted faster and formed most of the gum. Results are interpreted in terms of classical cooxidation theory. The effect of oxygen pressure on gum formation is also reported

    Spectroscopic study of unique line broadening and inversion in low-pressure microwave generated water plasmas

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    It was demonstrated that low pressure (~0.2 Torr) water vapor plasmas generated in a 10 mm inner diameter quartz tube with an Evenson microwave cavity show at least two features which are not explained by conventional plasma models. First, significant (> 0.25 nm) hydrogen Balmer_ line broadening, of constant width, up to 5 cm from the microwave coupler was recorded. Only hydrogen, and not oxygen, showed significant line broadening. This feature, observed previously in hydrogen-containing mixed gas plasmas generated with high voltage dc and rf discharges was explained by some researchers to result from acceleration of hydrogen ions near the cathode. This explanation cannot apply to the line broadening observed in the (electrodeless) microwave plasmas generated in this work, particularly at distances as great as 5 cm from the microwave coupler. Second, inversion of the line intensities of both the Lyman and Balmer series, again, at distances up to 5 cm from the coupler, were observed. The line inversion suggests the existence of a hitherto unknown source of pumping of the optical power in plasmas. Finally, it is notable that other aspects of the plasma including the OH* rotational temperature and low electron concentrations are quite typical of plasmas of this type.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Performing against the odds: developmental trajectories of children in the EPPSE 3 to 16 study

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    The Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education (EPPSE 3 to 16) research project is a large scale, longitudinal, mixed-methods research that is following the progress of 3,000 children since 1997 from the age of 3- to 16-years-old. A focus for EPPSE has been the extent to which pre-school, compulsory education and children’s home learning experiences (HLE) can reduce inequality. Earlier EPPSE found that what parents did with their children was important in terms of the children’s outcomes, not simply ‘who they were’ in terms of social class and income. Following a pilot study with disadvantaged children who were ‘succeeding against the odds’ towards the end of primary school, this study provides in-depth exploration and explanation of how risks and protective factors in the lives of children shape their learning life-courses, and why they lead to academic resilience for some but not for others

    Long-range electron transfer in structurally engineered pentaammineruthenium (histidine-62) cytochrome c

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    In many biological processes, long-range electron transfer (ET) plays a key role. When the three-dimensional structures of proteins are accurately known, use of modified proteins and protein-protein complexes provides an experimental approach to study ET rates between two metal centers. For Ru(His)- modified proteins, the introduction of histidine residues at any desired surface location by site-directed mutagenesis opens the way for systematic investigations of ET pathways

    Chemistry of fuel deposits and sediments and their predursors

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    The mechanism of solid deposit formation on hot engine parts from turbine fuels is investigated. Deposit formation is associated with oxidation of the hydrocarbon fuel. Therefore, oxidation rates and soluble gum formation were measured for several jet turbine fuels and pure hydrocarbon mixtures. Experiments were performed at 130 C using thermal initiation and at 100 C using ditertiary butyl peroxide as a chemical initiator. Correlation of the data shows that the ratio of rate of oxidation to rate of gum formation for a single fuel is not much affected by experimental conditions, even though there are differences in the abilities of different hydrocarbons to initiate and continue the oxidation. This indicates a close association of gum formation with the oxidation process. Oxidations of n-dodecane, tetralin and the more unstable jet fuels are autocatalytic, while those of 2-ethylnaphthalene and a stable jet fuel are self-retarding. However, the ratio of oxidation rate to gum formation rate appear to be nearly constant for each substrate. The effect of oxygen pressure on gum and oxidation formation was also studied. Dependence of gum formation on the concentration of initiator at 100 C is discussed and problems for future study are suggested

    Mobilome and genetic modification of bifidobacteria

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    Until recently, proper development of molecular studies in Bifidobacterium species has been hampered by growth difficulties, because of their exigent nutritive requirements, oxygen sensitivity and lack of efficient genetic tools. These studies, however, are critical to uncover the cross-talk between bifidobacteria and their hosts' cells and to prove unequivocally the supposed beneficial effects provided through the endogenous bifidobacterial populations or after ingestion as probiotics. The genome sequencing projects of different bifidobacterial strains have provided a wealth of genetic data that will be of much help in deciphering the molecular basis of the physiological properties of bifidobacteria. To this end, the purposeful development of stable cloning and expression vectors based on robust replicons - either from temperate phages or resident plasmids - is still needed. This review addresses the current knowledge on the mobile genetic elements of bifidobacteria (prophages, plasmids and transposons) and summarises the different types of vectors already available, together with the transformation procedures for introducing DNA into the cells. It also covers recent molecular studies performed with such vectors and incipient results on the genetic modification of these organisms, establishing the basis that would allow the use of bifidobacteria for future biotechnological applications

    Pengaruh Keragaman Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayananterhadap Keputusan Pembelian Ulangmelalui Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Konsumen Gelael Mall Ciputra Semarang)

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    Growth retail business a rapid progress in a few years make competition is tight. Consumer behavior in a shop at a outlet influenced by several factors of them are the diversity products and the quality of services. Supermaket Gelael Mall Ciputra Semarang is one of the supermarkets known in Semarang city. Problems in this research s a reduction turnover income Supermarkets Gelael Ciputra Semarang in 2015, impact on the number of monthly transactions in the growth supermarkets other Semarang city.This study aims to to find out whether is the products diversity and quality service of the decision the purchase repeated through customer satisfaction on the consumer Supermarkets Gelael Ciputra Semarang. Data collection techniques used the interview and questionnaires , while the sample techniques used non probability of sampling with 100 the total sample. Data in analysis with system validity test, reliability test , the coefficients determination test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and f test , sobel test and path analysis. Analysis of data done quantitatively on the SPSS program version 19.0.The result showed that diversity of products and quality of services have a positive influence and significant of the decision re purchase through customer satisfaction. This can be seen from the results of the simple analysis linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test , f test, the coefficients determination test , sobel test and path analysis. Customer satisfaction as variable intervening mediate between the diversity of the decision to buy them are full mediation As well as customer satisfaction as variable intervening mediate between product diversity of the decision repeated purchases that is both partial mediation. Of the result of this research,Companies should improve the diversity of products and services to consumer to the customer satisfaction and will may make it a cause loyal to buy replenished so it the sale of company can increase
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