7 research outputs found

    Federal Indian Law and Tribal Criminal Justice in the Self-Determination Era

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    Crenças irracionais, ajustamento psicológico e satisfação de vida em estudantes universitários Irrational beliefs, psychological adjustment and life satisfaction in college students

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    Crenças irracionais (CIs) são interpretações ilógicas da realidade que colaboram para o desenvolvimento de perturbações emocionais. A premissa deste estudo é que as CIs podem estar relacionadas ao ajustamento emocional e à satisfação de vida. Estudantes universitários (n=157), responderam ao Questionário de Crenças Irracionais, à Escala de Crenças Irracionais, à Escala Fatorial de Neuroticismo e à Escala de Satisfação de Vida. As CIs apresentaram correlações positivas com dois fatores da Escala Fatorial de Neuroticismo (Vulnerabilidade e Ansiedade) e negativa com idade e com satisfação de vida. Os resultados levam a reflexões importantes sobre a efetividade da Terapia Cognitiva, em especial da Terapia Racional Emotivo-Comportamental, para o ajustamento emocional e para a satisfação de vida dos clientes, que poderiam ser medidas indiretas de sucesso terapêutico.<br>Irrational beliefs (IB) are illogical interpretations of reality that contribute to the development of emotional problems. This study aims to show that irrational beliefs in college students (n=157) might be related to emotional adjustment and life satisfaction. The participants have completed Irrational Beliefs Questionnaire, Neuroticism Factorial Scale and Life Satisfaction Scale. The IB showed positive correlation with two factors of the Neuroticism Factorial Scale (Vulnerability and Anxiety), and negative correlation with age and life satisfaction. The results suggest important considerations on the effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy, especially of Rational Emotive Therapy, for the emotional adjustment and life satisfaction of the clients, which could be an indirect measure of the therapeutic success

    Perseverance rover notional caches for Mars Sample Return

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    The NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover plans to collect a suite of scientifically compelling samples for return to Earth [1–3]. Strategic planning by the Mars 2020 Science Team has identified notional sample caches within the framework of the geology of Jezero crater and its surroundings [2]. Locations of interest were identified by considering remotely sensed data and traversability constraints [1]. Notional sample caches have been defined for the prime mission within Jezero crater, and an extended mission outside Jezero crater.Prime mission notional cache. Samples of interest include: deltaic, crater floor, crater rim, and regolith materials. Lithologies with high habitability and biosignature preservation potential, such as carbonates and/or chemical deposits, will also be targeted. Such samples would address several questions:What habitable niches were present at Jezero? Are biosignatures and/or prebiotic organics preserved?What was the timing of fluviolacustrine activity?How can Jezero lithologies facilitate absolute crater chronology calibration?What insights do these lithologies provide into Mars climate evolution?What is the origin and alteration history of regional Noachian crust?Extended mission notional cache. Nili Planum is geologically distinct from Jezero, containing diverse Early or Pre-Noachian rocks [4]. Samples of interest include: basement rocks; megabreccias; fractures cross-cutting basement; olivine- and carbonate-bearing rocks; and mafic cap rock. These samples could answer questions 1, 4 and 5 above, together with:What characteristics defined the early planetary evolution and habitability of Mars?How long did the Martian dynamo persist?How do outside-Jezero surfaces, including bedrock and ejecta enable crater chronology calibration?What were the local and regional effects of the Isidis impact?The samples to be collected by Perseverance align with community priorities for Mars exploration [3,5], addressing geological diversity and potential biological activity (iMOST Objectives 1 and 2), long-term planetary evolution, e.g., magnetic field, atmosphere and climate (Objective 3), volatiles (Objective 4) and hazards to human exploration (Objective 6).[1] Farley et al. (2021), LII LPSC #1317. [2] Stack et al. (2020) SpaceSci.Rev. 216, 127. [3] Beaty et al. (2019) Meteorit.Planet.Sci. 54, S3-S152. [4] Simon et al. (2021) LII LPSC #1515. [5] Mustard et al. (2013) MEPAG Report

    Genome-wide Generation and Systematic Phenotyping of Knockout Mice Reveals New Roles for Many Genes

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