982 research outputs found

    Floating Agreement in American Spanish Leista Dialects

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    In this paper I link floating features in clitic clusters with two third-person participants to a split object marking system, indicative of a language change in progress. Both clitics are undergoing concurrent reanalysis processes affecting them differe

    Shakespeare and Black Masculinity in Antebellum America: Slave Revolts and Construction of Revolutionary Blackness

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    This thesis explores how Shakespeare was used by Antebellum American writers to frame slave revolts as either criminal or revolutionary. By specifically addressing The Confessions of Nat Turner by Thomas R. Gray and The Heroic Slave by Frederick Douglass, this paper looks at the way invocations of Shakespeare framed depictions of black violence. At a moment when what it means to be American was questioned, American writers like Gray and Douglass turned to Shakespeare and the British roots of the English language in order to structure their respective arguments. In doing so, these texts illuminate how transatlantic identity still permeated American thought. This thesis also argues that the conscious use of British literature, Shakespeare in particular, by abolitionists constitutes a critique of the unfulfilled American ideals they believe slavery undermines. In addressing depictions of slave revolts and black masculinity in this period, this thesis explores how allusions to Shakespeare helped frame the historiography surrounding how slave revolts in America were and are remembered

    Expression of the CD6 T lymphocyte differentiation antigen in normal human brain

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    Antigens shared by the immune and central nervous systems (CNS) have been described repeatedly. The present study reports the expression of the CD6 lymphocyte differentiation antigen in normal human brain evidenced by immunohistochemistry and Northern blot analysis. A panel of various anti-CD6 monoclonal antibodies (mabs) tested on serial cryostat sections identified CD6-positive cells randomly scattered in parenchyma of all examined brain areas. Northern blot analysis with a highly sensitive cRNA probe revealed a 3.1 kb CD6-specific mRNA in various brain regions, especially in basalganglia and cortex cerebellum. Staining with mabs raised against different hematopoietic cell types, as well as hybridization with probes specific for the ß- and y-T cell receptor (TCR) chains support the notion that CD6 is expressed by original brain cells. The nature of the CD6-positive cell type and possible functions of shared antigens in immune and nervous systems are discusse

    BRD4: a general regulator of transcription elongation

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    Transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) has emerged as a regulatory hub in gene expression. A key control point occurs during early transcription elongation when Pol II pauses in the promoter-proximal region at the majority of genes in mammalian cells and at a large set of genes in Drosophila. An increasing number of trans-acting factors have been linked to promoter-proximal pausing. Some factors help to establish the pause, whereas others are required for the release of Pol II into productive elongation. A dysfunction of this elongation control point leads to aberrant gene expression and can contribute to disease development. The BET bromodomain protein BRD4 has been implicated in elongation control. However, only recently direct BRD4-specific functions in Pol II transcription elongation have been uncovered. This mainly became possible with technological advances that allow selective and rapid ablation of BRD4 in cells along with the availability of approaches that capture the immediate consequences on nascent transcription. This review sheds light on the experimental breakthroughs that led to the emerging view of BRD4 as a general regulator of transcription elongation

    Mycotoxin occurrence in maize silage : a neglected risk for bovine gut health?

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    Forages are important components of dairy cattle rations but might harbor a plethora of mycotoxins. Ruminants are considered to be less susceptible to the adverse health effects of mycotoxins, mainly because the ruminal microflora degrades certain mycotoxins. Yet, impairment of the ruminal degradation capacity or high ruminal stability of toxins can entail that the intestinal epithelium is exposed to significant mycotoxin amounts. The aims of our study were to assess (i) the mycotoxin occurrence in maize silage and (ii) the cytotoxicity of relevant mycotoxins on bovine intestinal cells. In total, 158 maize silage samples were collected from European dairy cattle farms. LC-MS/MS-based analysis of 61 mycotoxins revealed the presence of emerging mycotoxins (e.g., emodin, culmorin, enniatin B1, enniatin B, and beauvericin) in more than 70% of samples. Among the regulated mycotoxins, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone were most frequently detected (67.7%). Overall, 87% of maize silages contained more than five mycotoxins. Using an in vitro model with calf small intestinal epithelial cells B, the cytotoxicity of deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, fumonisin B1 and enniatin B was evaluated (0-200 mu M). Absolute IC50 values varied in dependence of employed assay and were 1.2-3.6 mu M, 0.8-1.0 mu M, 8.6-18.3 mu M, and 4.0-6.7 mu M for deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, fumonisin B1, and enniatin B, respectively. Results highlight the potential relevance of mycotoxins for bovine gut health, a previously neglected target in ruminants

    Einfluss von VetiverÜl auf physiologische Parameter und Attraktivitätsbewertungen bei Mann und Frau

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    In der Arbeit wurden die Wirkungen des ätherischen Öls der Vetiverwurzel bezüglich physiologischer Parameter und Attraktivitätsbewertungen mit besonderem Augenmerk auf eine eventuell vorhandene aphrodisierende Wirkung und etwaige Differenzen in den Bewertungen zwischen den Geschlechtern untersucht. Unter genau definierten Teilnahmebedingungen wurden 50 Probanden, davon 25 Männer und 25 Frauen, jeweils im Alter zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren, ausgewählt. Diese waren im Glauben, an einer Attraktivitätsstudie teilzunehmen, sie wussten nicht, dass sie von einem ätherischen Öl beeinflusst wurden. Eine Sitzung gliederte sich in zwei Durchgänge mit jeweils demselben Ablauf. Die Probanden bewerteten subjektiv die Attraktivität von Personen einer randomisierten Datenbank auf einem Notebook. Während der Sitzungen wurde das Vetiveröl mit einem Beduftungssystem gleichmäßig im Raum versprüht. Vor und nach den zwei Durchgängen wurden der Blutdruck und die Pulsfrequenz gemessen, sowie ein Fragebogen zur Ermittlung der subjektiven Befindlichkeit ausgefüllt. Für die Messung des Speichelcortisols wurden 3 Speichelproben entnommen, vor, zwischen und nach den Bildbewertungsdurchgängen. Während der beiden Durchgänge wurden folgende physiologischen Parameter aufgezeichnet: Lidschlagfrequenz, Atemfrequenz, Hauttemperatur, Hautleitfähigkeit und Herzschlagfrequenz, sowie die Bewertungen der Attraktivität. Am Ende der Sitzung wurden die Probanden über das eigentliche Studienziel aufgeklärt und bewerteten im Anschluss Hedonik und Bekanntheit des Vetiveröls anhand eines zweiten Fragebogens. Die anregende Wirkung von Vetiveröl konnte in dieser Arbeit mittels der physiologischen Parameter belegt werden. Eine aphrodisierende Wirkung konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.The study deals with vetiver oil and its effects on physiological parameters and attractiveness rating. It took place at the University of Vienna at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Diagnostics in February 2009. Vetiver oil was tested on 50 people, 25 male and 25 female subjects, regarding its aphrodisiac effect. The evaluation took place in a dimmed room, just lightened artificially. The participants had to evaluate photographs of people taken from an online data base in two trials per session. During the session vetiver oil was present in the air without the participants knowing. Although the vitalizing effect of vetiver oil could be verified in this diploma thesis by the physiological parameters, the aphrodisiacal effect could not be proved in this study

    Der Umgang mit der Leiche

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich dem rechtlichen Umgang mit der Leiche. Sie enthält eine Analyse des Tatbestandes der Störung der Totenruhe gemäß § 190 StGB, eine Darstellung der in Betracht zu ziehenden Rechtfertigungsgründe, eine Betrachtung des Bestattungswesens und eine Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse anhand besonderer Verwendungsformen von Leichenmaterial

    Rezension: Stephanie Nickel: Betrachten, Bewahren, Beweisen. Familienfotografie als Lebensspeicher

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    Die Kommunikative Theologie Matthias Scharers und ihre theoretische Bilanzierung mit Blick auf die Relevanz fĂźr das Schulfach Katholische Religion

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    In dieser Forschungsarbeit liegt die Grundposition in Form eines metaphorischen Melkschemels dar, der sich auf die Freiheit der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte von 1948, die Selbstverantwortung und Beteiligung der Gläubigen des Theologenmemorandums von 2011 und der innerschulischen Erfolge des, von Studien untersuchten, personenzentrierten Arbeitens des Carl R. Rogers konzentriert. Von hier aus erarbeitet Kapitel Zwei das Spezifische der Kommunikativen Theologie Matthias Scharers, um in Kapitel Drei den Fokus auf die Implikationen innerhalb der Theologie sowie die theoretische Bilanzierung für den katholischen Religionsunterricht eingehen zu können. Versöhnend für die hier vorliegende Untersuchung weist sich der gemeinsame Nährboden der Humanistischen Psychologie und Pädagogik aus.In dieser Forschungsarbeit liegt die Grundposition in Form eines metaphorischen Melkschemels dar, der sich auf die Freiheit der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte von 1948, die Selbstverantwortung und Beteiligung der Gläubigen des Theologenmemorandums von 2011 und der innerschulischen Erfolge des, von Studien untersuchten, personenzentrierten Arbeitens des Carl R. Rogers konzentriert. Von hier aus erarbeitet Kapitel Zwei das Spezifische der Kommunikativen Theologie Matthias Scharers, um in Kapitel Drei den Fokus auf die Implikationen innerhalb der Theologie sowie die theoretische Bilanzierung für den katholischen Religionsunterricht eingehen zu können. Versöhnend für die hier vorliegende Untersuchung weist sich der gemeinsame Nährboden der Humanistischen Psychologie und Pädagogik aus.The research surfaced in this study suggests that in order to engage pupils and believers alike in an active fashion, assisting them in becoming democratic citizens as well as participants in their belief systems in a multi-religious, multicultural Europe, three legs of the metaphoric milking stool (chapter one) need to be held in steady consciousness of (future) teaching staff: the freedom, proclaimed in the human right declaration in 1948, the call for (amongst others) personal responsibility and active involvement of believers published in the so called “Theologenmemorandum” with the portentous title “Church 2011: The Need for a New Beginning Memorandum of professors of theology on the crisis of the Catholic Church“, as well as the various positive outcomes the person-centred approach by Carl R. Rogers is able to provide. With this outlook, chapter two goes on to divulge the specifics of the Communicative Theology of Matthias Scharer, leading up to its theoretical baseline, which is rooted in the theme-centred interaction as developed by Ruth C. Cohn, and is explored further in chapter three. This theory based research lays the foundation for further research on how palpable an impact the Communicative Theology might have on the religious education dynamics and what its consequences for teachers and pupils might be. Religious education is found to be a birthplace of theology in its own right, corroborating God’s revelation to mankind, with its addressees as equally important to the communicational procedures. The conclusion centres around the fact that - with a common ground in Humanistic Psychology and Pedagogy - the root bridge is to keep an autobiographical essence to one’s work in teaching and in doing so, future teaching staff of theological courses or in this case, religious education teachers at schools not only provide their pupils with genuine experiences in and of themselves but manage to hand over self-reliance tools which will in turn create active citizens and empowered believers

    The 'Big DP' hypothesis : new evidence from gender agreement in a Shipibo-Spanish language contact situation

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    Previous evidence suggests clitics and determiners do not enter the same type of gender agreement relations in contact varieties of Spanish, despite proposals that treat clitics as determiners (big DP - Determiner Phrase - hypothesis) (Uriagereka 1995; Cecchetto 1999, 2000; Belletti 2005). We conducted a study on gender agreement between clitics and their antecedents, and determiners and nouns among adult Shipibo-Spanish bilinguals to answer the following question: Do Shipibo- Spanish bilingual speakers have similar patterns of local vs. long-distance gender agreement? Our results show gender agreement between D and N obtains categorically, but gender agreement between the clitic and its antecedent is at chance-level. We propose an alternative analysis for our data that does not assume the big DP hypothesis.Els treballs anteriors suggereixen que els clítics i els determinants no entren en el mateix tipus de relacions de concordança de gènere en varietats de contacte de l'espanyol, tot i les propostes que tracten els clítics com a determinants (hipòtesi del SD gros) (Uriagereka 1995; Cecchetto 1999, 2000; Belletti 2005). Hem realitzat un estudi sobre la concordança de gènere entre els clítics i els seus antecedents, i els determinants i els noms entre els bilingües adults shipibo-espanyol per respondre a la pregunta: Els parlants bilingües shipibo-espanyol tenen patrons similars de concordança de gènere local vs. concordança de gènere a llarga distància? Els nostres resultats mostren que la concordança de gènere entre D i N es fa categòricament, però la concordança de gènere entre el clític i el seu antecedents es producte de l'atzar. Proposem una anàlisi alternativa per a les nostres dades que no assumeixi la hipòtesi del SD gros
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