1,208 research outputs found

    Predicting university performance in psychology: the role of previous performance and discipline-specific knowledge

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    Recent initiatives to enhance retention and widen participation ensure it is crucial to understand the factors that predict students' performance during their undergraduate degree. The present research used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test three separate models that examined the extent to which British Psychology students' A-level entry qualifications predicted: (1) their performance in years 1-3 of their Psychology degree, and (2) their overall degree performance. Students' overall A-level entry qualifications positively predicted performance during their first year and overall degree performance, but negatively predicted their performance during their third year. Additionally, and more specifically, students' A-level entry qualifications in Psychology positively predicted performance in the first year only. Such findings have implications for admissions tutors, as well as for students who have not studied Psychology before but who are considering applying to do so at university

    Fabrication of high quality plan-view TEM specimens using the focused ion beam

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    We describe a technique using a focused ion beam instrument to fabricate high quality plan-view specimens for transmission electron microscopy studies. The technique is simple, site-specific and is capable of fabricating multiple large, >100 μm2 electron transparent windows within epitaxially-grown thin films. A film of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 is used to demonstrate the technique and its structural and functional properties are surveyed by high resolution imaging, electron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and Lorentz electron microscopy. The window is demonstrated to have good thickness uniformity and a low defect density that does not impair the film’s Curie temperature. The technique will enable the study of in–plane structural and functional properties of a variety of epitaxial thin film systems

    Energy Dependence of the NN t-matrix in the Optical Potential for Elastic Nucleon-Nucleus Scattering

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    The influence of the energy dependence of the free NN t-matrix on the optical potential of nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering is investigated within the context of a full-folding model based on the impulse approximation. The treatment of the pole structure of the NN t-matrix, which has to be taken into account when integrating to negative energies is described in detail. We calculate proton-nucleus elastic scattering observables for 16^{16}O, 40^{40}Ca, and 208^{208}Pb between 65 and 200 MeV laboratory energy and study the effect of the energy dependence of the NN t-matrix. We compare this result with experiment and with calculations where the center-of-mass energy of the NN t-matrix is fixed at half the projectile energy. It is found that around 200 MeV the fixed energy approximation is a very good representation of the full calculation, however deviations occur when going to lower energies (65 MeV).Comment: 11 pages (revtex), 6 postscript figure

    Anomalous Dynamics of Forced Translocation

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    We consider the passage of long polymers of length N through a hole in a membrane. If the process is slow, it is in principle possible to focus on the dynamics of the number of monomers s on one side of the membrane, assuming that the two segments are in equilibrium. The dynamics of s(t) in such a limit would be diffusive, with a mean translocation time scaling as N^2 in the absence of a force, and proportional to N when a force is applied. We demonstrate that the assumption of equilibrium must break down for sufficiently long polymers (more easily when forced), and provide lower bounds for the translocation time by comparison to unimpeded motion of the polymer. These lower bounds exceed the time scales calculated on the basis of equilibrium, and point to anomalous (sub-diffusive) character of translocation dynamics. This is explicitly verified by numerical simulations of the unforced translocation of a self-avoiding polymer. Forced translocation times are shown to strongly depend on the method by which the force is applied. In particular, pulling the polymer by the end leads to much longer times than when a chemical potential difference is applied across the membrane. The bounds in these cases grow as N^2 and N^{1+\nu}, respectively, where \nu is the exponent that relates the scaling of the radius of gyration to N. Our simulations demonstrate that the actual translocation times scale in the same manner as the bounds, although influenced by strong finite size effects which persist even for the longest polymers that we considered (N=512).Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX4, 16 eps figure

    Quantum walk on distinguishable non-interacting many-particles and indistinguishable two-particle

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    We present an investigation of many-particle quantum walks in systems of non-interacting distinguishable particles. Along with a redistribution of the many-particle density profile we show that the collective evolution of the many-particle system resembles the single-particle quantum walk evolution when the number of steps is greater than the number of particles in the system. For non-uniform initial states we show that the quantum walks can be effectively used to separate the basis states of the particle in position space and grouping like state together. We also discuss a two-particle quantum walk on a two- dimensional lattice and demonstrate an evolution leading to the localization of both particles at the center of the lattice. Finally we discuss the outcome of a quantum walk of two indistinguishable particles interacting at some point during the evolution.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, To appear in special issue: "quantum walks" to be published in Quantum Information Processin

    Parity proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem based on the 24 rays of Peres

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    A diagrammatic representation is given of the 24 rays of Peres that makes it easy to pick out all the 512 parity proofs of the Kochen-Specker theorem contained in them. The origin of this representation in the four-dimensional geometry of the rays is pointed out.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures and 3 tables. Three references have been added. Minor typos have been correcte

    Disordered Josephson Junctions of d-Wave Superconductors

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    We study the Josephson effect between weakly coupled d-wave superconductors within the quasiclassical theory, in particular, the influence of interface roughness on the current-phase relation and the critical current of mirror junctions and 4545^\circ asymmetric junctions. For mirror junctions the temperature dependence of the critical current is non-monotonic in the limit of low roughness, but monotonic for very rough interfaces. For 4545^\circ asymmetric junctions with a linear dimension much larger than the superconducting coherence length we find a sin(2ϕ)\sin(2\phi)-like current-phase relation, whereas for contacts on the scale of the coherence length or smaller the usual sinϕ\sin\phi-like behavior is observed. Our results compare well with recent experimental observations.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Fluctuation-dissipation relations in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models

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    We investigate the relation between two-time, multi-spin, correlation and response functions in the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of Ising models in d=1 and d=2 spatial dimensions. In these non-equilibrium situations, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) is not satisfied. We find FDT `violations' qualitatively similar to those reported in various glassy materials, but quantitatively dependent on the chosen observable, in contrast to the results obtained in infinite-range glass models. Nevertheless, all FDT violations can be understood by considering separately the contributions from large wavevectors, which are at quasi-equilibrium and obey FDT, and from small wavevectors where a generalized FDT holds with a non-trivial limit fluctuation-dissipation ratio X. In d=1, we get X = 1/2 for spin observables, which measure the orientation of domains, while X = 0 for observables that are sensitive to the domain-wall motion. Numerical simulations in d=2 reveal a unique X = 0.34 for all observables. Measurement protocols for X are discussed in detail. Our results suggest that the definition of an effective temperature Teff = T / X for large length scales is generically possible in non-equilibrium critical dynamics.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figure

    Sustainable change: long-term efforts toward developing a learning organization

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    Globalization and intensified competition require organizations to change and adapt to dynamic environments in order to stay competitive. This article describes a longitudinal action research study supporting the strategic change of a trading company. The strategic change was accompanied by planned changes in organizational structures and processes, management systems, emerging changes in leadership, and organization members’ attitudes and behaviors, and it was supported by management development activities. Longitudinal data over a 4-year period including participant observation and interviews reveal that a systemic approach, a learning and becoming perspective toward change, trust, an appropriate role perception, and the specific use of management instruments contribute to sustained change that resulted in performance improvements and a move toward a learning organization. We conclude with implications for strategic change and suggestions for further research in this area