311 research outputs found

    Microstructure dependence of fatigue crack propagation behavior in wrought magnesium alloy

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    This paper deals with the fatigue crack propagation behavior of rolled AZ31B magnesium alloy (grain size: approximately 40 ?m). Fatigue crack propagation tests were performed on single edge notched tension specimens at a stress ratio of R = 0.1 and a frequency of 10 Hz at room temperature. Loading axes were parallel to the rolling direction; fatigue cracks propagated parallel to the transverse direction (L-T specimen), parallel to the short transverse direction (L-S specimen). Loading axis was perpendicular to the rolling direction; fatigue cracks propagated parallel to the transverse direction (S-T specimen). The crack growth rate (da/dN) of the L-S specimen was several times lower than that of the L-T specimen in the examined stress intensity factor range (?K). Fracture surfaces of the L-T and L-S specimens showed many steps parallel and perpendicular, respectively, to the macroscopic crack growth direction. The da/dN of the S-T specimen was higher than that of the L-T and L-S specimens in the examined ?K. The fracture surface was covered by quasi-cleavage facets independent of macroscopic crack growth direction, and the fracture surface roughness at low ?K was larger than that at high ?K

    TLSim: A software for Electrical Public Transportation Systems

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    The Laboratory of Electrical Machines of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Lausanne) has developed a software (TLSim) for the simulation of electrical urban transportation systems. This program can simulate the behaviour of the power supply network (current and voltage level at any point of the topology) comprising uni- and bi- directionnal sub-stations. In the network the vehicules (trolleybus) may run along any defined path through different electrical supply sectors. Several models of trolleybus are available, one of these allowing for the injection of current back in the supply network. The operating schedule of the buses as well as the geographical data of the network are provided by the user. This program is a perfect tool for system planning as ascertained by its use by a Swiss transportation operator. A comparison of simulation and measurements on a real network has been performed with satisfactory results. This software evolved from a specific study to a flexible program still being extended with new developments. The latest of such developments being the study of the influence of capacitors in helping the system to keep voltages over a specified level mainly by supplying the surge current during the acceleration of the trolleybuses

    Direct Imaging of a Cold Jovian Exoplanet in Orbit around the Sun-like Star GJ 504

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    Several exoplanets have recently been imaged at wide separations of >10 AU from their parent stars. These span a limited range of ages (<50 Myr) and atmospheric properties, with temperatures of 800--1800 K and very red colors (J - H > 0.5 mag), implying thick cloud covers. Furthermore, substantial model uncertainties exist at these young ages due to the unknown initial conditions at formation, which can lead to an order of magnitude of uncertainty in the modeled planet mass. Here, we report the direct imaging discovery of a Jovian exoplanet around the Sun-like star GJ 504, detected as part of the SEEDS survey. The system is older than all other known directly-imaged planets; as a result, its estimated mass remains in the planetary regime independent of uncertainties related to choices of initial conditions in the exoplanet modeling. Using the most common exoplanet cooling model, and given the system age of 160 [+350, -60] Myr, GJ 504 b has an estimated mass of 4 [+4.5, -1.0] Jupiter masses, among the lowest of directly imaged planets. Its projected separation of 43.5 AU exceeds the typical outer boundary of ~30 AU predicted for the core accretion mechanism. GJ 504 b is also significantly cooler (510 [+30, -20] K) and has a bluer color (J-H = -0.23 mag) than previously imaged exoplanets, suggesting a largely cloud-free atmosphere accessible to spectroscopic characterization. Thus, it has the potential of providing novel insights into the origins of giant planets, as well as their atmospheric properties.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor updates from the version

    Direct Imaging of Fine Structures in Giant Planet Forming Regions of the Protoplanetary Disk around AB Aurigae

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    We report high-resolution 1.6 \micron polarized intensity (PIPI) images of the circumstellar disk around the Herbig Ae star AB Aur at a radial distance of 22 AU (0."150."15) up to 554 AU (3.""85), which have been obtained by the high-contrast instrument HiCIAO with the dual-beam polarimetry. We revealed complicated and asymmetrical structures in the inner part (\lesssim140 AU) of the disk, while confirming the previously reported outer (rr \gtrsim200 AU) spiral structure. We have imaged a double ring structure at \sim40 and \sim100 AU and a ring-like gap between the two. We found a significant discrepancy of inclination angles between two rings, which may indicate that the disk of AB Aur is warped. Furthermore, we found seven dips (the typical size is \sim45 AU or less) within two rings as well as three prominent PIPI peaks at \sim40 AU. The observed structures, including a bumpy double ring, a ring-like gap, and a warped disk in the innermost regions, provide essential information for understanding the formation mechanism of recently detected wide-orbit (rr >>20 AU) planets.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Accurate stellar masses in the multiple system T Tau

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    The goal of this study is to obtain accurate estimates for the individual masses of the components of the tight binary system T Tau S in order to settle the ongoing debate on the nature of T Tau Sa, a so-called infrared companion. We take advantage of the fact that T Tau S belongs to a triple system composed of two hierarchical orbits to simultaneously analyze the motion of T Tau Sb in the rest frames of T Tau Sa and T Tau N. With this method, it is possible to pinpoint the location of the center of mass of T Tau S and, thereby, to determine individual masses for T Tau Sa and T Tau Sb with no prior assumption about the mass/flux ratio of the system. This improvement over previous studies of the system results in much better constraints on orbital parameters. We find individual masses of 2.73+/-0.31 Msun for T Tau Sa and of 0.61+/-0.17 Msun for T Tau Sb (in agreement with its early-M spectral type), including the uncertainty on the distance to the system. These are among the most precise estimates of the mass of any Pre-Main Sequence star, a remarkable result since this is the first system in which individual masses of T Tauri stars can be determined from astrometry only. This model-independent analysis confirms that T Tau Sa is an intermediate-mass star, presumably a very young Herbig Ae star, that may possess an almost edge-on disk.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    Orbital characterization of GJ1108A system, and comparison of dynamical mass with model-derived mass for resolved binaries

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    We report an orbital characterization of GJ1108Aab that is a low-mass binary system in pre-main-sequence phase. Via the combination of astrometry using adaptive optics and radial velocity measurements, an eccentric orbital solution of ee=0.63 is obtained, which might be induced by the Kozai-Lidov mechanism with a widely separated GJ1108B system. Combined with several observed properties, we confirm the system is indeed young. Columba is the most probable moving group, to which the GJ1108A system belongs, although its membership to the group has not been established. If the age of Columba is assumed for GJ1108A, the dynamical masses of both GJ1108Aa and GJ1108Ab (Mdynamical,GJ1108Aa=0.72±0.04MM_{\rm dynamical,GJ1108Aa}=0.72\pm0.04 M_{\odot} and Mdynamical,GJ1108Ab=0.30±0.03MM_{\rm dynamical,GJ1108Ab}=0.30\pm0.03 M_{\odot}) are more massive than what an evolutionary model predicts based on the age and luminosities. We consider the discrepancy in mass comparison can attribute to an age uncertainty; the system is likely older than stars in Columba, and effects that are not implemented in classical models such as accretion history and magnetic activity are not preferred to explain the mass discrepancy. We also discuss the performance of the evolutionary model by compiling similar low-mass objects in evolutionary state based on the literature. Consequently, it is suggested that the current model on average reproduces the mass of resolved low-mass binaries without any significant offsets.Comment: Accepted in Ap