48 research outputs found

    The Sustainability Of The Regional Government Directive Policy In Addressing Radicalism And Extremism In Indonesia

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    Abstract. The basic functions of communication provide information: (1) convey thoughts or opinions, (2) interact with others, (3) add insight and knowledge, (4) fill free time, persuade others, (5) know yourself, (6) reduce the tense attitude, (7) entertainment, (8) amusement, (9) social control, (10) critics, (11) educate and (12) delivery of public opinion. Delivery of public opinion can cause Khilafah (opinion differences). Disagreements can lead to radicalism. This paper aims to formulate The sustainability of the Regional Government Directive Policy in Addressing Radicalism and Extremism in Indonesia. The methods used are Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). MDS method to calculate the index of sustainability and generate leverage attributes. As leverage attribute is the delivering opinion with Root Mean Square is 6.10. Furthermore, the leverage attribute is included in the main criteria in The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis to get an alternative priority strategy. The resulting The sustainability directive policy is Improvements in community disagreements with score 0.20. We would like to suggest to the local government in Indonesia to formulate a policy key performance indicator is an increase in the index of disagreement


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    The sustainability social dimension attributes of the Ruminant Slaughterhouse management can still be felt in the Buffalo Slaughterhouse which is located in Prambatan Kidul Village, Kaliwungu District, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province. This is reinforced by the results of the Dyah-Maharani’s study (2015) which states that, the index of social dimension sustainability is 54.49 or in the category of quite sustainable. One of the attributes of leverage human interaction is illustrated by the active role of the attitude of the community of buffalo slaughterhouse business users, which is a hereditary profession. Human interaction is the attitude of tolerance and togetherness of the perpetrators of service users which shows a long history related to the spread of Islam in Kudus in the 15th century (fifteen). The strategy of humanization for worship in concrete operational and technical aspects includes respecting cattle ruminants. Until now the Kudus community still adheres to the ban on Sunan Sayyid Ja'far Shodiq Azmatkhan not to cut cattle ruminants, and as an alternative is buffalo ruminants. One of the advantages of buffalo ruminants as in the study (Aziz-urRehman, 2017) concluded that, buffalo animals, including ruminants, had a low chance (1%) of paratuberculosis before being slaughtered, so that the resulting buffalo meat would be in accordance with the criteria for Safe-Healthy-Whole-Halal)


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    The Indonesian chicken industry is a key sector for the national economy, supplying 65% of all animal protein and employing 10% of the national labor. With the increasing business competition, it is necessary to increase the capability in managing the waste retention time generated. This study focuses on increasing the capability of the chicken slaughterhouse to manage the retention time of waste. The method used is the Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis to calculate The Capability of Container and Chicken Slaughtered Business in Managing Waste Retention Time. This prospective analysis is carried out to analyse the degree of strength and dependency relationships by giving a score of the level of direct or indirect influence between elements of leverage that have been generated from MDS analysis. Prospective analysis results in the form of key factorsthat form the basis of change scenario that can be achieved. The results can be concluded that the determinants factor of the Improving the Capability of Container and Slaughtered Chicken Business in managing sustainable waste retention time are: (i) Methods and ways of utilizing technology Wastewater Treatment Plant, (ii) Local Government Arrangements, (iii) Waste quantity and quality, and (iv) Financial Management

    Efek Pretreatment Microwave-NaOH Pada Tepung Gedebog Pisang Kepok terhadap Yield Selulosa

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    Carbon sources in the form of sugar to be converted into bioethanol are rapidly developed, they are so called as the first generation, the second generation, and the third generation. The petiole of banana is the second generation of lignocellulose which is a waste and potential in Indonesia to be used as the raw material of bioethanol production. This study aimed to determine the effect of the microwave to the content of petiole`s flour of “gepok” varieties and to know the effect of pretreatment time as well as the ratio of petiole mass to the resulted flour with the solvent of NaOH for bioethanol production. The 20 g of petiole with the size of 60 mesh was dissolved into NaOH 0.5 M with the variation of solvent volume 150 mL, 200 mL and 250 mL then was pretreated with microwave as long as 20, 30, and 40 minutes. Annova resulted that time variable affected the cellulose content however the volume didn`t. Cellulose is a compound which is going to be converted into glucose. Hence, in this study, the lowest decrease of cellulose 350,20 mg/g was chosen from the microwave pretreatment with a yield of 93,10% at 20 g: 250 mL for 30 minutes.  ABSTRAKSumber karbon dalam gula untuk dikonversi menjadi bioetanol banyak mengalami perkembangan, mulai dari sumber bioetanol generasi satu, generasi dua dan generasi tiga. Gedebog pisang merupakan salah satu limbah berlignoselulosa generasi dua yang potensial di Indonesia dan memiliki kandungan selulosa tinggi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku produksi bioetanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gelombang microwave terhadap kandungan selulosa tepung (gedebog) pisang kepok dan mengetahui pengaruh lama pretreatment serta perbandingan massa bahan dengan volume pelarut NaOH terhadap kandungan selulosa tepung (gedebog) pisang kepok pada proses pretreatment yang dimanfaatkan untuk produksi bioetanol. Gedebog pisang ukuran 60 mesh sebanyak 20 g dilarutkan pada larutan NaOH 0,5 M dengan variasi volume pelarut 150 mL, 200 mL, dan 250 mL, selanjutnya diberi perlakuan (pretreatment) gelombang microwave dengan variasi waktu 20, 30 dan 40 menit. Pada hasil uji lanjut Annova menyatakan bahwa variabel waktu memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan selulosa sedangkan interaksi antara variabel dan volume tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan selulosa. Selulosa merupakan senyawa yang akan dikonversi lebih lanjut menjadi glukosa. Sehingga pada penelitian ini memilih penurunan selulosa terendah yaitu menjadi 350,20 mg/g akibat pretreatment microwave-NaOH dengan rendemen 93,10% pada perlakuan massa bahan dengan volume pelarut 20 g:250 mL dengan waktu 30 menit

    Training strategy for development of life insurance agent in facing the generation z market

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    The purpose of this research is to reduce the gap between Life Insurance Agents who are mostly Generation X with the future market of Generation Z and the purpose of this research is Formulating the right Life Insurance Agent development strategy to be applied to Generation Z market penetration. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The population sample used in this study amounted to 5 people and for data analysis using ISM, SWOT and descriptive analysis. The results of this study are (1) This strategy is applied based on the utilization of existing strengths and opportunities. Training for Life Insurance Agents is carried out regularly and in a structured manner, enabling Life Insurance Agents to adapt to any changes that occur by applying technology to the life insurance business process. The application of technology will make it easier for companies to design more diverse products and keep up with the times. (2) The Program (Professional Development Program) is analyzed using ISM (Interpretative Structural Modeling) Analysis to find key sub-elements of each element of Program Objectives, Program Needs, Program Constraints, and Possible Changes that play a role in driving program success or vice versa. cause the program to fail. (3) One of the activities to realize the program is training

    Analysis of Two Dimensional Sensitivity as Decision Support Alternative Waste Management in TPST Bantargebang

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    The importance of waste management at the TPST Bantargebang Bekasi is very high. Some sensitive issues such as pollution, social issues, and the requirement of wider area are several issues needed to be considered further. Therefore, this study tries to highlight the best alternative in waste management at the TPST Bantargebang with a two-dimensional approach using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis. Through a two-dimensional approach, it is hoped that adequate priority options can be found regarding alternative integrated waste management at the TPST Bantargebang Bekasi. Collecting data through expert interviews assisted by questionnaires, supported by other sources of data and information from various relevant agencies. The results of the two-dimensional sensitivity graph from the iteration of the three-goal criteria pair, namely waste management innovation, expansion of the TPST area, and strengthening regulations show that alternative decisions in integrated waste management at the TPST Bantargebang several times have raised alternatives to increase Human Resources (HR) to support activities. In conclusion, the most important alternative decision is to increase human resources. The policy implication of this study is that it is necessary to add more educated staff at the Bantargebang TPST so that the target of serving the needs of the community in terms of waste management can be carried out effectively, therefore, increasing human resources both in terms of competence and number is a priority to support the development of integrated waste management at the TPST Bantargebang

    Indeks Keberlanjutan Dimensi Peraturan Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan PLTN Di Indonesia

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    Salah satu manfaat nilai indeks keberlanjutan dimensi peraturan untuk menyempurnakan peraturan perencanaan pembangunan PLTN sampai di tingkat pemerintah daerah, serta sebagai bahan masukan dokumen Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Panjang (RPJP) di Indonesia. Tujuan kajian mendapatkan nilai indeks keberlanjutan dari dimensi peraturan dalam rangka rencana pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir (PLTN) di Indonesia seiring revolusi industri 4.0. Metode kajian menggunakan analisis Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) dengan memetakan persepsi (perceptual mapping) yang mengandalkan Euclidian Distance antara satu atribut dengan atribut lainnya. Hasil analisis MDS yang menyertakan 16 peraturan menunjukan indeks keberlanjutan dimensi peraturan sebesar 42,89 (belum berkelanjutan). Sebagai langkah nyata, Peraturan Pemerintah RI No.61 tahun 2013 tentang Pengelolaan Limbah Radioaktif dengan RMS 6,43, dan Keputusan Presiden No. 106 tahun 2001 tentang Pengesahan Konvensi Keselamatan Nuklir dengan RMS 6,18 layak disertakan dalam dokumen perencanaan untuk level provinsi dan daerah

    Model Struktural Pengelolaan Tempat Penampungan dan Potong Ayam Secara Berkelanjutan dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan

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    Menurut data dan informasi Asosiasi Rumah Potong Hewan Unggas Indonesia (ARPHUIN) bahwa produksi daging ayam ras dalam negeri belum bisa dikatakan surplus (Gumilar, 2018). Hal ini karena fakta dan kondisi eksisting selama bertahun-tahun di tingkat lapang menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya bisnis perunggasan di Indonesia bersifat fleksibel. Artinya, ketika produksi terlalu tinggi, maka pelaku bisnis termasuk di dalamnya industri Rumah Potong Unggas/Ayam (RPU/A), terutama yang dikelola oleh swasta, akan menurunkan jumlah produksinya. RPU/A sendiri disini merupakan salah satu komponen infrastruktur pertanian yang bermanfaat dalam penyediaan Pangan Asal Hewan (PAH), yaitu daging untuk meningkatkan gizi masyarakat Indonesia

    Internet of Things dan Keberlanjutan Pendekatan Revolusioner Sebaran Petugas Lapangan Pertanian sebagai Enumerator Internet of Things and Sustainability Approach revolutionary Distribution of Agricultural Field Officers as Enumerators

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    ABSTRAK Data, informasi real time, serta sebaran Petugas Lapangan (PL) pada urusan pilihan pertanian menjadi salah satu masalah dalam urusan pemerintahan. Hal ini diperlukan Tim Pelaporan yang mengawal data akurat dan jujur melalui statistik pertanian (SP) sebagai bahan baku penyusunan dokumen perencanaan dan evaluasi dalam siklus perumusan strategi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memaksimalkan peran PL dalam mengawal data dan informasi SP, melakukan sosialisasi, transformasi dan mengubah cara pandang baik PL Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN), swasta maupun swadaya tentang pentingnya akurasi data dan informasi yang real time. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Metode perancangan sistem yang digunakan menggunakan metode prototype yaitu: (i) pengumpulan data, (ii) membangun prototype, (iii) evaluasi prototype, (iv) mengkodekan sistem, (v) menguji sistem, (vi) evaluasi sistem, (vii) menggunakan sistem, dan (viii) face validity sistem. Selanjutnya proses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) diperkuat dengan metode Multidimensional Scaling (MDS), menggunakan software Rap-PL yang merupakan modifikasi dari software RapFish untuk mengetahui indeks keberlanjutan pendekatan revolusioner dalam sebaran PL pertanian. Hasil yang dicapai pada penelitian ini berupa aplikasi monitoring sebaran PL berbasis website dan android pada wilayah kerjanya masing-masing. Pemanfaatan teknologi opensource tak berbayar ini membuat efektifitas, efisiensi, serta meningkatkan kinerja dalam pelaporan PL yang real dan lebih jujur. Penggunaan aplikasi sebaran PL pertanian sebagai pendekatan revolusioner IoT dinilai berkelanjutan dengan indeks sebesar 87,57 persen. Kondisi tersebut dapat ditingkatkan, apabila atribut leverage yaitu Para PL berkinerja secara kolaborasi dan berfikir sistemik, sehingga fast respon dapat lebih berkualitas serta dapat mendukung keberhasilan program Jawa Barat Digital Service (JDS) Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kata kunci: data; pelaporan; Petugas-Lapangan; IoT ABSTRACT Data, real-time information, as well as the distribution of Field Officers (FO) agriculture become the problems in government. This requires a Reporting Team that controls accurate and honest data through agricultural statistics. The purpose of this research is to maximize the role of FO (State Civil Apparatus, private as well as self-help) in controlling agricultural statistics data and information. This study used primary and secondary data sources. System design was a prototyping method: (i) data collection, (ii) building prototypes, (iii) evaluation of prototypes, (iv) coding systems, (v) testing systems, (vi) evaluating systems, (vii) using systems, and (viii) system face validity. Furthermore, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process is strengthened by the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method, using Rap-FO software which is a modification of RapFish software to determine the sustainability index of revolutionary approaches in agricultural PL distribution. The results achieved in this study are in the form of FO distribution monitoring application based on website and android in their respective working areas. The use of this unpaid open source technology makes effectiveness, efficiency, and improved performance in real and more honest reporting. The use of this applications as a revolutionary approach based on IoT is considered sustainable with an index of 87.57 percent. The condition can be improved, if the leverage attributes are the FO perform collaboratively and systemically, so that fast response can be more qualified and can support the success of the West Java Digital Service program in West Java province. Keywords: data; reporting; Field Officer; Io

    Kinetika Perubahan Ketengikan (Rancidity) Kacang Goreng selama Proses Penyimpanan

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    Rancidity is a damage or change in odor and flavor in the fat or fatty food. As one of the fatty food products, peanut is susceptible to rancidity during storage.The duration of heating oil resulting in changes of peroxide value of oil as a medium frying pan provides quality changes in fried ingredients. Besides that, availability of oxygen in the package would also affect on the rate of the rancidity process. The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model of rancidity changes of fried peanuts during storage expressed by increasing the numerical value of its peroxide. The variation of heating oil used were 0, 1, 2 and 3 hours. While the variation of ratio of peanut volume with the packaging material used were 1:6, 5:13 and 10:17. The results showed that the longer the heating oil, the greater the number peroxide as well as the number of results of frying beans. The smaller the volume ratio of peanuts to the packaging used, the greater the rate constant changes in peroxide value fried peanuts or the faster the rancidity of the peanut. The equation of constant rate of change of peroxide value fried peanuts (rancidity) during storage could be expressed by P(t) P0.e (0.17)RS-0.10 Xt.ABSTRAKKetengikan (rancidity) merupakan kerusakan atau perubahan bau dan flavor dalam lemak atau bahan pangan berlemak. Sebagai salah satu produk  pangan  berlemak  kacang  rentan  terhadap  ketengikan  selama  penyimpanan.  Lama pemanasan minyak dapat mengakibatkan perubahan nilai angka peroksidanya, sehingga akan mempengaruhi kualitas pada bahan yang digoreng. Disamping itu ketersediaan oksigen dalam kemasan ditengarai juga akan mempengaruhi terjadinya proses ketengikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model matematis perubahan ketengikan kacang goreng selama penyimpanan yang dinyatakan dengan peningkatan nilai angka peroksidanya. Variasi lama pemanasan minyak yang digunakan adalah 0, 1, 2 dan 3 jam. Sedangkan variasi rasio volume kacang dengan kemasan yang digunakan adalah 1:6, 5:13 dan 10:17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin lama pemanasan minyak, maka semakin besar angka peroksidanya demikian juga angka peroksida dari kacang hasil penggorengannya. Semakin kecil rasio volume kacang dengan kemasan yang digunakan, maka semakin besar konstanta laju perubahan angka peroksida kacang goreng atau kacang semakin cepat tengik. Persamaan konstanta laju perubahan angka peroksida kacang goreng (ketengikan) selama penyimpanan dapat dinyatakan dengan P(t) P0.e (0.17)RS-0.10 Xt