118 research outputs found

    Peran Media Baru Dalam Kegiatan Hijrah Fest

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    The birth of new media in today's digital era adds to the variety of existing social media. One of them is Instagram, social media which was initially used only personally to upload photos or videos, now has many roles that are mostly used by young people or the millennial generation. The Hijrah Fest activity, which has a segmentation of visitors to the younger generation, utilizes and optimizes the use of Instagram social media to support its activities. Therefore, in this study, he wanted to find out what roles the new media had in the Hijrah Fest activities. The research method used is qualitative, with in-depth interview data collection techniques with social media managers Hijrah Fest. From the results of observations, interviews, and documentation, the main role of new media on the hijrahfest Instagram social media is preaching. In addition, in supporting the Hijrah Fest activities, his Instagram account acts as the delivery of information related to the event, communication between the Hijrah Fest to the public, and buying and selling transactions from exhibition stands to visitors.AbstrakLahirnya media baru di era digital saat ini, menambah beragamnya media sosial yang ada. Salah satunya ialah instagram, media sosial yang pada awalnya sebatas digunakan secara personal untuk mengunggah foto atau video, kini memiliki banyak peran yang lebih banyak digunakan oleh anak muda atau generasi milenial. Kegiatan Hijrah Fest yang memiliki segmentasi pengunjung pada generasi muda, memanfaatkan serta mengoptimalkan penggunaan media sosial instagram dalam menunjang kegiatannya. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini ingin mengetahui apa saja peran yang dimiliki oleh media baru, dalam kegiatan Hijrah Fest. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif, dengan teknik pengambilan data wawancara mendalam bersama pengelola media sosial Hijrah Fest. Dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, peran utama dari media baru pada media sosial instagram hijrahfest ialah berdakwah. Selain itu, dalam menunjang kegiatan Hijrah Fest akun instagramnya berperan sebagai penyampaian informasi terkait acaranya, komunikasi antara pihak Hijrah Fest kepada publik, dan transaksi jual beli dari stand pameran kepada pengunjungnya

    Substructures in large graphs

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    The first problem we address concerns Hamilton cycles. Suppose G is a large digraph in which every vertex has in- and outdegree at least |G|/2. We show that G contains every orientation of a Hamilton cycle except, possibly, the antidirected one. The antidirected case was settled by DeBiasio and Molla. Our result is best possible and improves on an approximate result by Häggkvist and Thomason. We then investigate the random greedy F-free process which was initially studied by Erdős, Suen and Winkler and by Spencer. This process greedily adds edges without creating a copy of F, terminating in a maximal F-free graph. We provide an upper bound on the number of hyperedges at the end of this process for a large class of hypergraphs. The remainder of this thesis focuses on F-decompositions, i.e., whether the edge set of a graph can be partitioned into copies of F. We obtain the best known bounds on the minimum degree which ensures a Kr_r-decomposition of an r-partite graph, with applications to Latin squares. Lastly, we find exact bounds on the minimum degree for a large graph to have a C2_2k_k-decomposition where k≠3. In both cases, we assume necessary divisibility conditions are satisfied

    Maximising youth sport as a context for physical activity promotion: a self-determination theory approach

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    Youth sport has been advocated as a vehicle through which more physically active lifestyles can be encouraged among children and adolescents. Employing objective assessments of physical activity (PA), the purpose of this thesis was to investigate the value of youth sport as a context for PA promotion and obesity prevention. Results from Study 1 indicated 37% of youth sport football participants did not meet recommended levels of moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) during their youth sport engagement. Study 2 demonstrated negative associations between daily PA levels of grassroots footballers and obesity linked health outcomes, with the reverse true for sedentary time (ST). Guided by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1987), findings from Studies 3 and 4 revealed perceptions of coach provided autonomy support were positively associated with sport related autonomous motivation, and in turn, higher MVPA participation (daily MVPA as well as PA accrued during youth sport) and lower ST. This thesis underlines the value of youth sport as a setting through which levels of PA can be increased, and ST reduced among youth. Research described within also points to the important role of the coach-created environment and player motivation in predicting variability in PA engagement and ST among young grassroots footballers


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    HUBUNGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN DENGAN PENINGKATAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA PRA OPERASI SOFT TISSUE TUMOR DENGAN GENERAL ANESTESI DI RSUD PRINGSEWU LAMPUNG May Shinta AS1 , Yustiana Olfah2 , Sapta Rahayu N3 Jurusan Keperwatan Poltekkes Yogyakarta Jl. Tata Bumi No.3 Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55293 Email : [email protected] INTISARI Latar Belakang : Tindakan pembedahan dengan general anestesi memerlukan persiapan praorerasi fisik dan mental. Persiapan praoperasi dilakukan untuk mengurangi factor risiko yang diakibatkan dari tindakan pembedahan. Faktorfaktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan tekanan darah diantaranya adalah usia, faktor konsumsi makanan, faktor stress dan faktor rendahnya aktivitas fisik. Perubahan tekanan darah merupakan salah satu perubahan fisiologis yang sering dilaporkan terjadi pada pasien yang memiliki rasa cemas pada tindakan pembedahan. Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat kecemasan dengan peningkatan tekanan darah pada pra-operasi soft tissue tumor dengan general anestesi di RSUD Pringsewu provinsi Lampung. Metode : Desain penelitian menggunakan rancangan analitik korelasi yaitu mancari faktor penyebab dan hubungan sebab akibat. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah pasien pra operasi soft tissue tumor dengan general anestesi sebanyak 38 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan uji statistic Chi Square dan Uji korelasi koefisien kontingensi Hasil : Pasien pra-operasi soft tissue tumor dengan general anestesi yang telah dilakukan pengukuran menggunakan instrument APAIS sebagian besar memiliki kecemasan berat sebesar 44,7%. Sebagian besar tekanan darah diketahui tidak meningkat sebesar 78,9%. Hasil uji statistic chi Square didapatkan p value=0,000 (p<0,05). Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan tingkat kecemasan dengan peningkatan tekanan darah pada pasien pra-operasi soft tissue tumor dengan general anestesi. Kata Kunci : Kecemasan, Tekanan darah, Soft Tissue, General anestesi 1)Mahasiswa Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta 2.3)Dosen Jurusan Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakart

    Optical coherence tomography imaging of ovarian cancer invasion

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    Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynaecological disease in the developed world. The term ovarian cancer describes a heterogeneous group of tumours that grow in the ovary but are not necessarily of ovarian origin. There are several histotypes of ovarian tumours which show distinct cellular origin, molecular aberrations and disease progression in patients; however, this heterogeneity is not reflected in the treatments currently available. Epithelial ovarian cancer (also termed ovarian carcinoma) accounts for 90% of all ovarian cancer diagnoses; it encompasses all cancers that arise from the epithelium and involve the ovary. Ovarian carcinomas commonly spread along peritoneal surfaces, particularly the omentum, and invade superficially into tissues. This body of work shows the development of novel techniques to characterise the invasive behaviour of epithelial ovarian tumours. Firstly, cell lines and ascites were used to characterise the behaviour of epithelial ovarian tumours and identify differences between serous and non-serous ovarian carcinomas. Recent genomic analysis has shown that many of the most commonly used ovarian cancer cell lines have been mischaracterised, leading to erroneous conclusions and a gap in the translation of laboratory research into novel treatments for patients. The behaviour of 5 serous and 5 non-serous ovarian cancer cell lines was characterised using 2D migration, cell cycle parameters and 3D invasion behaviour into different substrates. This work shows that ovarian cancer cell lines derived from non-serous carcinomas migrate and invade more aggressively than those derived from high-grade serous carcinomas. These differences may reflect differences in the behaviour of the primary tumour types from which the cell lines were derived. Next, an imaging tool that allows long-term time-lapse imaging to investigate tumour invasion was developed. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-damaging imaging technique used clinically to investigate ocular disease in vivo. In this body of work, time-lapse imaging of ovarian cancer cell lines over 5 days was developed on a commercial OCT system. The establishment of time-lapse OCT imaging made it possible to visualise how different invasive patterns developed over time. Application of the optimised time-lapse imaging protocol to the study of cell lines facilitated the investigation of different invasive behaviours in more detail, resolving differences in phenotypic behaviour over time. Finally, to better understand the in vivo behaviour of ovarian tumours, a patient-specific ex vivo model was developed to investigate individual patient tumour behaviour. Explant cultures using patient-derived tumour and matched normal omentum were developed to better mimic in vivo invasive behaviour and imaged using OCT. Tissue slices and mechanically dissociated tumour cells were cultured with patient omentum and compared with in vitro derived collagen/fibroblast matrices, demonstrating retention of tumour viability over a 14 day period. Together these data show the development of novel techniques to characterise the invasive behaviours of epithelial ovarian tumours. This work provides evidence that time-lapse OCT is a promising and novel tool for the characterisation of tumour invasion in vitro. Applying this to ovarian cancer patient-derived matched tumour and omentum ex vivo provides the opportunity to assess patient-specific invasive behaviour. The optimisation and development of techniques described here can provide future opportunities to develop preclinical models to further our understanding and clinical management of ovarian tumours


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    Daun salam merupakan salah satu tumbuhan obat yang tumbuh subur di Indonesia. Pemanfaatan daun salam dalam produk obat tradisional masih sederhana dan belum banyak variasi. Banyaknya produk yang beredar biasanya berbentuk serbuk, teh, dan sediaan padat seperti kapsul. Meski demikian, tumbuhan ini berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional dalam bentuk film strip. Film strip adalah obat tradisional dengan bentuk lembaran tipis yang mudah hancur saat terkena air liur sehingga mudah digunakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan  pemanfaatan ekstrak etanol daun salam  sebagai obat tradisional dalam bentuk film strip. Ekstraksi daun salam dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut etanol 96%. Pembuatan film strip dilakukan dengan solvent casting method. Hasil penelitian didapati bahwa ekstrak etanol daun salam dapat diformulasikan menjadi film strip yang memiliki aroma khas daun salam, warna bening kecokelatan pada F1, agak cokelat untuk F2 dan F3, cokelat muda untuk F4, serta cokelat tua untuk F5 dengan rasa sangat manis di seluruh formula. Seluruh formula memenuhi syarat uji keseragaman bobot dengan rata-rata penyimpangan 0,644%, ketebalan film dengan rata-rata 0,3170 mm, waktu larut rata-rata 179,12 detik, dan stabil selama masa penyimpanan. Kelima formula film strip ekstrak etanol daun salam tidak memenuhi persyaratan pH, dengan pH rata-rata film sebesar 3,96

    Partner Strategic Capabilities for Capturing Value from Sustainability-Focused Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships

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    As social and ecological problems escalate, the role of collective capacity and knowledge is becoming more critical in reaching solutions. This capacity and knowledge are dispersed among diverse stakeholder organizations. Thus, organizations in the private, public, and civil society sectors are experiencing pressure to address these complex challenges through collaborative action in the form of multi-stakeholder partnerships. One major challenge to securing and maintaining partner engagement in these voluntary collaborative initiatives is defining the value proposition for prospective and existing partner organizations. Understanding the relationship between different forms of partner involvement and the subsequent resources that partners stand to gain is necessary to articulate the value proposition of the partnership to partners. This study conducts a survey of partner organizations from 15 different sustainability-focused multi-stakeholder partnerships in Canada. We compare three partner strategies for implementation and value capture and discover that each strategy is associated with different partner-level resource outcomes. Our findings indicate that product stewardship strategies are associated with financial and organizational capital, marketing and promotion with human capital, and internal implementation structures with shared capital. This study has implications for multi-stakeholder partnership researchers and practitioners because it suggests the possibility that certain partner-level outcomes could rely on the partner, as well as partnership implementation strategies

    Impact of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) Infestation on the Jasmonic Acid-Elicited Defenses of Tsuga canadensis (Pinales: Pinaceae)

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    Hemlock woolly adelgid is an invasive piercing-sucking insect in eastern North America, which upon infestation of its main host, eastern hemlock (‘hemlock’), improves attraction and performance of folivorous insects on hemlock. This increased performance may be mediated by hemlock woolly adelgid feeding causing antagonism between the the jasmonic acid and other hormone pathways. In a common garden experiments using hemlock woolly adelgid infestation and induction with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and measures of secondary metabolite contents and defense-associated enzyme activities, we explored the impact of hemlock woolly adelgid feeding on the local and systemic induction of jasmonic acid (JA)-elicited defenses. We found that in local tissue hemlock woolly adelgid or MeJA exposure resulted in unique induced phenotypes, whereas the combined treatment resulted in an induced phenotype that was a mixture of the two individual treatments. We also found that if the plant was infested with hemlock woolly adelgid, the systemic response of the plant was dominated by hemlock woolly adelgid, regardless of whether MeJA was applied. Interestingly, in the absence of hemlock woolly adelgid, hemlock plants had a very weak systemic response to MeJA. We conclude that hemlock woolly adelgid infestation prevents systemic induction of JA-elicited defenses. Taken together, compromised local JA-elicited defenses combined with weak systemic induction could be major contributors to increased folivore performance on hemlock woolly adelgid-infested hemlock

    Effects of different feeding systems on growth, fat accumulation and semen quality of Merino-type sheep

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    In South Africa, supplemental feeding is provided to improve the condition of breeding livestock before the animals are sold by the stud breeders to commercial farmers. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different ram rearing systems on growth, fat accumulation and semen quality of Döhne Merino (DM), Merino (M) and South African Mutton Merino (SAMM) rams intended for breeding. The ram lambs were stratified according to weight and randomly allocated to one of three treatments, namely an extensive feeding treatment (ET), an extensive-intensive feeding treatment (EIT), and an intensive feeding treatment (IT). Rams in ET grazed for 200 days. Rams in EIT grazed for 73 days, followed by a concentrate diet for an additional 60 days. Rams in IT were fed the concentrate diet for 70 days. Scrotal neck fat was significantly less in IT rams compared with ET and EIT rams. Döhne Merino and M rams in EIT deposited significantly more scrotal fat than DM and M rams in ET. No adverse testicular pathology or differences in semen quality were observed. Regression analyses of pooled data showed extreme functional values for subcutaneous fat and total scrotal fat weight, which, when exceeded, may result in decreased semen volume, percentage normal spermatozoa and mass motility of spermatozoa. Sheep breeders should be cautious when feeding ram lambs in extensive-intensive systems for extended periods since this may affect semen quality adversely.Vrede Veld Ram Club.https://www.sasas.co.za/resources/sa-journal-animal-scienceAnimal and Wildlife Science

    Non-parametric Heat Map Representation of Flow Cytometry Data: Identifying Cellular Changes Associated With Genetic Immunodeficiency Disorders

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    Genetic primary immunodeficiency diseases are increasingly recognized, with pathogenic mutations changing the composition of circulating leukocyte subsets measured by flow cytometry (FCM). Discerning changes in multiple subpopulations is challenging, and subtle trends might be missed if traditional reference ranges derived from a control population are applied. We developed an algorithm where centiles were allocated using non-parametric comparison to controls, generating multiparameter heat maps to simultaneously represent all leukocyte subpopulations for inspection of trends within a cohort or segregation with a putative genetic mutation. To illustrate this method, we analyzed patients with Primary Antibody Deficiency (PAD) and kindreds harboring mutations in TNFRSF13B (encoding TACI), CTLA4, and CARD11. In PAD, loss of switched memory B cells (B-SM) was readily demonstrated, but as a continuous, not dichotomous, variable. Expansion of CXCR5+/CD45RA- CD4+ T cells (X5-Th cells) was a prominent feature in PAD, particularly in TACI mutants, and patients with expansion in CD21-lo B cells or transitional B cells were readily apparent. We observed differences between unaffected and affected TACI mutants (increased B cells and CD8+ T-effector memory cells, loss of B-SM cells and non-classical monocytes), cellular signatures that distinguished CTLA4 haploinsufficiency itself (expansion of plasmablasts, activated CD4+ T cells, regulatory T cells, and X5-Th cells) from its clinical expression (B-cell depletion), and those that were associated with CARD11 gain-of-function mutation (decreased CD8+ T effector memory cells, B cells, CD21-lo B cells, B-SM cells, and NK cells). Co-efficients of variation exceeded 30% for 36/54 FCM parameters, but by comparing inter-assay variation with disease-related variation, we ranked each parameter in terms of laboratory precision vs. disease variability, identifying X5-Th cells (and derivatives), naïve, activated, and central memory CD8+ T cells, transitional B cells, memory and SM-B cells, plasmablasts, activated CD4 cells, and total T cells as the 10 most useful cellular parameters. Applying these to cluster analysis of our PAD cohort, we could detect subgroups with the potential to reflect underlying genotypes. Heat mapping of normalized FCM data reveals cellular trends missed by standard reference ranges, identifies changes associating with a phenotype or genotype, and could inform hypotheses regarding pathogenesis of genetic immunodeficiency.This study was supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia Centre of Research Excellence (APP1079648)
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