8,582 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of Bernoulli random walks, bridges, excursions and meanders with a given number of peaks

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    A Bernoulli random walk is a random trajectory starting from 0 and having i.i.d. increments, each of them being +1+1 or -1, equally likely. The other families cited in the title are Bernoulli random walks under various conditionings. A peak in a trajectory is a local maximum. In this paper, we condition the families of trajectories to have a given number of peaks. We show that, asymptotically, the main effect of setting the number of peaks is to change the order of magnitude of the trajectories. The counting process of the peaks, that encodes the repartition of the peaks in the trajectories, is also studied. It is shown that suitably normalized, it converges to a Brownian bridge which is independent of the limiting trajectory. Applications in terms of plane trees and parallelogram polyominoes are also provided

    La Responsabilité Sociétale de L'entreprise et Les Réactions des Parties Prenantes : le Cas de L'opérateur Téléphonique Mtn et des Utilisateurs de Téléphonie Mobile au Bénin

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    The purpose of this research is to understand the mechanisms by which the actions of corporate social responsibility can affect organizational commitment and organizational identification consumers. From an experiment performed with video support of social responsibility of the telephone operator MTN Benin, data were collected from a sample of judgment seven hundred and ten mobile phone users. The analysis shows that the consumer perception of the actions of social responsibility of the company affects their commitment and organizational identification. Socially responsible consumption appears as a moderating variable to put direct links days. However, the communication by the company on its "good deeds" does not seem to affect these relationships

    Hybrid micro air vehicle for complex environment missions

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    Modern urban reconnaissance missions dictate the need for a Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) platform capable of performing a complex mission : rapid and efficient ingress to a target location followed by slow loiter for quality image capture. This may be achieved using a tilt-body fixed-wing vehicle which combines the speed, range, and gust-hardiness of a fixed wing with the loiter and precision capability of a rotorcraft vehicle

    Grassmann techniques applied to classical spin systems

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    We review problems involving the use of Grassmann techniques in the field of classical spin systems in two dimensions. These techniques are useful to perform exact correspondences between classical spin Hamiltonians and field-theory fermionic actions. This contributes to a better understanding of critical behavior of these models in term of non-quadratic effective actions which can been seen as an extension of the free fermion Ising model. Within this method, identification of bare masses allows for an accurate estimation of critical points or lines and which is supported by Monte-Carlo results and diagrammatic techniques

    Continuation of homoclinic orbits in the suspension bridge equation: a computer-assisted proof

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    In this paper, we prove existence of symmetric homoclinic orbits for the suspension bridge equation u""+βu"+eu1=0u""+\beta u" + e^u-1=0 for all parameter values β[0.5,1.9]\beta \in [0.5,1.9]. For each β\beta, a parameterization of the stable manifold is computed and the symmetric homoclinic orbits are obtained by solving a projected boundary value problem using Chebyshev series. The proof is computer-assisted and combines the uniform contraction theorem and the radii polynomial approach, which provides an efficient means of determining a set, centered at a numerical approximation of a solution, on which a Newton-like operator is a contraction.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figure

    Private Multi-party Matrix Multiplication and Trust Computations

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    This paper deals with distributed matrix multiplication. Each player owns only one row of both matrices and wishes to learn about one distinct row of the product matrix, without revealing its input to the other players. We first improve on a weighted average protocol, in order to securely compute a dot-product with a quadratic volume of communications and linear number of rounds. We also propose a protocol with five communication rounds, using a Paillier-like underlying homomorphic public key cryptosystem, which is secure in the semi-honest model or secure with high probability in the malicious adversary model. Using ProVerif, a cryptographic protocol verification tool, we are able to check the security of the protocol and provide a countermeasure for each attack found by the tool. We also give a randomization method to avoid collusion attacks. As an application, we show that this protocol enables a distributed and secure evaluation of trust relationships in a network, for a large class of trust evaluation schemes.Comment: Pierangela Samarati. SECRYPT 2016 : 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Lisbonne, Portugal, 26--28 Juillet 2016. 201

    Detailed opacity calculations for astrophysical applications

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    Nowadays, several opacity codes are able to provide data for stellar structure models, but the computed opacities may show significant differences. In this work, we present state-of-the-art precise spectral opacity calculations, illustrated by stellar applications. The essential role of laboratory experiments to check the quality of the computed data is underlined. We review some X-ray and XUV laser and Z-pinch photo-absorption measurements as well as X-ray emission spectroscopy experiments involving hot dense plasmas produced by ultra-high-intensity laser irradiation. The measured spectra are systematically compared with the fine-structure opacity code SCO-RCG. Focus is put on iron, due to its crucial role in understanding asteroseismic observations of β\beta Cephei-type and Slowly Pulsating B stars, as well as of the Sun. For instance, in β\beta Cephei-type stars, the iron-group opacity peak excites acoustic modes through the "kappa-mechanism". A particular attention is paid to the higher-than-predicted iron opacity measured at the Sandia Z-machine at solar interior conditions. We discuss some theoretical aspects such as density effects, photo-ionization, autoionization or the "filling-the-gap" effect of highly excited states.Comment: submitted to "Atoms

    Rigorous numerics for nonlinear operators with tridiagonal dominant linear part

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    We present a method designed for computing solutions of infinite dimensional non linear operators f(x)=0f(x) = 0 with a tridiagonal dominant linear part. We recast the operator equation into an equivalent Newton-like equation x=T(x)=xAf(x)x = T(x) = x - Af(x), where AA is an approximate inverse of the derivative Df(x)Df(\overline x) at an approximate solution x\overline x. We present rigorous computer-assisted calculations showing that TT is a contraction near x\overline x, thus yielding the existence of a solution. Since Df(x)Df(\overline x) does not have an asymptotically diagonal dominant structure, the computation of AA is not straightforward. This paper provides ideas for computing AA, and proposes a new rigorous method for proving existence of solutions of nonlinear operators with tridiagonal dominant linear part.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, to be published in DCDS-A (Vol. 35, No. 10) October 2015 issu