226 research outputs found

    Evaluation of different global navigation satellite tracking systems and analyses of movement patterns of cattle on alpine pastures

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    Global Positioning Systems (GPS) as one of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have been applied in many studies especially focusing on wildlife but there are very few studies using GPS on domesticated animals under extensive conditions combined with extreme relief such as in the Alps. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to test, evaluate and support the development of new tracking systems based on GNSS- and GSM- technology. Furthermore, movement patterns of cattle and the workload of herdsman were analysed for a possible optimization of the management of grazing animals in mountainous areas. Two newly developed prototypes of companies GNSS_L and GNSS_M and two commercially available systems GNSS_H and GNSS_T were tested on several alpine farms (AF) over the pasture season of the year 2012 and 2013. The evaluation of GNSS devices focused on position accuracy, battery life, smartphone applications as well as availability of supportive functions and application of geo-fencing. Also a standardized dynamic accuracy test of a GPS data logger and four different tracking systems was conducted. Movement pattern analyses focused on distances walked by cattle from sequenced GNSS fixes and autocorrelation of recorded information. Parallel to the previous aims the workload management of different alpine farms was analysed to support the evaluation of advantages of using GNSS tracking systems in mountainous areas. Based on the results of a comparison of the tested tracking systems we can conclude that devices GNSS_M and GNSS_T performed better under the alpine conditions compared with GNSS_L and GNSS_H, when GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) reception was available. The standardized dynamic accuracy test showed significant differences (P≤0.001) among most of the tested GNSS collars and the GPS data logger, except between the prototypes GNSS_L and GNSS_M (P≥0.05). On average 62% of information on the distance walked by cattle were lost when GNSS fix intervals increased from 5 to 20 minutes. Finally, based on analyses of the workload of herdsmen this study showed potential of using GNSS tracking systems to reduce labour time requirement and workload for farming in mountainous regions

    Mitigation of blast effects on existing structures in austere environments

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 52-53).Military commanders in austere environments often face challenges in setting up headquarters buildings that offer protected areas for sensitive equipment. One solution to this problem is simply to build a structure that can be used for this purpose. This method can prove to be difficult in that it could either require large amounts of prefabricated concrete, heavy earthmoving equipment, or a significant effort in digging by hand. Clearly, all of these options are unsuitable for constructing a headquarters building that would be occupied for a short time or if the resources required were unavailable. Another solution to this problem is to simply occupy an existing structure. This method is extremely favorable with respect to resources required; with the major drawback being that at times existing structures may offer limited protection from hostile forces. Since the US Army often has overwhelming firepower when compared to contemporary threats, many times hostile forces will resort to suicide or remotely detonated explosive devices when attempting to destroy or damage structures of this type. In order to determine the feasibility of mitigating this threat, this paper will explore the effects of various explosive devices on model building types that may be found in austere environments, and explore the effects of possible reinforcement schemes in mitigating blast threats to these structures.by Andrew J. Maxa.S.M

    Use of Instructional Rubrics in Cooperative Extension Programming

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    This article looks at the concept of the instructional rubric as a nonformal evaluation tool. The premise is that educators can obtain evaluation information on short-term programs where formal evaluation design is not desired. Examples of instructional rubrics are given for 4-H, agriculture, and family and consumer science. In addition to the rubric itself, there are implications for educator intervention and retooling the experience

    Bonding of 3D printed PET-G parts

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    Tato bakalářská práce řeší problematiku lepení materiálu PET-G, který se využívá pro tisk 3D modelů v 3D tiskárnách. Cílem práce je vybrat a následně otestovat lepidla vhodná pro lepení uvedeného materiálu. Vhodnost doporučených lepidel byla stanovena na základě normovaných zkoušek na experimentálním trhacím zařízení. Na základě výsledků měření je vhodné využít k lepení materiálu PET-G jednosložková sekundová lepidla, jejichž výhodou je snadná manipulace a rychle dosažitelná manipulační pevnost.This bachelor thesis solves the problem of gluing PET-G material, which is used for printing 3D models in 3D printers. The goal is to select and then test the adhesive suitable for bonding the material. The suitability of the recommended adhesives was determined on the basis of standardized tests on experimental blasting equipment. Based on the measurement results, it is suitable to use one-component instant adhesives for gluing PET-G material, the advantage of which is easy handling and quickly achievable handling strength.

    Humanitarian intervention

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    Závěr Mezinárodněprávní ochrana lidských práv doznala za posledních šedesát let ohromný rozvoj. Ochrana lidských práv tak posiluje svůj význam mezi hodnotami chráněnými mezinárodním právem. Došel však tento vývoj tak daleko, aby ochrana lidských práv sesadila z trůnu nejvyšší hodnoty mezinárodního práva udržování míru a bezpečnosti? Podle mého názoru zatím vývoj tak daleko nedošel. A. Cassese k tomu uvádí, že v rámci současného mezinárodního společenství se uplatňují tři základní hodnoty: mír, lidská práva a sebeurčení. Jakmile nastane konflikt nebo napětí mezi těmito hodnotami, mír tvoří vždy nejvyšší a převažující faktor. Jakkoliv významné je dodržování lidských práv a zásada sebeurčení, nemohou tyto hodnoty ohrozit mír1 . Tato skutečnost předurčuje i odpověď na hlavní otázku této práce, tedy na otázku postavení humanitární intervence v současném mezinárodním právu. Ačkoliv mezi znalci mezinárodního práva nepanuje jednoznačná shoda, většina z nich se přiklání k názoru, že humanitární intervence je dle současného mezinárodního práva protiprávní. Tento názor zastává i autor této práce. Ačkoliv by bylo jistě přínosné, pokud by bylo možné i bez souhlasu RB OSN provést legální ozbrojený zásah k zastavení hrubého porušování lidských práv, které šokuje svědomí lidstva, nenašel jsem pro tento závěr oporu v...Humanitarian intervention Humanitarian intervention is defined as a threat or use of force across state borders by a state, group of states or international organization primary aimed at preventing or ending widespread and grave violations of the fundamental human rights of individuals other than its own citizens, without the permission of the state within whose territory force is applied and even without permission of the United Nations Security Council. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse legal status of humanitarian intervention. Question of legality humanitarian intervention is one of the most controversial topics in international law and represents conflict between two major values of international law - international peace and protection of human rights. Both of these values are under protection of peremptory rules. The origins of humanitarian intervention can be tracked to natural law theoreticians in seventeenth century, but significant examples of humanitarian intervention occurred in nineteenth century. In accordance with traditional international law was humanitarian intervention lawful because the use of force wasn't forbidden by any legal norm. By virtue of adoption of the UN Charter was prohibited use of force and humanitarian intervention became illegal. But after the adoption of...Department of Public International LawKatedra mezinárodního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult


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    katedra: KOM; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 51 s.This bachelor work deals with the problem of efficiency of the laser cutting and the minimalization of the waste of material for the Bombardier Transportation Czech Republic a.s. company. In the introduction there are the principles of laser altogether with the basic notions and several mathematical equations. Another part consists of the characteristics of the company, its products and its manufacture possibilities. The actual state of this problem of the company is analysed in detail. In the final part we find the solution and the results shown in attached charts and diagrams.Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou využitelnosti materiálu při laserovém řezání ve firmě Bombardier Transportation Czech Republic a.s. V úvodní části je v nezbytném rozsahu uveden princip laseru společně se základními pojmy a několika matematickými vztahy. Další část je věnována charakteristice firmy, vyráběným produktům a výrobním možnostem podniku. Podrobně je rozebrán současný stav dané problematiky v podniku. V závěrečné části se nachází řešení a výsledky zobrazené v přehledných tabulkách a grafech

    Characteristics, socioeconomic benefits and household livelihoods of beef buffalo and beef cattle farming in Northeast Thailand

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    Since the Thai economy experiences rapid growth, agricultural systems, i.e. crop-livestock systems, are changing rapidly. On account of these changes, buffalo and cattle production has to be re-examined in terms of performance characteristics and roles of livestock for farm households in order to initiate suitable development programmes. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the present characteristics of beef buffalo and beef cattle farms in Northeast Thailand. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, 121 randomly selected beef buffalo and beef cattle farms were interviewed in Nakhon Ratchasima province between October 2007 and May 2008. Both buffaloes and cattle were mostly integrated in mixed crop-livestock systems with medium to large farm sizes (7.9 ha), whereof less than half of the area was used for livestock. Family members were mainly responsible for the different activities of livestock farming and salaried labourers were only found on large-scale farms. The dominant roles of livestock were income generation to build up wealth or savings, the coverage of expected and unexpected expenses and earning of regular and additional income. Another important issue was the improvement of the social status, which increased with herd size. In order to improve farmers’ livelihoods and develop sustainable farming systems in Northeast Thailand the changing economic circumstances of cattle and especially buffalo production should receive more attention of researchers, governmental institutions and stakeholders