9 research outputs found

    The Indonesian Ahmadis: no place for praying

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    Religious freedom has been considered one of the most crucial and serious issues in contemporary Indonesia, as religious minority groups frequently experience attacks due to their beliefs. This article will focus on the status of Ahmadis in Indonesian society, who provide a clear example of attacks against certain religious minorities in Indonesia

    Penanganan Covid-19 dalam Semangat Diakonia Gereja Keuskupan Ruteng

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    Covid-19 is a non-natural disaster that is not only related to health issues but also has links to economic, psycho-social, and even social-political problems. As an institution that takes care of the safety of body and soul, the Catholic Church of the Ruteng Archdiocese, as one of the socio-religious institutions, responds to this problem by directly forming the Covid-19 solidarity movement, which is later institutionalized as the Gugus Tanggap Cluster Covid-19 Church Ruteng Diocese and Covid-19. As academics by involving in this task, authors consider the formation of an “ad hoc” institution as part of the attention and responsibility of the Local (religious) Church in dealing with the social problems of the community/community, both in local, national and global contexts. This action is the contextualization of the praxis of service (deaconess) of the Church for the lives of people, more specifically in the field of health. In carrying out its governance, the Covid-19 Group applies the stages of methods and implementation consisting of the activities of Coordination, Action (promotion, prevention, education, social assistance), Evaluation, and Follow-up Plans. The real impact of the work of the Covid-19 Cluster, the people/communities returning to the enthusiasm and have optimism in running life, while; hoping that the Covid-19 pandemic will soon pass its life. Keywords: Covid-19, Religion, Church, Solidarity, Command Post &nbsp

    Bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan bagi masyarakat pesisir yang terdampak sosial-ekonomi selama patogenesis Covid-19 di Manggarai

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    [Bahasa]: Pandemik Covid-19 telah berdampak pada masyarakat pesisir di wilayah utara dan selatan Manggarai. Mereka mengalami keterpurukan sosial ekonomi selama patogenesis Covid-19. Daya tawar hasil panen di laut dan di ladang mengalami penurunan drastis. Situasi ini membuat masyarakat pesisir mengalami kesulitan dalam menjalani hidup. Persoalan ini menarik untuk dikaji dan menjadi dasar dalam melakukan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberi bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan kepada masyarakat pesisir Kegiatan bantuan sosial dan pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan agar masyarakat pesisir bisa terbantu secara sosial ekonomi pada masa pandemi dan kesadaran kritisnya tumbuh terkait bahaya Covid-19. Kegiatan ini juga bertujuan menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya perilaku hidup sehat dan bersih. Dengan menambah asupan makanan yang cukup, tubuh mereka memiliki imunitas yang baik sehingga bisa bertahan dari serangan virus. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat pesisir ini dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi dan memodifikasi pendekatan IPOAI (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, Impact). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat pesisir akan pentingnya memelihara kesehatan. Bantuan sosial yang diberikan juga membantu meningkatkan asupan gizi sehingga menjaga imunitas tubuh di masa pandemik Covid-19. Kata Kunci: bantuan sosial, pendidikan kesehatan, dampak sosial ekonomi, Covid-19 [English]: The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted coastal communities in the northern and southern regions of Manggarai. They experienced a socio-economic downturn during the pathogenesis of Covid-19. The bargaining power of harvest in the sea and the fields has decreased dramatically. This situation makes it difficult for coastal communities to live their daily life. This issue is interesting to study and become the basis for this community service program which aims to provide social assistance and health education to coastal communities. The programs were carried out to support economic condition of coastal communities in the pandemic, educate the danger of Covid-19, and raise public awareness of the importance of healthy and clean-living behaviors. For example, adequate food intake will help their bodies have good immunity to survive the virus. This community service program refers the adaptation and modification of the IPOAI approach (Identifying, Planning, Organizing, Acting, Impact). The results show the increase in awareness of coastal communities of the importance of maintaining health. The social assistance also helps to increase nutritional intake and thus helps maintain body immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: social assistance, health education, social economic impact, Covid-1

    Republik sialan. : Memburu kejernihan di tengah belantara kerancuan.

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    Maumerexxi, 271 p.; 21 cm


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    This article discusses the victimization of the Ahmadiyya minority community in Indonesia. This article can be considered as one of the crucial studies that analyze the problems faced by the Ahmadiyah minority group in Indonesia due to violence. This study's importance relates to academic efforts in understanding the complexities of the Ahmadiyya community's victimization in Indonesia. This study is also essential in providing input or recommendations for the state, social elements (NGOs), and the Ahmadiyah group. This article proposes the theory of violence as an analytical framework for understanding violence against the Ahmadiyah group. This article provides vital objectives in understanding two aspects of the victimization process of the Ahmadiyya group. First, justifications for the victimization is based on state and religious decrees. Second, the victimization process involves actors and institutions. Besides, this study was conducted using a systematic qualitative review as a method. The data has been collected through extensive reviews on previous studies, ethnographic reports, institutional reports, NGO reports, government, and media

    Pola Pelesapan Unsur Bahasa Indonesia: Studi Kasus Opini Kompas

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    Dalam konstuksi sebuah wacana senantiasa terdapat unsur bahasa yang dilesapkan atau dihilangkan penulisnya. Unsur bahasa yang dilesapkan itu bisa berupa kata, frasa, atau klausa yang menduduki fungsi sintaksis tertentu. Kajian tentang pelesapan unsur bahasa Indonesia dianggap urgen mengingat hingga saat ini pola pelesapan bahasa Indonesia belum banyak diwacanakan di dalam kajian-kajian kebahasaan, juga belum dibakukan di dalam tata bahasa baku bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola pelesapan unsur bahasa Indonesia, sebuah studi kasus pada kolom opini Kompas. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini memanfaatkan metode simak yang diterapkan melalui teknik baca dan catat. Dalam analisis data digunakan metode analisis konten yang diterapkan melalui beberapa langkah, yakni inventarisasi, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi data. Hasil penelitian ini dideskripsikan sebagaimana berikut. Pertama, dalam kolom opini Kompas ditemukan pola pelesapan berupa kategori. Pada tataran kategori ditemukan pola pelesapan berupa nomina dan verba yang dilesapkan secara kataforis dan anaforis.  Kedua, dalam kolom opini Kompas ditemukan juga pola pelesapan pada kalimat koordinatif berupa (1) pelesapan subjek, (2) pelesapan subjek sekaligus predikat, dan (3) pelesapan objek.  Ketiga, dalam kolom opini Kompas disibak bahwa pola pelesapan unsur bahasa pada kalimat subordinatif berupa (1) pelesapan subjek pada klausa anak dan (2) pelesapan subjek pada klausa induk. Dalam kasus tertentu, pelesapan pada kalimat subordinatif bersifat lebih kompleks, yakni terjadinya pelesapan subjek pada induk dan anak kalimat, juga pelesapan subjek dan predikat pada anak-anak kalimat.&nbsp