22 research outputs found

    Analysis of Adab Education According to Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas

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    This study aims to reveal: 1) Describe and analyze the concept of Adab education according to Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas, 2) Describe and analyze the implementation of Adab in education according to Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. This research uses a qualitative approach, the nature of library research, and the type of research is document/text studies data collection techniques using document analysis. The data analysis technique used is content analysis. The survey results show that: 1) The concept of adab education, according to Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas, uses the term Ta'dib which has a comprehensive meaning when compared to terms often used in Islamic education, such as tarbiyah and ta'lim. Ta'dib, according to Al-Attas, is giving manners and educating. Educating is an effort to instill and teach adab in humans in education. Through the term ta'dib, it is hoped that the knowledge gained can lead humans to become more civilized. 2) The implementation of adab in education, according to Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, is: a) Recognizing one's self consists of 2 elements, namely reason and animalistic nature; b) Applying/comply with social norms; c) Applying discipline; d) Utilize and put something in its place; e) Recognizing and acknowledging the right and proper place to communicate, and f) bringing adab into the spiritual realm

    Dinamika Partai Politik dalam Sistem Presidensil di Indonesia

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    Dalam sistem demokrasi, keberadaan partai politik tidak bisa dinafikan dengan dua fungsinya; penyalus aspirasi rakyat sekaligus alat untuk mendapatkan kekuasaan. Oleh karena itu, secara kelembagaan, setiap partai politik memiliki karakteristik dan corak dengan dua fungsinya tadi. Dalam sistem presidensil seperti di Indonesia, terjadi “keambiguan” bagi partai politik karena suara terpecah antara legislatif daneksekutif yang sama-sama hasil dari pemilu. Dalam kelembagaan partai politik, setidaknya diperlukan sebuah konsistensi dalam menjaga visi dan misi. Sementara di Indonesia, dengan sistem saat ini, akan menimbulkan disfungsi yang berkepanjangan bagi partai politik. Sebab itu, perlu sebuah terobosan lain untuk mencapai stabilitas politik yang dinamis

    Islam dan Ideologi dalam Pembangunan di Indonesia: Studi Terhadap Program Nawacita

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    The Islamic political movement in Indonesia still leaves the battle of discourse regarding the formalization of Islamic Shari'a as an ideology and Pancasila as the ideology adopted by the current state. This discourse battle is also often a stumbling block of government programs because the modernization carried out by the government often clashes with the values set by the community. This paper would like to see the correlation between Islam as an ideology and the development program in the cabinet of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla. In its program, infrastructure development is so dominant in the hope of being able to support the national economic movement. In an Islamic perspective, the concept of modernization chosen by the government is part of the program of maslahat al-ummah or the interests of the people and is already a government obligation to fulfill. However, the practice that occurs in Indonesia is as it is known in the deconfentialization theory, that is, the general values of religious teachings are the main values in the state but the state is not based on religion. In this case, the modernization practices applied by the cabinet of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla were more likely to be secularized. This pattern is still similar to that applied by the previous government. In an effort to accommodate the ideological interests of Islamic groups, the Jokowi-JK government still cannot make an appropriate compromise. The efforts made by the government are merely proposing jargon, namely the Mental Revolution

    Carbamazepine gel formulation as a sustained release epilepsy medication for pediatric use

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    This study aimed to develop a carbamazepine (CBZ) sustained release formulation suitable for pediatric use with a lower risk of precipitation. The CBZ was first prepared as sustained release microparticles, and then the microparticles were embedded in alginate beads, and finally, the beads were suspended in a gel vehicle. The microparticles were prepared by a solvent evaporation method utilizing ethyl cellulose as a sustained release polymer and were evaluated for particle size, encapsulation efficiency, and release profile. The beads were fabricated by the dropwise addition of sodium alginate in calcium chloride solution and characterized for size, shape, and release properties. The gel was prepared using iota carrageenan as the gelling agent and evaluated for appearance, syneresis, drug content uniformity, rheology, release profile, and stability. The microparticles exhibited a particle size of 135.01 ± 0.61 µm with a monodisperse distribution and an encapsulation efficiency of 83.89 ± 3.98%. The beads were monodispersed with an average size of 1.4 ± 0.05 mm and a sphericity factor of less than 0.05. The gel was prepared using a 1:1 ratio (gel vehicle to beads) and exhibited no syneresis, good homogeneity, and good shearthinning properties. The release profile from the beads and from the gel was not significantly affected, maintaining similarity to the tablet form. The gel properties were maintained for one month real time stability, but the accelerated stability showed reduced viscosity and pH with time. In conclusion, CBZ in a gel sustained release dosage form combines the advantages of the suspension form in terms of dosing flexibility, and the advantages of the tablet form in regards to the sustained release profile. This dosage form should be further investigated in vivo in animal models before being considered in clinical trials


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    Objective: This study aimed to develop a new, rapid, robust, effective, inexpensive, and accurate UV-Vis method for the quantification analysis of carbamazepine (CBZ) in the carbamazepine-loaded microparticles.Methods: CBZ was encapsulated in ethyl cellulose microparticles by a solvent evaporation method using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as a stabilizer. Methanol was used to dissolve CBZ followed by dilution with distilled water as diluent. CBZ drug, excipients, and microparticles were subjected to specificity, solution stability, linearity, precision and accuracy to confirm and ensure the validity of this method.Results: The results showed no interference from the excipients in the selected wavelength 286 nm. It was exhibited linearity in the range 2-12 μg/ml with R2 = 0.9992. CBZ solution was stable during 24 h. Accuracy and precision were within the accepted limits (100±2%). All results were in accordance to the ICH-Q2 guideline.Conclusion: As a conclusion, CBZ could be quantified from loaded EC microparticles using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 286 nm. Therefore, this method can be used for the quantification analysis of CBZ in CBZ-loaded microparticles can be utilized also as an alternative method to calculate CBZ in different dosage forms.Â

    The impact of carbamazepine crystallinity on carbamazepine-loaded microparticle formulations

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    Crystallinity plays a vital role in the pharmaceutical industry. It affects drug manufacturing, development processes, and the stability of pharmaceutical dosage forms. An objective of this study was to measure and analyze the carbamazepine (CBZ) crystallinity before and after formulation. Moreover, it intended to determine the extent to which the crystallinity of CBZ would affect the drug loading, the particle size, and the release of CBZ from the microparticles. The CBZ microparticles were prepared by encapsulating CBZ in ethyl cellulose (EC) polymer using a solvent evaporation method. EC was used here as a release modifier polymer and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as an aqueous phase stabilizer. Factorial design was used to prepare the CBZ microparticle formulations, including polymer concentration, solvent (dichloromethane, ethyl acetate), PVA concentrations factor, the homogenization time, and homogenization speed. The crystallinity of CBZ was calculated utilizing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermal analysis. The crystallinity was calculated from the enthalpy of CBZ. Enthalpy was analyzed from the area under the curve peak of CBZ standard and CBZ-loaded microparticles. DSC and ATR-FTIR assessed the possible interaction between CBZ and excipients in the microparticle. The prepared CBZ microparticles showed various changes in the crystallinity rate of CBZ. The changes in the rate of CBZ crystallinity had different effects on the particle size, the drug loading, and the release of CBZ from the polymer. Statistically, all studied factors significantly affected the crystallinity of CBZ after formulation to microparticles

    Thymoquinone content in marketed black seed oil in Malaysia

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    Thymoquinone (TQ) is the major active compound in black seed oil (BSO). Many pharmacological effects of TQ, such as anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, immune stimulator, and anticancer, have been reported. TQ can be considered as a biomarker for BSO, but its content in the commercial products is rarely reported. TQ content varies based on the oil source and extraction method. This study aimed to quantify the TQ content in the commercial BSO products in Malaysia and to evaluate whether the products can be used as a source of TQ for therapeutic benefits. TQ was quantified using an established high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. TQ human equivalent dose (HED) was calculated based on reported animal studies from literature, and theoretical BSO amount containing the TQ dose was calculated based on the HPLC analysis. TQ content in the commercial BSO products ranged from 0.07% wt/wt to 1.88% wt/wt. The product with the highest TQ concentration is approximately 27-fold higher than the product with the lowest TQ concentration. Consequently, theoretical BSO amounts needed for specific diseases varied and some products cannot provide practical amount of TQ. This study recommends the regulation of TQ content in BSO and suggests that the BSO might be fortified with extra TQ to be effectively used in some diseases

    Rencana Pengembangan Fasilitas Destinasi Wisata Temajuk Kabupaten Sambas Kalimantan Barat

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    Temajuk Village is the first tourist village in Sambas district, West Kalimantan. Geographically, the tourist village of Temajuk is very strategically located because the position of this village is directly adjacent to the village of Telok Melano Sarawak which is a strategic development area for Malaysia. In addition to its location directly adjacent to Malaysia, the tourist village of Temajuk also has a very dominant number of tourist attractions when compared to other villages in the Sambas district. This study aims to develop a plan for developing facilities for the Temajuk tourist destination as a tourist village in Sambas district. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection using survey methods, observations, interviews, and literature studies. The results of this study are in the form of concepts and plans for developing tourist facilities which are described by planning maps

    Application of Niosomes in Cosmetics: A Systematic Review

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    A rising volume of the literature acknowledges the significance of nanotechnology in the cosmetics industry, particularly with the invention and use of techniques based on niosomes to generate unique formulations with both medicinal and aesthetic benefits. The current study’s objectives are to undertake a comprehensive review of the previously published data on the use and applications of niosomes in cosmetics and to give a succinct summary of that data. Preferred Reporting standards for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used in the design of the current review. The core concept and keywords were derived from the research question using the SPIDER tool. The main steps of this review included: design of the research question, preliminary research, search strategy, searching the database, exclusion and inclusion criteria, approval by authors, title and abstract screening, reporting of the number of data selected, full text download and reading, manual research (Google Scholar, Scopus, and WoS), data extraction and quality assessment, double data checking, and manuscript writing, revision, and submission. After thorough data analysis, it was discovered that a cosmetic product’s aesthetic impact significantly improved when it was created utilising niosomes technology. The majority of cosmeceutical niosomes’ skin and hair products demonstrated an enhanced therapeutic and cosmeceutical effect. These discoveries may contribute to the treatment of skin conditions under the umbrella of cosmeceutical niosomes