104 research outputs found


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    This writing describes the prossibility to have Islamic education established as transdiscipliner: that is, omitting the dichotomy between religion knowledge and general knowledge, and developing the understanding that the relatedness between the two. The method used in this study is a discourse analysis. A number of references is discussed and analysed based on the direction and purpose of the transdiscipliner concept. In fact, in the context of Islamic education, transdiscipliner curriculum that must be developed should be holistic—covering a number of problems that are closed to human and being able to develop as human resource. Human as mysterious being cannot be approached from one single discipline. Human should be understood from transdiscipline. The expected ability in Islamic education in transdiscipliner concept is the ability to view the world as a value system with its different function and task but they are still related. This connection and interconnection system should be placed in the frame of faith and good deeds


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    Abstract This research has problematic financing implemented by Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil, so early prevention in financing can be effective and efficient. The positive impact operated by the Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil Institute in the welfare of the community and especially for small communities. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data analysis techniques, namely from field studies and literature studies. The results of the research are to quantify problematic financing, it is carried out with preventive, detective, and curative mechanisms, there is problematic financing because the cause is an error on the part of the BMT Institution, then a lack of accuracy to conduct a survey in analyzing financing. There are other factors in the business that have been practiced by members due to factors from outside the BMT UGT Sidogiri Institute. The implementation in this research is that the financing supervision strategy implemented in the form of preventive, detective, and curative stages at the BMT UGT Sidogiri Sidoarjo Branch is effective enough to reduce problematic financing. Keywords: Mitigation, Problematic Financing, BMT UGT Sidogiri Sidoarjo Branc

    Pendidikan Islam Transdisipliner Dan Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia

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    This writing describes the prossibility to have Islamic education established as transdiscipliner: that is, omitting the dichotomy between religion knowledge and general knowledge, and developing the understanding that the relatedness between the two. The method used in this study is a discourse analysis. A number of references is discussed and analysed based on the direction and purpose of the transdiscipliner concept. In fact, in the context of Islamic education, transdiscipliner curriculum that must be developed should be holistic—covering a number of problems that are closed to human and being able to develop as human resource. Human as mysterious being cannot be approached from one single discipline. Human should be understood from transdiscipline. The expected ability in Islamic education in transdiscipliner concept is the ability to view the world as a value system with its different function and task but they are still related. This connection and interconnection system should be placed in the frame of faith and good deeds

    Dimensi-Dimensi Masyarakat Madani: Membangun Kultur Etika Sosial

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    Fenomena masyarakat madani merupakan refleksi kritis dari situasi terpuruknya citra masyarakat yang mengharapkan suatu tatanan masyarakat ideal, dan dinamika yang dibangun merupakan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menempatkan etika sosial sebagai sebuah piranti di segala aspek kehidupan bermasyarakat. Oleh kerena itu, tulisan ini memfokuskan pada bahasan historisitas dalam mewujudkan visi yang ideal dari suatu masyarakat dengan bangunan etika sosial berdasarakan dimensi yang menyertai bangunan masyarakat madani, yaitu antara lain dimensi agama, dimensi budaya, dimensi ekonomi, dimensi politik dan dimensi pendidikan, sehingga setidaknya mampu memberi gambaran paradigmatik dalam mengembangkan masyarakat yang diharapkan

    Sisi Positif Taqlîd dalam Sejarah Perkembangan Hukum Islam

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    The main problem that this paper is interested in dealing with is the notion of taqlid, the English translation of which being a blind acceptance. Taqlid is the opposite of Ijtihad, the intellectual exercise to draw certain legal rules from their sources. Muslims over centuries believed that taqlid in legal matters is not allowed, and that the door of Ijtihad has never been closed, as some Western scholars would emphatically argue. The paper nonetheless maintains that taqlid does take place in a major part of Islamic legal history. It has become unavoidable for Muslims to accept blindly ?due to some reasons- the legal views of the earlier scholars and jurists. But the paper also argues that to accept without question the views of the authoritative scholars in legal matters is not always bad. The paper tries to show that there are ?due to some conditions- positive things in committing Taqlid. To show this, the paper would attempt to scrutinize the historical facts in which Muslims do benefit from doing Taqlid. It means also that, Ijtihad is not always good for Muslims. By presenting some findings -the paper will argue- that in some cases, Muslims should abandon independent intellectual exercise and resort to blind acceptance if in doing so would bring benefit for them

    Implementasi Model Evaluasi Cipp dalam Pembelajaran Tahfidzul Qur’an

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    Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the context, input, process and product of the Tahfidzul Qur'an learning program at Tahfidzul Qur'an Islamic Kindergarten Al Ikhlash Sawangan, Magelang. This research is an evaluative research type with a descriptive qualitative approach, in this study using the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product). Analysis of the data used in this study by reducing the data, after that it is presented in the form of a description, and verified by drawing conclusions. From the results of the study which was adapted to the CIPP evaluation model, it can be concluded that in terms of the outcome of the Tahfidzul Qur'an program in Tahfidzul Qur'an Al Ikhlash Islamic Kindergarten can be said to be successful and clear.Abstrak: Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengevaluasi contexs, input, process dan product pada program pembelajaran tahfidzul Qur'an di TK Islam Tahfidzul Qur’an Al Ikhlash Sawangan, Magelang. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian evaluative dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, pada penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan cara mereduksi data, setelah itu disajikan dalam bentuk deskripsi, dan diverifikasi dengan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian yang disesuaikan dengan model evaluasi CIPP maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi outcome program Tahfidzul Qur’an di TK Islam Tahfidzul Qur’an Al Ikhlash dapat dikatakan berhasil dan jelas

    Analisis Pemasaran Terhadap Produk Pembiayaan Musyarakah Di Bmt An-Nur Rewwin Sidoarjo

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    Penelitian Ini Bertujuan Untuk Menganalisis Pemasaran Terhadap Produk Pembiayaan Musyarakah Di Bmt An-Nur Rewwin Sidoarjo. BMT An-Nur Rewwin tersebut dalam sistem operasional nya yang dominan berjalan ialah produk pembiayaan Musyarakah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Dimana dalam penyajian data dan menganalisis data sesuai dengan fakta atau hal yang sedang terjadi pada saat penelitian di lapangan. Dalam proses pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan tiga cara yakni dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Cara optimalisasi diatas diperoleh dengan mengalisis pemasaran produk pembiayaan musyarakah di BMT An-Nur Rewwin ini sudah berjalan dengan baik. Serta yang menjadikan produk pembiayaan musyarakah sebagai produk pembiayaan yang paling dominan berjalan yaitu karena dua faktor. Yang pertama karena faktor lingkungan dan yang kedua karena faktor pelayanan yang mencakup mulai dari pelayanan, persyaratan pengajuan pembiayaan yang mudah, dan pencairan dana yang mudah


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    The purpose of this research is to find out and describe (1) the concept of implementing full day school management in strengthening the values of Islamic education in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Denpasar, (2) inhibiting and supporting factors, (3) solutions to overcome obstacles. Descriptive research method with a qualitative approach, data collection, observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research that; (1) the concept applied at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Denpasar is full day school with a focus on strengthening the values of Islamic education. Implementation of full day school by strengthening the values of Islamic education aims to make students have good morals and character through habituation, daily prayer and dhikr, dhuha prayer, recitation, and obligatory prayer in congregation, (2) the inhibiting factor is the input variety, location and school regulations. The supporting factors are the support from teachers, parents, and the organization, and (3) intense coaching is provided by bringing in special ustadz and ustadzah to teach students to recite and memorize the Quran (tahfidz), carry out daily worship habits, increase activities that breathe Islamic education, build good communication and cooperation with parents of students. The conclusion is that the full day school concept applied is a full day school with the strengthening of Islamic educational values implemented through various habituation activities. Various inhibiting and supporting factors arise from within and outside, but can be overcome with solutions in the form of coaching and communication

    Resiko Transaksi Bisnis Syariah Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Studi Kasus Produk Pembiayaan

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    Abstract: In BMT, risk is identical with financing and risk is like an enemy that cannot be abandoned, must be fought and watched out for. Fighting and being wary of is meant so that there is an analysis process in accordance with applicable regulations carried out by certain parties such as BMT for policy purposes in determining the results of the analysis of financing. Then from here used the type and approach is qualitative by looking at case studies or events in the field until from the results of interviews and documentation, data analysis is carried out so that the data can be accounted for the validity of the data. From this research, it was found that BMT has tips to avoid high risk, at least there are preventive actions as a reference for generating a financing that indicates a risk
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