108 research outputs found
Regional distributon of mercury in sediments of the main rivers of French Guiana
International audienceUse of mercury (Hg) for gold-mining in French Guiana (up until 2006) as well as the presence of naturally high background levels in soils, has led to locally high concentrations in soils and sediments. The present study maps the levels of Hg concentrations in river sediments from five main rivers of French Guiana (Approuague River, Comté River, Mana River, Maroni River and Oyapock River) and their tributaries, covering more than 5 450 km of river with 1 211 sampling points. The maximum geological background Hg concentration, estimated from 241 non-gold-mined streams across French Guiana was 150 ng g-1. Significant differences were measured between the five main rivers as well as between all gold-mining and pristine areas, giving representative data of the Hg increase due to past gold-mining activities. These results give a unique large scale vision of Hg contamination in river sediments of French Guiana and provide fundamental data on Hg distribution in pristine and gold-mined areas
Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in high altitude lakes and fish (Arctic charr) from the French Alps related to watershed characteristics
International audienceTotal mercury (THg) andmethylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were measured in the muscle of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and in the water column of 4 lakes that are located in the French Alps. Watershed characteristics were determined (6 coverage classes) for each lake in order to evaluate the influence of watershed composition on mercury and methylmercury concentrations in fish muscle and in the water column. THg and MeHg concentrations in surface water were relatively low and similar among lakes and watershed characteristics play a major role in determining water column Hg and MeHg levels. THg muscle concentrations for fish with either a standardized length of 220 mm, a standardized age of 5 years or for individualuals did not exceed the 0.5 mg kgâ1 fish consumption advisory limit established for Hg by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1990). These relatively low THg concentrations can be explained by watershed characteristics, which lead to short Hg residence time in the water column, and also by the short trophic chain that is characteristic of mountain lakes. Growth rate did not seem to influence THg concentrations in fish muscles of these lakes and we observed no relationship between fish Hg concentrations and altitude. This study shows that in the French Alps, high altitude lakes have relatively low THg and MeHg concentrations in both the water column and in Arctic charr populations. Therefore, Hg does not appear to present a danger for local populations and the fishermen of these lakes
High-temperature oxidation resistance of chromium-based coatings deposited by DLI-MOCVD for enhanced protection of the inner surface of long tubes
For nuclear safety issues, there is an international effort to develop innovative âEnhanced Accident Tolerant Fuelsâ (EATF) materials. EATF cladding tubes are of particular interest because they constitute the first barrier against radioactive fission species dispersal in case of accidental scenario such as LOCA (LOss of Coolant Accident). Actual nuclear fuel claddings are made from Zr-based alloys and to increase safety margins, both mechanical strength and resistance to high-temperature oxidation have to be improved. Several alternatives using high-temperature oxidation resistant coatings for outer-wall protection have been proposed worldwide but there is currently no solution for the inner-wall protection. In order to resist to high temperature steam environment upon LOCA transients, internal Cr-based coatings deposited by DLI-MOCVD (Direct Liquid Injection of MetalOrganic precursors) were investigated. These hard metallurgical coatings could also be used in high-temperature corrosive environments as those encountered in aeronautics and other industries to protect 3D complex components. Thanks to a suitable chemistry of the liquid Cr precursor, bis(ethylbenzene)chromium, different coatings were deposited including: metal Cr, chromium carbides CrxCy and mixed carbides CrxSizCy. The high-temperature behavior of these Cr-based coatings under oxidizing atmospheres has been studied using several techniques and various oxidation tests including pure steam environment followed by water quenching down to room temperature to be representative of LOCA situations. Amorphous CrxCy coatings showed the most promising properties. For instance compared to uncoated substrate, they shift the catastrophic oxidation towards higher temperatures and delay the complete oxidation of the substrate at 1473K of >2h. The results are discussed in terms of oxidation mechanisms and protection of the fuel claddings inner surface deduced from fine characterizations of the samples before and after oxidation tests
The Chemokine CCL2 Protects Against Methylmercury Neurotoxicity
Industrial pollution due to heavy metals such as mercury is a major concern for the environment and public health. Mercury, in particular methylmercury (MeHg), primarily affects brain development and neuronal activity, resulting in neurotoxic effects. Because chemokines can modulate brain functions and are involved in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, we tested the possibility that the neurotoxic effect of MeHg may interfere with the chemokine CCL2. We have used an original protocol in young mice using a MeHg-contaminated fish-based diet for 3 months relevant to human MeHg contamination. We observed that MeHg induced in the mice cortex a decrease in CCL2 concentrations, neuronal cell death, and microglial activation. Knock-out (KO) CCL2 mice fed with a vegetal control food already presented a decrease in cortical neuronal cell density in comparison with wild-type animals under similar diet conditions, suggesting that the presence of CCL2 is required for normal neuronal survival. Moreover, KO CCL2 mice showed a pronounced neuronal cell death in response to MeHg. Using in vitro experiments on pure rat cortical neurons in culture, we observed by blockade of the CCL2/CCR2 neurotransmission an increased neuronal cell death in response to MeHg neurotoxicity. Furthermore, we showed that sod genes are upregulated in brain of wild-type mice fed with MeHg in contrast to KO CCL2 mice and that CCL2 can blunt in vitro the decrease in glutathione levels induced by MeHg. These original findings demonstrate that CCL2 may act as a neuroprotective alarm system in brain deficits due to MeHg intoxicatio
Influence de la teneur en oxygĂšne sur la microstructure et le comportement mĂ©canique de la phase « ex bĂȘta » rĂ©sultant de l'oxydation Ă haute tempĂ©rature (1000-1200°C) du zircaloy 4
International audienceL'Ă©tude ici illustrĂ©e s'intĂ©resse au comportement thermo - mĂ©tallurgique - mĂ©canique des alliages de Zr des tubes de gainage du combustible des RĂ©acteurs nuclĂ©aires Ă Eau PressurisĂ©e (REP), lors de transitoires Ă hautes tempĂ©ratures (HT) en ambiance vapeur d'eau, simulant des conditions hypothĂ©tiques accidentelles (dites APRP). Il apparaĂźt intĂ©ressant d'approfondir la connaissance des phĂ©nomĂšnes mĂ©tallurgiques et thermomĂ©caniques mis en jeu lors de tels transitoires, en particulier vis-Ă -vis du comportement mĂ©canique rĂ©siduel « post oxydation trempe ». DiffĂ©rentes teneurs en oxygĂšne ont Ă©tĂ© incorporĂ©es dans l'alliage Ă©tudiĂ©, pour simuler la diffusion de cet Ă©lĂ©ment dans le substrat mĂ©tallique qui intervient lors de l'oxydation HT. Des caractĂ©risations microstructurales par EBSD, MET, MEB... et des caractĂ©risations mĂ©caniques par essai de traction, mesures de constantes physiques... ont permis de dĂ©crire la microstructure et le comportement mĂ©canique de la phase rĂ©siduelle la plus ductile â phase dite « ex-bĂȘta » - rĂ©sultant de l'oxydation HT des gaines en zircaloy-4
Mercury distribution in key tissues of fish (Liza aurata) inhabiting a contaminated estuary-implications for human and ecosystem health risk assessment
This study brings a new viewpoint based on multiple-tissue analyses to form the basis for a predictive mode of mercury accumulation dynamics in fish body under field conditions. Total mercury (TâHg) was determined in key tissues of Liza aurata captured along an estuarine contamination gradient, displaying the following hierarchy: kidney > liver > muscle > brain > gills > blood. Brain was the tissue that better reflected the mercury contamination extent, closely followed by liver and muscle. Organic mercury (OâHg) measured in muscle and liver represented more than 85% and less than 30% of the TâHg, respectively. The lowest OâHg percentage was found in the most contaminated area, for both muscle and liver. Mercury distribution and accumulation patterns showed dependence on the specific tissue. The high mercury levels found in organs involved in vital physiological processes point out the risk to autochthonous fish fauna. Human risk associated to the ingestion of fish living in the surveyed areas cannot be excluded
Feeding mice with diets containing mercury-contaminated fish flesh from French Guiana: a model for the mercurial intoxication of the Wayana Amerindians
International audienc
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