95 research outputs found

    Determinants of transnational social capital: An opportunity-investment-ability perspective

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    This study suggests that it is critical for executives to develop transnational social capital (TSC), or professional relationships and ties that span national borders. We first provide a conceptual framework and careful operationalization of TSC that differentiates between bonding and bridging forms of social capital. We then examine the effect of three key determinants—opportunity, investment, and ability—on the TSC of executives. Using detailed survey data on 227 executives, our analysis suggests that international experience, investment in communicating with cross-border ties, and cosmopolitan ability have direct effects on overall TSC. We further demonstrate that international experience and cosmopolitan ability affect both bridging and bonding, but that investment in cross-border communication only affects bridging social capital. The study proposes that social capital is becoming more and more transnational as connections, interactions, and transactions increasingly span national borders, which has implications for international business and human resource management (HRM). Given our findings, it would make sense for global organizations to pay more attention to these, if they would like their members to develop this resource. We point out benefits to organizations and individuals

    A low δ7Li lower crustal component: Evidence from an alkalic intraplate volcanic series (Chaîne des Puys, French Massif Central)

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    International audienceThe intraplate volcanic suite of the Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central) shows a complete petrologic range, from alkali basalts to trachytes. The significant variations of trace elements and radiogenic isotopes along the series strongly support the occurrence of crustal assimilation associated with fractional crystallization (AFC). The least contaminated basalts are clearly related to a HIMU-type reservoir (206Pb/204Pb > 19.6; 87Sr/86Sr + 4). The behavior of radiogenic isotopes suggests that the most likely crustal contaminants are meta-sediments located in the lower crust. The Li isotopic compositions of the lavas range from high δ7Li (> + 7‰) in basalts to lighter values in more evolved lavas (down to δ7Li ≈ 0‰). The mantle component, expressed in the least evolved lavas, has a heavy Li isotopic signature, in good agreement with previous δ7Li measurements of OIB lavas with HIMU affinities. The evolution of Li isotopic compositions throughout the volcanic series is in agreement with the AFC model suggested by the Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic systems. Although the behavior of Li isotopes during assimilation processes is currently poorly constrained, our calculations suggest that at least a portion of the lower crust beneath the Chaîne des Puys is characterized by a light Li isotopic composition (δ7Li < − 5‰)

    A Gene-Phenotype Network Based on Genetic Variability for Drought Responses Reveals Key Physiological Processes in Controlled and Natural Environments

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    Identifying the connections between molecular and physiological processes underlying the diversity of drought stress responses in plants is key for basic and applied science. Drought stress response involves a large number of molecular pathways and subsequent physiological processes. Therefore, it constitutes an archetypical systems biology model. We first inferred a gene-phenotype network exploiting differences in drought responses of eight sunflower (Helianthus annuus) genotypes to two drought stress scenarios. Large transcriptomic data were obtained with the sunflower Affymetrix microarray, comprising 32423 probesets, and were associated to nine morpho-physiological traits (integrated transpired water, leaf transpiration rate, osmotic potential, relative water content, leaf mass per area, carbon isotope discrimination, plant height, number of leaves and collar diameter) using sPLS regression. Overall, we could associate the expression patterns of 1263 probesets to six phenotypic traits and identify if correlations were due to treatment, genotype and/or their interaction. We also identified genes whose expression is affected at moderate and/or intense drought stress together with genes whose expression variation could explain phenotypic and drought tolerance variability among our genetic material. We then used the network model to study phenotypic changes in less tractable agronomical conditions, i.e. sunflower hybrids subjected to different watering regimes in field trials. Mapping this new dataset in the gene-phenotype network allowed us to identify genes whose expression was robustly affected by water deprivation in both controlled and field conditions. The enrichment in genes correlated to relative water content and osmotic potential provides evidence of the importance of these traits in agronomical conditions

    Determinants of transnational social capital: opportunity–investment–ability perspective

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    This study suggests that it is critical for executives todeveloptransnational social capital(TSC), or professionalrelationships and ties that span national borders. We firstprovide a conceptual framework and careful operationaliza-tion of TSC that differentiates between bonding and bridg-ing forms of social capital. We then examine the effect ofthree key determinants—opportunity, investment and abil-ity—on the TSC of executives. Using detailed survey dataon 227 executives, our analysis suggests that internationalexperience, investment in communicating with cross-borderties and cosmopolitan ability have direct effects on overallTSC. We further demonstrate that international experienceand cosmopolitan ability affect both bridging and bonding,but that investment in cross-border communication onlyaffects bridging social capital. The study proposes thatsocial capital is becoming more and more transnational asconnections, interactions and transactions increasingly spannational borders, which has implications for internationalbusiness and human resource management. Given our find-ings, it would make sense for global organizations to paymore attention to these, if they would like their membersto develop this resource. We point out benefits to organiza-tions and individuals

    Divergent CD4+ T-cell profiles are associated with anti-HLA alloimmunization status in platelet-transfused AML patients

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    IntroductionAcute myeloid leukemia (AML) is one of the commonest hematologic disorders. Due to the high frequency of disease- or treatment-related thrombocytopenia, AML requires treatment with multiple platelet transfusions, which can trigger a humoral response directed against platelets. Some, but not all, AML patients develop an anti-HLA immune response after multiple transfusions. We therefore hypothesized that different immune activation profiles might be associated with anti-HLA alloimmunization status.MethodsWe tested this hypothesis, by analyzing CD4+ T lymphocyte (TL) subsets and their immune control molecules in flow cytometry and single-cell multi-omics.ResultsA comparison of immunological status between anti-HLA alloimmunized and non-alloimmunized AML patients identified differences in the phenotype and function of CD4+ TLs. CD4+ TLs from alloimmunized patients displayed features of immune activation, with higher levels of CD40 and OX40 than the cells of healthy donors. However, the most notable differences were observed in non-alloimmunized patients. These patients had lower levels of CD40 and OX40 than alloimmunized patients and higher levels of PD1. Moreover, the Treg compartment of non-alloimmunized patients was larger and more functional than that in alloimmunized patients. These results were supported by a multi-omics analysis of immune response molecules in conventional CD4+ TLs, Tfh circulating cells, and Tregs.DiscussionOur results thus reveal divergent CD4+ TL characteristics correlated with anti-HLA alloimmunization status in transfused AML patients. These differences, characterizing CD4+ TLs independently of any specific antigen, should be taken into account when considering the immune responses of patients to infections, vaccinations, or transplantations

    Théorie de l'attachement, alliance thérapeutique et régulation de la relation de soin

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Médecine UPM (341722108) / SudocMONTPELLIER-BU Médecine (341722104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de la corrélation entre les prescriptions d'antibiotiques et les recommandations dans une unité de soins intensifs néonatals

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    TOURS-BU Médecine (372612103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Changement climatique et santé : opinions des médecins généralisteset des patients en Polynésie française

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    National audienceBackground Climate change (CC) is a threat to global health. The opinions of general practitioners (GP) and patients on the link between CC and health are not known in French Polynesia. Objectives The main objective was to describe the perceptions of GPs and patients of CC and its impacts on health. The secondary objective was to study the possible role of the GP addressing CC. Method The study area includes the islands of Tahiti and Moorea in French Polynesia. Sixty-four randomly selected GP practising in offices or dispensaries were sent a paper survey. In seven randomly selected general practices and dispensaries, one hundred and fourteen patients were interviewed with a paper survey. The GPs and patient surveys were taken from an English-language study and translated into French. Results Forty-eight GP surveys (75 %) and 90 patient surveys (79 %) were analysed. Most patients (53 %) said they had never thought about the link between CC and health. They said that they have high trust in their GP (83 %) but only 13 % of them had ever talk about environmental health with their doctor. Among GPs, 56 % felt that current and future CC is relevant to primary care. They anticipated a significant increase in the impact of CC on seven out of nine climate-sensitive diseases over the next 10-20 years. While 46% of GPs thought that they should play an active role in addressing CC with their patients, 44% had no opinion. Conclusion GPs in Tahiti and Moorea and their patients are concerned about the health impacts of CC but they don’t talk about this topic in the medical setting. A qualitative method would enable us to explore the representations of GPs and patients on the links between CC and health.Contexte Le changement climatique (CC) représente une menace pour la santé dans le monde. L’opinion des médecins généralistes et des patients sur le lien entre CC et santé n’est pas connue en Polynésie française (PF). Objectifs L’objectif principal était de décrire les perceptions des médecins généralistes et des patients sur le CC et ses impacts sur la santé. L’objectif secondaire était d’étudier le rôle possible du médecin généraliste face au CC. Méthode Le terrain d’étude comprend les îles de Tahiti et de Moorea en PF. Soixante-quatre médecins généralistes tirés au sort exerçant en cabinet ou dispensaire ont reçu un questionnaire papier. Dans sept cabinets de médecine générale et dispensaires tirés au sort, 114 patients ont été interrogés avec un questionnaire papier. Les questionnaires médecins et patients sont issus d’une étude en langue anglaise et traduits en français. Résultats Quarante-huit questionnaires médecins (75 %) et 90 questionnaires patients (79 %) ont été analysés. Une majorité de patients (53 %) disaient n’avoir jamais réfléchi au lien entre CC et santé. Ils déclaraient avoir une grande confiance en leur médecin généraliste (83 %) mais seuls 13 % d’entre eux avaient déjà discuté de santé environnementale avec leur médecin. Parmi les médecins 56 % estimaient qu’il faut prendre en compte le CC actuel et à venir dans la prise en charge des patients. Ils anticipaient d’ici 10-20 ans une augmentation significative de l’impact du CC sur sept parmi neuf pathologies sensibles au climat. Si 46 % des médecins généralistes pensaient qu’ils ont un rôle actif à jouer dans la lutte contre le CC auprès de leur patientèle, 44% d’entre eux étaient sans avis. Conclusion Les médecins généralistes de Tahiti et Moorea et leurs patients sont préoccupés par les impacts du CC sur la santé mais n’abordent pas ce sujet en consultation. Une méthode qualitative permettrait d’explorer les représentations des médecins et des patients sur le lien entre CC et la santé

    Prise en charge de la maltraitance infantile par les médecins généralistes du Loiret

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    TOURS-BU Médecine (372612103) / SudocSudocFranceF
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