118 research outputs found

    The stability and activity of human neuroserpin are modulated by a salt bridge that stabilises the reactive centre loop

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    Neuroserpin (NS) is an inhibitory protein belonging to the serpin family and involved in several pathologies, including the dementia Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), a genetic neurodegenerative disease caused by accumulation of NS polymers. Our Molecular Dynamics simulations revealed the formation of a persistent salt bridge between Glu289 on strand s2C and Arg362 on the Reactive Centre Loop (RCL), a region important for the inhibitory activity of NS. Here, we validated this structural feature by simulating the Glu289Ala mutant, where the salt bridge is not present. Further, MD predictions were tested in vitro by purifying recombinant Glu289Ala NS from E. coli. The thermal and chemical stability along with the polymerisation propensity of both Wild Type and Glu289Ala NS were characterised by circular dichroism, emission spectroscopy and non-denaturant gel electrophoresis, respectively. The activity of both variants against the main target protease, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), was assessed by SDS-PAGE and chromogenic kinetic assay. Our results showed that deletion of the salt bridge leads to a moderate but clear reduction of the overall protein stability and activity

    Protofibril Formation of Amyloid β-Protein at Low pH via a Non-cooperative Elongation Mechanism

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    Deposition of the amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) in senile or diffuse plaques is a distinctive feature of Alzheimer's disease. The role of Abeta aggregates in the etiology of the disease is still controversial. The formation of linear aggregates, known as amyloid fibrils, has been proposed as the onset and the cause of pathological deposition. Yet, recent findings suggest that a more crucial role is played by prefibrillar oligomeric assemblies of Abeta that are highly toxic in the extracellular environment. In the present work, the mechanism of protofibril formation is studied at pH 3.1, starting from a solution of oligomeric precursors. By combining static light scattering and photon correlation spectroscopy, the growth of the mass and the size of aggregates are determined at different temperatures. Analysis and scaling of kinetic data reveal that under the studied conditions protofibrils are formed via a single non-cooperative elongation mechanism, not prompted by nucleation. This process is well described as a linear colloidal aggregation due to diffusion and coalescence of growing aggregates. The rate of elongation follows an Arrhenius law with an activation enthalpy of 15 kcal mol(-1). Such a value points to a conformational change of peptides or oligomers being involved in binding to protofibrils or in general to a local reorganization of each aggregate. These results contribute to establishing a clearer relation at the molecular level between the fibrillation mechanism and fibrillar precursors. The observation of a non-cooperative aggregation pathway supports the hypothesis that amyloid formation may represent an escape route from a dangerous condition, induced by the presence of toxic oligomeric species

    Self-Expandable Metal Stenting of Refractory Upper Gut Corrosive Strictures: A New Role for Endoscopy?

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    Caustic strictures of the gastrointestinal tract are often difficult to treat, since relapses are frequent after medical or endoscopic treatment. Thus, novel approaches are needed. We report here our experience with self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) as a new endoscopic approach in three patients with corrosive strictures of the upper gastrointestinal tract

    Early events in insulin fibrillization studied by time-lapse atomic force microscopy

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    The importance of understanding the mechanism of protein aggregation into insoluble amyloid fibrils relies not only on its medical consequences, but also on its more basic properties of self--organization. The discovery that a large number of uncorrelated proteins can form, under proper conditions, structurally similar fibrils has suggested that the underlying mechanism is a general feature of polypeptide chains. In the present work, we address the early events preceeding amyloid fibril formation in solutions of zinc--free human insulin incubated at low pH and high temperature. Aside from being a easy--to--handle model for protein fibrillation, subcutaneous aggregation of insulin after injection is a nuisance which affects patients with diabetes. Here, we show by time--lapse atomic force microscopy (AFM) that a steady-state distribution of protein oligomers with an exponential tail is reached within few minutes after heating. This metastable phase lasts for few hours until aggregation into fibrils suddenly occurs. A theoretical explanation of the oligomer pre--fibrillar distribution is given in terms of a simple coagulation--evaporation kinetic model, in which concentration plays the role of a critical parameter. Due to high resolution and sensitivity of AFM technique, the observation of a long-lasting latency time should be considered an actual feature of the aggregation process, and not simply ascribed to instrumental inefficency. These experimental facts, along with the kinetic model used, claim for a critical role of thermal concentration fluctuations in the process of fibril nucleation

    Antifibrotic treatment response and prognostic predictors in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and exposed to occupational dust

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is an aggressive interstitial lung disease with an unpredictable course. Occupational dust exposure may contribute to IPF onset, but its impact on antifibrotic treatment and disease prognosis is still unknown. We evaluated clinical characteristics, respiratory function and prognostic predictors at diagnosis and at 12 month treatment of pirfenidone or nintedanib in IPF patients according to occupational dust exposure. METHODS: A total of 115 IPF patients were recruited. At diagnosis, we collected demographic, clinical characteristics, occupational history. Pulmonary function tests were performed and two prognostic indices [Gender, Age, Physiology (GAP) and Composite Physiologic Index (CPI)] calculated, both at diagnosis and after the 12 month treatment. The date of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) initiation was recorded during the entire follow-up (mean = 37.85, range 12-60 months). RESULTS: At baseline, patients exposed to occupational dust [≥ 10 years (n = 62)] showed a lower percentage of graduates (19.3% vs 54.7%; p = 0.04) and a higher percentage of asbestos exposure (46.8% vs 18.9%; p 0.002) than patients not exposed [< 10 years (n = 53)]. Both at diagnosis and after 12 months of antifibrotics, no significant differences for respiratory function and prognostic predictors were found. The multivariate analysis confirmed that occupational dust exposure did not affect neither FVC and DLCO after 12 month therapy nor the timing of LTOT initiation. CONCLUSION: Occupational dust exposure lasting 10 years or more does not seem to influence the therapeutic effects of antifibrotics and the prognostic predictors in patients with IPF

    Interactions between N-linked glycosylation and polymerisation of neuroserpin within the endoplasmic reticulum.

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    The neuronal serpin neuroserpin undergoes polymerisation as a consequence of point mutations that alter its conformational stability, leading to a neurodegenerative dementia called familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies (FENIB). Neuroserpin is a glycoprotein with predicted glycosylation sites at asparagines 157, 321 and 401. We used site-directed mutagenesis, transient transfection, western blot, metabolic labelling and ELISA to probe the relationship between glycosylation, folding, polymerisation and degradation of neuroserpin in validated cell models of health and disease. Our data show that glycosylation at N157 and N321 plays an important role in maintaining the monomeric state of neuroserpin, and we propose this is the result of steric hindrance or effects on local conformational dynamics that can contribute to polymerisation. Asparagine residue 401 is not glycosylated in wild type neuroserpin and in several polymerogenic variants that cause FENIB, but partial glycosylation was observed in the G392E mutant of neuroserpin that causes severe, early-onset dementia. Our findings indicate that N401 glycosylation reports lability of the C-terminal end of neuroserpin in its native state. This C-terminal lability is not required for neuroserpin polymerisation in the endoplasmic reticulum, but the additional glycan facilitates degradation of the mutant protein during proteasomal impairment. In summary, our results indicate how normal and variant-specific N-linked glycosylation events relate to intracellular folding, misfolding, degradation and polymerisation of neuroserpin

    Wildtype and A30P mutant alpha-synuclein form different fibril structures

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    Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative movement disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. One of the key players in the development of the disease is the protein α-synuclein (aSN), which aggregates in the brain of PD patients. The aSN mutant A30P has been reported to cause early-onset familial PD and shows different aggregation behavior compared to wt aSN. Here we use a multidisciplinary approach to compare the aggregation process of wt and A30P aSN. In agreement with previous studies, we observe an initial lag phase followed by a continuous structural development of fibrils until reaching an apparent monomer-aggregate equilibrium state and a plateau in Thioflavin T (ThT) fluorescence intensity. However, at later timepoints A30P shows greater propensity than αSN wt to form dense bundled fibril networks. Combining small angle x-ray scattering, x-ray fibre diffraction and linear dichroism, we demonstrate that while the microscopic structure of the individual fibril essentially remains constant throughout the experiment, the formation of dense A30P fibril networks occur through a continuous assembly pathway while the formation of less dense wt fibril networks with fewer contact points follows a continuous path during the elongation phase and a second rearrangement phase after reaching the ThT fluorescence plateau. Our work thus highlights that structural rearrangements proceed beyond the plateau in ThT-based monitoring of the fibrillation process, and the density and morphology of the resulting fibril networks is highly dependent on the aSN form studied