46 research outputs found

    Experimental Evidence of the Discharge Law in Private Tanks Connected to Water Distribution Networks

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    Abstract In almost all the Mediterranean countries, users store water resources in private tanks usually located on the rooftops. These local reservoirs are usually connected to the water distribution network (WDN). In such cases, network-operating conditions can be far from design ones, thus, specific models have to be developed to correctly simulate the WDN. Here, a new mathematical model able to reproduce the tank emptying/filling cycles is proposed. Specifically, through experimental analysis a new mathematical formulation of the emitter law is proposed

    Energy Saving in Water Distribution Network through Pump as Turbine Generators: Economic and Environmental Analysis

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    Complex systems of water distribution networks (WDS) are used to supply water to users. WDSs are systems where a lot of distributed energy is available. Historically, this energy is artificially dissipated by pressure reduction valves (PRVs), thanks to which water utilities manage the pressure level in selected nodes of the network. The present study explores the use of economic hydraulic machines, pumps as turbines (PATs) to produce energy in a small network located in a town close to Palermo (Italy). The main idea is to avoid dissipation in favor of renewable energy production. The proposed study is applied to a WDN typical of the Mediterranean countries, where the users, to collect water during the period of water scarcity conditions, install private tanks. The presence of private tanks deeply modifies the network from its designed condition. In the proposed analysis, the economic benefit of PATs application in water distribution networks has been investigated, accounting for the presence of users' private tanks. The analysis, carried out by mean of a mathematical model able to dynamically simulate the water distribution network with PATs, shows the advantage of their installation in terms of renewable energy recovery, even though the energy production of PATs is strictly conditioned by their installation position

    A Decision Support System For Identifying Real Losses In Water Distribution Networks

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    The investigation of real losses is of paramount importance for water utility willing to control operational costs and environmental and social impacts of water supply. Real losses reduction could be achieved by continuous maintenance actions and occasional pipe substitutions. Maintenance activities in the distribution network represent one of the largest items in a water utility economic balance and, therefore, any approach aimed at maintenance optimization catches the interest of water managers. These strategies are constrained by the amount of funds, which are usually available not in a single instalment but yearly and spread over a time period of several years. Several models have been developed for determining network components’ optimal replacement time and rehabilitation planning by means of a Decision Support System - DSS. DSS actually provides highly valuable indications for infrastructure state and rehabilitation actions to undertake. DSS can also be used to address real losses investigation campaigns in order to focus monitoring efforts in those areas where real losses are probability higher. In the present paper, a procedure for leak detention in a water distribution network is proposed. The procedure is based on network flow and pressure monitoring, joined together with numerical dynamic modelling. The comparison between monitoring and modelling response is used to highlight the network pipes where real losses are most probably present. The decisional outputs are the selection of the pipes which have to be better investigated by means of active search methods. Considering the errors in monitoring data and the simplification in numerical modelling, the approach is coupled with uncertainty analysis in order to provide a probable leakage distribution with a specified level of reliability. The procedure is applied to a laboratory case study and the results obtained show that the proposed procedure has the potential to be a useful tool for rehabilitation scheduling

    Il colore come elemento delle geometrie decorative islamiche

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    L'architettura del mondo islamico riflette un contesto ambientale e culturale che spazia in un'area territoriale dal Mediterraneo all’Oceano Indiano. L'arte di costruire ha portato alla realizzazione di edifici di notevole livello architettonico dove i precetti religiosi islamici sono stati la ragione primaria dei ricchi apparati decorativi caratterizzati da elementi geometrici nei quali il colore gioca un ruolo importante. Attraverso la cultura alessandrina la scienza greca si è trasferita nel mondo arabo dove le élite culturali sono state influenzate dagli scritti di Aristotele e soprattutto dai suoi studi sui colori. In tutte le civiltà sin dall’antichità si sono usati pattern decorativi, ma il livello raggiunto nella cultura islamica non ha avuto eguali nelle decorazioni parietali. I pattern geometrici a stella, tra i più comuni nell'architettura islamica, o la composizione di elementi geometrici elementari, in particolare il cerchio, e la loro intersezione sono alla base della complessità dell’apparato decorativo che trova la sua massima espressione nella composizione degli azulejos. Owen Jones è stato tra i primi a pubblicare materiale sulle decorazioni islamiche nel 1845, seguito da altri studi che analizzano i principi di composizione delle strutture sottostanti ai pattern geometrici, selezionati dai principali monumenti islamici del bacino del Mediterraneo. Tali pattern giocano su evidenti o talvolta nascoste simmetrie, spesso esaltate o per contro celate dall’uso delle campiture colorate. I materiali sono in genere gesso, mattone, mosaico a tessere vitree o a tessere in terracotta smaltata, le zelliges; ogni tipologia ha un proprio modo di preparazione che trae origine in epoche preislamiche; le variazioni delle tecniche sono state influenzate, a seconda dei luoghi, dalle tradizioni artistiche locali. Molteplici sono i metodi utilizzati per la realizzazione delle decorazioni geometriche e per la costruzione dei pattern come ad esempio l'uso di griglie isometriche sulle quali vengono disegnati i modelli. Il colore esalta o attenua la percezione degli elementi nel modello. Esempi di decorazioni geometriche, a temi diversi come vegetali, iconografici e calligrafici hanno trovato presso gli artisti musulmani livelli di complessità estrema: dall'India alla Spagna, gli elementi ornamentali sono stati ritrovati in grande varietà di combinazione, forma e colore indipendentemente dall’epoca. Se il contributo privilegia gli esempi nell’architettura, non meno significativi appaiono le applicazioni in altri campi come nel caso dei tappeti e delle copertine del Corano

    Pumps as turbines (PATs) in water distribution networks affected by intermittent service

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    A hydraulic model was developed in order to evaluate the potential energy recovery from the use of centrifugal pumps as turbines (PATs) in a water distribution network characterized by the presence of private tanks. The model integrates the Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA), with a pressure-driven model that permits a more realistic representation of the influence on the network behaviour of the private tanks filling and emptying. The model was applied to a real case study: a District Metered Area in Palermo (Italy). Three different scenarios were analysed and compared with a baseline scenario (Scenario 0 - no PAT installed) to identify the system configuration with added PATs that permits the maximal energy recovery without penalizing the hydraulic network performance. In scenarios involving PAT on service connections, the specification of PAT operational parameters was also evaluated by means of Monte Carlo Analysis. The centralized solution with a PAT installed downstream of the inlet node of the analysed district, combined with local PATs on the larger service connections, proves to be the most energy-efficient scenario

    Short-Term and Two-Year Rate of Recurrent Cerebrovascular Events in Patients with Acute Cerebral Ischemia of Undetermined Aetiology, with and without a Patent Foramen Ovale

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    Purpose. We investigated stroke recurrence in patients with acute ischemic stroke of undetermined aetiology, with or without a patent foramen ovale (PFO). Methods. Consecutive stroke patients underwent to Transcranial Doppler and Transesophageal Echocardiography for PFO detection. Secondary stroke prevention was based on current guidelines. Results. PFO was detected in 57/129 (44%) patients. The rate of recurrent stroke did not significantly differ between patients with and without a PFO: 0.0% versus 1.4% (1 week), 1.7% versus 2.7% (1 month), and 3.5% versus 4.2% (3 months), respectively. The 2-year rates were 10.4% (5/48) in medically treated PFO and 8.3% (6/72) in PFO-negative patients (P = 0.65), with a relative risk of 1.25. No recurrent events occurred in 9 patients treated with percutaneous closure of PFO. Conclusion. PFO was not associated with increased rate of recurrent stroke. Age-related factors associated with stroke recurrence in cryptogenic stroke should be taken into account when patients older than 55 years are included in PFO studies

    Análisis de una microturbina en una red de abastecimiento de agua para la generación de energía eléctrica en el sector del parque Timiza

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    Trabajo de investigaciónLa investigación consistió en analizar los resultados obtenidos de una modelación en Ansys Fluent de una microturbina instalada en tubería de 16” para la obtención energía para abastecer la iluminación del Parque Timiza, cumpliendo con parámetros hidráulicos como son: caudales, presiones, velocidades, perdidas por fricción, rugosidad; datos que son introducidos en el programa para determinar el total de energía producida.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. ANTECEDENTES 3. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 4. OBJETIVOS 5. JUSTIFICACIÓN 6. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 7. ESTADO DEL ARTE 8. MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 9. METODOLOGIA 10. ANÁLISIS DE FLUIDO EN TUBERIA Y MICROTURBINA HIDRÁULICA POR SOFTWARE ANSYS FLUENT. 11. DISEÑO DEL MODELO: MICROTURBINA Y TUBERÍA. 12. DATOS DE DISEÑO PARA ANÁLISIS DE MICROTURBINA EN TUBERÍA. 13. CONDICIONES PARA EL ANÁLISIS DEL MODELO. 14. CÁLCULOS PARA EL ANÁLISIS DE LAS CARACTERÍSTICAS OBTENIDAS. 15. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS. 16. PRODUCCIÓN DE ENERGÍA. 17. MATERIALES Y HERRAMIENTAS NECESARIOS PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN. 18. PROCESO CONSTRUCTIVO DEL CUARTO DE MAQUINAS. 19. PUNTO DE UBICACIÓN TURBINA Y ALUMBRADO. 20. TOPOLOGÍA DE LA RED ELÉCTRICA: 21. CONCLUSIONES 22. RECOMENDACIONES 23. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 24. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Beyond BRCA1 and BRCA2: deleterious variants in DNA repair pathway genes in italian families with breast/ovarian and pancreatic cancers

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    The 5-10% of breast/ovarian cancers (BC and OC) are inherited, and germline pathogenic (P) variants in DNA damage repair (DDR) genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 explain only 10-20% of these cases. Currently, new DDR genes have been related to BC/OC and to pancreatic (PC) cancers, but the prevalence of P variants remains to be explored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spectrum and the prevalence of pathogenic variants in DDR pathway genes other than BRCA1/2 and to correlate the genotype with the clinical phenotype. A cohort of 113 non-BRCA patients was analyzed by next-generation sequencing using a multigene panel of the 25 DDR pathways genes related to BC, OC, and PC. We found 43 unique variants in 18 of 25 analyzed genes, 14 classified as P/likely pathogenic (LP) and 28 as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Deleterious variants were identified in 14% of index cases, whereas a VUS was identified in 20% of the probands. We observed a high incidence of deleterious variants in the CHEK2 gene, and a new pathogenic variant was detected in the RECQL gene. These results supported the clinical utility of multigene panel to increase the detection of P/LP carriers and to identify new actionable pathogenic gene variants useful for preventive and therapeutic approaches