1,401 research outputs found

    The expression and modulation of CEACAM1 and tumor cell transformation

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    BACKGROUND: In this review, we focus our discussion on one class of carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules, Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules 1 (CEACAM1). This has been observed in several malignant transformations to be subjected to complex mechanisms of modulation and dysregulation. AIMS: Restoration of CEACAM1 expression in tumor cell lines often abolishes their oncogenicity in vivo, and therefore, this adhesion molecule has been regarded as a tumor suppressor. In contrast, de novo expression of CEACAM1 is found with the progression of malignancy and metastatic spread in a large array of cancer tissues which include melanoma, Non Small cell Lung carcinoma (NSCLC) as well as bladder, prostate, thyroid, breast, colon and gastric carcinomas. DISCUSSION: We report and discuss the most significant findings confirming at immunohistochemical and clinical level the correlation between poor prognosis and expression of CEACAM1 on the cell surface of tumors

    An insight into the degradation processes of the anti-hypertensive drug furosemide

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    Furosemide (FUR), an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) belonging to a group of drugs known as loop diuretics, has widespread use, but, is characterized by a strong instability to light, which causes chemical transformations that could give a yellowing phenomenon and have a significant impact from a health and marketing point of view. Many studies have tried to explain this phenomenon under different experimental conditions, but no detailed explanation of the yellowing phenomenon has been provided. This work, unlike the others, provides an overall view and explanation of the behavior of FUR in relation to the yellowing phenomenon, both in the solution and in solid state, considering several aspects, such as light exposure, presence of oxygen, and moisture effects

    Hydrothermal carbonization of sewage sludge: Char characterization and reference to international legislations

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    The aim of this work is to apply Hydrothermal Carbonisation (HTC) to different kinds of sludge such as thickened sludge, digested sludge and dewatered sludge, and compare the composition of the solid produced by the process, i.e. hydrochar, with soil and biosolid legislations: Table 1. For the purpose, experimental tests were performed at different operating conditions, namely three temperatures (190, 220 and 250 °C) and two reaction times (30 and 60 minutes). Please click on the file below for full content of the abstract

    Caspofungin activity against clinical isolates of azole cross-resistant Candida glabrata overexpressing efflux pump genes

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    Objectives: Several studies have documented the potent in vitro activity of caspofungin against Candida spp. This is of special concern for Candida glabrata infections that are often resistant to many azole antifungal agents and, consequently, difficult to treat. The aim of the present study was to expand the data on the in vitro activity of caspofungin against azole-resistant isolates of C. glabrata. Methods: A total of 50 clinical isolates of C. glabrata were tested for susceptibility to caspofungin. The isolates were cross-resistant to multiple azoles, including fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole and voriconazole. Expression of the resistance-related CgCDR1 and CgCDR2 genes was evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The MICs of caspofungin were determined by using the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards M27-A2 reference method. Results: C. glabrata isolates exhibited increased expression of the CDR efflux pump(s), and this was in accordance with their high-level azole resistance. In contrast, all the isolates were highly susceptible to caspofungin (100% of isolates were inhibited at ≤1 mg/L). Conclusions: Our results represent further evidence for the excellent antifungal potency of caspofungin, particularly against C. glabrata isolates expressing cross-resistance to azole

    Response to oxidative stress as a welfare parameter in swine

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    In pigs, the genetic selection for lean, large muscle blocks and fast growth has been linked to an increased prevalence of metabolic diseases such as porcine stress syndrome and mulberry heart disease. These diseases are associated with cardiovascular inadequacy, which may lead to oxidative stress. In the present study, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) and the anti-oxidant power (OXY) in sera of different swine groups were investigated. The following groups were selected (each around 80 kg body weight): wild boars (WB), Cinta Senese (CS), and Landrace x Large White (LxLW), the latter as both specific pathogen-free (SPF) and intensively farmed animals. In addition, a group of LxLW agonic sows (AS) was also investigated; this group is known to be under oxidative stress. Two colorimetric micro-methods were used to measure ROMs and OXY; ROMs were expressed as mM H(2)O(2) and OXY as microM HOCl neutralised. Between groups, average ROM and OXY values were found to be significantly different by one-way ANOVA (P0.001). ROM levels were lower in WB (13.41 +/- 1.85) and CS (19.27 +/- 1.68), and highest in LxLW (42.00 +/- 1.36). OXY values ranged from 260.10 +/- 22.13 (WB) to 396.90 +/- 9.83 (LxLW). Only one swine group (the CS group) showed a significant, positive correlation between ROM and OXY values. The AS group even showed a negative correlation between ROM and OXY values. These results imply satisfactory environmental coping occurred only within the CS group. Results are discussed in the light of animal welfare legislation, food safety and consumers' protection

    Linee guida per lo sviluppo di modelli numerici di flusso in acquiferi porosi: Una proposta IRSA-ISPRA

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    A livello nazionale, nell'ambito dei procedimenti di bonifica dei siti contaminati, disciplinati dalla parte Quarta – Titolo V del decreto legislativo 152 del 2006, l'implementazione di modelli matematici di flusso e di trasporto dei contaminanti è uno strumento che ha acquisito con il tempo sempre maggiore importanza, soprattutto ai fini della definizione e progettazione degli interventi di messa in sicurezza e bonifica delle acque di falda. Modelli matematici sono utilizzati anche a scala di bacino o sottobacino per la caratterizzazione e la gestione delle risorse idriche sotterranee [...]

    Seamounts as hot-spots of large pelagic aggregations

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    The distribution of four top predators in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a sub-basin of the Mediterranean Sea, was investigated by means of random forest regression considering depth, distance from the coast, seafloor slope, and distance from seamounts as habitat descriptors on a 2x2–nautical mile regular grid. RF results are processed to estimate variable importance and model performance. Random forest architecture reached optimal sensitivity and specificity, thus providing a consistent support tool for identifying suitable habitats. The considered species are characterized as having patched suitable habitats with a number of hot-spot areas where the different species' habitats overlap. These hot-spot areas' locations correspond to those of specific seamounts identifying the attraction effect of these topographic structures. The mean features typifying the most attractive seamounts are investigated and found to be shallow peak and base depths but wide base area and high relative elevation

    Lead and other heavy metals (cadmium and mercury) accumulation in bivalve mollusks (Mytilus galloprovincialis, Ruditapes spp. and Crassostrea gigas) sampled in Sardinia in 2008-2012

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    The Sardinian shellfish farming, like the national, is mainly focused on mussels and carpet-shell clams, still less on cupped oyster farming. After Olbia's Gulf, various lagoon areas along the coastal perimeter have been interested to shellfish farming. They are transitional waters, whose state of pollution must be evaluated both as ecosystem's health and as directly/indirectly human risk. This also applies to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury, arising both from anthropogenic that geological-natural activity. The aim of the present study is to investigate the variability of the concentrations of these metals in different mollusks to make a comparative assessment, detect trends (over the five-years or cyclicrecurring) and identify hot spots. In 2008- 2012, 984 samples have been analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry technique. Of them, 599 in pre-marketing (for classification of production areas or their monitoring) and the remaining during marketing. The difference between the average levels of the three metals in the different mollusks species was statistically significant, with Pb>Cd>Hg, and there was evidence of a gradual downward trend, albeit moderate, in the contamination levels, with a significant seasonality in concentrations levels, of lead in particular. Also comparisons between the bio-monitored coastal areas were statistically different. Since the samples were representative of the entire production of bivalve mollusks in Sardinia and the contamination allowable limits have never been exceeded in the products marketed, it can be concluded that these products are safe, pointing out that maintenance of monitoring/surveillance plans provides useful information species-dependent, site-specific and temporal trends

    Does Pizza Consumption Favor an Improved Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis?

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    To our knowledge, no studies so far have investigated the role of pizza and its ingredients in modulating disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We assessed this question via a recent cross-sectional study including 365 participants from Italy, the birthplace of pizza. Multiple robust linear and logistic regression models were fitted with the tertile consumption categories of each available pizza-related food item/group (i.e., pizza, refined grains, mozzarella cheese, and olive oil) as independent variables, and each available RA activity measure (i.e., the Disease Activity Score on 28 joints with C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP), and the Simplified Disease Activity Index (SDAI)) as the dependent variable. Stratified analyses were carried out according to the disease severity or duration. Participants eating half a pizza >1 time/week (vs. ≤2 times/month) reported beneficial effects on disease activity, with the significant reductions of ~70% (overall analysis), and 80% (the more severe stratum), and the significant beta coefficients of −0.70 for the DAS28-CRP, and −3.6 for the SDAI (overall analysis) and of −1.10 and −5.30 (in long-standing and more severe RA, respectively). Among the pizza-related food items/groups, mozzarella cheese and olive oil showed beneficial effects, especially in the more severe stratum. Future cohort studies are needed to confirm this beneficial effect of pizza and related food items/groups on RA disease activity

    Atrial natriuretic peptide stimulates autophagy/mitophagy and improves mitochondrial function in chronic heart failure

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction, causing increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, is a molecular feature of heart failure (HF). A defective antioxidant response and mitophagic flux were reported in circulating leucocytes of patients with chronic HF and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) exerts many cardiac beneficial effects, including the ability to protect cardiomyocytes by promoting autophagy. We tested the impact of ANP on autophagy/mitophagy, altered mitochondrial structure and function and increased oxidative stress in HFrEF patients by both ex vivo and in vivo approaches. The ex vivo study included thirteen HFrEF patients whose peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated and treated with αANP (10-11 M) for 4 h. The in vivo study included six HFrEF patients who received sacubitril/valsartan for two months. PBMCs were characterized before and after treatment. Both approaches analyzed mitochondrial structure and functionality. We found that levels of αANP increased upon sacubitril/valsartan, whereas levels of NT-proBNP decreased. Both the ex vivo direct exposure to αANP and the higher αANP level upon in vivo treatment with sacubitril/valsartan caused: (i) improvement of mitochondrial membrane potential; (ii) stimulation of the autophagic process; (iii) significant reduction of mitochondrial mass-index of mitophagy stimulation-and upregulation of mitophagy-related genes; (iv) reduction of mitochondrial damage with increased inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM)/outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM) index and reduced ROS generation. Herein we demonstrate that αANP stimulates both autophagy and mitophagy responses, counteracts mitochondrial dysfunction, and damages ultimately reducing mitochondrial oxidative stress generation in PBMCs from chronic HF patients. These properties were confirmed upon sacubitril/valsartan administration, a pivotal drug in HFrEF treatment
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