57 research outputs found

    Different pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration mediated by extracellular enzymes in temperate lakes under various trophic state

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    Several Italian and Chinese temperate lakes with soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations &lt; 0.015 mg L-1 were studied to estimate nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration mediated by microbial decomposition and possible different mechanisms driven by prevailing oligo- or eutrophic conditions. Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), beta-glucosidase (GLU) and alkaline phosphatase (AP), algal, and bacterial biomass were related to trophic and environmental variables. In the eutrophic lakes, high algal and particulate organic carbon concentrations stimulated bacterial respiration (&gt; 20 mu g C L-1 h(-1)) and could favor the release of inorganic phosphorus. High extracellular enzyme activities and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria abundance in sediments accelerated nutrient regeneration. In these conditions, the positive GLU-AP relationship suggested the coupling of carbon and phosphorus regeneration; an efficient phosphorus regeneration and high nitrogen levels (up to 0.067 and 0.059 mg L-1 NH4 and NO3 in Italy; 0.631 and 1.496 mg L-1 NH4 and NO3 in China) led to chlorophyll a peaks of 14.9 and 258.4 mu g L-1 in Italy and China, respectively, and a typical algal composition. Conversely, in the oligo-mesotrophic lakes, very low nitrogen levels (in Italy, 0.001 and 0.005 mg L-1 NH4 and NO3, respectively, versus 0.053 and 0.371 mg L-1 in China) induced high LAP, while low phosphorus (33.6 and 46.3 mu g L-1 total P in Italy and China, respectively) led to high AP. In these lakes, nitrogen and phosphorus regeneration were coupled, as shown by positive LAP-AP relationship; however, the nutrient demand could not be completely met without the supply from sediments, due to low enzymatic activity and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria found in this compartment.</p

    The influence of subsurface geology on the distribution of earthquakes during the 2016‐-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

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    Abstract In 2016–2017, a destructive sequence of earthquakes affected a wide portion of Central Italy, activating a complex, 80-km long system of SW-dipping normal faults and causing impressive surface faulting and widespread damage. Former studies providing reconstructions of the fault systems activated during this sequence, are mostly based on high-resolution seismological and geodetic data. In this paper, we integrate surface and subsurface geological data with the ones obtained by an irregular network of seismic reflection profiles, aimed at providing a comprehensive reconstruction of the subsurface lithologies and structures in this area. We have constructed a set of five geological cross-sections, passing through the mainshock epicentral areas (Mw > 5.5) of the seismic sequence. The cross-sections are extrapolated down to a depth of ca. 12 km, along which we have plotted relocated seismicity. Combined geological and seismological data support a new 3D seismotectonic model, illustrating the propagation through time and space of the seismic ruptures during the sequence. Our results show that the litho-mechanical stratigraphy exerted a primary control on the distribution of seismicity, as it is mostly hosted in the more competent lithologies (i.e. the Late Triassic-Paleogene succession, consisting of carbonates and evaporites). In addition, we illustrate the crucial role played by the inherited compressional structures in determining the lateral and vertical variations of the rheological properties of the upper crust and, eventually, the overall geometry and segmentation of the seismogenic extensional system. The workflow proposed here can be applied to other seismogenic zones throughout the world, since reliable seismotectonic models require an accurate reconstruction of the subsurface geological setting, based on a close integration of geological, geophysical and seismological data

    Prokaryotic abundance and heterotrophic metabolism in the deep Mediterranean Sea

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    A synthesis of field data carried out in the Mediterranean Sea are presented, aimed at contributing to the knowledge of three prokaryotic-mediated processes and their implications on the Carbon cycle. The distribution of exoenzymatic activities, secondary production and respiration rates was studied together with the prokaryotic abundances. Particular attention was paid to the meso- and bathypelagic layers which play an important role in the Mediterranean carbon cycle. The study is noteworthy because of its large spatial scale spanning the entire Mediterranean Sea over 4 years. In addition, two Atlantic stations in front of the Gibraltar Strait were investigated. The longitudinal distribution of prokaryotic activities and abundance along the MED showed different trends along the depthlayers. In particular, higher exoenzymatic rates were detected in the Eastern basin compared to the Western one; carbon respiration rate showed patterns variable with the sampling periods in the epipelagic and bathypelagic layers, while a consistent Westwards decreasing trend at the mesopelagic layers occurred. Specific enzyme activities per cell showed high values in the deepest layers for leucine aminopeptidase. Comparison with Carbon respiration rate data collected before the 2000s showed changing patterns of microbial heterotrophic processes in the Mediterranean Sea

    Characterization of Five Psychrotolerant Alcanivorax spp. Strains Isolated from Antarctica

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    Five psychrotolerant Alcanivorax spp. strains were isolated from Antarctic coastal waters. Strains were screened for molecular and physiological properties and analyzed regarding their growth capacity. Partial 16S rDNA, alk-B1, and P450 gene sequencing was performed. Biolog EcoPlates and the API 20E test were used to evaluate metabolic and biochemical profiles. Bacterial growth in sodium acetate was determined at 4, 15, 20, and 25 °C to evaluate the optimal temperature. Furthermore, the ability of each strain to grow in a hydrocarbon mixture at 4 and 25 °C was assayed. Biosurfactant production tests (drop-collapse and oil spreading) and emulsification activity tests (E24) were also performed. Concerning results of partial gene sequencing (16S rDNA, alk-B1, and P450), a high similarity of the isolates with the same genes isolated from other Alcanivorax spp. strains was observed. The metabolic profiles obtained by Biolog assays showed no significant differences in the isolates compared to the Alcanivorax borkumensis wild type. The results of biodegradative tests showed their capability to grow at different temperatures. All strains showed biosurfactant production and emulsification activity. Our findings underline the importance to proceed in the isolation and characterization of Antarctic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial strains since their biotechnological and environmental applications could be useful even for pollution remediation in polar areas

    Trophic and Microbial Patterns in the Ross Sea Area (Antarctica): Spatial Variability during the Summer Season

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    In open regions of the Ross Sea, the role of the microbial community in the turnover of organic matter has scarcely been investigated; indeed, very little is known on how microbial distribution and functional diversity respond to environmental conditions and hydrographic structures. During the austral summer of 2017, two pelagic areas of the Ross Sea [the Drygalski Ice Tongue and the nearby Terra Nova Bay polynya (A area), and the continental Shelf Break area near Cape Adare (C area)] were studied at selected depths [surface, Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM), Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), deep waters]. Trophic properties [nutrient concentrations, particulate (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and its optically significant fraction (CDOM) were measured, together with the main hydrological variables. Microbial community abundance [total prokaryotes, living, dead, and actively respiring fraction, high- and low nucleic acid cells (HNA and LNA), picoand nano-eukaryotes, culturable heterotrophic bacteria], composition, and metabolism (as whole community and as isolated bacteria) were also assessed. Through a multidisciplinary dataset, this study highlighted the variable response of microbial abundance, diversity, and metabolism of the microbial community to the changing local environmental conditions of the Ross Sea. Different forces, such as organic matter inputs (mostly of detrital nature) released from the Drygalski glacier in the A area, and a coastal-to-offshore gradient in the C area, coexisted within this extreme ecosystem. This resulted in a significant spatial segregation of the edaphic parameters, and of the microbial community distribution and metabolic activity patterns

    A novel promising laccase from the psychrotolerant and halotolerant Antarctic marine Halomonas sp. M68 strain

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    Microbial communities inhabiting the Antarctic Ocean show psychrophilic and halophilic adaptations conferring interesting properties to the enzymes they produce, which could be exploited in biotechnology and bioremediation processes. Use of cold- and salt-tolerant enzymes allows to limit costs, reduce contaminations, and minimize pretreatment steps. Here, we report on the screening of 186 morphologically diverse microorganisms isolated from marine biofilms and water samples collected in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica) for the identification of new laccase activities. After primary screening, 13.4 and 10.8% of the isolates were identified for the ability to oxidize 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) and the dye azure B, respectively. Amongst them, the marine Halomonas sp. strain M68 showed the highest activity. Production of its laccase-like activity increased six-fold when copper was added to culture medium. Enzymatic activity-guided separation coupled with mass spectrometry identified this intracellular laccase-like protein (named Ant laccase) as belonging to the copper resistance system multicopper oxidase family. Ant laccase oxidized ABTS and 2,6-dimethoxy phenol, working better at acidic pHs The enzyme showed a good thermostability, with optimal temperature in the 40–50°C range and maintaining more than 40% of its maximal activity even at 10°C. Furthermore, Ant laccase was salt- and organic solvent-tolerant, paving the way for its use in harsh conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first report concerning the characterization of a thermo- and halo-tolerant laccase isolated from a marine Antarctic bacterium

    Benthic Microbial Communities in a Seasonally Ice-Covered Sub-Arctic River (Pasvik River, Norway) Are Shaped by Site-Specific Environmental Conditions

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    The Pasvik River experiences chemical, physical, and biological stressors due to the direct discharges of domestic sewage from settlements located within the catchment and runoff from smelter and mine wastes. Sediments, as a natural repository of organic matter and associated contaminants, are of global concern for the possible release of pollutants in the water column, with detrimental effects on aquatic organisms. The present study was aimed at characterizing the riverine benthic microbial community and evaluating its ecological role in relation to the contamination level. Sediments were sampled along the river during two contrasting environmental periods (i.e., beginning and ongoing phases of ice melting). Microbial enzymatic activities, cell abundance, and morphological traits were evaluated, along with the phylogenetic community composition. Amplified 16S rRNA genes from bacteria were sequenced using a next-generation approach. Sediments were also analyzed for a variety of chemical features, namely particulate material characteristics and concentration of polychlorobiphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and pesticides. Riverine and brackish sites did not affect the microbial community in terms of main phylogenetic diversity (at phylum level), morphometry, enzymatic activities, and abundance. Instead, bacterial diversity in the river sediments appeared to be influenced by the micro-niche conditions, with differences in the relative abundance of selected taxa. In particular, our results highlighted the occurrence of bacterial taxa directly involved in the C, Fe, and N cycles, as well as in the degradation of organic pollutants and toxic compounds.Benthic Microbial Communities in a Seasonally Ice-Covered Sub-Arctic River (Pasvik River, Norway) Are Shaped by Site-Specific Environmental ConditionspublishedVersio

    Planning and managing a seismic emergency: The INGV drill of November 26th, 2015 carried out in the framework of the activity line T5 "Seismic surveillance and post-earthquake operational procedures" | Pianificazione e gestione di un'emergenza sismica: Esercitazione INGV del 26 novembre 2015 effettuata nell'ambito della Linea di Attività T5 "Sorveglianza sismica e operatività post terremoto"

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    Nella Struttura Terremoti dell’INGV la Linea di Attività T5 “Sorveglianza sismica ed operatività postterremoto” si occupa delle attività di sviluppo di strumenti e procedure per la valutazione in tempo reale degli effetti di terremoti e tsunami e della gestione delle emergenze sismiche. Uno dei suoi obiettivi del 2015 era la formalizzazione dei protocolli di intervento di Gruppi d’Emergenza, avvenuta per Emergeo, Emersito, IES, QUEST e Sismiko con Decreto del Presidente nel luglio 2015. Altro obiettivo era l’elaborazione di un Protocollo di Ente per la gestione delle emergenze sismiche. La bozza preparata nel 2015 prevede l’importante novità dell’Unità di Crisi, mai formalizzata in precedenza. Attraverso questo Protocollo di Ente si auspica di migliorare la risposta logistico-operativa dell’INGV durante l’emergenza, di avere una più rapida conoscenza del fenomeno in corso e di realizzare un’efficace comunicazione verso Protezione Civile, media e pubblico. Per verificare il tutto è stata organizzata un’esercitazione in cui è stato simulato un terremoto di magnitudo 6.4 nel basso Lazio. Si sono così sperimentate l’efficacia del flusso azioni/informazioni durante un’emergenza, il funzionamento dell’Unità di Crisi, la funzionalità dei protocolli dei Gruppi d’Emergenza, l’efficienza delle attività in sede per gli aspetti tecnico-logistici, il flusso di comunicazione interno e le comunicazioni istituzionali esterne (queste ultime simulate). In questo articolo sono descritte le fasi di organizzazione ed attuazione dell’esercitazione. Inoltre, durante il suo svolgimento, la valutazione dell’efficacia dell’organizzazione e delle attività svolte dai gruppi coinvolti è stata affidata ad alcuni osservatori e qui è allegata l’elaborazione dei commenti riportati. Abbiamo fatto infine una sintesi dei risultati positivi e delle criticità emerse dall’esercitazione, attività così importante a nostro avviso da considerarne indispensabile la ripetizione con cadenza quanto meno annuale.Published1SR. TERREMOTI - Servizi e ricerca per la SocietàN/A or not JCRope

    Producción de CO2 metabólico en el mar Mediterráneo: Un caso de estudio para estimar el balance de carbono en el mar

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    A synthesis of published metabolic CO2 production rates determined in the water column of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea from 1993 to 1999 is reported with the aim of furnishing an overall picture of the remineralization processes occurring in the basin. The trends of the remineralization are also interpreted with respect to the so-called Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT) event. This study augments the sparse data set of respiration measurements, from oceanographic surveys, and highlights the tight coupling between biological processes and circulation patterns. In the photic zone, the rates decreased from West to East as well as from North to South. In the aphotic zone, the C remineralization trend followed the traditional routes of intermediate and deep waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, and underwent the important modifications into the depths as a consequence of the EMT impact.Se realiza una síntesis de los datos publicados de tasas de producción metabólica en la columna de agua en el mar Mediterráneo Oriental desde 1993 a 1999, con el fin de proporcionar una imagen general de los procesos de remineralización que tienen lugar en la cuenca. Las tendencias de la remineralización se interpretan asimismo en relación con el llamado evento Transitorio del Mediterráneo Oriental (EMT). Este estudio aumenta los escasos conjuntos de datos de mediciones de respiración procedentes de campañas oceanográficas y destaca el estrecho acoplamiento entre procesos biológicos y pautas de circulación. En la zona fótica, las tasas decrecen de oeste a este así como de norte a sur. En la zona afótica, la tendencia de la remineralización de C siguió las rutas tradicionales de aguas intermedias y profundas en la cuenca oriental del Mediterráneo, y experimentó las importantes modificaciones en aguas profundas como consecuencia del impacto del EMT