6 research outputs found

    Aireaci贸n en la tecnolog铆a Biofloc (BTF): principios b谩sicos, aplicaciones y perspectivas

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    In a globalized world with growing population avid for nutrients for their feeding, the aquatic originated protein emerges as the big nutritional alternative of the century. The reduction of their resources to the farming (water, field and human resource) implies that the fish and shrimp production has to be intensify and one of the possibilities for this development is Biofloc Technology (BFT). Nevertheless, this intensification has to be given with principles of economic and technical efficiency, therefore, a correct design of the aeration is a big principal to maintain the suspended particles, oxygenate and move the water correctly. The electricity (aeration included) join with the feed are the most important production costs using BFT. With water changes low or none of it, the number, type and distribution of the mechanical oxygenator devices are crucial to maintain the water quality for the cultivated species and for the microorganisms that are included on the system. In this context this revision pretends to present the basis for the study and implementation of the aeration systems on BFT, also drawing future perspectives for these components.En un mundo globalizado de creciente poblaci贸n 谩vido por nutrientes para su alimentaci贸n, la prote铆na de origen acu谩tica emerge como la gran alternativa nutricional del siglo. La disminuci贸n de sus recursos para la explotaci贸n (agua, tierra y personal) implica que se deba intensificar la producci贸n de peces y camarones y una posibilidad para dicho establecimiento es la tecnolog铆a de biofloc (BFT en su sigla en ingl茅s). Sin embargo, esta intensificaci贸n debe ser dada con principios de eficiencia t茅cnica y econ贸mica, por lo tanto, un correcto dise帽o de la aeraci贸n es de fundamental importancia para mantener las part铆culas en suspensi贸n, oxigenar y mover correctamente el agua. Unido a los alimentos concentrados, el costo energ茅tico (incluyendo la aeraci贸n) son de los m谩s importantes costos de producci贸n usados en la tecnolog铆a BFT. Utilizando recambios m铆nimos o nulos, el n煤mero, tipo y distribuci贸n de los aparatos mec谩nicos de aeraci贸n son cruciales para el mantenimiento de la calidad de agua para las especies cultivadas y para los microorganismos que se encuentran inmiscuidos en el sistema. En este contexto, esta revisi贸n pretende brindar una base te贸rica para el estudio e implementaci贸n de los sistemas de aireaci贸n en los sistemas BFT, adem谩s de trazar perspectivas futuras para estos componentes.En un mundo globalizado de creciente poblaci贸n 谩vido por nutrientes para su alimentaci贸n, la prote铆na de origen acu谩tica emerge como la gran alternativa nutricional del siglo. La disminuci贸n de sus recursos para la explotaci贸n (agua, tierra y personal) implica que se deba intensificar la producci贸n de peces y camarones y una posibilidad para dicho establecimiento es la tecnolog铆a de biofloc (BFT en su sigla en ingl茅s). Sin embargo, esta intensificaci贸n debe ser dada con principios de eficiencia t茅cnica y econ贸mica, por lo tanto, un correcto dise帽o de la aeraci贸n es de fundamental importancia para mantener las part铆culas en suspensi贸n, oxigenar y mover correctamente el agua. Unido a los alimentos concentrados, el costo energ茅tico (incluyendo la aeraci贸n) son de los m谩s importantes costos de producci贸n utilizando la tecnolog铆a BFT. Utilizando recambios m铆nimos o nulos, el n煤mero, tipo y distribuci贸n de los aparatos mec谩nicos de aeraci贸n son cruciales para el mantenimiento de la calidad de agua para las especies cultivadas y para los microorganismos que se encuentran inmiscuidos en el sistema. En este contexto, esta revisi贸n pretende brindar una base te贸rica para el estudio e implementaci贸n de los sistemas de aireaci贸n en los sistemas BFT, adem谩s de trazar perspectivas futuras para estos componentes.In a globalized world with growing population avid for nutrients for their feeding, the aquatic originated protein emerges as the big nutritional alternative of the century. The reduction of their resources to the farming (water, field and human resource) implies that the fish and shrimp production has to be intensify and one of the possibilities for this development is Biofloc Technology (BFT). Nevertheless, this intensification has to be given with principles of economic and technical efficiency, therefore, a correct design of the aeration is a big principal to maintain the suspended particles, oxygenate and move the water correctly. The electricity (aeration included) join with the feed are the most important production costs using BFT. With water changes low or none of it, the number, type and distribution of the mechanical oxygenator devices are crucial to maintain the water quality for the cultivated species and for the microorganisms that are included on the system. In this context this revision pretends to present the basis for the study and implementation of the aeration systems on BFT, also drawing future perspectives for these components

    Avalia莽茫o de t茅cnicas de defuma莽茫o para mexilh茫o Perna perna: an谩lise sensorial e rendimento

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    The objective of the present work was evaluate two techniques of smoking, the hot traditional and with use of smoke natural aroma or "liquid smoke", having as control Perna perna mussels vapor cooked. Sensorial characteristics were appraised (appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor and salt tenor) and yield processing. The experimental design was completely randomized with three treatments (T1 = smoked with liquid smoke; T2 = traditional smoked and T3 = just cooked, control), with nine repetitions. For sensorial analysis 30 people were used, where each one was considered a block. There was significant difference for processing performance among treatments (P<0.05), however there was not significant difference independent of smoked technique applied. Nevertheless, smoking technique using smoke natural aroma was more attractive, presenting better results with relationship to sensorial characteristics and final product packaged for commercialization

    Composici贸n y abundancia de comunidades microbianas asociadas al biofloc en un cultivo de tilapia

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    The goal of this study was to identify and estimate the abundance of microorganisms associated to biofloc culture system, developed from a `macrocosm-microcosm' system type. In first section (cylinder 1000 L), 75 juveniles tilapias were inoculated with 5.0 卤 0.95 cm mean length and 4.2 卤 1.08 g mean weight were placed. Daily, the fishes were fed with commercial diet, maintaining a C/N = 15:1 ratio, carbon (molasses and rice dust) and nitrogen (from commercial feed) supply was controlled. This culture condition was maintained during 14 weeks. Several microorganisms associated to the flocs were identified using conventional microbiological tests. To estimate the abundance of organisms associated to flocs, a stereoscopic and optical microscopes were used. Both microscopes were connected to an interphase program for images counting (Image ProPlus v.7.0). The results shown changes in abundance of different microorganisms communities associated to flocs during 14 weeks of experiment. The main groups found in flocs were: bacteria, algae, ciliates, rotifers and nematodes. The results confirm that the bioflocs contributes significantly as in situ natural food source, because a great number of organisms may be associated to them including heterotrophic microbial communities like genus Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Nitrospira, Nitrobacter and yeast Rhodotorula sp. The literature show that these microorganisms favoring water quality and physiological good health at organisms in culture.El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar y estimar la abundancia de microrganismos asociados a un sistema de cultivo biofloc desarrollado a partir de un sistema del tipo `macrocosmo-microcosmo'. En la primera secci贸n (cilindro de 1000 L), se colocaron 75 tilapias con una longitud aproximada de 5,0 卤 0,95 cm y un peso promedio de 4,2 卤 1,08 g. Los peces fueron alimentados diariamente con una dieta comercial, manteniendo una relaci贸n C/N= 15:1, mediante el aporte controlado de carbono (melaza y pulido de arroz) y nitr贸geno (proveniente del alimento comercial). Esta condici贸n fue mantenida durante 14 semanas. Se identificaron los diversos microrganismos asociados a los fl贸culos, utilizando pruebas microbiol贸gicas convencionales. Se determin贸 la abundancia de los organismos asociados a los fl贸culos utilizando microscopio 贸ptico y estereosc贸pico, ambos conectados con el programa de im谩genes y de conteo (Image ProPlus v.7.0). Los resultados obtenidos indican cambios en la abundancia de las diversas comunidades de organismos asociados a los fl贸culos durante las 14 semanas del experimento. Los principales grupos encontrados fueron: bacterias, microalgas, ciliados, rot铆feros y nematodos. Los resultados confirman que los fl贸culos contribuyen como fuente de alimento natural in situ, debido a que gran cantidad de organismos pueden estar asociados incluyendo comunidades microbianas heter贸trofas de los g茅neros Sphingomonas, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Nitrospira, Nitrobacter y la levadura Rhodotorula sp. La bibliograf铆a menciona que estos microorganismos favorecen la calidad del agua y el bienestar fisiol贸gico de los organismos en cultivo

    Taxonomic profile of bacterial communities detected with 16S-rRNA in mature phototrophic and heterotrophic marine biofilms used for aquaculture

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    Bacterial diversity of phototrophic (PAb) and heterotrophic (Hb) biofilms was studied over time (0, 15 and 30 days of culture) using high throughput sequencing and considering the V3 and V4 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA gene. Bacterial composition in terms of relative abundance and diversity showed slight changes during the trial. Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum in both biofilms during the experimental period. Chlamidiae-Verrucomicrobia, Bacteriodetes, and Planctomycetes were also abundant phyla in the PAb, whereas Planctomycetes, Bacteriodetes, Actinobacteria, and Chlamydiae were the abundant phyla in the Hb. Of the reads assigned up to species level, a total of 27 heterotrophic and autotrophic species were detected in both biofilms, most of them associated with the metabolism of nitrogenous and sulfurous metabolites and organic matter, and the rest with the structural functions in the biofilm. This is the first time some of these species have been reportedly detected in these biofilms or in the marine environment. Results suggest complex interaction networks in microbial conglomerates formed in biofilms, in which bacterial populations seem to play important metabolic and physiological roles

    Early-age Acute Leukemia: Revisiting Two Decades of the Brazilian Collaborative Study Group

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