469 research outputs found

    Opportunità sulle nuove vie della seta

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    SOMMARIOL’articolo tratta il tema delle nuove vie della Seta che consistono in un grandioso progetto della Cina che prevede ingenti investimenti per il collegamento dell’Asia, dell’Africa e dell’Europa. L’iniziativa, che va sotto il nome di  BRI ( One Belt One Road), coinvolgerà 65 Paesi , 4,4, miliardi di persone, pari al 63% della popolazione mondiale, 23.000 miliardi di USD pari al 29% del PIL mondiale ed è destinata non solo a divenire l’asse portante della politica commerciale della Repubblica cinese. Le nuove vie della seta si articolano in tre percorsi terrestri (ferroviari) e in due rotte marittime che interessano particolarmente i porti dell’alto Tirreno e dell’alto Adriatico in considerazione delle loro caratteristiche inerenti agli attracchi, ma soprattutto per i loro collegamenti con il centro dell’Europa che potrebbe essere raggiunto in tempi più brevi rispetto agli attuali schemi logistici.Le ragioni che spingono la Repubblica popolare cinese ad intraprendere sono molteplici; tra queste spiccano la necessità di assicurare uno sbocco alla sovrapproduzione dell’industria cinese , nonché all’assicurarsi un accesso a fonti energetiche relative a nuove fonti non inquinanti in luogo del carbone. Non solo commerci, vi è l’interesse di accedere al Know-how delle imprese occidentali nei confronti del quale la repubblica popolare esprime particolare interesse . Da ultimo vi sono ragioni geopolitiche consistenti nella probabile l’estensione del condizionamento economico della Cina con il conseguente accentramento asio-centrico della globalizzazione.Il lavoro si conclude auspicando che l’Italia, che dispone di una posizione strategica e di non poche infrastrutture, sappia cogliere questa importante opportunità.Classificazione JEL:A10.F13:R49.Parole chiave: via della seta. infrastrutture logistiche. globalizzazione OPPORTUNITIES ON THE NEW ROUTE OF THE SILKABSTRACTThe article deals with the theme of the new Silk Roads, which consist of a grandiose project of China, which involves huge investments for the connection of Asia, Africa and Europe. The initiative, which goes under the name of BRI (One Belt One Road), will involve 65 countries, 4.4 billion people, equal to 63% of the world population, 23,000 billion USD equal to 29% of world GDP and it is destined not only to become the backbone of the commercial policy of the Chinese Republic. The new silk routes are divided into three terrestrial routes (railway) and two sea routes that particularly interest the ports of the high Tyrrhenian and upper Adriatic in consideration of their characteristics related to the moorings, but especially for their connections with the center of Europe that could be reached in shorter times than current logistic schemes.The reasons that push the People's Republic of China to undertake are numerous; these include the need to ensure an outlet for the overproduction of Chinese industry, as well as ensuring access to energy sources related to new non-polluting sources in place of coal. Not only trades, there is the interest to access the know-how of Western companies in respect of which the people's republic expresses particular interest. Finally, there are geopolitical reasons that are likely to extend China's economic conditioning with the consequent centralization of globalization asia-centric.The work ends with the hope that Italy, which has a strategic position and many infrastructures, will be able to seize this important opportunity.JEL classification: A10.F13: R49.Keywords: via della seta.logistic infrastructures.globalization

    Disseny i valoració d'un sistema de gestió de qualitat ISO 9001 a una empresa d'obra civil

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    El Treball Fi de Grau (TFG), explica el disseny d‟un Sistema de Gestió de Qualitat per a una empresa constructora d‟obra pública, començant per l‟anàlisi de la norma i l‟anàlisi de l‟empresa. També fa referència a la formació pertinent que s‟ha desenvolupat per tal de poder implantar el SGQ i per últim una valoració personal del sistema desenvolupat per part dels membres de l‟empresa implicats. Primerament, aquest treball té com a objectiu principal el disseny d‟un Sistema de Gestió de Qualitat (SGQ) basat en les normes UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015. Els mètodes per poder dur a terme el disseny parteixen de l‟estudi de la norma i l‟estudi de l‟empresa. Amb aquesta informació s‟ha plantejat tot el contingut que ha de tenir un correcte SGQ, desenvolupant el Manual de Qualitat, els Procediments, Registres, i establint Indicadors. Els resultats han estat, en primer lloc, l‟elaboració de tota la documentació necessària per implantar amb èxit un SGQ en una empresa mitjana dedicada a l‟obra civil. En segon lloc, generar els estàndards per dur a terme una correcta formació del personal i, per últim, obtenir una valoració personal del que suposarà la implantació de la norma. Les conclusions que s‟extreuen d‟aquest TFG són que per desenvolupar i definir un SGQ s‟ha de tenir en compte el tipus d‟organització i l‟activitat que realitza l‟empresa. A més a més, la implicació de tot el personal de l‟empresa començant per la direcció i acabant pels treballadors a peu d‟obra, serà clau per aconseguir implantar amb èxit el SGQ i, així, aportar els seus avantatges a l‟organització

    On a Paun’s Conjecture in Membrane Systems

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    We study a P˘aun’s conjecture concerning the unsolvability of NP–complete problems by polarizationless P systems with active membranes in the usual framework, without cooperation, without priorities, without changing labels, using evolution, communication, dissolution and division rules, and working in maximal parallel manner. We also analyse a version of this conjecture where we consider polarizationless P systems working in the minimally parallel manner.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006–13425Junta de Andalucía TIC–58

    Optimal Content Prefetching in NDN Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Scenario

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    Data replication and in-network storage are two basic principles of the Information Centric Networking (ICN) framework in which caches spread out in the network can be used to store the most popular contents. This work shows how one of the ICN architectures, the Named Data Networking (NDN), with content pre-fetching can maximize the probability that a user retrieves the desired content in a Vehicle-to-Infrastructure scenario. We give an ILP formulation of the problem of optimally distributing content in the network nodes while accounting for the available storage capacity and the available link capacity. The optimization framework is then leveraged to evaluate the impact on content retrievability of topology- and network-related parameters as the number and mobility models of moving users, the size of the content catalog and the location of the available caches. Moreover, we show how the proposed model can be modified to find the minimum storage occupancy to achieve a given content retrievability level. The results obtained from the optimization model are finally validated against a Name Data Networking architecture through simulations in ndnSIM

    Uniform solutions to SAT and Subset Sum by spiking neural P systems

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    We continue the investigations concerning the possibility of using spiking neural P systems as a framework for solving computationally hard problems, addressing two problems which were already recently considered in this respect: Subset Sum and SAT: For both of them we provide uniform constructions of standard spiking neural P systems (i.e., not using extended rules or parallel use of rules) which solve these problems in a constant number of steps, working in a non-deterministic way. This improves known results of this type where the construction was non-uniform, and/or was using various ingredients added to the initial definition of spiking neural P systems (the SN P systems as defined initially are called here ‘‘standard’’). However, in the Subset Sum case, a price to pay for this improvement is that the solution is obtained either in a time which depends on the value of the numbers involved in the problem, or by using a system whose size depends on the same values, or again by using complicated regular expressions. A uniform solution to 3-SAT is also provided, that works in constant time.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC-581Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia HI 2005-019

    On the Computational Efficiency of Polarizationless Recognizer P Systems with Strong Division and Dissolution

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    Recognizer P systems with active membranes have proven to be very powerful computing devices, being able to solve NP-complete decision problems in a polynomial time. However such solutions usually exploit many powerful features, such as electrical charges (polarizations) associated to membranes, evolution rules, communication rules, and strong or weak forms of division rules. In this paper we contribute to the study of the computational power of polarizationless recognizer P systems with active membranes. Precisely, we show that such systems are able to solve in polynomial time the NP-complete decision problem 3-sat by using only dissolution rules and a form of strong division for non–elementary membranes, working in the maximal parallel way

    Complexity aspects of polarizationless membrane systems

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    We investigate polarizationless P systems with active membranes working in maximally parallel manner, which do not make use of evolution or communication rules, in order to find which features are sufficient to efficiently solve computationally hard problems. We show that such systems are able to solve the PSPACE-complete problem QUANTIFIED 3-SAT, provided that non-elementary membrane division is controlled by the presence of a (possibly non-elementary) membrane.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC-58

    Mood Spectrum Model: Evidence reconsidered in the light of DSM-5

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    AIM: to investigate studies conducted with the Mood Spectrum Structured Interviews and Self-Report versions (SCI-MOODS and MOODS-SR). METHODS: We conducted a review of studies published between 1997 and August 2014. The search was performed using Pubmed and PsycINFO databases. Analysis of the papers followed the inclusion and exclusion criteria recommended by the PRISMA Guidelines, namely: (1) articles that presented a combination of at least two terms, "SCI-MOODS" [all fields] or "MOODS-SR" [all fields] or "mood spectrum" [all fields]; (2) manuscript in English; (3) original articles; and (4) prospective or retrospective original studies (analytical or descriptive), experimental or quasi-experimental studies. Exclusion criteria were: (1) other study designs (case reports, case series, and reviews); (2) non-original studies including editorials, book reviews and letters to the editor; and (3) studies not specifically designed and focused on SCI-MOODS or MOODS-SR. RESULTS: The search retrieved 43 papers, including 5 reviews of literature or methodological papers, and 1 case report. After analyzing their titles and abstracts, according to the eligibility criteria, 6 were excluded and 37 were chosen and included. The SCI-MOODS and the MOODS-SR have been tested in published studies involving 52 different samples across 4 countries (Italy, United States, Spain and Japan). The proposed mood spectrum approach has demonstrated its usefulness mainly in 3 different areas: (1) Patients with the so-called "pure" unipolar depression that might manifest hypomanic atypical and/or sub-threshold aspects systematically detectable with the mood questionnaire; (2) Spectrum features not detected by other instruments are clinically relevant, because they might manifest in waves during the lifespan, sometimes together, sometimes alone, sometimes reaching the severity for a full-blown disorder, sometimes interfering with other mental disorders or complicating the course of somatic diseases; and (3) Higher scores on the MOODS-SR factors assessing "psychomotor disturbances", "mixed instability" and "suicidality" delineate subtypes of patients characterized by the more severe forms of mood disorders, the higher risk for psychotic symptoms, and the lower quality of life after the remission of the full-blown-episode. CONCLUSION: The mood spectrum model help researchers and clinicians in the systematic assessment of those areas of psychopathology that are still neglected by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 classification

    Probiotics-addicted low-protein diet for microbiota modulation in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (ProLowCKD): A protocol of placebo-controlled randomized trial

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    Abstract Microbiota is a term coined to describe the population of bacteria, viruses and fungi that inhabit in symbiosis within a living host. A connection between unbalanced microbiota and chronic kidney disease has been established. In these patients, high levels of urea reach the intestine promoting the overgrowth of bacterial species that are prone to generate uremic toxins. Due to the high morbidity and mortality of this condition, a large number of therapeutic approaches to reduce inflammation and microbial uremic toxins have been proposed, with controversial results. A low protein diet, with a protein intake of 0.6–0.8 g/kg of body weight, is a useful and historically pursued option with this regard. The aim of our study is to evaluate, among patients with advanced renal failure not on dialysis, the synergic beneficial effects of this diet and the selected probiotics Bifidobacterium longum (mix DLBL) and Lactobacillus reuteri LRE02 (DSM 23878)