9 research outputs found

    Round and round gets you somewhere: collective cell migration and planar polarity in elongating Drosophila egg chambers

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    U ovom završnom radu je prikazano konceptno rješenje CNC plazma rezača. U uvodu su prikazani različiti tipovi CNC strojeva te je opisan rad plazma rezača. U radu se pristupa konstruiranju potrebnih elemenata, a posebna pažnja je dana na koncipiranje reduktora koji je izveden primjenom zupčastog remena i remenica. Nakon izvršenog koncipiranja potrebnih elementa izvršen je izbor standardnih dijelova CNC strojeva. Također je izrađen i proračun potreban za određivanje momenta za rad stroja prema kojem su odabrani pogonski motori. Izvršeno je i koncipiranje elektro ormara te su opisane funkcije električnih komponenti koje će u ormaru biti ugrađene.In this final thesis, the conceptual solution of a CNC plasma cutter will be presented. The introduction will show the different types of CNC machines and describe the basic operation of plasma cutters. The paper approaches the construction of all necessary elements, and special attention is paid to the design of the reducer, which will be performed with a belt and pulleys. When the necessary elements are conceived, the standard parts of CNC machines will be selected. Calculations will be made to determine the required torque of the machine. According to that calculation selection of electric motor will be performed. In the case of electrical cabinets, its design will be performed and the functions of the electrical elements in it will be described

    Sterile Alpha Motif Domain-Mediated Self-Association Plays an Essential Role in Modulating the Activity of the Drosophila ETS Family Transcriptional Repressor Yanâ–ż

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    The ETS family transcriptional repressor Yan is an important downstream target and effector of the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling pathway in Drosophila melanogaster. Structural and biochemical studies have shown that the N-terminal sterile alpha motif (SAM) of Yan is able to self associate to form a helical polymeric structure in vitro, although the extent and functional significance of self-association of full-length Yan remain unclear. In this study, we demonstrated that full-length Yan self associates via its SAM domain to form higher-order complexes in living cells. Introduction of SAM domain missense mutations that restrict Yan to a monomeric state reduces Yan's transcriptional repression activity and impairs its function during embryonic and retinal development. Coexpression of combinations of SAM domain mutations that permit the formation of Yan dimers, but not higher-order oligomers, increases activity relative to that of monomeric Yan, but not to the level obtained with wild-type Yan. Mechanistically, self-association directly promotes transcriptional repression of target genes independent of its role in limiting mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-mediated phosphorylation and nuclear export of Yan. Thus, we propose that the formation of higher-order Yan oligomers contributes to proper repression of target gene expression and RTK signaling output in developing tissues