13 research outputs found

    Totum-070, a polyphenol-rich plant extract, prevents hypercholesterolemia in high-fat diet-fed hamsters by inhibiting intestinal cholesterol absorption

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    Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, and hypercholesterolemia is a central risk factor for atherosclerosis. This study evaluated the effects of Totum-070, a plant-based polyphenol-rich supplement, in hamsters with high-fat diet (HFD)-induced dyslipidemia. The molecular mechanisms of action were explored using human Caco2 enterocytes. Totum-070 supplementation reduced the total cholesterol (-41%), non-HDL cholesterol (-47%), and triglycerides (-46%) in a dose-dependent manner, compared with HFD. HFD-induced hepatic steatosis was also significantly decreased by Totum-070, an effect associated with the reduction in various lipid and inflammatory gene expression. Upon challenging with olive oil gavage, the post-prandial triglyceride levels were strongly reduced. The sterol excretion in the feces was increased in the HFD-Totum-070 groups compared with the HFD group and associated with reduction of intestinal cholesterol absorption. These effects were confirmed in the Caco2 cells, where incubation with Totum-070 inhibited cholesterol uptake and apolipoprotein B secretion. Furthermore, a microbiota composition analysis revealed a strong effect of Totum-070 on the alpha and beta diversity of bacterial species and a significant decrease in the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio. Altogether, our findings indicate that Totum-070 lowers hypercholesterolemia by reducing intestinal cholesterol absorption, suggesting that its use as dietary supplement may be explored as a new preventive strategy for cardiovascular diseases.Proteomic

    Pesquisa de alguns microrganismos em saladas com maionese adquiridas em restaurantes, lanchonetes e "rotisseries" Research into microrganisms in mayonnaise salad obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries"

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    Em vinte amostras de saladas com maionese foram efetuadas as contagens de bactérias mesófilas e psicrófilas, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, bolores e leveduras, a determinação do Número Mais Provável (NMP) de bactérias coliforme totais de Escherichia coli e de estreptococos fecais, bem como a pesquisa de salmonelas. A contagem de bactérias mesófilas variou de 2,64 x 10(4) a <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT>3 x 10(7)/g do produto. Quanto às bactérias psicrófilas, as contagens variaram de < 10 a <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3 x 10(7)/g. Para S. aureus, as contagens oscilaram de < 10² a 4 x 10(5)/g do alimento, enquanto que para B. cereus os números mínimo e máximo foram < 10² e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 3 x 10(4)/g, respectivamente. Para bolores e leveduras, as contagens variaram de 7,1 x 10² a 3,7 x 10(6)/g. Com relação ao NMP de coliformes totais e estreptococos fecais, os resultados obtidos mostraram-se compreendidos entre < 0,03 e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 4,3 x 10(5)/g. Quanto ao NMP de E. coli os números mínimo e máximo obtidos foram respectivamente de < 0,03 e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&sup3;</FONT> 2,4 x 10(4)/g de salada com maionese. Tais constatações indicam a ocorrência de contaminação inclusive por microrganismos de origem fecal. Todas as amostras revelaram-se negativas para bactérias do gênero Salmonella.<br>Twenty samples of mayonnaise salads obtained in restaurants, snack bars and "rotisseries" were analysed for total plate count of mesophilic and psichrophilic bacteria, yeasts and molds, enumeration and isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, the MPN of totally coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci as well as for investigation into the occurrence of Salmonella. It was found, in total counts, of coliform and streptococci, that numbers were high in many samples, showing the occurrence of contamination probably during the handling of the food. All the analysed samples were positive to total coliforms as well as to Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci showing that the food had, at some point, suffered pollution of fecal origi n. Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus in varying proportions were found in different samples. All the samples were showed to be negative for Salmonella

    Comparação entre a imunidade induzida em bovinos vacinados com bacterinas polivalentes comerciais e uma monovalente experimental

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    O presente estudo avaliou a indução da produção de anticorpos contra Leptospira spp.por dez bacterinas, sendo nove polivalentes e uma monovalente experimental para a sorovariedade Hardjo amostra Norma. A concentração celular foi controlada e utilizou-se adjuvante de emulsão óleo em água. Um ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto foi desenvolvido utilizando-se conjugado anti-IgG total para mensurar os níveis de anticorpos da classe IgG conferido pelas bacterinas utilizando três amostras diferentes: Hardjoprajitino, Norma e Hardjo-bovis. Paralelamente foi utilizado também o Teste de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM) para mensurar os níveis de anticorpos contra as mesmas amostras. Encontraram-se títulos variáveis entre as bacterinas de acordo com o teste ELISA. Os títulos no SAM foram de pouca intensidade e de curta duração indicando a necessidade de controle celular para uma posterior padronização destes produtos. Com base nos resultados encontrados no presente estudo, a bacterina monovalente foi a que apresentou melhor desempenho

    DUNE Offline Computing Conceptual Design Report

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    This document describes Offline Software and Computing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, in particular, the conceptual design of the offline computing needed to accomplish its physics goals. Our emphasis in this document is the development of the computing infrastructure needed to acquire, catalog, reconstruct, simulate and analyze the data from the DUNE experiment and its prototypes. In this effort, we concentrate on developing the tools and systems thatfacilitate the development and deployment of advanced algorithms. Rather than prescribing particular algorithms, our goal is to provide resources that are flexible and accessible enough to support creative software solutions as HEP computing evolves and to provide computing that achieves the physics goals of the DUNE experiment

    DUNE Offline Computing Conceptual Design Report

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    International audienceThis document describes Offline Software and Computing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, in particular, the conceptual design of the offline computing needed to accomplish its physics goals. Our emphasis in this document is the development of the computing infrastructure needed to acquire, catalog, reconstruct, simulate and analyze the data from the DUNE experiment and its prototypes. In this effort, we concentrate on developing the tools and systems thatfacilitate the development and deployment of advanced algorithms. Rather than prescribing particular algorithms, our goal is to provide resources that are flexible and accessible enough to support creative software solutions as HEP computing evolves and to provide computing that achieves the physics goals of the DUNE experiment