84 research outputs found

    Molecular epidemiology of human rotaviruses

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    Presence of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in the environment of virus-contaminated fish farms and processing plants

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    After the first outbreak of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in Finnish brackish water rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss farms, infection spread rapidly between the farms. The infrastructure of fish farming did not take into account spreading of infectious fish diseases. To show the presence of VHSV in the environment, we tested seawater, sediment and wild blue mussels Mytilus edulis from VHSV-infected fish farms, and liquid waste from a processing plant that handled infected rainbow trout. Additionally, blue mussels were bath-challenged with VHSV (exposed to cultivated virus or naturally infected rainbow trout). To detect VHSV, virus isolation in cell culture and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) were used. The virus or viral RNA was detected in sea water and in liquid waste from processing plants during wintertime when water temperature is close to 0 degrees C and sunlight is sparse. VHSV did not appear to replicate in blue mussels in our study. Therefore, blue mussels were not considered relevant carriers of VHSV. However, traces of viral RNA were detected up to 29 d post challenge in mussels. Contact with water from processing plants handling VHSV-infected fish populations increases the risk of the disease spreading to susceptible fish populations, especially during cold and dark times of the year.Peer reviewe

    Molecular surveillance of norovirus, 2005-16 : an epidemiological analysis of data collected from the NoroNet network

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    Background The development of a vaccine for norovirus requires a detailed understanding of global genetic diversity of noroviruses. We analysed their epidemiology and diversity using surveillance data from the NoroNet network. Methods We included genetic sequences of norovirus specimens obtained from outbreak investigations and sporadic gastroenteritis cases between 2005 and 2016 in Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa. We genotyped norovirus sequences and analysed sequences that overlapped at open reading frame (ORF) 1 and ORF2. Additionally, we assessed the sampling date and country of origin of the first reported sequence to assess when and where novel drift variants originated. Findings We analysed 16 635 norovirus sequences submitted between Jan 1, 2005, to Nov 17, 2016, of which 1372 (8.2%) sequences belonged to genotype GI, 15 256 (91.7%) to GII, and seven ( Interpretation Continuous changes in the global norovirus genetic diversity highlight the need for sustained global norovirus surveillance, including assessment of possible immune escape and evolution by recombination, to provide a full overview of norovirus epidemiology for future vaccine policy decisions.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of Food and Waterborne Viral Outbreaks by Using Field Epidemiologic, Modern Laboratory and Statistical Methods—Lessons Learnt from Seven Major Norovirus Outbreaks in Finland

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    Seven major food- and waterborne norovirus outbreaks in Western Finland during 2014–2018 were re-analysed. The aim was to assess the effectiveness of outbreak investigation tools and evaluate the Kaplan criteria. We summarised epidemiological and microbiological findings from seven outbreaks. To evaluate the Kaplan criteria, a one-stage meta-analysis of data from seven cohort studies was performed. The case was defined as a person attending an implicated function with diarrhoea, vomiting or two other symptoms. Altogether, 22% (386/1794) of persons met the case definition. Overall adjusted, 73% of norovirus patients were vomiting, the mean incubation period was 44 h (4 h to 4 days) and the median duration of illness was 46 h. As vomiting was a more common symptom in children (96%, 143/149) and diarrhoea among the elderly (92%, 24/26), symptom and age presentation should drive hypothesis formulation. The Kaplan criteria were useful in initial outbreak assessments prior to faecal results. Rapid food control inspections enabled evidence-based, public-health-driven risk assessments. This led to probability-based vehicle identification and aided in resolving the outbreak event mechanism rather than implementing potentially ineffective, large-scale public health actions such as the withdrawal of extensive food lots. Asymptomatic food handlers should be ideally withdrawn from high-risk work for five days instead of the current two days. Food and environmental samples often remain negative with norovirus, highlighting the importance of research collaborations. Electronic questionnaire and open-source novel statistical programmes provided time and resource savings. The public health approach proved useful within the environmental health area with shoe leather field epidemiology, combined with statistical analysis and mathematical reasoning

    Assessment of Food and Waterborne Viral Outbreaks by Using Field Epidemiologic, Modern Laboratory and Statistical Methods—Lessons Learnt from Seven Major Norovirus Outbreaks in Finland

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    Seven major food- and waterborne norovirus outbreaks in Western Finland during 2014–2018 were re-analysed. The aim was to assess the effectiveness of outbreak investigation tools and evaluate the Kaplan criteria. We summarised epidemiological and microbiological findings from seven outbreaks. To evaluate the Kaplan criteria, a one-stage meta-analysis of data from seven cohort studies was performed. The case was defined as a person attending an implicated function with diarrhoea, vomiting or two other symptoms. Altogether, 22% (386/1794) of persons met the case definition. Overall adjusted, 73% of norovirus patients were vomiting, the mean incubation period was 44 h (4 h to 4 days) and the median duration of illness was 46 h. As vomiting was a more common symptom in children (96%, 143/149) and diarrhoea among the elderly (92%, 24/26), symptom and age presentation should drive hypothesis formulation. The Kaplan criteria were useful in initial outbreak assessments prior to faecal results. Rapid food control inspections enabled evidence-based, public-health-driven risk assessments. This led to probability-based vehicle identification and aided in resolving the outbreak event mechanism rather than implementing potentially ineffective, large-scale public health actions such as the withdrawal of extensive food lots. Asymptomatic food handlers should be ideally withdrawn from high-risk work for five days instead of the current two days. Food and environmental samples often remain negative with norovirus, highlighting the importance of research collaborations. Electronic questionnaire and open-source novel statistical programmes provided time and resource savings. The public health approach proved useful within the environmental health area with shoe leather field epidemiology, combined with statistical analysis and mathematical reasoning

    The Presence of Norovirus and Adenovirus on Environmental Surfaces in Relation to the Hygienic Level in Food Service Operations Associated with a Suspected Gastroenteritis Outbreak

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    Erratum: Food and environmental virology 9 (2017):3, pp. 358-359 DOI.10.1007/s12560-017-9304-6Norovirus (NoV) gastroenteritis outbreaks appear frequently in food service operations (FSOs), such as in restaurants and canteens. In this study the presence of NoV and adenovirus (AdV) genomes was investigated on the surfaces of premises, especially in kitchens, of 30 FSOs where foodborne gastroenteritis outbreaks were suspected. The objective was to establish a possible association between the presence of virus genomes on surfaces and a visual hygienic status of the FSOs. NoV genome was found in 11 and AdV genome in 8 out of 30 FSOs. In total, 291 swabs were taken, of which 8.9% contained NoV and 5.8% AdV genome. The presence of NoV genomes on the surfaces was not found to associate with lower hygiene level of the premises when based on visual inspection; most (7/9) of the FSOs with NoV contamination on surfaces and a completed evaluation form had a good hygiene level (the best category). Restaurants had a significantly lower proportion of NoV-positive swabs compared to other FSOs (canteens, cafeteria, schools etc.) taken together (p = 0.00014). The presence of a designated break room for the workers was found to be significantly more common in AdV-negative kitchens (p = 0.046). Our findings suggest that swabbing is necessary for revealing viral contamination of surfaces and emphasis of hygiene inspections should be on the food handling procedures, and the education of food workers on virus transmission.Peer reviewe

    Digitalisoituvan yliopistokoulutuksen diskurssit: Visiotekstien kriittinen luenta yliopistopedagogiikan näkökulmasta

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    Our research focuses on the discourses that orient higher education pedagogy and the representations in these discourses of knowledge, learning, expertise and the roles of teachers and students in the digitalising university. The research material includes 1) the key documents of the “Higher Education and Research for the 2030s” vision work published in 2017-2019 as a result of the vision work initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, 2) the Digivisio project application (2020) jointly prepared by the Finnish higher education institutions, and 3) the national policy of the higher education and research community on open access to learning materials (2020) regarding the digitalisation of education. In addition to locating and describing the discourses, the aim of the study is to make visible how they define the conditions for university pedagogical development, based on critical discourse analysis. We identified the following discourses in the data: platform economy, government, information system, technological ubiquity, service design and scientific community. The technological-economic discourses and the discourse of government together construct a national vision of a "learning ecosystem" that is successful in educational competition. The meanings of learning and expertise are reduced to the measurable knowledge capital of the individual, while the roles of the teacher and the student are defined by economic and technological logics. The discourses of the visionary texts narrow down the examination of pedagogical starting points, in line with neo-pedagogy, reducing them to efforts to enhance teaching and learning activities and the use of digital tools. As these discourses become stronger, they also impose techno-economic language on the discourse of pedagogy. The development of sustainable education requires strong university pedagogical research and a pedagogy based on digitalisation, as well as a multi-voiced debate based on the arguments of university pedagogical research.Tutkimuksemme kohteena ovat korkeakoulupoliittisissa visioteksteissä rakentuvat yliopistopedagogiikkaa suuntaavat diskurssit ja niiden tuottamat tiedon, oppimisen ja asiantuntijuuden representaatiot sekä digitalisoituvan yliopiston opettajan ja opiskelijan asemoinnit. Tutkimusaineisto sisältää 1) opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön käynnistämän Korkeakoulutus ja tutkimus 2030-luvulle -visiotyön keskeiset, vuosina 2017–2019 julkaistut dokumentit, 2) korkeakoulujen yhdessä laatiman Digivisio -hankehakemuksen (2020) ja 3) korkeakoulu- ja tutkimusyhteisön kansallisen linjauksen oppimateriaalien avoimesta saatavuudesta (2020) koulutuksen digitalisaatiota koskevilta osin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on diskurssien paikantamisen ja kuvaamisen lisäksi tehdä kriittisen diskurssianalyysin lähtökohdista näkyväksi, miten ne määrittävät yliopistopedagogiikan kehittämisen ehtoja. Tunnistimme aineistosta seuraavat diskurssit: alustatalouden, valtionhallinnon, tietojärjestelmän, teknologian kaikkiallistumisen, palvelumuotoilun ja tiedeyhteisön diskurssit. Teknologis-taloudelliset diskurssit ja valtionhallinnon diskurssi rakentavat yhdessä kansallista visiota koulutuskilpailussa menestyvästä oppimisen ekosysteemistä. Oppimisen ja asiantuntijuuden merkitykset pelkistyvät mitattavaksi yksilön osaamispääomaksi samalla kun opettajan ja opiskelijan asemat määrittyvät talouden ja teknologian logiikoin. Visiotekstien diskurssit kaventavat pedagogisten lähtökohtien tarkastelun uuspedagogiikan mukaisesti opetuksen ja opiskelun sekä digivälineiden hyödyntämisen tehostamispyrkimyksiksi. Vahvistuessaan nämä diskurssit edellyttävät teknis-taloudellisia kielenkäyttötapoja myös pedagogiikkaa koskevassa keskustelussa. Kestävän koulutuksen kehittämisen tueksi tarvitaan vahvaa yliopistopedagogista tutkimusta ja sen lähtökohdista perusteltua, digitalisaatiota hyödyntävää pedagogiikkaa sekä moniäänistä neuvottelua yliopistopedagogisen tutkimuksen argumentein

    Ruokamyrkytys : kalikivirusinfektio?

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    Antibodies Against Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) in European Moose and White-Tailed Deer in Finland

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    The main animal reservoirs of zoonotic hepatitis E virus (HEV) are domestic pigs and wild boars, but HEV also infects cervids. In this study, we estimated the prevalence of HEV in Finnish cervid species that are commonly hunted for human consumption. We investigated sera from 342 European moose (Alces alces), 70 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and 12 European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The samples had been collected from legally hunted animals from different districts of Finland during 2008–2009. We analysed the samples for total anti-HEV antibodies using a double-sandwich ELISA assay. Seropositive sera were analysed with RT-qPCR for HEV RNA. HEV seroprevalence was 9.1% (31/342) in moose and 1.4% (1/70) in white-tailed deer. None of the European roe deer were HEV seropositive (0/12). No HEV RNA was detected from samples of seropositive animals. HEV seropositive moose were detected in all districts. Statistically, HEV seroprevalence in moose was significantly higher (p Peer reviewe

    Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha Variant and Murine Noroviruses on Copper-Silver Nanocomposite Surfaces

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    With the continued scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is still seeking out-of-the-box solutions to break its transmission cycle and contain the pandemic. There are different transmission routes for viruses, including indirect transmission via surfaces. To this end, we used two relevant viruses in our study. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing the pandemic and human norovirus (HuNV), both known to be transmitted via surfaces. Several nanoformulations have shown attempts to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses. However, a rigorous, similar inactivation scheme to inactivate the cords of two tedious viruses (SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant and HuNV) is lacking. The present study demonstrates the inactivation of the SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant and the decrease in the murine norovirus (MNV, a surrogate to HuNV) load after only one minute of contact to surfaces including copper-silver (Cu-Ag) nanocomposites. We thoroughly examined the physicochemical characteristics of such plated surfaces using diverse microscopy tools and found that Cu was the dominanting element in the tested three different surfaces (similar to 56, similar to 59, and similar to 48 wt%, respectively), hence likely playing the major role of Alpha and MNV inactivation followed by the Ag content (similar to 28, similar to 13, and similar to 11 wt%, respectively). These findings suggest that the administration of such surfaces within highly congested places (e.g., schools, public transportations, public toilets, and hospital and live-stock reservoirs) could break the SARS-CoV-2 and HuNV transmission. We suggest such an administration after an in-depth examination of the in vitro (especially on skin cells) and in vivo toxicity of the nanocomposite formulations and surfaces while also standardizing the physicochemical parameters, testing protocols, and animal models.Peer reviewe
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