69 research outputs found
Using plant litter decomposition as an indicator of ecosystem response to soil contamination
The inventory and remediation of contaminated sites have emerged as top environmental priorities worldwide. A large body of evidence has accumulated to show how soil contamination affects biological communities and ecological processes. This knowledge has yet to be used for the development of indicators of soil quality that are meaningful to end-users and are easy to implement in soil quality assessment schemes. In this study, we used quantifiable measures of litter decomposition, a key biophysical process, as indicators of the ecological impact of soil contamination by trace metals and hydrocarbons. We conducted a litterbag experiment with coarse and fine mesh bags to compare highly vs. minimally contaminated sites within eight locations representative of a wide array of environmental conditions and types of pollution. Contrary to the common assumption that soil contamination hampers soil functions, idiosyncratic responses were detected for litter decomposition rate and decomposer activity metrics. A negative relationship between detritivore and microbial responses to soil contamination indicates that wherever the activity of one group of decomposers is reduced, increase in activity of the other group may ensure litter decomposition to proceed at rate similar or higher than baseline rate. This finding may indicate that compensatory dynamics in soil communities is important in determining ecosystem stability against chemical stressors. As litter decomposition may inform on the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to cope with soil contamination, it may be a useful complement to chemical soil analyses in routine soil quality assessment schemes
Ăvaluation mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique de la rĂ©forme de lâAssurance maladie du 13 aoĂ»t 2004 : application au parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s de patients chroniques traitĂ©s par corticostĂ©roĂŻdes inhalĂ©s
The objective of this thesis is to conceptualize, starting from the exploitation of the refunding data of cares from the Sickness insurance, the various trajectories of cares recourses introduced by chronic diseases as asthma, and to study their determinants by analysing the profile and the subsequent behavior of the general practitioner. The study of the relation between the prescriptive behavior and the trajectory of cares is carried out by different multivariate analyses. The other objective is to evaluate, from a pharmacoeconomic point of view, the impact of the general practitioner characteristics on the various trajectories of cares followed by the patients with chronic diseases. The characteristics likely to identify a typology of practitioners correspond to the variables influencing the prescriptive behavior (age, sex, duration of exercise, type of exercise, etc). The principal question of the thesis is that of the regulating effect of the economic incentive, rested on the coordinated care pathway (reform of the Sickness insurance, August 2004), on the trajectories of cares, really observed by the chronic patients. The corollaries are: Does the no-reimbursement of some medical acts, not considered in the coordinated care pathway, have a significant impact on the empirical recourse of the patient? Does the profile of the general practitioner have an effect on the respect or not of the allowed trajectory of cares classified by the French reform? Which are the principal determinants of disregarding this referential trajectory, by notably analysing the âpractitioner - patientâ characteristics?Lâobjectif de cette thĂšse est de conceptualiser, Ă partir de lâexploitation des donnĂ©es de remboursement de soins de lâAssurance Maladie, les diffĂ©rentes trajectoires de recours aux soins relatives Ă la prise en charge dâune pathologie chronique (asthme), et dâĂ©tudier les dĂ©terminants de ces trajectoires du point de vue du profil et du comportement subsĂ©quent du prescripteur de soins. LâĂ©tude de la relation entre le comportement prescriptif et la trajectoire de soins est apprĂ©hendĂ©e par des techniques de modĂ©lisation et dâanalyses multivariĂ©es. Lâobjectif sous-jacent est dâĂ©valuer, dâun point de vue mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique, lâimpact de la typologie des prescripteurs (caractĂ©ristiques des offreurs de soins) sur les diffĂ©rentes trajectoires de soins suivies par les patients atteints de la pathologie dĂ©finie supra. Les caractĂ©ristiques susceptibles dâidentifier une typologie de prescripteur correspondent aux variables influant sur le comportement prescriptif, au sens large, du mĂ©decin (Ăąge, sexe, durĂ©e dâexercice, type dâexercice, etc.). La question principale de la thĂšse est celle de lâeffet rĂ©gulateur de lâincitation Ă©conomique, instaurĂ©e par le parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s (rĂ©forme de lâAssurance Maladie, aoĂ»t 2004), sur les trajectoires de soins, rĂ©ellement observĂ©es, de patients atteints de pathologies chroniques. Les corollaires sont : Le dĂ©remboursement des actes hors parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s peut-il avoir un impact significatif sur la trajectoire empirique de prise en charge du patient ? Le profil du prescripteur dâactes mĂ©dicaux a-t-il, toutes choses Ă©gales par ailleurs, un effet sur le respect ou non de la trajectoire de soins rĂ©fĂ©rentielle admise par le parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s ? Quels sont les dĂ©terminants principaux du non respect de cette trajectoire rĂ©fĂ©rentielle, du point de vue de lâanalyse des caractĂ©ristiques des couples « mĂ©decin â patient»
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of -determinantal processes
International audienceWe give necessary and sufficient conditions for existence and infinite divisibility of -determinantal processes. For that purpose we use results on negative binomial and ordinary binomial multivariate distributions
Can the French general practitioner as a gatekeeper be cost-effective for managing chronic patients treated with inhaled corticosteroids ?
Lâobjectif de cette thĂšse est de conceptualiser, Ă partir de lâexploitation des donnĂ©es de remboursement de soins de lâAssurance Maladie, les diffĂ©rentes trajectoires de recours aux soins relatives Ă la prise en charge dâune pathologie chronique (asthme), et dâĂ©tudier les dĂ©terminants de ces trajectoires du point de vue du profil et du comportement subsĂ©quent du prescripteur de soins. LâĂ©tude de la relation entre le comportement prescriptif et la trajectoire de soins est apprĂ©hendĂ©e par des techniques de modĂ©lisation et dâanalyses multivariĂ©es. Lâobjectif sous-jacent est dâĂ©valuer, dâun point de vue mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique, lâimpact de la typologie des prescripteurs (caractĂ©ristiques des offreurs de soins) sur les diffĂ©rentes trajectoires de soins suivies par les patients atteints de la pathologie dĂ©finie supra. Les caractĂ©ristiques susceptibles dâidentifier une typologie de prescripteur correspondent aux variables influant sur le comportement prescriptif, au sens large, du mĂ©decin (Ăąge, sexe, durĂ©e dâexercice, type dâexercice, etc.). La question principale de la thĂšse est celle de lâeffet rĂ©gulateur de lâincitation Ă©conomique, instaurĂ©e par le parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s (rĂ©forme de lâAssurance Maladie, aoĂ»t 2004), sur les trajectoires de soins, rĂ©ellement observĂ©es, de patients atteints de pathologies chroniques. Les corollaires sont : Le dĂ©remboursement des actes hors parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s peut-il avoir un impact significatif sur la trajectoire empirique de prise en charge du patient ? Le profil du prescripteur dâactes mĂ©dicaux a-t-il, toutes choses Ă©gales par ailleurs, un effet sur le respect ou non de la trajectoire de soins rĂ©fĂ©rentielle admise par le parcours de soins coordonnĂ©s ? Quels sont les dĂ©terminants principaux du non respect de cette trajectoire rĂ©fĂ©rentielle, du point de vue de lâanalyse des caractĂ©ristiques des couples « mĂ©decin â patient» ?The objective of this thesis is to conceptualize, starting from the exploitation of the refunding data of cares from the Sickness insurance, the various trajectories of cares recourses introduced by chronic diseases as asthma, and to study their determinants by analysing the profile and the subsequent behavior of the general practitioner. The study of the relation between the prescriptive behavior and the trajectory of cares is carried out by different multivariate analyses. The other objective is to evaluate, from a pharmacoeconomic point of view, the impact of the general practitioner characteristics on the various trajectories of cares followed by the patients with chronic diseases. The characteristics likely to identify a typology of practitioners correspond to the variables influencing the prescriptive behavior (age, sex, duration of exercise, type of exercise, etc). The principal question of the thesis is that of the regulating effect of the economic incentive, rested on the coordinated care pathway (reform of the Sickness insurance, August 2004), on the trajectories of cares, really observed by the chronic patients. The corollaries are: Does the no-reimbursement of some medical acts, not considered in the coordinated care pathway, have a significant impact on the empirical recourse of the patient? Does the profile of the general practitioner have an effect on the respect or not of the allowed trajectory of cares classified by the French reform? Which are the principal determinants of disregarding this referential trajectory, by notably analysing the âpractitioner - patientâ characteristics
Existence conditions for determinantal and permanental processes
Nous Ă©tablissons des conditions nĂ©cessaires et suffisantes dâexistence et dâinfinie divisibilitĂ© pour des processus ponctuels alpha-dĂ©terminantaux et, lorsque alpha est positif, pour leur intensitĂ© sous-jacente (en tant que processus de Cox). Dans le cas oĂč lâespace est fini, ces distributions correspondent Ă des lois binomiales, nĂ©gatives binomiales et gamma multidimensionnelles. Nous Ă©tudions de façon approfondie ces deux derniers cas avec un noyau non nĂ©cessairement symĂ©trique.We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and infinite divisibility of alpha-determinantal processes and, when alpha is positive, of their underlying intensity (as Cox process). When the space is finite, these distributions correspond to multidimensional binomial, negative binomial and gamma distributions. We make an in-depth study of these last two cases with a non necessarily symmetric kernel
Conditions d'existence des processus déterminantaux et permanentaux
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and infinite divisibility of alpha-determinantal processes and, when alpha is positive, of their underlying intensity (as Cox process). When the space is finite, these distributions correspond to multidimensional binomial, negative binomial and gamma distributions. We make an in-depth study of these last two cases with a non necessarily symmetric kernel.Nous Ă©tablissons des conditions nĂ©cessaires et suffisantes dâexistence et dâinfinie divisibilitĂ© pour des processus ponctuels alpha-dĂ©terminantaux et, lorsque alpha est positif, pour leur intensitĂ© sous-jacente (en tant que processus de Cox). Dans le cas oĂč lâespace est fini, ces distributions correspondent Ă des lois binomiales, nĂ©gatives binomiales et gamma multidimensionnelles. Nous Ă©tudions de façon approfondie ces deux derniers cas avec un noyau non nĂ©cessairement symĂ©trique
Le processus de décision markovien : Adaptation des routines
National audienceThe multi-state Markov model is a useful way of describing a process in which an individual moves through aseries of states in continuous time. The msm package for R allows a general multi-state model to be fitted to longitudinaldata. The progression of chronic diseases is often described by stages of severity. Features of msm include the ability tomodel transition rates between these different stages. The observations of the state Si(t) are made on a number of individualsi at arbitrary times t, which may vary between individuals. The interest of this paper is to specify the contribution of themulti-states modeling R package for pharmacoeconomics, in a health strategy assessment view.Le modĂšle de Markov multi-Ă©tats est une mĂ©thode pertinente pour dĂ©crire un processus dynamique de rĂ©partitiondâune cohorte dâindividus vers une sĂ©rie dâĂ©tats de santĂ©, en temps continu. La librairie « msm » du logiciel R (multi-statemodel) autorise la crĂ©ation dâun modĂšle multi-Ă©tats pour ajuster des donnĂ©es longitudinales. La progression dâune maladiechronique est souvent dĂ©crite par des stades de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© ; les spĂ©cificitĂ©s principales de la librairie « msm » incluent lapossibilitĂ© de modĂ©liser les probabilitĂ©s de transition entre ces diffĂ©rents stades. Les observations de lâĂ©tat Si(t) sont fondĂ©essur la rĂ©partition dâun nombre dâindividus i Ă un temps arbitraire t, lequel varie dâun patient Ă lâautre. LâintĂ©rĂȘt de ce papierest de spĂ©cifier lâapport de la modĂ©lisation dynamique multi-Ă©tats Ă lâĂ©valuation mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique des stratĂ©gies de santĂ©,notamment par lâadaptation des routines « msm » du logiciel R
Le processus de décision markovien : Adaptation des routines
National audienceThe multi-state Markov model is a useful way of describing a process in which an individual moves through aseries of states in continuous time. The msm package for R allows a general multi-state model to be fitted to longitudinaldata. The progression of chronic diseases is often described by stages of severity. Features of msm include the ability tomodel transition rates between these different stages. The observations of the state Si(t) are made on a number of individualsi at arbitrary times t, which may vary between individuals. The interest of this paper is to specify the contribution of themulti-states modeling R package for pharmacoeconomics, in a health strategy assessment view.Le modĂšle de Markov multi-Ă©tats est une mĂ©thode pertinente pour dĂ©crire un processus dynamique de rĂ©partitiondâune cohorte dâindividus vers une sĂ©rie dâĂ©tats de santĂ©, en temps continu. La librairie « msm » du logiciel R (multi-statemodel) autorise la crĂ©ation dâun modĂšle multi-Ă©tats pour ajuster des donnĂ©es longitudinales. La progression dâune maladiechronique est souvent dĂ©crite par des stades de sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© ; les spĂ©cificitĂ©s principales de la librairie « msm » incluent lapossibilitĂ© de modĂ©liser les probabilitĂ©s de transition entre ces diffĂ©rents stades. Les observations de lâĂ©tat Si(t) sont fondĂ©essur la rĂ©partition dâun nombre dâindividus i Ă un temps arbitraire t, lequel varie dâun patient Ă lâautre. LâintĂ©rĂȘt de ce papierest de spĂ©cifier lâapport de la modĂ©lisation dynamique multi-Ă©tats Ă lâĂ©valuation mĂ©dico-Ă©conomique des stratĂ©gies de santĂ©,notamment par lâadaptation des routines « msm » du logiciel R
Soil spore bank in <em>Tuber melanosporum</em>: up to 42% of fruitbodies remain unremoved in managed truffle grounds
International audienceFungi fruiting hypogeously are believed to form spore banks in soil especially because some fruitbodies are not removed by animals. However, little is known on the proportion of fruitbodies that are not removed by animals. We took advantage of the brûlé phenomenon, which allows delineation of the mycelium distribution, to assess the proportion of unremoved black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) fruitbodies in the context of plantations where fruitbodies are actively sought and harvested by truffle growers. We inspected portions of the brûlés after the harvest season to find unremoved fruitbodies. On average, from six truffle grounds in which a total of 38 brûlés were investigated, unremoved fruitbodies represented 33% of the whole fruitbody production (42% when averaging all the brûlés). We discuss this value and its high variability among truffle grounds. Beyond the local and variable accidental reasons that may lead to this high proportion, we speculate that the formation of some undetectable fruitbodies may be under selection pressure, given the reproductive biology of T. melanosporum
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