85 research outputs found

    Tutorialy pro TeXovské začátečníky

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    A VHDL Parser for Formal Verification

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout a implementovat překladač, který umožňuje převod popisu hardware z jazyka VHDL do grafové reprezentace v jazyce VAM (Variable Assignment Language). Program je určen pro potřeby formální verifikace výzkumné skupiny VeriFIT Fakulty informačních technologií VUT Brno. Důvodem vypracování této práce je poskytnutí možnosti formálně verifikovat návrh hardware s využitím vysokoúrovňových návrhových jazyků, jakým je například jazyk VHDL.The principal goal of this bachelor thesis is to design and implement a parser of VHDL language into graph representation in VAM (Variable Assignment Language). The application is developed for formal verification purposes of VeriFIT research group of the Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University of Technology. The development of the compiler described in this thesis should provide the opportunity to use formal verification techniques to verify hardware designs described in high level design languages, such as VHDL.

    The protection of landscape in the law

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    Ochrana krajiny v právu Diplomová práce analyzuje problematiku právní ochrany krajiny a popisuje základní právní instituty mezinárodního, evropského a českého práva, které chrání krajinu. Práce je rozdělena do čtyř kapitol. Úvodní kapitola definuje termín krajina a jeho vědecký a právní význam a představuje nejzávažnější problémy krajiny v přítomnosti. Druhá kapitola charakterizuje hmotné právo na mezinárodní úrovni a podává analýzu mezinárodních smluv vztahujících se k ochraně krajiny. Třetí kapitola zkoumá právní úpravu ochrany krajiny v Evropské unii. Čtvrtá kapitola přináší nástin české právní úpravy, především právních institutů upravených stavebním zákonem a zákonem o ochraně přírody a krajiny.The protection of landscape in the law The thesis analyzes the legal protection of landscape and describes basic legal institutes of the international, European and Czech law which protect landscape. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The introductory chapter defines the term landscape and its scientific and legal meaning and presents the most serious problems of landscape in the present. Chapter Two characterizes the substantive law on the international level and is concerned with an analysis of international treaties. Chapter Three investigates the legal regulation of the protection of landscape in the European Union. Chapter Four provides an outline of the relevant Czech legislation, especially The Act No 183/2006 Coll. Building Act and The Act No. 114/1992 Coll. on Protection of Nature and the Landscape.Department of Environmental LawKatedra práva životního prostředíPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Using SAR data for wet snow monitoring

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    Zjišťování mokrého sněhu z radarových dat Abstrakt Tato práce se zaměřuje na existující metodu pro získávání informací o sněhové pokrývce z družicových radarových dat. Zkoumaná metoda byla navržena Malnesem a Guneriussenem (2002) a je schopná provést subpixelovou klasifikaci mokrého sněhu, a také klasifikovat pixely se suchým sněhem. Klasifikace je založená na detekci změn, takže je potřeba referenční snímek bez sněhové pokrývky. V průběhu zpracování byly v algoritmu objeveny některé nedostatky, které jsou v práci diskutovány, a zároveň je navrženo možné řešení. Navrhnul jsem také modifikaci tohoto algoritmu, která by mohla přispět ke zlepšení jeho přesnosti. Modifikovaný algoritmus jsem pak otestoval. Klíčová slova: SAR, sněhová pokrývka, dálkový průzkum Země, mokrý sníhUsing SAR data for wet snow monitoring Abstract This paper focuses on an existing method of snow information retrieval by means of satellite SAR data. The method was first presented by Malnes and Guneriussen (2002), and has been proven to be capable of sub-pixel classification of wet snow. It is also able to classify dry snow pixels. The classification is based on change detection, so a snow-free reference image is required. Some flaws in this algorithm have been discovered during the work on this paper and are discussed, as well as a possible solution is suggested. I have also proposed a modification of the algorithm which could improve the classification results and tested the modified algorithm. Keywords: SAR, snow cover, remote sensing, wet snowDepartment of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyKatedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Accelerated shape forming and recovering, induction, and release of adhesiveness of conductive carbon nanotube/epoxy composites by joule heating

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    The versatile properties of a nanopaper consisting of a porous network of multi-walled carbon nanotubes were applied to enhance the mechanical and electrical properties of a thermosetting epoxy polymer. The embedded nanopaper proved useful both in the monitoring of the curing process of the epoxy resin by the self-regulating Joule heating and in the supervising of tensile deformations of the composite by detecting changes in its electrical resistance. When heated by Joule heating above its glass transition temperature, the embedded carbon nanotube nanopaper accelerated not only the modelling of the composites into various shapes, but also the shape recovery process, wherein the stress in the nanopaper was released and the shape of the composite reverted to its original configuration. Lastly, in comparison with its respective epoxy adhesive, the internally heated electro-conductive carbon nanotube nanopaper/epoxy composite not only substantially shortened curing time while retaining comparable strength of the adhesive bonding of the steel surfaces, but also enabled a release of such bonds by repeated application of DC current. © 2020 by the authors.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-Program NPU I [LO1504]; Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations - European Regional Development FundEuropean Union (EU); national budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409]; Fund of the Institute of Hydrodynamics [AV0Z20600510

    The piezoresistive highly elastic sensor based on carbon nanotubes for the detection of breath

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    Wearable electronic sensor was prepared on a light and flexible substrate. The breathing sensor has a broad assumption and great potential for portable devices in wearable technology. In the present work, the application of a flexible thermoplastic polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (TPU/MWCNTs) strain sensor was demonstrated. This composite was prepared by a novel technique using a thermoplastic filtering membrane based on electrospinning technology. Aqueous dispersion of MWCNTs was filtered through membrane, dried and then welded directly on a T-shirt and encapsulated by a thin silicone layer. The sensing layer was also equipped by electrodes. A polymer composite sensor is capable of detecting a deformation by changing its electrical resistance. A T-shirt was capable of analyzing a type, frequency and intensity of human breathing. The sensitivity to the applied strain of the sensor was improved by the oxidation of MWCNTs by potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and also by subsequent application of the prestrain.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic-Program NPU I [LO1504]; Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations; TBU in Zlin [IGA/CPS/2018/005, IGA/CPS/2019/010]; national budget of the Czech Republic, within project CPS-strengthening research capacity [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409]; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)European Union (EU

    High sensitivity sensor development for Hexamethylphosphoramide by polyaniline coated polyurethane membrane using resistivity assessment technique

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    Hexamethylphosphoramide is considered as one of the harmful of all carcinogens. In the present work, detection of Hexamethylphosphoramide by using a polyaniline coated polyurethane membrane was carried out and device is constructed to show its practical application using resistivity assessment technique. Polyurethane nanofiber membrane was prepared by electrospinning process. A modified synthetic method used to coat polyaniline onto a polyurethane membrane found to be effective to prepare a uniform and electrically conductive coating and promising for sensing a carcinogen like Hexamethylphosphoramide. Sensing performance may be attributed to the large resistance change in polyaniline because of the deprotonation when exposed to the Hexamethylphosphoramide environment. However, it is interesting to know that the high sensitivity of polyaniline modified polyurethane membrane toward Hexamethylphosphoramide is used as a promising gas sensor for the detection of said carcinogen using resistivity assessment technique at room temperature. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.LO1504, MEYS, Ministry of Education, Youth and SportsMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic - Program NPU I [LO1504

    Microstrip antenna from silver nanoparticles printed on a flexible polymer substrate

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    This work describes the use of inkjet printing technology to fabricate a flexible microstrip antenna. The antenna is printed on a flexible PET foil (Polyethylene terephthalate) using silver nanoparticles. Silver nanoparticles were synthetized by the solvothermal precipitation technique. The diameter of the prepared silver nanoparticles ranges from 20 to 200 nm measured with the help of the SEM analysis. In addition, the ink formulation for printing of a homogenous and electrically conductive layer was further prepared using silver nanoparticles. The printed antenna operates in two frequency bands of 2.02 GHz (-16.02 db) and 2.3 GHz (-19.33 db). The antenna is flexible and weigh is only 0.208 g and is suitable for electronic devices of a very low weight, such as wearable electronic devices. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd.Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic - National Sustainability Program NPU I [LO1504]; Operational Program Research and Development for Innovations; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); national budget of the Czech Republic [CZ.1.05/2.1.00/19.0409

    The Role of Citizen Science and Deep Learning in Camera Trapping

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    Camera traps are increasingly one of the fundamental pillars of environmental monitoring and management. Even outside the scientific community, thousands of camera traps in the hands of citizens may offer valuable data on terrestrial vertebrate fauna, bycatch data in particular, when guided according to already employed standards. This provides a promising setting for Citizen Science initiatives. Here, we suggest a possible pathway for isolated observations to be aggregated into a single database that respects the existing standards (with a proposed extension). Our approach aims to show a new perspective and to update the recent progress in engaging the enthusiasm of citizen scientists and in including machine learning processes into image classification in camera trap research. This approach (combining machine learning and the input from citizen scientists) may significantly assist in streamlining the processing of camera trap data while simultaneously raising public environmental awareness. We have thus developed a conceptual framework and analytical concept for a web-based camera trap database, incorporating the above-mentioned aspects that respect a combination of the roles of experts’ and citizens’ evaluations, the way of training a neural network and adding a taxon complexity index. This initiative could well serve scientists and the general public, as well as assisting public authorities to efficiently set spatially and temporarily well-targeted conservation policies.Fotopasti jsou stále častěji jedním ze základních pilířů monitorování a řízení životního prostředí. I mimo vědeckou komunitu mohou tisíce kamerových pastí v rukou občanů poskytnout cenné údaje o fauně suchozemských obratlovců, zejména údaje o vedlejších úlovcích, pokud jsou vedeny podle již používaných standardů. To představuje slibné prostředí pro občanskovědní iniciativy. Zde navrhujeme možnou cestu pro sdružování izolovaných pozorování do jedné databáze, která respektuje stávající standardy (s navrhovaným rozšířením). Cílem našeho přístupu je ukázat novou perspektivu a aktualizovat nedávný pokrok v zapojení nadšení občanských vědců a v zapojení procesů strojového učení do klasifikace obrazu ve výzkumu fotopastí. Tento přístup (kombinující strojové učení a vstupy občanských vědců) může významně napomoci zefektivnění zpracování dat z fotopastí a současně zvýšit povědomí veřejnosti o životním prostředí. Vyvinuli jsme koncepční rámec a analytický koncept webové databáze fotopastí, zahrnující výše uvedené aspekty, které respektují kombinaci rolí hodnocení odborníků a občanů, způsob trénování neuronové sítě a přidání indexu komplexnosti taxonů. Tato iniciativa by mohla dobře posloužit vědcům i široké veřejnosti a také pomoci orgánům veřejné správy účinně stanovovat prostorově a časově dobře zacílené politiky ochrany přírody.Camera traps are increasingly one of the fundamental pillars of environmental monitoring and management. Even outside the scientific community, thousands of camera traps in the hands of citizens may offer valuable data on terrestrial vertebrate fauna, bycatch data in particular, when guided according to already employed standards. This provides a promising setting for Citizen Science initiatives. Here, we suggest a possible pathway for isolated observations to be aggregated into a single database that respects the existing standards (with a proposed extension). Our approach aims to show a new perspective and to update the recent progress in engaging the enthusiasm of citizen scientists and in including machine learning processes into image classification in camera trap research. This approach (combining machine learning and the input from citizen scientists) may significantly assist in streamlining the processing of camera trap data while simultaneously raising public environmental awareness. We have thus developed a conceptual framework and analytical concept for a web-based camera trap database, incorporating the above-mentioned aspects that respect a combination of the roles of experts’ and citizens’ evaluations, the way of training a neural network and adding a taxon complexity index. This initiative could well serve scientists and the general public, as well as assisting public authorities to efficiently set spatially and temporarily well-targeted conservation policies

    Flexible microstrip antenna based on carbon nanotubes/(ethylene-octene copolymer) thin composite layer deposited on PET substrate

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    A most of portable devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, uses antennas made of cupper. In this paper we demonstrate possible use of electrically conductive polymer composite material for such antenna application. Here we describe the method of preparation and properties of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/(ethylene-octene copolymer) as flexible microstrip antenna. Carbon nanotubes dispersion in (ethylene-octene copolymer) toluene solution was prepared by ultrasound finally coating PET substrate by method of dip-coating. Main advantages of PET substrate are low weight and also flexibility. The final size of flexible microstrip antenna was 5 x 50 mm with thickness of 0.48 mm (PET substrate 0.25 mm) with the weight of only 0.402 g. Antenna operates at three frequencies 1.66 GHz (-6.51 dB), 2.3 GHz (-13 dB) and 2.98 GHz (-33.59 dB). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd