12 research outputs found

    Чинники впливу на мовленнєві порушення дітей молодшого шкільного віку

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    The article analyzes the main factors influencing the occurrence of speech disorders in children. The author examines various aspects of the problem of speech disorders, namely: biological, socio-psychological, pedagogical. Particular attention should be paid to the assessment of individual factors that provoke the appearance of different types of speech impairment at an early age. In the article the necessity of family education on the established traditions of the Ukrainian people, preservation of customs and moral and ethical values, which in general allow the development of personality broadcasting at an appropriate level, is actualized. N. Matveeva emphasizes that the language provides the needs of the individual in communication, familiarization with the world, norms of interaction between people, the realization of their own ideas and needs. The article outlines the basic requirements of the State Standard for the Education of People with Speech Disorders, and sets out clear objectives for improving the efficiency and quality of student learning. Among them, the author identifies: the amount of educational material that should be available to children with this type of abuse; determining students' levels of learning in accordance with the complexity of speech disorders; establishment of requirements, criteria and forms of assessment of students' knowledge; selection of necessary and effective corrective and developmental means, intended to prevent failure and backwardness of students with speech disorders, etc.The author emphasizes that disorders of the speech development of the child have a negative impact on their general, psycho-emotional state. In the presence of this type of abuse, such children are not able to properly absorb the educational material, communicate and build a friendly relationship, which generally provokes difficulties both in education and in the process of socialization of the individual. Therefore, the author presents an outline of the basic actions that a child must perform in order to form spelling skills and develop speech according to age standards.Н.Матвеєва наголошує на тому, що мова забезпечує потреби особистості у спілкуванні, ознайомленні з навколишнім світом, нормами взаємодії між людьми, реалізації власних задумів та потреб. У статті проаналізовано основні чинники впливу на появу порушень мовлення у дітей. Автор розглядає різні аспекти проблеми виникнення мовленнєвих порушень, а саме: біологічний, соціально-психологічний, педагогічний. Акту-алізується необхідність родинного виховання на усталених традиціях українського народу, збереження звичаїв та морально-етичних цінностей, які загалом дозволяють розвинути мовлення особистості на відповідному рівні. Стаття розкриває основні вимоги Державного стандарту щодо навчання осіб із порушеннями мовлення, а також визначає чіткі завдання задля підвищення ефективності та якості навчання учнів

    Tolerance as an important aspect of the professional competence of future specialists

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    The article outlines tolerance as an important aspect of the professional competence of future specialists. The purpose of the article is disclosed, which substantiates the foundations of the formation of tolerance in students of education as an important aspect of the professional competence of future specialists. The main positions of the formation of tolerance among education seekers are shown and the necessity of an important aspect of the professional competence of future competitive specialists is shown. The definition of tolerance in various aspects is proposed. In order to reveal the essence of professional tolerance, its functions, which are important in our research, are summarized. A typology of tolerance was carried out according to the social spheres of its existence. The article proposes and analyzes three types of orientation of professional tolerance of an individual: intertolerance (external type of tolerance); intratolerance (internal type of tolerance); balanced type of tolerance (clear combination of intratolerance and intertolerance). In the article, the authors define various principles and components of professional tolerance. The criteria of a culturally tolerant personality are singled out. The principles and functions of professional tolerance are considered

    Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects

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    Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales.Preparação de futuros profesores para a introdução de inovações digitais na escola rural: problemas e perspectivas RESUMO. Os objetivos do artigo são fundamentar a urgência do problema da colocação de professores qualificados em escolas rurais; caracterizar as inovações digitais e sua utilização nas escolas rurais nas condições do COVID-19; e analisar as dificuldades e perspectivas da formação de professores para o uso de tecnologias digitais na educação à distância em escolas remotas rurais. Utilizamos os seguintes métodos de pesquisa: analítico, empírico e método da estatística matemática. A análise teórica do estado do problema nas ciências pedagógicas, em particular, a introdução de inovações digitais no processo educacional é delineada como uma condição necessária para o desenvolvimento sustentável da educação do campo. No artigo, apresentamos os resultados de nosso estudo empírico realizado com futuros professores sobre a sua prontidão para trabalhar no futuro em áreas rurais. Revelou-se uma lacuna entre as expectativas profissionais dos professores jovens e a prática escolar real em escolas rurais remotas. A ênfase foi colocada na necessidade de assegurar a cooperação entre escolas, pais, o público e as empresas locais, a fim de melhorar a qualidade da educação rural. Palavras-chave: futuros professores, escola rural, tecnologias digitais.   Preparation of future teachers for the introduction of digital innovation in a Rural School: problems and prospects ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article: to substantiate the urgency of the problem of providing rural schools with qualified teachers; to characterize digital innovations and their use in rural education in the conditions of COVID-19; to analyze the difficulties and prospects for preparing teachers for the use of digital technologies in distance learning in rural remote schools. The following research methods were used: analytical, empirical, and mathematical statistics. Theoretical analysis of the state of the problem in pedagogical science, in particular, the introduction of digital innovations in the educational process is outlined as a necessary condition for sustainable development of rural education. The results of an empirical study conducted among future teachers on their readiness to work in the future in rural areas are presented. A gap was revealed between young teachers’ professional expectations and real school practice in remote rural schools. Emphasis was placed on the necessity to ensure cooperation between schools, parents, the public, and local businesses to improve the quality of rural education. Keywords: future teachers, rural school, digital technologies.   Preparación de futuros profesores para la introducción de la innovaciones digitales en una escuela rural: problemas y perspectivas RESUMEN. El objeto del artículo: fundamentar la actualidad del problema que consiste en proporcionar a las escuelas rurales el personal docente debidamente calificado; caracterizar las innovaciones digitales y su aplicación en la educación rural en las condiciones del COVID-19; analizar las dificultades y perspectivas de la preparación de profesores en la aplicación de tecnologías digitales en la educación a distancia en escuelas rurales. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos de investigación: de estadística analítica, empíricos y matemáticos. El análisis teórico del estado de la problemática en la ciencia pedagógica, en particular, la introducción de innovaciones digitales en el proceso educativo se perfila como condición esencial y necesaria para el desarrollo continuo de la educación rural. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado entre futuros profesores en el aspecto de su preparación para trabajar en zonas rurales. Se descubrió una ruptura entre las expectativas profesionales de los profesores jóvenes y la práctica escolar real en las escuelas rurales. Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de garantizar la cooperación entre las escuelas, los padres, la población en general y las empresas locales para mejorar la calidad de la educación rural. Palabras clave: futuros profesores, escuela rural, tecnologías digitales

    Formation of tolerance in the inclusive environment of an educational institution

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    In the article the results of theoretical research of the problem of forming a tolerant attitude towards people with special educational needs (SEN) are substantiated, defining the essence of the basic concepts of the research, psychological approaches to understanding the content and levels of tolerance. The following research methods were used: study of psychological and pedagogical literature, media monitoring, questionnaires and mathematical statistics. The results of an empirical study involving 226 respondents representing general secondary and higher education institutions in different regions of Ukraine are presented. The cases of disability discrimination in inclusive education were identified and the most effective measures for the formation of tolerant social attitude towards them were outlined. Based on the analysis of media resources, examples of intolerance in inclusion in different countries of the world are given, as well as dominant gender, racial or socio-cultural stereotypes that serve as barriers to inclusion. The emphasis is placed on the need to create an inclusive educational environment where all students can feel psychological comfort, understanding and mutual respect based on the generally accepted principle of tolerance – all students should study at regular educational institutions, despite difficulties or differences between them. The necessity for proper conditions for effective educational or correctional and developmental work with people with SEN, taking into account the adaptive nature of people from socially vulnerable groups, as well as mental, gender, ethnocultural characteristics of society has been proved

    Формування педагогічної майстерності фахівців початкової освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки

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    The article raised the issue features forming constituents’ pedagogical skills of primary school teachers of the New Ukrainian School; the basic requirements, criteria and indicators of formation levels are defined; the existing gaps in working with future specialists at the present stage are highlighted.The author reveals the essence of the concept of “pedagogical skill” of the teacher, while listing its various functions and constituents, on which other scientists have paid special attention. The article emphasizes that pedagogical skill is an important condition for the professional activity of the teacher, an integral part of his professionalism and pedagogical culture. Without her, no teacher can efficiently and effectively educate, educate and develop students, and to achieve the goals put forward by her and her pupils.The author defines the main normative documents on education, which emphasize the need to revise approaches to professional training in education. A special place is given to the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, which attaches great importance to the formation of not only a student of the new millennium, but also a teacher and the very first institution. Thus, according to the conceptual provisions, the last teacher must be creative personality, ready for change, with high intelligence and morally stable, creative. This suggests the urgency of the problem of raising and developing the level of pedagogical mastery of the teacher, which should begin in the process of studying at a higher school.In the article special attention is paid to the realities of the present, the existing level of formation of the pedagogical skill of future specialists. The author conducts an experimental study, including masters to the forms and types of work, observing, questioning, and so on. Thus, the author highlights the gaps and omissions in the formation of pedagogical skills, defines the main reasons for this, outlines ways to overcome them and the main techniques and methods for improving the efficiency of the development process of masters’ pedagogical skills.The given comparative analysis allows to define the basic constituents of pedagogical skill of future teachers which have already formed during the studies in high school. However, the author notes that this issue is particularly relevant and requires further study in order to provide the educational sector with a high professional level.У статті порушено проблему особливостей формування складових компонентів педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів Нової Української Школи; визначено основні вимоги, критерії та показники рівнів сформованості; виокремлено наявні прогалини у роботі з майбутніми фахівцями на сучасному етапі

    Formation of Students’ Tolerant Attitude to People with Special Needs

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    The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of raising tolerance of younger schoolchildren to people with special educational needs. The analysis of the level of readiness of all members of the educational process for communication, co-stay, education with students with violations in development; specifics of educational influence on younger students on the formation of stable moral beliefs, cultivation of moral features and qualities, development of spirituality, appropriation of values which are essential and necessary in the context of the arrangement of the inclusive, and educational environment of the New Ukrainian School. The emphasis is placed on the need to include students without exception in various activities, organizing and conducting joint creative work, educational events and games for the purpose of disclosing the inner world of children, studying their peculiarities, and strengthening the children's friendship. It is emphasized that observance of a number of requirements can increase the efficiency of the process of raising tolerance towards children with special needs. <br /

    Inclusive Education in Schools: Organizational-Pedagogical Aspects of the Problem

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    The article emphasizes that the urgent need today is to create the necessary conditions for meeting the needs of each child, regardless of its capabilities and other factors in realizing its potential, bringing benefits to society, and feeling that it is a full citizen. The author analyzes the main problems concerning the implementation of inclusive education at the present stage, examines the state of the problem's coverage in scientific works and normative-legal documents. The author focuses on a special place in the process of creating a comfortable environment for teaching children with special needs of psycho-diagnostic tools and correctional programs that need to be adapted. The article emphasizes that compliance with a number of requirements can increase the efficiency of the process of inclusive education in a comprehensive educational institution; outlines the main conditions for improving the quality of provision of educational services for children with special needs


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    Провідна ідея статті – інтелект загострюється інтелектом, характер виховується характером, особистість формується особистістю. Автор розкриваєзв'язок процесу всебічного розвитку школярів з особистістю учителя, а саме: його науковим, професійним, загально культурним рівнем; бажанням досягти успіхів, здатністю до неперервної самоосвіти, уміннями конструктивного прийняття нових ідей, прагненням до творчості.Ключові слова: творчість, педагогічна майстерність, культура, самооцінка, моральні цінності, саморозвиток, особистість.</p

    Features of improving the professional quality of the preparation of future teachers at the present stage

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    The article reveals the basic task of forming future teachers; singles out the criteria for determining the level of preparedness for future professional activities and the factors that influence the effectiveness of training for professionals; outlines the main ways of improving the quality of education degree today.Key words: mobility, professionalism, criteria and professional awareness, selfimprovement, professional readiness.</p