7 research outputs found

    Effects of orchiectomy, alone or in combination with testosterone, and cyproterone acetate on exocrine pancreatic carcinogenesis in rats and hamsters

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    The results of a previous 4-mo study in azaserine-treated rats and BOP-treated hamsters indicated that orchiectomy inhibited pancreatic growth and development of putative preneoplastic lesions in the exocrine pancreas of rats but not hamsters. This 12-mo study was carried out to investigate the effects of orchiectomy, alone and in combination with testosterone, and of treatment with cyproterone acetate on pancreatic carcinogenesis in azaserine-treated rats and BOP-treated hamsters. Treatment started 4 mo after injection of the carcinogen. In orchiectomized rats, pancreatic wt was lower than in controls, whereas pancreatic wt of orchiectomized rats treated with testosterone was similar to that of controls. Both orchiectomy and cyproterone acetate caused a decrease in body wt gain and had an inhibitory effect on pancreatic carcinogenesis. Testosterone treatment did not influence the inhibitory effects of orchiectomy on body wt gain and on pancreatic carcinogenesis. In hamsters, neither orchiectomy, alone or in combination with testosterone, nor cyproterone acetate (CA) affected pancreatic growth or pancreatic carcinogenesis. This study indicates that testosterone plays a minor role in the development of pancreatic tumors induced in rats by azaserine but not in that of pancreatic tumors induced in hamsters by BOP

    The RECAP Test Rapidly and Reliably Identifies Homologous Recombination-Deficient Ovarian Carcinomas

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    Recent studies have shown that the efficacy of PARP inhibitors in epithelial ovarian carcinoma (EOC) is related to tumor-specific defects in homologous recombination (HR) and extends beyond BRCA1/2 deficient EOC. A robust method with which to identify HR-deficient (HRD) carcinomas is therefore of utmost clinical importance. In this study, we investigated the proficiency of a functional HR assay based on the detection of RAD51 foci, the REcombination CAPacity (RECAP) test, in identifying HRD tumors in a cohort of prospectively collected epithelial ovarian carcinomas (EOCs). Of the 39 high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas (HGSOC), the RECAP test detected 26% (10/39) to be HRD, whereas ovarian carcinomas of other histologic subtypes (n = 10) were all HR-proficient (HRP). Of the HRD tumors that could be sequenced, 8/9 showed pathogenic BRCA1/2 variants or BRCA1 promoter hypermethylation, indicating that the RECAP test reliably identifies HRD, including but not limited to tumors related to BRCA1/2 deficiency. Furthermore, we found a trend towards better overall survival (OS) of HGSOC patients with RECAP-identified HRD tumors compared to patients with HRP tumors. This study shows that the RECAP test is an attractive alternative to DNA-based HRD tests, and further development of a clinical grade RECAP test is clearly warranted

    Increased DNA damage sensitivity of Cornelia de Lange syndrome cells: evidence for impaired recombinational repair

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS) is a rare dominantly inherited multisystem disorder affecting both physical and mental development. Heterozygous mutations in the NIPBL gene were found in about half of CdLS cases. Scc2, the fungal ortholog of the NIPBL gene product, is essential for establishing sister chromatid cohesion. In yeast, the absence of cohesion leads to chromosome mis-segregation and defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks. To evaluate possible DNA repair defects in CdLS cells, we characterized the cellular responses to DNA-damaging agents. We show that cells derived from CdLS patients, both with and without detectable NIPBL mutations, have an increased sensitivity for mitomycin C (MMC). Exposure of CdLS fibroblast and B-lymphoblastoid cells to MMC leads to enhanced cell killing and reduced proliferation and, in the case of primary fibroblasts, an increased number of chromosomal aberrations. After X-ray exposure increased numbers of chromosomal aberrations were also detected, but only in cells irradiated in the G(2)-phase of the cell cycle when repair of double-strand breaks is dependent on the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. Repair at the G(1) stage is not affected in CdLS cells. Our studies indicate that CdLS cells have a reduced capacity to tolerate DNA damage, presumably as a result of reduced DNA repair through homologous recombinatio