2,369 research outputs found

    Les beĢneĢfices d'un programme d'exercice physique sur la capaciteĢ de marche des patients avec claudication intermittente peuvent-ils perdurer six mois apreĢ€s la fin du programme? DonneĢes preĢliminaires

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    Introduction. L'arteĢriopathie obliteĢrante des membres infeĢrieurs d'origine atheĢromateuse, principale cause de claudication intermittente, est un probleĢ€me de santeĢ publique en Suisse. Typiquement, les patients avec claudication intermittente manifestent des douleurs aĢ€ l'effort qui limitent leur capaciteĢ de marche. L'exercice physique est la pierre angulaire du traitement de la claudication intermittente avec des effets beĢneĢfiques sur la capaciteĢ de marche largement deĢmontreĢs dans la litteĢrature. Cependant, peu d'eĢtudes ont examineĢ la persistance aĢ€ long terme des beĢneĢfices de l'exercice physique. Objectif. DeĢterminer si l'augmentation de la capaciteĢ de marche des patients avec claudication intermittente observeĢe en reĢponse aĢ€ un programme d'exercice peut perdurer 6 mois apreĢ€s la fin du programme. MeĢthodes. Dix patients avec une claudication intermittente et ayant suivi un programme d'exercice superviseĢ de 3 mois ont eĢteĢ inclus dans cette eĢtude. Avant le deĢbut du programme, aĢ€ la fin du programme, et 6 mois apreĢ€s la fin du programme, les distances de marche asymptomatique et maximale ont eĢteĢ deĢtermineĢes par un test d'effort sur tapis roulant tandis que la distance totale de marche parcourue en 6 minutes a eĢteĢ eĢvalueĢe par le test de marche de 6 minutes. L'index de pression cheville/bras (ABI) et l'index de pression orteil/bras (TBI) ont eĢgalement eĢteĢ mesureĢs aĢ€ ces diffeĢrents temps. ReĢsultats. Comme attendu, la distance de marche maximale et la distance totale parcourue en 6 minutes ont eĢteĢ significativement augmenteĢes respectivement de 118% et 22% aĢ€ la fin du programme d'exercice (p<0.05 versus avant le programme), tandis qu'une tendance aĢ€ l'augmentation a eĢteĢ observeĢe pour la distance de marche asymptomatique. Six mois apreĢ€s la fin du programme, la distance totale de marche parcourue en 6 minutes est toujours significativement augmenteĢe compareĢ aĢ€ avant le programme (p<0.05). La distance maximale de marche aĢ€ 6 mois apreĢ€s la fin du programme est supeĢrieure aĢ€ celle obtenue apreĢ€s le programme (773Ā±578 m versus 613Ā±511, p<0.05). Les valeurs d'ABI et TBI ne sont pas significativement diffeĢrentes aux diffeĢrents temps de l'eĢtude. Conclusion. Ce travail deĢmontre qu'un exercice superviseĢ de 3 mois est efficace pour geĢneĢrer sur le long terme des beĢneĢfices sur la capaciteĢ de marche des patients avec claudication intermittente. D'autres eĢtudes sont neĢanmoins neĢcessaires pour confirmer ce reĢsultat et deĢterminer les meĢcanismes responsables de ces beĢneĢfices. Ce travail confirme la relevance clinique de l'exercice superviseĢ pour le traitement aĢ€ long terme de la claudication intermittente

    Surgery during holiday periods and prognosis in oesophageal cancer: a population-based nationwide Swedish cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies indicate an increased short-term and long-term mortality from major cancer surgery performed towards the end of the working week or during the weekend. We hypothesised that the prognosis after major cancer surgery is also negatively influenced by surgery conducted during holiday periods. SETTING: Population-based nationwide Swedish cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Patients undergoing oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer between 1987 and 2010. Among 1820 included patients, 206 (11.3%) and 373 (20.5%) patients were operated on during narrow and wide holiday periods, respectively. INTERVENTIONS: Narrow (7ā€…weeks) and wide (14ā€…weeks) Swedish holiday periods. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: 90-day all-cause, 5-year all-cause and 5-year disease-specific mortality. RESULTS: Narrow holiday period did not increase all-cause 90-day (HR=0.84, 95% CI 0.53 to 1.33), all-cause 5-year (HR=1.01, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.21) or disease-specific 5-year mortality (HR=1.04, 95% CI 0.87 to 1.26). Similarly, wide holiday period did not increase the risk of 90-day (HR=0.79, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.13), all-cause 5-year (HR=0.96, 95% CI 0.84 to 1.1) or disease-specific 5-year mortality (HR=1.03, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.19). CONCLUSIONS: No measurable effects of holiday periods on short-term or longer term mortality following surgery for oesophageal cancer were observed in this population-based study, indicating that an adequate surgical experience was maintained during holiday periods

    On "the complete basis set limit" and plane-wave methods in first-principles simulations of water

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    Water structure, measured by the height of the first peak in oxygen-oxygen radial distributions, is converged with respect to plane-wave basis energy cutoffs for ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, confirming the reliability of plane-wave methods.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Supernovae data and perturbative deviation from homogeneity

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    We show that a spherically symmetric perturbation of a dust dominated Ī©=1\Omega=1 FRW universe in the Newtonian gauge can lead to an apparent acceleration of standard candles and provide a fit to the magnitude-redshift relation inferred from the supernovae data, while the perturbation in the gravitational potential remains small at all scales. We also demonstrate that the supernovae data does not necessarily imply the presence of some additional non-perturbative contribution by showing that any Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model fitting the supernovae data (with appropriate initial conditions) will be equivalent to a perturbed FRW spacetime along the past light cone.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; v2: 1 figure added, references added/updated, minor modifications and clarifications, matches published versio

    Obituary for Walter Kohn (1923ā€“2016)

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    Walter Kohn (Figure 1) is one of the most cited scientists of our time, who died on 19 April 2016 in Santa Barbara, CA, USA. [...

    An Improved High Order Finite Difference Method for Non-conforming Grid Interfaces for the Wave Equation

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    This paper presents an extension of a recently developed high order finite difference method for the wave equation on a grid with non-conforming interfaces. The stability proof of the existing methods relies on the interpolation operators being norm-contracting, which is satisfied by the second and fourth order operators, but not by the sixth order operator. We construct new penalty terms to impose interface conditions such that the stability proof does not require the norm-contracting condition. As a consequence, the sixth order accurate scheme is also provably stable. Numerical experiments demonstrate the improved stability and accuracy property

    Higher order finite difference schemes for the magnetic induction equations

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    We describe high order accurate and stable finite difference schemes for the initial-boundary value problem associated with the magnetic induction equations. These equations model the evolution of a magnetic field due to a given velocity field. The finite difference schemes are based on Summation by Parts (SBP) operators for spatial derivatives and a Simultaneous Approximation Term (SAT) technique for imposing boundary conditions. We present various numerical experiments that demonstrate both the stability as well as high order of accuracy of the schemes.Comment: 20 page

    Synthesis of Universal Workplace Design in Assembly-A Case Study

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    To form an inclusive and sustainable society, workplace design that can be used by different individuals, regardless of sex, language, background, and body function variations is needed. Such workplaces can also give economic benefits to companies if they provide a more accessible, safer, more productive and error proofed working environment. This aim of this paper is to evaluate a universal design concept developed at a company aiming at providing an \u27easy job\u27-workplace design for manual industrial operations. The study investigated key factors from 8 interviews and compared it to theoretical constructs such as WHO\u27s ICIDH-2. A synthesis was formed that included the following factors: personal factors, environmental factors and outcomes of universal work. The study has resulted in new insights regarding universal workplace design and the vision is that the synthesis can be used by other production companies that want to increase the universal design in assembly work
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