368 research outputs found

    Аналітичне моделювання процесу руху матеріалу в барабанно-валковому активаторі безперервної дії

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    Для барабанно-валкових машин з ножем, що зрізає матеріал з внутрішньої поверхні барабана у верхній його частині, здійснене аналітичне моделювання процесу руху зрізаного матеріалу, визначення місця встановлення і форми пластин напрямного пристрою для пересування матеріалу; моделювання зв’язку між продуктивністю машини та її параметрами і характеристиками матеріалу.For drum machines with the knife, which cuts material from the internal surface of drum in upper its part, is executed analytical modeling of process of moving a cut material. This is made for the determination of place and forms of plates of direct device for moving a material. Executed modeling of relationship between machine production with its parameters and features of material

    Expression in mammalian cells of a cloned gene encoding murine DNA methyltransferase

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    Mammalian DNA cytosine-5-methyltransferase (MTase, EC is an essential component for establishing and maintaining cell-type specific methylation patterns in the genome. The cDNAfor the murine enzyme was previously cloned in segments. We have reconstructed the entire gene, encoding a protein of 1517 amino acids, from a set of overlapping CDNA clones. We report the assembly of two expression constructs in bacterial/mammalian shuttle vectors. Transcription in the first construct (pEMT) is driven by the cytomegalovirus enhancer/promoter and encodes a fusion protein with 15 additional aa at the N terminus, while the second construct (pJMT) is driven by the simian virus 40 early promoter/enhancer upstream from the natural ATG codon. Immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoblot analysis have shown that both constructs direct the synthesis of MTase in COS-1 cells. Enzyme activity in whole-cell lysates of transfected COS-1 cells transfected with pEMT and pJMT are on average tenfold and fivefold higher than in control, respectively. The specific activities of the recombinant and endogenous mouse-cell enzyme are similar. These expression constructs will be of use in studies of DNA methylation in mammals

    70 Jahre fischereiliche Lehre und Forschung in Königswartha

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    Die Publikation stellt die Entwicklung der fischereilichen Lehre und Forschung sowie der Aufgaben der Fischereibehörde am Standort Königswartha über den Zeitraum von 1949 bis 2019 in Text und Bild dar. In Königswartha wurden fast 4.000 Fischwirte und Fischwirtschaftsmeister ausgebildet. Als Kompetenzzentrum der Fischerei strahlt der Ort weit über die Grenzen Sachsens hinaus. Die Schrift bietet Information und Hintergrundwissen für Absolventen, Interessierte und alle, die persönlich mit den Einrichtungen verbunden sind. Redaktionsschluss: 11.11.201

    Анализ применения пневмоударного бурения в условиях катастрофических поглощений бурового раствора

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    В процессе исследования проводились анализ и обобщение существующих способов и методов предупреждения и ликвидации поглощений бурового раствора. В работе рассмотрено буровое оборудование для реализации технологии ударно-вращательного бурения с очисткой забоя газожидкостными смесями.В результате исследования выбрано оборудование на базе мобильной буровой установки с погружным пневмоударником со специальной обвязкой устья скважины, произведен расчет распределения аэродинамических давлений при реализации пневмоударного бурения.In the course of the study, the analysis and generalization of existing methods and methods for preventing and eliminating mud absorption was carried out. In work the drilling equipment for realization of technology of shock-rotary drilling with cleaning of face with gas-liquid mixtures is considered.As a result of the research, the equipment was selected on the basis of a mobile drilling rig with a submersible hammer with a special piping of the wellhead, a calculation of the distribution of aerodynamic pressures in the implementation of pneumatic impact drilling was performed

    Is risk-stratified breast cancer screening economically efficient in Germany?

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    Objectives Risk stratification has so far been evaluated under the assumption that women fully adhere to screening recommendations. However, the participation in German cancer screening programs remains low at 54%. The question arises whether risk-stratified screening is economically efficient under the assumption that adherence is not perfect. Method We have adapted a micro-simulation Markov model to the German context. Annual, biennial, and triennial routine screening are compared with five risk-adapted strategies using thresholds of relative risk to stratify screening frequencies. We used three outcome variables (mortality reduction, quality-adjusted life years, and false-positive results) under the assumption of full adherence vs. an adherence rate of 54%. Strategies are evaluated using efficiency frontiers and probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA). Results The reduced adherence rate affects both performance and cost; incremental cost-effectiveness ratios remain constant. The results of PSA show that risk-stratified screening strategies are more efficient than biennial routine screening under certain conditions. At any willingness-to-pay (WTP), there is a risk-stratified alternative with a higher likelihood of being the best choice. However, without explicit decision criteria and WTP, risk-stratified screening is not more efficient than biennial routine screening. Potential improvements in the adherence rates have significant health gains and budgetary implications. Conclusion If the participation rate for mammographic screening is as low as in Germany, stratified screening is not clearly more efficient than routine screening but dependent on the WTP. A more promising design for future stratified strategies is the combination of risk stratification mechanisms with interventions to improve the low adherence in selected high-risk groups

    Teacher self-efficacy and mental health: their intricate relation to professional resources and attitudes in an established manual-based psychological group program

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    Introduction: Teaching is considered a mentally challenging occupation. Teacher self-efficacy is a personal resource which buffers the experience of stress and may be important in maintaining mental health. The preventive intervention “Manual-Based Psychological Group Program for Teachers” (MBPGPT) was applied and evaluated state-wide to improve the mental health of teachers. This study aims to investigate the intricate relation between teacher self-efficacy and mental health and their changes in the course of the intervention. Method: Using a single-group pre-/post-design, the relation between teacher self-efficacy and mental health was investigated in 742 teachers. Pre- and post-changes in teacher self-efficacy and their interaction with mental health were examined in a subsample of 171 teachers, who met the conservative inclusion criteria. In ancillary analyses, correlations with underlying changes in work-related behavior and experience patterns were analyzed to better understand the intricate link between teacher self-efficacy and mental health. Results: Teacher self-efficacy showed a significant, moderate correlation with mental health. Self-efficacy was moderately higher after the intervention than before the intervention, but independent of changes in mental health. Teacher self-efficacy was related to work-related psychological resistance and positive emotions. An increase in teacher self-efficacy was accompanied by an improvement in life satisfaction and distancing ability. A decrease in teacher self-efficacy went hand in hand with reduced experience of social support. Discussion: This study confirmed teacher self-efficacy as an important, reliable resource and its correlation with psychological resistance. The absence of a control group limits what causal conclusions can be drawn from the study. Nevertheless, self-efficacy seems to be a worthwhile goal of preventive interventions for teachers and should be promoted due to its wide-ranging implications. Suggestions for further studies and interventions are made

    Integrating Biocatalysts into Metal‐Organic Frameworks: Disentangling the Roles of Affinity, Molecular Weight, and Size

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    The integration of biocatalysts within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is attracting growing interest due to its potential to both enhance biocatalyst stability and sustain biocatalyst activity in organic solvents. However, the factors that facilitate the post-synthetic infiltration of such large molecules into MOF pores remain unclear. This systematic study enabled the identification of the influence of biocatalyst molecular size, molecular weight and affinity on the uptake by an archetypal MOF, NU-1000. We analyzed a range of six biocatalysts with molecular weights from 1.9 kDa to 44.4 kDa, respectively. By employing a combination of fluorescence tagging and 3D-STED confocal laser scanning microscopy, we distinguished between biocatalysts that were internalized within the MOF pores and those sterically excluded. The catalytic functions of the biocatalysts hosted within the MOF were investigated and found to show strong variations relative to the solvated case, ranging from a two-fold increase to a strong decrease

    Einfluss der Fütterung auf die Qualität von Kaviar

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    In Sachsen gewinnt die Aufzucht von Stören in Teichen zunehmend an Bedeutung, insbesondere um die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Warmwasserteichwirtschaft zu verbessern. Mit der Störerzeugung wurden Kapazitäten für die Herstellung von Farmkaviar geschaffen. Dieser ist jedoch starken Qualitätsunterschieden unterworfen. Störe neigen zu einer starken Verfettung des Eingeweidekomplexes, des Filets und der Gonaden, was geschmackliche Probleme zur Folge hat. Es wurde untersucht, ob spezielle Futtermittel, die für die finale Aufzuchtphase von Stören angeboten werden, geeignet sind, die Kaviarqualität zu verbessern und der Verfettung entgegenzuwirken. Mit allen vier geprüften Futtermitteln konnten gute Zuwachsleistungen und eine Verbesserung der Produktqualität erreicht werden. Alle Futtermittel erwiesen sich als geeignet für die Störaufzucht in der finalen Aufzuchtsaison vor der Kaviargewinnung. Die eingesetzten Futtermittel hatten jedoch weder Einfluss auf die zu gewinnende Menge, noch auf die Qualität des Kaviars

    Is it perceived as fair when craft unions exploit bottleneck positions? A quasi-experimental study

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    Using vignettes, we analyze under which conditions workers perceive over-proportional wage increases for occupational groups that are represented by craft unions as (rather) fair. Perceptions depend on the burdens of the occupational group, the size of the wage increase, information policies, and potential consequences for other groups