114 research outputs found

    A holistic system approach for short range passenger aircraft with cryogenic propulsion system

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    Currently, hybrid-electric aircraft are under investigation as one possible solution to reduce the emissions of the aviation industry according to Flightpath 2050 of the European Union. To meet the drive trainʼs requirements on low mass while aiming for highest efficiency, superconducting technologies are regarded as a key enabling technology for drive train powers of several tens of megawatts. Within the German nationally funded project TELOS an exemplary mission profile and the physical measures of a 220-passenger aircraft are used to derive the requirements for a cryogenic-cooled serial hybrid-electric propulsion system. To optimize the total system performance, we subsequently evaluated the superconducting and cryogenic-cooled components by using computationally fast, analytical models. This approach allows quantifying the system performance by using component technologies being available today. In particular, the system performance of geared drive to direct drive propulsion units are compared and the influence of the DC bus voltage and the electric frequencies of the AC circuits on the mass and the efficiency of the drive trains are analysed

    IncP ‐type plasmids carrying genes for antibiotic resistance or for aromatic compound degradation are prevalent in sequenced Aromatoleum and Thauera strains

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    Self-transferable plasmids of the incompatibility group P-1 (IncP-1) are considered important carriers of genes for antibiotic resistance and other adaptive functions. In the laboratory, these plasmids have a broad host range; however, little is known about their in situ host profile. In this study, we discovered that Thauera aromatica K172T, a facultative denitrifying microorganism capable of degrading various aromatic compounds, contains a plasmid highly similar to the IncP-1 ε archetype pKJK5. The plasmid harbours multiple antibiotic resistance genes and is maintained in strain K172T for at least 1000 generations without selection pressure from antibiotics. In a subsequent search, we found additional nine IncP-type plasmids in a total of 40 sequenced genomes of the closely related genera Aromatoleum and Thauera. Six of these plasmids form a novel IncP-1 subgroup designated θ, four of which carry genes for anaerobic or aerobic degradation of aromatic compounds. Pentanucleotide sequence analyses (k-mer profiling) indicated that Aromatoleum spp. and Thauera spp. are among the most suitable hosts for the θ plasmids. Our results highlight the importance of IncP-1 plasmids for the genetic adaptation of these common facultative denitrifying bacteria, and provide novel insights into the in situ host profile of these plasmids

    Anaerobic Microbial Degradation of Hydrocarbons: From Enzymatic Reactions to the Environment

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    Hydrocarbons are abundant in anoxic environments and pose biochemical challenges to their anaerobic degradation by microorganisms. Within the framework of the Priority Program 1319, investigations funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft on the anaerobic microbial degradation of hydrocarbons ranged from isolation and enrichment of hitherto unknown hydrocarbon-degrading anaerobic microorganisms, discovery of novel reactions, detailed studies of enzyme mechanisms and structures to process-oriented in situ studies. Selected highlights from this program are collected in this synopsis, with more detailed information provided by theme-focused reviews of the special topic issue on 'Anaerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons' [this issue, pp. 1-244]. The interdisciplinary character of the program, involving microbiologists, biochemists, organic chemists and environmental scientists, is best exemplified by the studies on alkyl-/arylalkylsuccinate synthases. Here, research topics ranged from in-depth mechanistic studies of archetypical toluene-activating benzylsuccinate synthase, substrate-specific phylogenetic clustering of alkyl-/arylalkylsuccinate synthases (toluene plus xylenes, p-cymene, p-cresol, 2-methylnaphthalene, n-alkanes), stereochemical and co-metabolic insights into n-alkane-activating (methylalkyl) succinate synthases to the discovery of bacterial groups previously unknown to possess alkyl-/arylalkylsuccinate synthases by means of functional gene markers and in situ field studies enabled by state-of-the-art stable isotope probing and fractionation approaches. Other topics are Mo-cofactor-dependent dehydrogenases performing O-2-independent hydroxylation of hydrocarbons and alkyl side chains (ethylbenzene, p-cymene, cholesterol, n-hexadecane), degradation of p-alkylated benzoates and toluenes, glycyl radical-bearing 4-hydroxyphenylacetate decarboxylase, novel types of carboxylation reactions (for acetophenone, acetone, and potentially also benzene and naphthalene), W-cofactor-containing enzymes for reductive dearomatization of benzoyl-CoA (class II benzoyl-CoA reductase) in obligate anaerobes and addition of water to acetylene, fermentative formation of cyclohexanecarboxylate from benzoate, and methanogenic degradation of hydrocarbons

    Properties of 2-Oxoglutarate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase from Thauera aromatica and Its Role in Enzymatic Reduction of the Aromatic Ring

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    Benzoyl coenzyme A (benzoyl-CoA) reductase is a key enzyme in the anaerobic metabolism of aromatic compounds catalyzing the ATP-driven reductive dearomatization of benzoyl-CoA. The enzyme from Thauera aromatica uses a reduced 2[4Fe-4S] ferredoxin as electron donor. In this work, we identified 2-oxoglutarate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (KGOR) as the ferredoxin reducing enzyme. KGOR activity was increased 10- to 50-fold in T. aromatica cells grown under denitrifying conditions on an aromatic substrate compared to that of cells grown on nonaromatic substrates. The enzyme was purified from soluble extracts by a 60-fold enrichment with a specific activity of 4.8 μmol min(−1) mg(−1). The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 200 ± 20 kDa (mean ± standard deviation) and consisted of two subunits with molecular masses of 66 and 34 kDa, suggesting an (αβ)(2) composition. The UV/visible spectrum was characteristic for an iron-sulfur protein; the enzyme contained 8.3 ± 0.5 mol of Fe, 7.2 ± 0.5 mol of acid-labile sulfur, and 1.6 ± 0.2 mol of thiamine diphosphate (TPP) per mol of protein. The high specificity for 2-oxoglutarate and the low K(m) for ferredoxin (∼10 μM) indicated that both are the in vivo substrates of the enzyme. KGOR catalyzed the isotope exchange between (14)CO(2) and C(1) of 2-oxoglutarate, representing a typical reversible partial reaction of 2-oxoacid oxidoreductases. The two genes coding for the two subunits of KGOR were found adjacent to the gene cluster coding for enzymes and ferredoxin of the catabolic benzoyl-CoA pathway. Sequence comparisons with other 2-oxoacid oxidoreductases indicated that KGOR from T. aromatica belongs to the Halobacterium type of 2-oxoacid oxidoreductases, which lack a ferredoxin-like module which contains two additional [4Fe-4S](1+/2+) clusters/monomer. Using purified KGOR, ferredoxin, and benzoyl-CoA reductase, the 2-oxoglutarate-driven reduction of benzoyl-CoA was shown in vitro. This demonstrates that ferredoxin acts as an electron shuttle between the citric acid cycle and benzoyl-CoA reductase by coupling the oxidation of the end product of the benzoyl-CoA pathway, acetyl-CoA, to the reduction of the aromatic ring