734 research outputs found

    Development of food photographs for use with children aged 18 months to 16 years:comparison against weighed food diaries – The Young Person’s Food Atlas (UK)

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    Traditional dietary assessment methods, used in the UK, such as weighed food diaries impose a large participant burden, often resulting in difficulty recruiting representative samples and underreporting of energy intakes. One approach to reducing the burden placed on the participant is to use portion size assessment tools to obtain an estimate of the amount of food consumed, removing the need to weigh all foods. An age range specific food atlas was developed for use in assessing children’s dietary intakes. The foods selected and portion sizes depicted were derived from intakes recorded during the UK National Diet and Nutrition Surveys of children aged 1.5 to 16 years. Estimates of food portion sizes using the food atlas were compared against 4-day weighed intakes along with in-school / nursery observations, by the research team. Interviews were conducted with parents the day after completion of the diary, and for children aged 4 to 16 years, also with the child. Mean estimates of portion size consumed were within 7% of the weight of food recorded in the weighed food diary. The limits of agreement were wide indicating high variability of estimates at the individual level but the precision increased with increasing age. For children 11 years and over, agreement with weighed food diaries, was as good as that of their parents in terms of total weight of food consumed and of intake of energy and key nutrients. The age appropriate food photographs offer an alternative to weighed intakes for dietary assessment with children

    Epigenetics and Social Context: Implications for Disparity in Cardiovascular Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is well established that African Americans (AA) experience greater social stressors than non-Hispanic Whites (NHW), the extent to which early life adversity and cumulative social stressors such as perceived discrimination, neighborhood violence, subjective social status, and socioeconomic status contribute to disparity in coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke between AA and NHW are not well understood. PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual model based upon McEwen’s Allostatic Load Model suggesting how the relationships among social context, early life adversity, psychological stress, inflammation, adaptation, and epigenetic signature may contribute to the development of CHD and ischemic stroke. We hypothesize that social context and prior life adversity are associated with genome-wide as well as gene-specific epigenetic modifications that confer a proinflammatory epigenetic signature that mediates an enhanced proinflammatory state. Exposure to early life adversity, coupled with an increased allostatic load places individuals at greater risk for inflammatory based diseases, such as CHD and ischemic stroke. RESULTS: Based on a review of the literature, we propose a novel model in which social context and psychological stress, particularly during early life, engenders a proinflammatory epigenetic signature, which drives a heightened inflammatory state that increases risk for CHD and stroke. In the proposed model, a proinflammatory epigenetic signature and adaptation serve as mediator variables. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the extent to which epigenetic signature bridges the psycho-social environment with inflammation and risk for CHD may yield novel biomarkers that can be used to assess risk, development, and progression of CHD/stroke. Epigenetic biomarkers may be used to inform preventive and treatment strategies that can be targeted to those most vulnerable, or to those with early signs of CHD, such as endothelial dysfunction. Furthermore, epigenetic approaches, including lifestyle modification and stress reduction programs, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction, offer promise to reduce health inequity linked to social disadvantage, as emerging evidence demonstrates that adverse epigenetic marks can be reversed

    Relation of cardiovascular risk factors in women approaching menopause to menstrual cycle characteristics and reproductive hormones in the follicular and luteal phases

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    CONTEXT: Menstrual cycle characteristics may be associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to describe the relationships between menstrual cycle characteristics and daily reproductive hormone measures with CVD risk factors in middle-aged women. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional associations were examined between CVD risk factors and urinary LH, FSH, estrone conjugates, and pregnanediol glucuronide (Pdg) measured across one menstrual cycle or 50 d. PARTICIPANTS: Menstruating women (n = 500) who were free from diabetes or past stroke or heart attack enrolled in the Daily Hormone Study-Study of Women\u27s Health across the Nation were studied. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, hemostatic, and metabolic factors were measured. RESULTS: Few differences existed in risk factors between women with evidence of luteal activity and those with no evidence of luteal activity. Associations between elevated CVD risk factors and long cycle length were reduced substantially by age and BMI adjustments. Those with lower estrone conjugate and PdG averaged across the follicular phase had higher waist circumference, triglycerides, insulin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1, tissue type plasminogen activator-antigen, and factor VIIc levels in age- and BMI-adjusted analyses (P \u3c 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In midlife menstruating women, a longer cycle length was related to CVD risk factors, in large part through their common association with BMI. More favorable levels of metabolic and hemostatic factors were associated with higher levels of follicular-phase estrogen, a pattern consistent with a more competent ovary, and higher levels of follicular-phase PdG, perhaps of adrenal origin. Metabolic and hemostatic factors may be sensitive to hormonal variation during the early perimenopausal transition

    Rancang Bangun Mobile Robot Pengikut Manusia Berdasarkan Warna Menggunakan Metode Template Matching Berbasis Mini Pc

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    Penerapan teknologi di bidang robotika telah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh kalangan industri di dunia kerja dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas berbagai aktivitas kerja manusia. Sebuah mobile robot dibuat agar dapat mengikuti pergerakan objek berupa manusia berdasarkan warna menggunakan webcam. Mobile robot yang dibuat dapat melakukan proses pengolahan citra dari warna objek yang ditangkap oleh webcam, sehingga dapat mengenali warna objek yang diikuti. Proses pengolahan citra akan di proses di dalam Raspberry Pi sebagai pusat kontrol, yang akan menggerakkan motor pada mobile robot. Ada beberapa proses pengolahan citra untuk mengikuti pergerakan objek, yaitu: mencari nilai HSV masing-masing warna pada kondisi pencahayaan yang berbeda, menganalisa warna objek yang akan diikuti dengan membandingkan nilai HSV yang didapat dengan nilai HSV pada proses sebelumnya, dan mendeteksi warna lingkaran pada objek yang tujuan dengan menggunakan metode template matching. Mobile robot akan mengikuti pergerakan objek yang telah ditangkap oleh webcam, Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, didapatkan nilai HSV yang tepat untuk semua keadaan pencahayaan untuk masing-masing warna yaitu: nilai H (Hue) untuk warna, merah: 0-66, nilai S (Saturation): 64-169, dan nilai V (Value): 75-124. Dari 11 kali pengujian sistem yang dilakukan pada semua kondisi pencahayaan, diperoleh 5 kali kegagalan dengan persentase kegagalan sebesar 45.4 % dan 6 kali keberhasilan dengan persentase keberhasilan sebesar 54.6 %

    Influence of hormone therapy on the cardiovascular responses to stress of postmenopausal women

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    Abstract Epidemiological and psychophysiological data suggest that groups that differ in reproductive hormones and stress responses also differ in risk for cardiovascular disease. To evaluate the effects of hormone therapy on women's cardiovascular responses to laboratory stressors, 89 healthy postmenopausal women were tested twice, before and after exposure for about 8 weeks to one of the five conditions: placebo, Estratab (primarily estrone), Estratab plus Prometrium (micronized progesterone), Estratab plus Provera (synthetic progestin), and Estratest (same estrogen as in Estratab plus methyltestosterone). Results showed that women assigned to Estratab plus Prometrium and Estratest had diminished systolic blood pressure responses to stress upon retesting, whereas the other groups did not change in the level of their responses. Women assigned to Estratab plus Prometrium had diminished diastolic blood pressure responses during a speech stressor upon retesting, whereas women assigned to Estratab plus Provera increased. Our findings show that hormone therapy does affect women's stress responses, but they do not provide a simple explanation as to why groups at high and low risk for cardiovascular disease differ in reproductive hormones and stress responses.

    Action Planning for Daily Mouth Care in Long-Term Care: The Brushing Up on Mouth Care Project

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    Research focusing on the introduction of daily mouth care programs for dependent older adults in long-term care has met with limited success. There is a need for greater awareness about the importance of oral health, more education for those providing oral care, and organizational structures that provide policy and administrative support for daily mouth care. The purpose of this paper is to describe the establishment of an oral care action plan for long-term care using an interdisciplinary collaborative approach. Methods. Elements of a program planning cycle that includes assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation guided this work and are described in this paper. Findings associated with assessment and planning are detailed. Assessment involved exploration of internal and external factors influencing oral care in long-term care and included document review, focus groups and one-on-one interviews with end-users. The planning phase brought care providers, stakeholders, and researchers together to design a set of actions to integrate oral care into the organizational policy and practice of the research settings. Findings. The establishment of a meaningful and productive collaboration was beneficial for developing realistic goals, understanding context and institutional culture, creating actions suitable and applicable for end-users, and laying a foundation for broader networking with relevant stakeholders and health policy makers

    The menopause transition and women\u27s health at midlife: a progress report from the Study of Women\u27s Health Across the Nation (SWAN)

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    OBJECTIVE: Our initial understanding of the menopause transition (MT) has been framed by clinical samples of women seeking treatment rather than by population-based studies. The Study of Women\u27s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) initiated in 1996 with an overall goal to define the MT, to characterize its biological and psychosocial antecedents and sequelae in an ethnically and racially diverse sample of midlife women. METHODS: This review summarizes the central findings of SWAN to date that can inform women and their healthcare providers about the impact of the MT and midlife aging on overall health and well-being. RESULTS: SWAN characterized changes in reproductive axis and menstrual cycle patterns that informed the development of the reproductive aging staging system Staging of Reproductive Aging Workshop+10; MT-related symptoms and mental health (vasomotor symptoms, sleep complaints, psychological symptoms, cognitive performance, and urogenital and sexual health); and physiological systems and functions (cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health, bone health, physical function performance) that are influenced by the MT. SWAN demonstrated substantial interrelations among these changes and significant racial/ethnic differences in the rate and magnitude of change in multiple health indictors in midlife women. The findings point to midlife as a critical stage for adopting healthy behavior and preventive strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Over the past 23 years, SWAN has advanced our understanding of the impact of the MT and midlife aging on health and well-being in women. SWAN will be instrumental to determine whether MT-related changes during midlife are related to unfavorable health and well-being in early old age

    Glucose absorption and gastric emptying in critical illness

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    Introduction: Delayed gastric emptying occurs frequently in critically ill patients and has the potential to adversely affect both the rate, and extent, of nutrient absorption. However, there is limited information about nutrient absorption in the critically ill, and the relationship between gastric emptying (GE) and absorption has hitherto not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to quantify glucose absorption and the relationships between GE, glucose absorption and glycaemia in critically ill patients. Methods: Studies were performed in nineteen mechanically ventilated critically ill patients and compared to nineteen healthy subjects. Following 4 hours fasting, 100 ml of Ensure, 2 g 3-Omethyl glucose (3-OMG) and ⁹⁹mTc sulphur colloid were infused into the stomach over 5 minutes. Glucose absorption (plasma 3- OMG), blood glucose levels and GE (scintigraphy) were measured over four hours. Data are mean ± SEM. A P-value 0.51; P < 0.05). Conclusions In critically ill patients; (i) the rate and extent of glucose absorption are markedly reduced; (ii) GE is a major determinant of the rate of absorption, but does not fully account for the extent of impaired absorption; (iii) blood glucose concentration could be one of a number of factors affecting GE.Marianne J Chapman, Robert JL Fraser, Geoffrey Matthews, Antonietta Russo, Max Bellon, Laura K Besanko, Karen L Jones, Ross Butler, Barry Chatterton and Michael Horowit

    Socioeconomic status and polycystic ovary syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common metabolic-endocrine disorder in women and is associated with a number of metabolic morbidities. We examined the association of PCOS and its components with socioeconomic status (SES) over the life course to explore the role of the environment on the development of PCOS. METHODS: Participants included 1163 women, aged 34-39, from the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Women\u27s Study, examined at year 16 of the CARDIA study (2001). PCOS was defined according to the 1990 National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria. RESULTS: Logistic regression models, adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and oral contraceptive (OC) use, demonstrated a statistically significant association between those women with low parental education/high personal education and PCOS (odds ratio [OR] 2.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.4-4.4). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that women who experienced low childhood SES are at increased risk of PCOS, but this risk is limited to those who have personally attained a high level of education. More research is needed to determine the childhood socioeconomic factors that might influence this risk and whether conditions associated with upward life mobility play a role or if this group of at-risk women is simply more likely to recall the symptoms that define PCOS