1,805 research outputs found

    The Australian Indigenous Business Exemption as a ‘Special Measure’: Questions of Effectiveness

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    This article considers the issue of the requirements of establishing the Australian Commonwealth government’s Indigenous preferential procurement program, the ‘indigenous business exemption’ as a special measure under Article 1.4 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It does this by, considering jurisprudence regarding special measures and other affirmative action programs from Australia and other jurisdictions, concluding that it is necessary to establish some evidential base to justify the establishment (in Australian law) and ongoing operation of such measures (in international law). The article then examines the effectiveness of procurement policies aimed at achieving secondary social objectives in addition to the primary procurement of government goods and services

    Factors affecting the efficacy of the Commonwealth\u27s Indigenous Business Exemption

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    The thesis examines the effectiveness of the Commonwealth Government\u27s Indigenous procurement policy. It identifies a number of factors that limited utilisation of this policy and recommended ways to improve the policy.<br /

    Transcript of A Keynote from “Kings & Queens 7” (2018): Researching and Interpreting Gender and Sexuality at Historic Royal Palaces

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    Historic Royal Palaces researches and interprets histories of gender and sexuality in the palaces it cares for. Work on LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Queer) histories and identities has increased in museums and heritage sites recently. There is a pressing social need for this work, as LGBTQ people continue to experience various kinds of discrimination and prejudice. Evidence suggests that the work of museums and heritage organisations can have a positive impact on LGBTQ lives and rights. There are many examples of queer lives and identities in British royal history, but this paper shows that beyond the ‘usual suspects’ (such as James VI &amp; I and Queen Anne), the histories of courtiers, servants, artists, and designers around the royal court are rewarding areas of study. This paper suggests that material culture studies could be used more effectively, and histories of creative queering of monarchy can inform perceptions of the institution itself

    Qualitative exploration of women’s experiences of intramuscular pethidine or remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia for labour pain

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    ObjectivesTo explore women’s experiences of remifentanil or pethidine for labour pain and infant feeding behaviours at 6weeks post partum.DesignQualitative postnatal sub-study to the randomised controlled trial of remifentanil intravenous patient controlled analgesia (PCA) versus intramuscular pethidine for pain relief in labour (RESPITE). Semistructured telephone interviews were conducted at 6 weeks post partum, and thematic analysis was undertaken.SettingWomen recruited to the RESPITE trial from seven UK hospitals.ParticipantsEighty women consented and 49 (30 remifentanil group and 19 pethidine group) completed the interview.ResultsEight themes emerged which encompassed women’s antenatal plans for pain management (Birth Expectations) through to their future preferences for pain relief (Reflections for Future Choices). Many women who used remifentanil felt it provided effective pain relief (Effectiveness of Pain Relief), whereas women in the pethidine group expressed more mixed views. Both groups described side effects, with women using pethidine frequently reporting nausea (Negative Physiological Responses) and women using remifentanil describing more cognitive effects (Cognitive Effects). Some women who used remifentanil reported restricted movements due to technical aspects of drug administration and fear of analgesia running out (Issues with Drug Administration). Women described how remifentanil enabled them to maintain their ability to stay focused during the birth (Enabling a Sense of Control). There was little difference in reported breastfeeding initiation and continuation between pethidine and remifentanil groups (Impact on Infant Behaviour and Breastfeeding).ConclusionsQualitative insights from a follow-up study to a trial which explored experiences of intravenous remifentanil PCA with intramuscular pethidine injection found that remifentanil appeared to provide effective pain relief while allowing women to remain alert and focused during labour, although as with pethidine, some side effects were noted. Overall, there was little difference in reported breastfeeding initiation and duration between the two groups.Trial registration numberISRCTN29654603

    Draft Genome Sequences of 1,183 Salmonella Strains from the 100K Pathogen Genome Project.

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    Salmonella is a common food-associated bacterium that has substantial impact on worldwide human health and the global economy. This is the public release of 1,183 Salmonella draft genome sequences as part of the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. These isolates represent global genomic diversity in the Salmonella genus

    K-band Spectroscopy of Clusters in NGC 4038/4039

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    Integral field spectroscopy in the K-band (1.9-2.4um) was performed on four IR-bright star clusters and the two nuclei in NGC 4038/4039 (``The Antennae''). Two of the clusters are located in the overlap region of the two galaxies, and together comprise ~25% of the total 15um and ~10% of the total 4.8 GHz emission from this pair of merging galaxies. The other two clusters, each of them spatially resolved into two components, are located in the northern galaxy, one in the western and one in the eastern loop of blue clusters. Comparing our analysis of Brgamma, CO band-heads, He I (2.058um), Halpha (from archival HST data), and V-K colors with stellar population synthesis models indicates that the clusters are extincted (A_V ~ 0.7 - 4.3 mags) and young, displaying a significant age spread (4-13 Myrs). The starbursts in the nuclei are much older (65 Myrs), with the nucleus of NGC 4038 displaying a region of recent star formation northward of its K-band peak. Using our derived age estimates and assuming the parameters of the IMF (Salpeter slope, upper mass cut-off of 100 M_sun, Miller-Scalo between 1 M_sun and 0.1 M_sun), we find that the clusters have masses between 0.5 and 5 * 10^6M_sun.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    The Influence of Caffeine Expectancies on Simulated Soccer Performance in Recreational Individuals

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    Caffeine (CAF) has been reported to improve various facets associated with successful soccer play, including gross motor skill performance, endurance capacity and cognition. These benefits are primarily attributed to pharmacological mechanisms. However, evidence assessing CAF’s overall effects on soccer performance are sparse with no studies accounting for CAF’s potential psychological impact. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess CAF’s psychological vs. pharmacological influence on various facets of simulated soccer performance. Utilising a double-dissociation design, eight male recreational soccer players (age: 22 ± 5 years, body mass: 78 ± 16 kg, height: 178 ± 6 cm) consumed CAF (3 mg/kg/body mass) or placebo (PLA) capsules, 60 min prior to performing the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) interspersed with a collection of ratings of perceived exertion (RPE), blood glucose and lactate, heart rate and performing the Loughborough Soccer Passing Test (LSPT). Whole-body dynamic reaction time (DRT) was assessed pre- and post- LIST, and endurance capacity (TLIM) post, time-matched LIST. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS (v24) whilst subjective perceptions were explored using template analysis. Mean TLIM was greatest (p < 0.001) for synergism (given CAF/told CAF) (672 ± 132 s) vs. placebo (given PLA/told PLA) (533 ± 79 s). However, when isolated, TLIM was greater (p = 0.012) for CAF psychology (given PLA/told CAF) (623 ± 117 s) vs. pharmacology (given CAF/told PLA) (578 ± 99 s), potentially, via reduced RPE. Although DRT performance was greater (p = 0.024) post-ingestion (+5 hits) and post-exercise (+7 hits) for pharmacology vs. placebo, psychology and synergism appeared to improve LSPT performance vs. pharmacology. Interestingly, positive perceptions during psychology inhibited LSPT and DRT performance via potential CAF over-reliance, with the opposite occurring following negative perceptions. The benefits associated with CAF expectancies may better suit tasks that entail lesser cognitive-/skill-specific attributes but greater gross motor function and this is likely due to reduced RPE. In isolation, these effects appear greater vs. CAF pharmacology. However, an additive benefit may be observed after combining expectancy with CAF pharmacology (i.e., synergism).N/

    Physical Conditions of Accreting Gas in T Tauri Star Systems

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    We present results from a low resolution (R~300) near-infrared spectroscopic variability survey of actively accreting T Tauri stars (TTS) in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region. Paschen and Brackett series H I recombination lines were detected in 73 spectra of 15 classical T Tauri systems. The values of the Pan/PaB, Brn/BrG, and BrG/Pan H I line ratios for all observations exhibit a scatter of < 20% about the weighted mean, not only from source to source, but also for epoch-to-epoch variations in the same source. A representative or `global' value was determined for each ratio in both the Paschen and Brackett series as well as the BrG/Pan line ratios. A comparison of observed line ratio values was made to those predicted by the temperature and electron density dependent models of Case B hydrogen recombination line theory. The measured line ratios are statistically well-fit by a tightly constrained range of temperatures (T < 2000 K) and electron densities 1e9 < n_e < 1e10 cm^-3. A comparison of the observed line ratio values to the values predicted by the optically thick and thin local thermodynamic equilibrium cases rules out these conditions for the emitting H I gas. Therefore, the emission is consistent with having an origin in a non-LTE recombining gas. While the range of electron densities is consistent with the gas densities predicted by existing magnetospheric accretion models, the temperature range constrained by the Case B comparison is considerably lower than that expected for accreting gas. The cooler gas temperatures will require a non-thermal excitation process (e.g., coronal/accretion-related X-rays and UV photons) to power the observed line emission.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj format, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Terminal alkyne coupling reactions through a ring : effect of ring size on rate and regioselectivity

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    Terminal alkyne coupling reactions promoted by rhodium(I) complexes of macrocyclic NHC‐based pincer ligands – which feature dodecamethylene, tetradecamethylene or hexadecamethylene wingtip linkers viz. [Rh(CNC‐n)(C2H4)][BArF4] (n = 12, 14, 16; ArF = 3,5‐(CF3)2C6H3) – have been investigated, using the bulky alkynes HC≡CtBu and HC≡CArâ€Č (Arâ€Č = 3,5‐tBu2C6H3) as substrates. These stoichiometric reactions proceed with formation of rhodium(III) alkynyl alkenyl derivatives and produce rhodium(I) complexes of conjugated 1,3‐enynes by C–C bond reductive elimination through the annulus of the ancillary ligand. The intermediates are formed with orthogonal regioselectivity, with E‐alkenyl complexes derived from HC≡CtBu and gem‐alkenyl complexes derived from HC≡CArâ€Č, and the reductive elimination step is appreciably affected by the ring size of the macrocycle. For the homocoupling of HC≡CtBu, E‐tBuC≡CCH=CHtBu is produced via direct reductive elimination from the corresponding rhodium(III) alkynyl E‐alkenyl derivatives with increasing efficacy as the ring is expanded. In contrast, direct reductive elimination of Arâ€ČC≡CC(=CH2)Arâ€Č is encumbered relative to head‐to‐head coupling of HC≡CArâ€Č and it is only with the largest macrocyclic ligand studied that the two processes are competitive. These results showcase how macrocyclic ligands can be used to interrogate the mechanism and tune the outcome of terminal alkyne coupling reactions, and are discussed with reference to catalytic reactions mediated by the acyclic homologue [Rh(CNC‐Me)(C2H4)][BArF4] and solvent effects

    A qualitative study of decision-making and safety in ambulance service transitions

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    Background Decisions made by front-line ambulance staff are often time critical and based on limited information, but wrong decisions in this context could have serious consequences for patients. There has been little research carried out in the ambulance service setting to identify areas of risk associated with decisions about patient care. Aim The aim of this study was to qualitatively examine potential system-wide influences on decision-making in the ambulance service setting and to identify useful areas for future research and intervention. Methods We used a multisite, multimethod qualitative approach across three ambulance service trusts. In phase 1 we carried out 16 interviews to contextualise the study and provide discussion points for phase 2. For phase 2, university and ambulance service researchers observed paramedics on 34 shifts and 10 paramedics completed ‘digital diaries’ that reported challenges to decision-making or to patient safety. Six focus groups were held, three with staff (n = 21) and three with service users (n = 23). From observation and diary data we developed a typology of decisions made at the scene. Data from these and other sources were also coded within a human factors framework and then thematically analysed to identify influences on those decisions. In phase 3, workshops were held at each site to allow participants and stakeholders (n = 45) to comment on the study findings. Participants were asked to rank influences on decisions using a ‘paired comparison’ method. Results Interviews provided the context for further qualitative exploration. Nine types of decision were identified from observations and digital diaries, ranging from emergency department conveyance and specialist emergency pathways to non-conveyance. A synthesis of findings from the observations, diaries and staff focus groups revealed seven overarching system influences on decision-making and potential risk factors: meeting increasing demand for emergency care; impacts of performance regime and priorities on service delivery; access to appropriate care options; disproportionate risk aversion; education, training and professional development for crews; communication and feedback to crews; and ambulance service resources. Safety culture issues were also identified. Data from the service user focus groups reflected similar issues to those identified from the staff focus groups. Service user concerns included call handling and communication, triage, patient involvement in decisions, balancing demand, resources, access to care, risk aversion, geographical location and vulnerable patients. Group discussions highlighted a lack of awareness by the public of how best to use emergency and urgent care services. Workshop attendees were satisfied that the findings reflected relevant issues. The two issues ranked highest for warranting attention were staff training and development and access to alternative care. Conclusions Multiple qualitative methods allowed a range of perspectives to be accessed and validation of issues across perspectives. Recommendations for future research include exploring effective ways of providing access to alternative care pathways to accident and emergency, assessing public awareness and expectations of ambulance and related services, exploring safe ways of improving telephone triage decisions and assessing the effects of different staff skill levels on patient safety
