528 research outputs found

    University training schools in German states - historical case studies

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    Die höhere Lehrerbildung war im 19. Jahrhundert als "Philologen"-Ausbildung konzipiert. Der Pädagogik wurde die Wissenschaftlichkeit abgesprochen, und die pädagogische Praxis sollte in klarer Trennung von der Universität gelernt werden. Herbart und die Herbartianer stellten sich gegen diese Auffassung und gründeten pädagogische Universitätsseminare mit angeschlossenen Übungsschulen. Diese sollten der theoriegeleiteten Ausbildung der Lehramtsstudierenden und der Weiterentwicklung der pädagogischen Wissenschaft dienen. Petersen modifizierte in den 1920er-Jahren den Charakter der Jenenser Universitätsübungsschule hin zur "Pädagogischen Tatsachenforschung". (DIPF/Orig.)In the 19th century, the education of secondary school teachers [höhere Lehrerbildung] in Germany was conceptualized as education of "philologists." Pedagogy was denied a scientific basis, and the pedagogical practice was to be learnt clearly separated from the university. Herbart and the Herbartians opposed this view and founded pedagogical university seminars with affiliated training schools. These should serve both the theory-driven education of teacher students and the advancement of the pedagogical science. In the 1920s, Petersen modified the character of the training school at the University of Jena towards the so-called "Pedagogical Documentary Research" ["Pädagogische Tatsachenforschung"]. (DIPF/Orig.

    Educational media for schools between governmental control and "free" self-regulation

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welche Konsequenzen das in jüngerer Zeit angewachsene Angebot an kostenfreien Online-Lehrmaterialien für staatliche Steuerungsmechanismen hat, die schulische Bildungsmedien regulieren. Dazu scheint es geboten, eine empirische Perspektive geltend zu machen, die sich einerseits auf die Angebotsstruktur solcher Lehrmaterialien bezieht, andererseits aber auch die Perspektive wichtiger Akteure zum Gegenstand macht, die Einfluss auf die Nutzung des Angebots ausüben. Nach einem kurzen Problemaufriss erfolgt eine Übersicht über die in den Jahren 2011 bis 2013 im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts der Lehrstühle für Pädagogik und Schulpädagogik der Universität Augsburg erhobene Struktur des Angebots. Daraufhin werden knapp zentrale Ergebnisse einer Lehrerbefragung sowie ausführlicher einer Interviewstudie mit Akteuren der Schulaufsicht präsentiert und in den Zusammenhang der Fragestellung eingeordnet. (DIPF/Orig.)This article deals with the question which consequences the recently grown offering of free online educational media has for government control mechanisms that regulate educational media for schools. Therefore it appears necessary to claim an empirical perspective which refers on the one hand to the offering structure of those educational media and which addresses on the other hand the perspectives of important actors who influence the use of this offering. After a short outline of the problem we present an overview of the offering structure in the years 2011 until 2013, which was investigated in the context of a research project at the chairs of educational science and of school pedagogics at the University of Augsburg. Subsequently, central results of a teacher survey and especially an interview study with actors from the school supervising authorities are presented and are integrated into the framework of the research question. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Augsburg project "Promoting the Professional Competence of Teachers to Deal with Heterogeneity (LeHet)" - the role of digital educational media

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    Im Augsburger Projekt der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung geht es um die Förderung der Lehrerprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität. Einer von vier Kompetenzbereichen beschäftigt sich in interdisziplinärer Perspektive mit der Analyse und dem Einsatz von Bildungsmedien. Unter Federführung der Erziehungswissenschaft/Allgemeinen Didaktik wurde in Kooperation mit Fachdidaktiken eine inhaltliche Füllung des Kompetenzmodells von Baumert und Kunter mit der Zielsetzung einer digitalen Bildungsmedienkompetenz erarbeitet. In erziehungswissenschaftlichen und Tandem- Lehrveranstaltungen mit Fachdidaktiken werden die Wissensbereiche und Wissensfacetten den Lehramtsstudierenden vermittelt und mit diesen erprobt. Eine Evaluationsstudie soll die Wirksamkeit der konzipierten Lehrveranstaltungen überprüfen. (DIPF/Orig.)The Augsburg project in the context of the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" [Quality Initiative for Teacher Education] aims at supporting teacher professionality in dealing with heterogeneity. One of four competence fields engages itself in the analysis and use of educational media with an interdisciplinary perspective. Coordinated by Educational Science/General Didactics, contents for the competence model by Baumert and Kunter were worked out in cooperation with various Subject-specific Didactics, aiming at competence regarding digital educational media. In teacher-training courses in Educational Science as well as in paired teaching with Subject-specific Didactics students are taught and practically trained in knowledge-fi elds and knowledge-facets. An evaluation study will investigate the effectiveness of the respective courses. (DIPF/Orig.

    Addition of platinum derivatives to neoadjuvant single-agent fluoropyrimidine chemoradiotherapy in patients with stage II/III rectal cancer: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis (PROSPERO CRD42017073064)

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    Background Neoadjuvant (chemo-)radiation has proven to improve local control compared to surgery alone, but this improvement did not translate into better overall or disease-specific survival. The addition of oxaliplatin to fluoropyrimidine-based neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy holds the potential of positively affecting survival in this context since it has been proven effective in the palliative and adjuvant setting of colorectal cancer. Thus, the objective of this systematic review is to assess the efficacy, safety, and quality of life resulting from adding a platinum derivative to neoadjuvant single-agent fluoropyrimidine-based chemoradiotherapy in patients with Union for International Cancer Control stage II and III rectal cancer. Methods: MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials will be systematically searched to identify all randomized controlled trials comparing single-agent fluoropyrimidine-based chemoradiotherapy to combined neoadjuvant therapy including a platinum derivative. Predefined data on trial design, quality, patient characteristics, and endpoints will be extracted. Quality of included trials will be assessed according to the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool, and the GRADE recommendations will be applied to judge the quality of the resulting evidence. The main outcome parameter will be survival, but also treatment toxicity, perioperative morbidity, and quality of life will be assessed. Discussion: The findings of this systematic review and meta-analysis will provide novel insights into the efficacy and safety of combined neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy including a platinum derivative and may form a basis for future clinical decision-making, guideline evaluation, and research prioritization. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD4201707306

    Miteinander reden

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    Landnutzungskonflikte entwickeln sich typischerweise zwischen verschiedenen Nutzergruppen. Klassische Konfliktlinien verlaufen zum Beispiel zwischen Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz, zwischen Tourismus und Energiewende, zwischen Siedlungsdruck und Erholungsraum. Und nicht selten sind mehrere dieser Bereiche und ihre Ansprüche an Land und Landschaft involviert. Die klassischen Konfliktlinien haben über die Jahre zu einem – zugespitzt formuliert – routinierten Schlagabtausch mit eingeübten Argumenten zwischen bekannten Gegnerinnen geführt. Häufig genug reden sie gar nicht miteinander – man kennt ja die Positionen und Argumente. Eine Situation, die die Lösung von Landnutzungskonflikten verlässlich verhinder

    Under-ice phytoplankton blooms: Shedding light on the “invisible” part of Arctic primary production

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    The growth of phytoplankton at high latitudes was generally thought to begin in open waters of the marginal ice zone once the highly reflective sea ice retreats in spring, solar elevation increases, and surface waters become stratified by the addition of sea-ice melt water. In fact, virtually all recent large-scale estimates of primary production in the Arctic Ocean (AO) assume that phytoplankton production in the water column under sea ice is negligible. However, over the past two decades, an emerging literature showing significant under-ice phytoplankton production on a pan-Arctic scale has challenged our paradigms of Arctic phytoplankton ecology and phenology. This evidence, which builds on previous, but scarce reports, requires the Arctic scientific community to change its perception of traditional AO phenology and urgently revise it. In particular, it is essential to better comprehend, on small and large scales, the changing and variable icescapes, the under-ice light field and biogeochemical cycles during the transition from sea-ice covered to ice-free Arctic waters. Here, we provide a baseline of our current knowledge of under-ice blooms (UIBs), by defining their ecology and their environmental setting, but also their regional peculiarities (in terms of occurrence, magnitude, and assemblages), which is shaped by a complex AO. To this end, a multidisciplinary approach, i.e., combining expeditions and modern autonomous technologies, satellite, and modeling analyses, has been used to provide an overview of this pan-Arctic phenological feature, which will become increasingly important in future marine Arctic biogeochemical cycles

    Increased Expression of the Auxiliary β(2)-subunit of Ventricular L-type Ca(2+) Channels Leads to Single-Channel Activity Characteristic of Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Increased activity of single ventricular L-type Ca(2+)-channels (L-VDCC) is a hallmark in human heart failure. Recent findings suggest differential modulation by several auxiliary β-subunits as a possible explanation. METHODS AND RESULTS: By molecular and functional analyses of human and murine ventricles, we find that enhanced L-VDCC activity is accompanied by altered expression pattern of auxiliary L-VDCC β-subunit gene products. In HEK293-cells we show differential modulation of single L-VDCC activity by coexpression of several human cardiac β-subunits: Unlike β(1) or β(3) isoforms, β(2a) and β(2b) induce a high-activity channel behavior typical of failing myocytes. In accordance, β(2)-subunit mRNA and protein are up-regulated in failing human myocardium. In a model of heart failure we find that mice overexpressing the human cardiac Ca(V)1.2 also reveal increased single-channel activity and sarcolemmal β(2) expression when entering into the maladaptive stage of heart failure. Interestingly, these animals, when still young and non-failing (“Adaptive Phase”), reveal the opposite phenotype, viz : reduced single-channel activity accompanied by lowered β(2) expression. Additional evidence for the cause-effect relationship between β(2)-subunit expression and single L-VDCC activity is provided by newly engineered, double-transgenic mice bearing both constitutive Ca(V)1.2 and inducible β(2) cardiac overexpression. Here in non-failing hearts induction of β(2)-subunit overexpression mimicked the increase of single L-VDCC activity observed in murine and human chronic heart failure. CONCLUSIONS: Our study presents evidence of the pathobiochemical relevance of β(2)-subunits for the electrophysiological phenotype of cardiac L-VDCC and thus provides an explanation for the single L-VDCC gating observed in human and murine heart failure

    Protocol for a randomized controlled trial on risk adapted damage control orthopedic surgery of femur shaft fractures in multiple trauma patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fractures of the long bones and femur fractures in particular are common in multiple trauma patients, but the optimal management of femur fractures in these patients is not yet resolved. Although there is a trend towards the concept of "Damage Control Orthopedics" (DCO) in the management of multiple trauma patients with long bone fractures as reflected by a significant increase in primary external fixation of femur fractures, current literature is insufficient. Thus, in the era of "evidence-based medicine", there is the need for a more specific, clarifying trial.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The trial is designed as a randomized controlled open-label multicenter study. Multiple trauma patients with femur shaft fractures and a calculated probability of death between 20 and 60% will be randomized to either temporary fracture fixation with fixateur externe and defined secondary definitive treatment (DCO) or primary reamed nailing (early total care). The primary objective is to reduce the extent of organ failure as measured by the maximum sepsis-related organ failure assessment (SOFA) score.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The Damage Control Study is the first to evaluate the risk adapted damage control orthopedic surgery concept of femur shaft fractures in multiple trauma patients in a randomized controlled design. The trial investigates the differences in clinical outcome of two currently accepted different ways of treating multiple trauma patients with femoral shaft fractures. This study will help to answer the question whether the "early total care" or the „damage control” concept is associated with better outcome.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN10321620</p

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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