130 research outputs found

    Parking Cash-Out - ein innovativer Ansatz zur betrieblichen Effizienzsteigerung und Verkehrslenkung

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    Parking Cash-Out wird als eine neue und interessante unternehmerische Strategie zur Realisierung von Kosteneinsparungen, aber auch zur Verkehrslenkung propagiert. Zu den besonderen Vorteilen dieses Konzepts zählt die erhöhte Akzeptanz für preispolitische Maßnahmen, da die Verkehrsteilnehmer vom Unternehmen für den Verzicht auf einen vom Betrieb bereit gestellten Parkplatz kompensiert werden. In diesem Beitrag testen wir die theoretischen Effekte des Parking Cash-Out. Unter Anwendung eines multinomialen Probit-Modells finden wir signifikante Effekte sowohl der Parkplatzkompensation als auch der -gebühr. Unsere Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Veränderung des Anteils der PKW-Nutzung liegen im Rahmen der Erwartungen und lassen sich in die US-amerikanische Literatur zu diesem Thema vorbehaltlos einordnen. --

    Educação Ambiental : abrindo espaço para cidadania com dinâmicas aplicadas aos anos iniciais do ensino médio

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    Orientadores : Sandra Mara Maciel de Lima e José Edmilson de Souza LimaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Educação, Meio Ambiente e DesenvolvimentoInclui referência

    Body height among adult male and female Swiss Health Survey participants in 2017: Trends by birth years and associations with self-reported health status and life satisfaction

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    The increase in adult height for 150 years is linked to overall improvements in nutrition, hygiene, and living standards. Height is positively associated with general health and success on various levels (e.g. quality of life, earnings or happiness). The aim of this study was to investigate whether different subgroups show different trends across birth cohorts. We wanted to know whether taller individuals considered themselves as healthier and their quality of life as better than shorter individuals. We included 19,435 participants from the Swiss population-based Health Survey 2017. GAM were used to assess nonlinear associations between height and birth year. Multinomial logistic regression was used to predict probabilities of self-rated health in relation to height. The increase in average height slows down from the 1970s birth cohorts. Participants with parents from Central/Northern/Western Europe (men 177.9 cm, women: 165.1 cm) or Eastern Europe (men 178.7 cm, women: 165.7 cm) were taller than participants with parents from South America (men 174.3 cm, women: 161. cm) and Asia (men 173.2 cm, women: 160.1 cm). Participants with tertiary education were taller than participants from education levels (mean difference men: 4.5 cm, women: 5.0 cm). Height was positively associated with self-declared aspects of health and life satisfaction. These results support the conclusion that body height as a co-factor of health aspects should be considered in public health research. Although adult body height can no longer be influenced, nutritional status and thus also healthy growth can be influenced in childhood by public health programs, by eliminating social inequalities, and by strengthen healthy living conditions

    The Augsburg project "Promoting the Professional Competence of Teachers to Deal with Heterogeneity (LeHet)" - the role of digital educational media

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    Im Augsburger Projekt der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung geht es um die Förderung der Lehrerprofessionalität im Umgang mit Heterogenität. Einer von vier Kompetenzbereichen beschäftigt sich in interdisziplinärer Perspektive mit der Analyse und dem Einsatz von Bildungsmedien. Unter Federführung der Erziehungswissenschaft/Allgemeinen Didaktik wurde in Kooperation mit Fachdidaktiken eine inhaltliche Füllung des Kompetenzmodells von Baumert und Kunter mit der Zielsetzung einer digitalen Bildungsmedienkompetenz erarbeitet. In erziehungswissenschaftlichen und Tandem- Lehrveranstaltungen mit Fachdidaktiken werden die Wissensbereiche und Wissensfacetten den Lehramtsstudierenden vermittelt und mit diesen erprobt. Eine Evaluationsstudie soll die Wirksamkeit der konzipierten Lehrveranstaltungen überprüfen. (DIPF/Orig.)The Augsburg project in the context of the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" [Quality Initiative for Teacher Education] aims at supporting teacher professionality in dealing with heterogeneity. One of four competence fields engages itself in the analysis and use of educational media with an interdisciplinary perspective. Coordinated by Educational Science/General Didactics, contents for the competence model by Baumert and Kunter were worked out in cooperation with various Subject-specific Didactics, aiming at competence regarding digital educational media. In teacher-training courses in Educational Science as well as in paired teaching with Subject-specific Didactics students are taught and practically trained in knowledge-fi elds and knowledge-facets. An evaluation study will investigate the effectiveness of the respective courses. (DIPF/Orig.

    Towards an aviation weather forecast for green operations

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    Aviation contributes about 3.5% of the total anthropogenic global warming through both CO2 and non-CO2 effects. This problem is aggravated by the large growth rate of the aviation sector (>4% per year), which was only temporarily interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It is evident that measures need to be taken to lessen the climate impact by aviation. CO2 has a very long residence time, such that its climate impact does not depend on when and where it is emitted. In contrast, non-CO2 emissions act on shorter time scales and their effect thus depends on the weather and synoptic situation at the time and location of the emission. This is particularly evident for contrails whose individual impacts range from strong cooling to strong warming, depending on the actual situation. It is thus possible to lessen the climate impact of aviation by planning flights such that climate-sensitive regions (i.e. regions where emissions would have a particularly strong warming impact) are avoided. To make such ideas real, new developments in aviation weather forecast are needed. One example is the implementation of so-called algorithmic climate change functions which provide measures of potential climate impact of emissions depending on actual weather variables (e.g. temperature and geopotential). The result can be provided in different ways, e.g. as costs, such that they can be used directly as additional cost-functions in flight routing. Another example is the prediction of persistent contrails in order to avoid them either tactically (by directives of air traffic control to pilots en-route) or strategically (as above, during flight routing). As one requirement for contrail persistence is ice supersaturation, this atmospheric state must be represented by the numerical weather prediction models, which is currently challenging. Another possibility is a probabilistic prediction of contrails using the standard weather variables. In this talk we will present how ideas from several projects for a better mitigation of contrails and other aviation non-CO2 effects on climate can be incorporated into aviation weather forecast models


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    A desinfecção de amostras de resina acrílica pode ser alcançada através de irradiação de micro-ondas. No entanto, configurações inadequadas podem levar a distorções físicas ou prejudicar o processo de descontaminação. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor um regime de desinfecção por micro-ondas rápido e confiável para amostras de resina acrílica, em conformidade com as normas de esterilidade certificadas, para aplicações experimentais em laboratório. Os espécimes foram submetidos à formação de biofilme monoespecífico de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Candida albicans. O meio fluido tioglicolato foi utilizado para o teste qualitativo de desinfecção durante 14 dias de incubação a 35°C. A rugosidade da superfície, microdureza Knoop, resistência à flexão e estabilidade dimensional também foram avaliadas. Os protocolos de irradiação foram de 3 ou 5 min a 450 W ou 650 W em 250 mL de água destilada. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas considerando α=0,05. Todos os regimes de irradiação foram capazes de desinfetar os espécimes expostos a C. albicans. Apenas o regime de 450 W por 3 min não atingiu a desinfecção das amostras expostas a S. aureus e E. coli. A rugosidade da superfície, estabilidade dimensional e resistência à flexão não foram alteradas por nenhum regime (p>0,05). A microdureza diminuiu em todos os regimes, exceto 450 W por 3 min. A irradiação com 450 W por 5 min em 250 mL de água é um procedimento de desinfecção ideal para amostras de resina acrílica, pois combina potência e tempo de exposição ideais.La desinfección de las muestras de resina acrílica se puede lograr a través de la irradiación de microondas. Sin embargo, la configuración inadecuada podría provocar distorsiones físicas o perjudicar el proceso de descontaminación. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proponer un régimen de desinfección por microondas rápido y confiable para muestras de resina acrílica, de acuerdo con las normas de esterilidad certificadas, para aplicaciones experimentales de laboratorio. Los especímenes fueron sometidos a la formación de biopelículas monoespecíficas de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli y Candida albicans. Se utilizó medio fluido de tioglicolato para la prueba de desinfección cualitativa durante 14 días de incubación a 35 ° C. También se evaluaron la rugosidad de la superficie, la microdureza de Knoop, la resistencia a la flexión y la estabilidad dimensional.  Los protocolos de irradiación fueron de 3 o 5 min a 450 W o 650 W en 250 mL de agua destilada. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos considerando α=0,05. Todos los regímenes de irradiación pudieron desinfectar las muestras expuestas a C. albicans. Sólo el régimen de 450 W durante 3 min no logró la desinfección de las muestras expuestas a S. aureus y E.coli. La rugosidad de la superficie, la estabilidad dimensional y la resistencia a la flexión no se vieron alteradas por ningún régimen (p>0,05). La microdureza disminuyó en todos los regímenes, excepto 450 W durante 3 min. La irradiación con 450 W durante 5 min en 250 mL de agua es un procedimiento de desinfección óptimo para muestras de resina acrílica.Disinfection of acrylic resin specimens can be achieved through microwave irradiation. However, inappropriate settings could lead to physical distortions or impair the decontamination process. This study aims to propose a rapid and reliable microwave disinfection regimen for acrylic resin specimens, in compliance with certified sterility norms, for laboratory experimental applications. Specimens were submitted to monospecific biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. Thioglycolate fluid medium was used for the qualitative disinfection test during 14 days of incubation at 35° C. Surface roughness, Knoop microhardness, flexural strength, and dimensional stability were also evaluated.  Irradiation protocols were 3 or 5 min at 450 W or 650 W in 250 mL of distilled water. Statistical analyses were performed considering α=0.05. All irradiation regimens were able to disinfect the specimens exposed to C. albicans. Only the regimen 450 W for 3 min did not achieve disinfection of the specimens exposed to S. aureus and E.coli. Surface roughness, dimensional stability, and flexural strength were not altered by any regimen (p>0.05). Microhardness decreased in all regimens, except 450 W for 3 min. Irradiation with 450 W for 5 min in 250 mL of water is an optimal disinfection procedure for acrylic resin specimens as it combines optimal potency and exposure time


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    A desinfecção de amostras de resina acrílica pode ser alcançada através de irradiação de micro-ondas. No entanto, configurações inadequadas podem levar a distorções físicas ou prejudicar o processo de descontaminação. Este estudo tem como objetivo propor um regime de desinfecção por micro-ondas rápido e confiável para amostras de resina acrílica, em conformidade com as normas de esterilidade certificadas, para aplicações experimentais em laboratório. Os espécimes foram submetidos à formação de biofilme monoespecífico de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli e Candida albicans. O meio fluido tioglicolato foi utilizado para o teste qualitativo de desinfecção durante 14 dias de incubação a 35°C. A rugosidade da superfície, microdureza Knoop, resistência à flexão e estabilidade dimensional também foram avaliadas. Os protocolos de irradiação foram de 3 ou 5 min a 450 W ou 650 W em 250 mL de água destilada. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas considerando α=0,05. Todos os regimes de irradiação foram capazes de desinfetar os espécimes expostos a C. albicans. Apenas o regime de 450 W por 3 min não atingiu a desinfecção das amostras expostas a S. aureus e E. coli. A rugosidade da superfície, estabilidade dimensional e resistência à flexão não foram alteradas por nenhum regime (p>0,05). A microdureza diminuiu em todos os regimes, exceto 450 W por 3 min. A irradiação com 450 W por 5 min em 250 mL de água é um procedimento de desinfecção ideal para amostras de resina acrílica, pois combina potência e tempo de exposição ideais.La desinfección de las muestras de resina acrílica se puede lograr a través de la irradiación de microondas. Sin embargo, la configuración inadecuada podría provocar distorsiones físicas o perjudicar el proceso de descontaminación. Este estudio tiene como objetivo proponer un régimen de desinfección por microondas rápido y confiable para muestras de resina acrílica, de acuerdo con las normas de esterilidad certificadas, para aplicaciones experimentales de laboratorio. Los especímenes fueron sometidos a la formación de biopelículas monoespecíficas de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli y Candida albicans. Se utilizó medio fluido de tioglicolato para la prueba de desinfección cualitativa durante 14 días de incubación a 35 ° C. También se evaluaron la rugosidad de la superficie, la microdureza de Knoop, la resistencia a la flexión y la estabilidad dimensional.  Los protocolos de irradiación fueron de 3 o 5 min a 450 W o 650 W en 250 mL de agua destilada. Se realizaron análisis estadísticos considerando α=0,05. Todos los regímenes de irradiación pudieron desinfectar las muestras expuestas a C. albicans. Sólo el régimen de 450 W durante 3 min no logró la desinfección de las muestras expuestas a S. aureus y E.coli. La rugosidad de la superficie, la estabilidad dimensional y la resistencia a la flexión no se vieron alteradas por ningún régimen (p>0,05). La microdureza disminuyó en todos los regímenes, excepto 450 W durante 3 min. La irradiación con 450 W durante 5 min en 250 mL de agua es un procedimiento de desinfección óptimo para muestras de resina acrílica.Disinfection of acrylic resin specimens can be achieved through microwave irradiation. However, inappropriate settings could lead to physical distortions or impair the decontamination process. This study aims to propose a rapid and reliable microwave disinfection regimen for acrylic resin specimens, in compliance with certified sterility norms, for laboratory experimental applications. Specimens were submitted to monospecific biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans. Thioglycolate fluid medium was used for the qualitative disinfection test during 14 days of incubation at 35° C. Surface roughness, Knoop microhardness, flexural strength, and dimensional stability were also evaluated.  Irradiation protocols were 3 or 5 min at 450 W or 650 W in 250 mL of distilled water. Statistical analyses were performed considering α=0.05. All irradiation regimens were able to disinfect the specimens exposed to C. albicans. Only the regimen 450 W for 3 min did not achieve disinfection of the specimens exposed to S. aureus and E.coli. Surface roughness, dimensional stability, and flexural strength were not altered by any regimen (p>0.05). Microhardness decreased in all regimens, except 450 W for 3 min. Irradiation with 450 W for 5 min in 250 mL of water is an optimal disinfection procedure for acrylic resin specimens as it combines optimal potency and exposure time

    The oxytocin analogue carbetocin prevents priming-induced reinstatement of morphine-seeking: Involvement of dopaminergic, noradrenergic and MOPr systems.

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    Relapse to illicit drug-seeking following abstinence is a major challenge for the treatment of addiction as no effective pharmacotherapy is available. We have recently shown that activating the central oxytocinergic system prevents emotional impairment and stress-induced reinstatement associated with opioid withdrawal. Here, we investigated whether the oxytocin analogue carbetocin (CBT) is able to reverse morphine-primed reinstatement of conditioned-place preference (CPP) in mice. The mechanism underlining the behavioural effect of CBT was investigated by assessing the involvement of the striatal noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in CBT reversal of priming- and stress-induced reinstatement of opioid CPP. In addition, given recent evidence suggesting the presence of oxytocin receptor (OTR)-μ-opioid receptor (MOPr) interactions in the brain, we further explored these interactions by carrying out OTR autoradiographic binding in brain of mice lacking MOPr. CBT administration prevented priming-induced reinstatement of morphine CPP. While an acute effect of CBT in enhancing dopamine turnover was observed following stress- and priming-induced reinstatement, CBT significantly decreased striatal noradrenaline turnover only following priming-induced reinstatement. Moreover, a significant brain region- specific increase in OTR binding was observed in MOPr knockout mice, indicating the presence of a possible OTR-MOPr interaction, which may be involved in the modulation of relapse. These results support the oxytocinergic system as a promising target for the prevention of relapse to opioid use and highlight the differential involvement of monoaminergic systems on the effects of OTR stimulation in preventing stress- and priming-induced reinstatement of opioid CPP behaviour

    Endometriose - uma revisão abrangente sobre patogenia e epidemiologia, investigação diagnóstica, abordagem clínica e cirúrgica

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    A endometriose é uma condição médica complexa que afeta milhões de mulheres em todo o mundo. Sua patogenia envolve o crescimento de tecido semelhante ao endométrio fora do útero, causando inflamação e dor crônica. Ainda não está totalmente esclarecido o motivo pelo qual isso ocorre, mas fatores genéticos, hormonais e imunológicos desempenham um papel significativo. Quanto à epidemiologia, estima-se que cerca de 10% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva sejam afetadas, com uma proporção ainda maior entre aquelas que sofrem de dor pélvica crônica e infertilidade. A investigação diagnóstica muitas vezes começa com uma história clínica detalhada, seguida de exames físicos e de imagem, como ultrassonografia transvaginal e ressonância magnética. No entanto, o diagnóstico definitivo muitas vezes requer laparoscopia diagnóstica, um procedimento cirúrgico minimamente invasivo durante o qual os tecidos suspeitos são visualizados e, se necessário, removidos para biópsia. Quando se trata de abordagem clínica, o objetivo principal é aliviar os sintomas, como dor pélvica crônica e dispareunia, além de preservar ou melhorar a fertilidade, quando aplicável. Isso geralmente envolve o uso de analgésicos, terapia hormonal e, em alguns casos, cirurgia para remover tecido endometrial ectópico. No entanto, a terapia cirúrgica nem sempre é a primeira opção e geralmente é reservada para casos mais graves ou quando outras abordagens não são eficazes. Por fim, a endometriose é uma condição desafiadora que requer uma abordagem multifacetada. Compreender sua patogenia e epidemiologia é fundamental para o diagnóstico preciso, enquanto a investigação diagnóstica é crucial para orientar o tratamento adequado. A abordagem clínica e cirúrgica visa aliviar os sintomas e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pacientes, com ênfase na preservação da fertilidade sempre que possível