5,162 research outputs found

    Development of an ultra-low-shock separation nut

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    The technical problems encountered in the development of an advanced separation nut design are described. The nut is capable of sustaining a large preload and releasing that load with a low level of induced pyrotechnic shock, while demonstrating a tolerance for extremely high shock imposed by other pyrotechnic devices. The analysis of the separation nut was performed to acquire additional understanding of the phenomena affecting operation of the nut and to provide quantitative evaluation of design modification for aerospace applications

    Composite fermions in bands with N-fold rotational symmetry

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    We study the effect of band anisotropy with discrete rotational symmetry CNC_N (where N2N\ge 2) in the quantum Hall regime of two-dimensional electron systems. We focus on the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) at half filling of the lowest Landau level. We find that the magnitude of anisotropy transferred to the composite fermions decreases very rapidly with NN. We demonstrate this by performing density matrix normalization group calculations on the CFL, and comparing the anisotropy of the composite fermion Fermi contour with that of the (non-interacting) electron Fermi contour at zero magnetic field. We also show that the effective interaction between the electrons after projecting into a single Landau level is much less anisotropic than the band, a fact which does not depend on filling and thus has implications for other quantum Hall states as well. Our results confirm experimental observations on anisotropic bands with warped Fermi contours, where the only detectable effect on the composite Fermi contour is an elliptical distortion (N=2N = 2).Comment: 6 pages + bibliography, 5 figure

    Connection between Fermi contours of zero-field electrons and ν=12\nu=\frac12 composite fermions in two-dimensional systems

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    We investigate the relation between the Fermi sea (FS) of zero-field carriers in two-dimensional systems and the FS of the corresponding composite fermions which emerge in a high magnetic field at filling ν=12\nu = \frac{1}{2}, as the kinetic energy dispersion is varied. We study cases both with and without rotational symmetry, and find that there is generally no straightforward relation between the geometric shapes and topologies of the two FSs. In particular, we show analytically that the composite Fermi liquid (CFL) is completely insensitive to a wide range of changes to the zero-field dispersion which preserve rotational symmetry, including ones that break the zero-field FS into multiple disconnected pieces. In the absence of rotational symmetry, we show that the notion of `valley pseudospin' in many-valley systems is generically not transferred to the CFL, in agreement with experimental observations. We also discuss how a rotationally symmetric band structure can induce a reordering of the Landau levels, opening interesting possibilities of observing higher-Landau-level physics in the high-field regime.Comment: 7 pages + references, 7 figures. Added many-body DMRG calculatio

    Geometry of flux attachment in anisotropic fractional quantum Hall states

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    Fractional quantum Hall (FQH) states are known to possess an internal metric degree of freedom that allows them to minimize their energy when contrasting geometries are present in the problem (e.g., electron band mass and dielectric tensor). We investigate the internal metric of several incompressible FQH states by probing its response to band mass anisotropy using infinite DMRG simulations on a cylinder geometry. We test and apply a method to extract the internal metric of a FQH state from its guiding center structure factor. We find that the response to band mass anisotropy is approximately the same for states in the same Jain sequence, but changes substantially between different sequences. We provide a theoretical explanation of the observed behavior of primary states at filling ν=1/m\nu = 1/m in terms of a minimal microscopic model of flux attachment.Comment: 12 pages including references, 14 figure

    Nonequilibrium Response from the dissipative Liouville Equation

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    The problem of response of nonequilibrium systems is currently under intense investigation. We propose a general method of solution of the Liouville Equation for thermostatted particle systems subjected to external forces which retains only the slow degrees of freedom, by projecting out the majority of fast variables. Response formulae, extending the Green-Kubo relations to dissipative dynamics are provided, and comparison with numerical data is presented

    The Milky Way as a High Redshift Galaxy: The Importance of Thick Disk Formation in Galaxies

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    We compare the star-formation history and dynamics of the Milky Way (MW) with the properties of distant disk galaxies. During the first ~4 Gyr of its evolution, the MW formed stars with a high star-formation intensity (SFI), Sigma_SFR~0.6 Msun/yr/kpc2 and as a result, generated outflows and high turbulence in its interstellar medium. This intense phase of star formation corresponds to the formation of the thick disk. The formation of the thick disk is a crucial phase which enables the MW to have formed approximately half of its total stellar mass by z~1 which is similar to "MW progenitor galaxies" selected by abundance matching. This agreement suggests that the formation of the thick disk may be a generic evolutionary phase in disk galaxies. Using a simple energy injection-kinetic energy relationship between the 1-D velocity dispersion and SFI, we can reproduce the average perpendicular dispersion in stellar velocities of the MW with age. This relationship, its inferred evolution, and required efficiency are consistent with observations of galaxies from z~0-3. The high turbulence generated by intense star formation naturally resulted in a thick disk, a chemically well-mixed ISM, and is the mechanism that links the evolution of MW to the observed characteristics of distant disk galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted to ApJ Letter

    On the nature of the magnetic ground-state wave function of V_2O_3

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    After a brief historical introduction, we dwell on two recent experiments in the low-temperature, monoclinic phase of V_2O_3: K-edge resonant x-ray scattering and non-reciprocal linear dichroism, whose interpretations are in conflict, as they require incompatible magnetic space groups. Such a conflict is critically reviewed, in the light of the present literature, and new experimental tests are suggested, in order to determine unambiguously the magnetic group. We then focus on the correlated, non-local nature of the ground-state wave function, that is at the basis of some drawbacks of the LDA+U approach: we singled out the physical mechanism that makes LDA+U unreliable, and indicate the way out for a possible remedy. Finally we explain, by means of a symmetry argument related to the molecular wave function, why the magnetic moment lies in the glide plane, even in the absence of any local symmetry at vanadium sites.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Constraining Fundamental Physics with Future CMB Experiments

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    The Planck experiment will soon provide a very accurate measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies. This will let cosmologists determine most of the cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. Future experiments will improve and complement the Planck data with better angular resolution and better polarization sensitivity. This unexplored region of the CMB power spectrum contains information on many parameters of interest, including neutrino mass, the number of relativistic particles at recombination, the primordial Helium abundance and the injection of additional ionizing photons by dark matter self-annihilation. We review the imprint of each parameter on the CMB and forecast the constraints achievable by future experiments by performing a Monte Carlo analysis on synthetic realizations of simulated data. We find that next generation satellite missions such as CMBPol could provide valuable constraints with a precision close to that expected in current and near future laboratory experiments. Finally, we discuss the implications of this intersection between cosmology and fundamental physics.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    A new look at the kinematics of the bulge from an N-body model

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    (Abridged) By using an N-body simulation of a bulge that was formed via a bar instability mechanism, we analyse the imprints of the initial (i.e. before bar formation) location of stars on the bulge kinematics, in particular on the heliocentric radial velocity distribution of bulge stars. Four different latitudes were considered: b=4b=-4^\circ, 6-6^\circ, 8-8^\circ, and 10-10^\circ, along the bulge minor axis as well as outside it, at l=±5l=\pm5^\circ and l=±10l=\pm10^\circ. The bulge X-shaped structure comprises stars that formed in the disk at different locations. Stars formed in the outer disk, beyond the end of the bar, which are part of the boxy peanut-bulge structure may show peaks in the velocity distributions at positive and negative heliocentric radial velocities with high absolute values that can be larger than 100 km\rm km s1\rm s^{-1}, depending on the observed direction. In some cases the structure of the velocity field is more complex and several peaks are observed. Stars formed in the inner disk, the most numerous, contribute predominantly to the X-shaped structure and present different kinematic characteristics. Our results may enable us to interpret the cold high-velocity peak observed in the APOGEE commissioning data, as well as the excess of high-velocity stars in the near and far arms of the X-shaped structure at ll=00^\circ and bb=6-6^\circ. When compared with real data, the kinematic picture becomes more complex due to the possible presence in the observed samples of classical bulge and/or thick disk stars. Overall, our results point to the existence of complex patterns and structures in the bulge velocity fields, which are generated by the bar. This suggests that caution should be used when interpreting the bulge kinematics: the presence of substructures, peaks and clumps in the velocity fields is not necessarily a sign of past accretion events.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in A&