386 research outputs found

    On the Importance of Household Production in Collective Models: Evidence from U.S. Data

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    The present paper develops a theoretical model of labor supply with domestic production. It is shown that the structural components of the model can be identified without a distribution factor, thereby generalizing the initial results of Apps and Rees (1997) and Chiappori (1997). The theoretical model is then estimated using the ATUS data. The empirical results are compared to those obtained from a similar model without domestic production.collective model, market labor supply, domestic labor supply, household production, identification, ATUS

    Degradation behaviour of potassium K-phosphite in apple trees

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    Although potassium phosphite is not registered for organic fruit production in Europe, it has long been regarded as a potential alternative to sulphur- and copper-containing fungicides. In 2005/2006 a field trial was carried out to verify the presence of residues of phosphoric acid over time in apples after applications of potassium phosphite at different time-points. No residues were present on fruits if treatments were applied before flowering, whereas treatments after flowering, in the summer or in autumn resulted in comparable residue levels irrespective of the period of application. Residues were eveneven found in leaves and fruits of the following years, 2006 and 2007

    Gender Wage Gap and the Involvement of Partners in Household Work

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    Women still earn less than men and continue to perform the bulk of domestic activities. Several studies documented a negative individual wage\u2013housework relation, suggesting that gender discrepancies in housework may explain the gender wage gap. Less attention has been paid to the role of the partner\u2019s unpaid work and to the extent that intra-household inequalities relate to inequalities outside the house. The present study attempts to fill this gap in the literature. We exploit EU-SILC 2010 data for Germany and Italy and PSID 2009 data for the US. Results suggest the importance of accounting for a partner\u2019s housework when evaluating the determinants of individual wages and the gender wage gap. Women seem not to profit from their partners\u2019 housework; instead, women\u2019s non-market work increases their partners\u2019 earnings while decreasing their own earnings. This suggests the importance of reducing women\u2019s involvement in domestic work in order to close gender wage equalitie

    Residues of copper and sulphur on fruits from organic orchards

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    Copper und sulphur compounds are listed in annex 2b of the EC regulation 2091/92 and are used in organic orchards to control scab, mildew and sooty blotch also during summer time. In Italy, copper compounds have a waiting period from 20 days between last treatment and harvest, for sulphur compounds it differs and can reach until 30 days for lime sulphur. The trials carried out showed that using the recommended low dosages for copper and lime sulphur it should not be a problem to reduce these waiting periods. The residues remained clearly under the legal values, also when the samples where collected the same day of the treatment

    Effects of the period of application of K-phosphite on residues on apple fruits

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    K-phosphite is very efficient against several plant diseases. Nevertheless at the moment there is no official registration in Europe as a plant protection material. In conventional winegrowing K-phosphite is used in different countries to regulate the main disease ‘Plasmopora viticola’ under the disguise of a foliar fertilizer or a plant strengthener. In organic apple production only a few fungicides to regulate scab are available. In addition, copper products are limited by European and national legislations. The discussion about Kphosphite for organic farming points always at the problem of synthetic residues on the edible parts of the vegetables. The aim of this field-trial carried out during the season of 2005 was to assess the residues on apples after applications of K-phosphite at different moments during the season. The results show that treatments before blossom leave no residues wheras treatments after blossom lead to the same level of residues independently of the period of application

    Do Boys and Girls Perform Better at Math Just Studying More ?

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    This paper investigates the role of effort on mathematics performance of boys and girls, an aspect that may contribute to our understanding of the gender gap in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields in college. We exploit a remarkably rich primary data set to estimate a simultaneous equations model of mathematics attainment and students’ effort. Our estimation strategy infers causal relations by relying on an instrumental variable approach validated using weak-instruments-robust confidence sets and partial identification techniques. The results show that study effort plays a different role in the math performance of girls and boys. If a boy dedicates one extra hour to study, his math grade increases by 1 point on a 10-point scale. Differently, an additional hour of home study does not have an effect on girls’ math performance, though, in our sample, on average, girls perform significantly better than boys in math. We also examine the role played by peers, the quality of the attended school, and family socio-economic background. These factors mainly affect math achievement only indirectly through student’s effort. Validity tests suggest that our results are not confounded by unobservable heterogeneity. Our findings suggest that asking girls for additional efforts may not be effective to bridge the gender gap in STEM

    Dinamiche insediative e organizzazione territoriale a sud di Padova in età romana

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    This thesis proposes the study of a broad area within the low plain extended south of the city of Padua, between the Euganei Hills and the Lagoon of Venice. This territory is characterized by a high variability and morphological instability, mainly due to the complex hydrological system that defines it and that finds in the Adige and Brenta rivers its main actors; but, above all, a strong destabilizing factor is the presence of the lagoon, to where this system goes (and went) to naturally flow out and that since ancient times has offered those harbour areas that were very important to the Padua economic development. The main purpose of the research was to make a systematic investigation of the complex interaction between mankind and landscape that has developed within this area during Roman times (considered between of the IInd century BC and the VIth century AD), seeking on one hand to identify environmental dynamic whichs, at that time, both favoured and conditioned the human occupation of the area and, on the other, to come to a better definiton and understanding of the forms which this occupation took, and of its actual effect on the natural landscape. The investigation was therefore based on the theoretical and methodological precepts of archeology of Landscape Archaeology and proceeds by way of an archaeomorphological approach which considers the analysis of the different morphologies that have an anthropic origin and that contribute to the configuration of the current landscape (such as roads and field systems), allowing to testify the existence of changes occurred in its structuring. Center point of the research was therefore the archaeomorphological study of the modern age road network: the restitution of the different elements that compose it has enabled us to recognize and analyze the traces belonging to a road network of probably Roman origin, also suggesting new hypotheses for the reconstruction of the ancient hydrological system. The application of this a strategy has enabled to identify the traces of two ancient territorial structures organized by orthogonal axes that could be interpreted as interventions of centuriation attributable to the municipia of Patavium (Padova), Ateste (Este) and Atria (Adria ), among whose territories the plain to the south of Padua was administratively divided during Roman times. It has also permitted to contextualize and better define another archaeological element of the landscape, i.e. the settlement, which has been analyzed from its direct relationship with the natural environment and with road network and centurial infrastructures identified. At a more strictly technical level, the investigation was carried out through photo-interpretation and carto-interpretation works and an analysis integrated of geomorphological, archaeological and historical data, as well as a series of topographic analysis performed by using the numerous opportunities offered today by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). These systems, which in recent years have been widely incorporated in the archaeological studies on the landscape, have also provided a frame in which all the geographically referenced information necessary to carry out the archaeomorphological study could be included and analyzed in a multilayered and multiscaled environment, also allowing an easy and effective management of the data, an excellent graphic output and, above all, a high spatial accuracy

    Tecnología 3D en el calzado. Artesanato y tradición

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    Coming from an ancient tradition of artisans, footwear takes place in time at its own pace adapting to the socio-cultural environment that frames it. In this particular case, we will investigate the incidence that had, and has, the current 3D technology in footwear. Technology that revolutionized industrial activity, and that It did not go unnoticed by the shoemakers. Taking into account the artisan work that predominates in some footwear, we will evaluate how handicrafts coexist with 3D technologies, focusing on key aspects of the discipline. We will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of its inclusion, scope and future objectives to be achieved.Proveniente de una milenaria tradición de artesanos, el calzado transcurre en el tiempo a su propio ritmo adecuándose al entorno socio cultural que lo enmarca. En este caso en particular, investigaremos la incidencia que tuvo, y tiene, la actual tecnología 3D en el calzado. Tecnología que revolucionó la actividad industrial, y que no pasó desapercibida para los zapateros. Teniendo en cuenta el trabajo artesanal que predomina en algunos calzados, evaluaremos como conviven la artesanía con las tecnologías 3D, enfocándonos en aspectos claves de la disciplina. EvaluareDe uma antiga tradição de artesãos, o calçado é realizado em tempo no seu próprio ritmo, adaptando-se ao ambiente sociocultural que o enquadra. Em nesse caso em particular, investigaremos a incidência que teve e tem a atual Tecnologia 3D em calçados. Tecnologia que revolucionou a atividade industrial e que não passou despercebida pelos sapateiros. Levando em conta o trabalho artesanal que predominante em alguns calçados, avaliaremos como o artesanato coexiste com Tecnologias 3D, com foco nos principais aspectos da disciplina. Vamos avaliar o vantagens e desvantagens de sua inclusão, escopo e objetivos futuros a serem alcançados

    Violencia obstétrica : naturalización del modelo de atención médico hegemónico durante el proceso de parto

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    La siguiente tesina surge de las prácticas de intervención pre-profesional del quinto año de la Carrera de Trabajo Social UNC, realizadas en el Servicio Social del Hospital Materno Provincial “Dr. Raúl Felipe Luccini”. Se propone reconocer y problematizar la violencia obstétrica analizando la realidad institucional y las representaciones sociales que giran en torno a la misma. Para ello, se realiza un desarrollo teórico en relación a la violencia obstétrica, los diferentes enfoques para entenderla, su reconstrucción socio-histórica, la legislación vigente a nivel internacional, nacional y provincial y los programas nacionales y provinciales que existen en torno a la temática. Se caracteriza el escenario de intervención, los actores involucrados en la problemática, equipo de salud y usuarias/os del servicio, así como también las relaciones de fuerza, y los recursos existentes para enfrentar la violencia obstétrica, Avanzando en la exposición de una estrategia de intervención para abordar la problemática y concluyendo con reflexiones finales que exponen una conclusión a partir de la experiencia desarrollada.202