15,966 research outputs found

    Quantum multiparty key distribution protocol without use of entanglement

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    We propose a quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol that enables three parties agree at once on a shared common random bit string in presence of an eavesdropper without use of entanglement. We prove its unconditional security and analyze the key rate.Comment: 8 pages, no figur

    Variation of the broad X-ray iron line in MCG-6-30-15 during a flare

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    We report results on the broad iron emission line of the Seyfert galaxy MCG-6-30-15, obtained from the second long ASCA observation in 1997. The time-averaged profile of the broad line is very similar to that seen with ASCA in 1994, so confirming the detailed model fit then obtained. A bright flare is seen in the light curve, during which the continuum was soft. At that time the emission line peaks around 5 keV and most of its emission is shifted below 6 keV with no component detected at 6.4 keV (EW<60 eV). This can be interpreted as the result of an extraordinarily large gravitational redshift due to a dominant flare occurring very close to the black hole at a radius of <5m.Comment: 5 pages, accepted or publication in MNRAS Letter

    Generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change and special Finsler spaces

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    In this paper, we investigate the change of Finslr metrics L(x,y)→Lˉ(x,y)=f(eσ(x)L(x,y),ÎČ(x,y)),L(x,y) \to\bar{L}(x,y) = f(e^{\sigma(x)}L(x,y),\beta(x,y)), which we refer to as a generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change. Under this change, we study some special Finsler spaces, namely, quasi C-reducible, semi C-reducible, C-reducible, C2C_2-like, S3S_3-like and S4S_4-like Finsler spaces. We also obtain the transformation of the T-tensor under this change and study some interesting special cases. We then impose a certain condition on the generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change, which we call the b-condition, and investigate the geometric consequences of such condition. Finally, we give the conditions under which a generalized ÎČ\beta-conformal change is projective and generalize some known results in the literature.Comment: References added, some modifications are performed, LateX file, 24 page

    Noise Tolerance of the BB84 Protocol with Random Privacy Amplification

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    We prove that BB84 protocol with random privacy amplification is secure with a higher key rate than Mayers' estimate with the same error rate. Consequently, the tolerable error rate of this protocol is increased from 7.5 % to 11 %. We also extend this method to the case of estimating error rates separately in each basis, which enables us to securely share a longer key.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, version 2 fills a logical gap in the proof. Version 3 includes an upper bound on the mutual information with finete code length by using the decoding error probability of the code. Version 4 adds a paragraph clarifying that no previous paper has proved that the BB84 with random privacy amplification can tolerate the 11% error rat

    Principle and Robotic Applications of Conical Scanning Method

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    We have proposed a surrounding environmental recognition method using conical scanning distance measurement for mobile robots. The conical scanning method has a high robustness against ambient light noise and its calculation cost is low. This report describes the principle of this method and the two implementations. The first application is the quadrupedal wheeled robot. The robot can recognize a stair in sight, approach to it and climb. A second application is the indoor-outdoor wheeled mobile robot. The robot can recognize its position and obstacles on floor from information of a laser range finder and a 3D ToF camera. The validity of this method was confirmed by these robotic applications

    Novel in-gap spin state in Zn-doped La_1.85Sr_0.15CuO_4

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    Low-energy spin excitations of La1.85Sr0.15Cu1-yZnyO4 were studied by neutron scattering. In y=0.004, the incommensurate magnetic peaks show a well defined ``spin gap'' below Tc. The magnetic signals at omega=3 meV decrease below Tc=27 K for y=0.008, also suggesting the gap opening. At lower temperatures, however, the signal increases again, implying a novel in-gap spin state. In y=0.017, the spin gap vanishes and elastic magnetic peaks appear. These results clarify that doped Zn impurities induce the novel in-gap state, which becomes larger and more static with increasing Zn.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Asymptotic estimation theory for a finite dimensional pure state model

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    The optimization of measurement for n samples of pure sates are studied. The error of the optimal measurement for n samples is asymptotically compared with the one of the maximum likelihood estimators from n data given by the optimal measurement for one sample.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, Doctoral Thesi

    Spin and orbital effects of Cooper pairs coupled to a single magnetic impurity

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    The Kondo effect strongly depends on spin and orbital degrees of freedom of unconventional superconductivity. We focus on the Kondo effect in the px+ipyp_x + i p_y-wave and dx2−y2+idxyd_{x^2 - y^2} + i d_{xy}-wave superconductors to compare the magnetic properties of the spin-triplet and spin-singlet Cooper pairs. The difference appears when both of the paired electrons couple to a local spin directly. For the px+ipyp_x + i p_y-wave, the ground state is always a spin doublet for a Simp=1/2S_{\rm imp} = 1/2 local spin, and it is always a spin singlet for Simp=1S_{\rm imp} = 1. The latter is due to uniaxial spin anisotropy of the triplet Cooper pair. For the dx2−y2+idxyd_{x^2 - y^2} + i d_{xy}-wave, the interchange of ground states occurs, which resembles a competition between the Kondo effect and the superconducting energy gap in s-wave superconductors. Thus the internal degrees of freedom of Cooper pairs give a variety to the Kondo effect.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, RevTex, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Single-electron transistors with wide operating temperature range

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    Abstract : Single-electron transistors are fabricated with a planar self-aligned process using chemical mechanical polishing. The method is demonstrated with Ti∕TiOxTi∕TiOx junctions and resistless lithography. The device characterization showed Coulomb blockade up to 433K433K. High temperature data allowed one to calculate the impact of the process variations on the charging energy and thus on a realistic operating temperature. It is found that single electron devices can have an operating temperature range similar to conventional silicon transistors, opening the door to hybrid designs. These approaches are promising because advanced functionality is created by an optimal combination of both technology strengths

    Irradiation-energy Dependence on the Spectral Changes of Hydrous C-Type Asteroids Based on 4kev and 20kev He Exposure Experiments of Murchison Cm Chondrite

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    C-type asteroid 162173 Ryugu was observed by remote sensing apparatus onboard Hayabusa2 spacecraft and found to be very dark object whose reflectance is (1.60 0.15) % at 0.55m and showed a small 2.7m absorption band indicative of phyllosilicates. The optical navigation camera detected color variations of Ryugus surface in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 0.95m: Bluer spectra are ob-served at both poles and on the equatorial ridge, both of which are topographic highs and thus may be fresh material exposed by gradual erosion. On the other hand, many locations at middle-latitude areas exhibit redder and darker colors. Similar color variations are also detected in the near-infrared wavelength range. These observations suggest that a surface-correlated process is responsible for the color variation, most prob-ably from blue to red, but the mechanism for the change is not yet identified. Space weathering is one possible mechanism responsible for the color variation, but the spectral changes of C-type asteroids from space weathering are far from being fully understood. Past experimental studies using hydrous carbonaceous chondrites such as Murchison and Tagish Lake show that He exposure (simulating solar wind irradiation) changes spectra to bluer and brighter. Recently our He exposure experiments indicate that spectral changes depend on physical properties such as porosity of exposed material. In this study, we per-formed further He exposure experiments using Murchison CM chondrite in order to understand energy dependence on the spectral changes. We found that He energy is a critical parameter, as well as physical properties of the samples, that affects spectral changes of space weathering of hydrated C-type asteroids
