31 research outputs found

    An Empirical Planetesimal Belt Radius-Stellar Luminosity Relation

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    Resolved observations of millimetre-sized dust, tracing larger planetesimals, have pinpointed the location of 26 Edgeworth-Kuiper belt analogs. We report that a belt's distance RR to its host star correlates with the star's luminosity LL_{\star}, following RL0.19R\propto L^{0.19}_{\star} with a low intrinsic scatter of \sim17%. Remarkably, our Edgeworth-Kuiper belt in the Solar System and the two CO snow lines imaged in protoplanetary disks lie close to this RR-LL_{\star} relation, suggestive of an intrinsic relationship between protoplanetary disk structures and belt locations. To test the effect of bias on the relation, we use a Monte Carlo approach and simulate uncorrelated model populations of belts. We find that observational bias could produce the slope and intercept of the RR-LL_{\star} relation, but is unable to reproduce its low scatter. We then repeat the simulation taking into account the collisional evolution of belts, following the steady state model that fits the belt population as observed through infrared excesses. This significantly improves the fit by lowering the scatter of the simulated RR-LL_{\star} relation; however, this scatter remains only marginally consistent with the one observed. The inability of observational bias and collisional evolution alone to reproduce the tight relationship between belt radius and stellar luminosity could indicate that planetesimal belts form at preferential locations within protoplanetary disks. The similar trend for CO snow line locations would then indicate that the formation of planetesimals and/or planets in the outer regions of planetary systems is linked to the volatility of their building blocks, as postulated by planet formation models

    A gap in the planetesimal disc around HD 107146 and asymmetric warm dust emission revealed by ALMA

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    While detecting low mass exoplanets at tens of au is beyond current instrumentation, debris discs provide a unique opportunity to study the outer regions of planetary systems. Here we report new ALMA observations of the 80-200 Myr old Solar analogue HD 107146 that reveal the radial structure of its exo-Kuiper belt at wavelengths of 1.1 and 0.86 mm. We find that the planetesimal disc is broad, extending from 40 to 140 au, and it is characterised by a circular gap extending from 60 to 100 au in which the continuum emission drops by about 50%. We also report the non-detection of the CO J=3-2 emission line, confirming that there is not enough gas to affect the dust distribution. To date, HD 107146 is the only gas-poor system showing multiple rings in the distribution of millimeter sized particles. These rings suggest a similar distribution of the planetesimals producing small dust grains that could be explained invoking the presence of one or more perturbing planets. Because the disk appears axisymmetric, such planets should be on circular orbits. By comparing N-body simulations with the observed visibilities we find that to explain the radial extent and depth of the gap, it would be required the presence of multiple low mass planets or a single planet that migrated through the disc. Interior to HD 107146's exo-Kuiper belt we find extended emission with a peak at ~20 au and consistent with the inner warm belt that was previously predicted based on 22μ\mum excess as in many other systems. This warm belt is the first to be imaged, although unexpectedly suggesting that it is asymmetric. This could be due to a large belt eccentricity or due to clumpy structure produced by resonant trapping with an additional inner planet

    The SHARDDS survey: limits on planet occurrence rates based on point sources analysis via the Auto-RSM framework

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    In the past decade, HCI surveys provided new insights about the frequency and properties of substellar companions at separation larger than 5 au. In this context, our study aims to detect and characterise potential exoplanets and brown dwarfs within debris disks, by considering the SHARDDS survey, which gathers 55 Main Sequence stars with known bright debris disk. We rely on the AutoRSM framework to perform an in-depth analysis of the targets, via the computation of detection maps and contrast curves. A clustering approach is used to divide the set of targets in multiple subsets, in order to reduce the computation time by estimating a single optimal parametrisation for each considered subset. The use of Auto-RSM allows to reach high contrast at short separations, with a median contrast of 10-5 at 300 mas, for a completeness level of 95%. Detection maps generated with different approaches are used along with contrast curves, to identify potential planetary companions. A new planetary characterisation algorithm, based on the RSM framework, is developed and tested successfully, showing a higher astrometric and photometric precision for faint sources compared to standard approaches. Apart from the already known companion of HD206893 and two point-like sources around HD114082 which are most likely background stars, we did not detect any new companion around other stars. A correlation study between achievable contrasts and parameters characterising HCI sequences highlights the importance of the strehl, wind speed and wind driven halo to define the quality of high contrast images. Finally, planet detection and occurrence frequency maps are generated and show, for the SHARDDS survey, a high detection rate between 10 and 100 au for substellar companions with mass >10MJ

    A Dust Trap in the Young Multiple System HD 34700

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Astronomical Society via the DOI in this recordMillimeter observations of disks around young stars reveal substructures indicative of gas pressure traps that may aid grain growth and planet formation. We present Submillimeter Array observations of HD 34700- two Herbig Ae stars in a close binary system (Aa/Ab, ∼0.25 AU), surrounded by a disk presenting a large cavity and spiral arms seen in scattered light, and two distant, lower mass companions. These observations include 1.3 mm continuum emission and the 12CO 2-1 line at ∼ 0. 005 (178 AU) resolution. They resolve a prominent azimuthal asymmetry in the continuum, and Keplerian rotation of a circumbinary disk in the 12CO line. The asymmetry is located at a radius of 155+11 −7 AU, consistent with the edge of the scattered light cavity, being resolved in both radius (72+14 −15 AU) and azimuth (FWHM = 64◦+8 −7 ). The strong asymmetry in millimeter continuum emission could be evidence for a dust trap, together with the more symmetric morphology of 12CO emission and small grains. We hypothesize an unseen circumbinary companion, responsible for the cavity in scattered light and creating a vortex at the cavity edge that manifests in dust trapping. The disk mass has limitations imposed by the detection of 12CO and non-detection of 13CO. We discuss its consequences for the potential past gravitational instability of this system, likely accounting for the rapid formation of a circumbinary companion. We also report the discovery of resolved continuum emission associated with HD 34700B (projected separation ∼ 1850AU), which we explain through a circumstellar disk.National Science Foundation (NSF

    Gas and dust around A-type stars at tens of Myr: signatures of cometary breakup

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    Discs of dusty debris around main-sequence stars indicate fragmentation of orbiting planetesimals, and for a few A-type stars, a gas component is also seen that may come from collisionally released volatiles. Here we find the sixth example of a CO-hosting disc, around the ∼30 Myr-old A0-star HD 32997. Two more of these CO-hosting stars, HD 21997 and 49 Cet, have also been imaged in dust with SCUBA-2 within the SCUBA-2 Survey of Nearby Stars project. A census of 27 A-type debris hosts within 125 pc now shows 7/16 detections of carbon-bearing gas within the 5–50 Myr epoch, with no detections in 11 older systems. Such a prolonged period of high fragmentation rates corresponds quite well to the epoch when most of the Earth was assembled from planetesimal collisions. Recent models propose that collisional products can be spatially asymmetric if they originate at one location in the disc, with CO particularly exhibiting this behaviour as it can photodissociate in less than an orbital period. Of the six CO-hosting systems, only β Pic is in clear support of this hypothesis. However, radiative transfer modelling with the ProDiMo code shows that the CO is also hard to explain in a proto-planetary disc context.JSG and PW thank the ERC for funding for project DiscAnalysis, under the grant FP7-SPACE-2011 collaborative project 284405. JPM is supported by a UNSW Vice-Chancellor's postdoctoral fellowship. MCW and LM acknowledge the support of the European Union through ERC grant 279973. The JCMT is operated by the East Asian Observatory on behalf of The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, the National Astronomical Observatories of China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDB09000000), with additional funding support from the Science and Technology Facilities Council of the United Kingdom and participating universities in the United Kingdom and Canada. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ

    Biological support study, phase 1 Final report

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    Report produced under contract to the European Space AgencyAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:3425.929(ESA-CR-(P)--3618) / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo