719 research outputs found


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    Stone monuments maintenance requires the systematic approach which should be based on the cooperation among specialist through more branches, especially from humanities, natural and technical sciences. The main aim of this article is to present the benefit of the cooperation among geologists and civil engineers and share preliminary results of the Czech Ministry of Culture project DG20P02OVV021 “Stone surface topography and its application in stone element restoration field”. Historic stone surfaces often contain stonemasons tool traces as an undoubtable part of historical monument value. The study and protection of the testimony of past is therefore very important. As a part of our project, we are conducting field and laboratory research of historic stone surfaces bearing the original tool traces. The studied area is the Prague urban conservation zone for its stone monuments richness from Romanesque to present days. First, the geological research of the stone masonry surface is conducted in the cooperation with archaeologists. The tool traces are documented, and the state of stone is described. Because of the negative influence of weathering processes on the stone durability, respectively tool traces, we decided to monitor the chosen historical stone surface using the hyperspectral analysis. Based on the analysis results we will be able to better understand the behaviour of stone surface and traces on it during the time

    A highly non-smooth norm on Hilbert space

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    We show that there exists a familyF of unit balls in the Hilbert spacel 2 such that ∪F is dense inl 2 but the complement of ∪F is large in the sense of measure. In an appendix, we present a considerable simplification of the proof due to Preiss. As a corollary, we prove that there is an equivalent normp onl 2 such that the set of points wherep is Fréchet differentiable is Aronszajn null. This disproves a conjecture of Borwein and Noll in a very strong sens


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    In contemporary times, technology has dramatically simplified the process of documenting cultural heritage objects. This paper aims to illustrate modern methodologies for documenting historical monuments by applying advanced technologies, as these case studies show. Two technologies were used: laser scanning and digital photogrammetry. The first subject of our study was a historically significant 16th-century building located in Jachymov, situated in the North-West region of the Czech Republic. The object was documented by laser scanning (BLK360) and using a standard digital camera Canon Powershot SX230 HS. The laser scanning data were post-processed using Cyclone Register 360 Plus, while photogrammetric point clouds were generated with Agisoft Metashape. The second objects were a building and a sculpture in the historical UNESCO city of Telč; here laser scanning instruments, digital photogrammetry and a new one low-cost ViDoc documentation system were use. Our study is focused on analyzing the sets of point clouds obtained from the data processing, conducted using CloudCompare to draw insights and conclusions. It turns out that the rapid development of techniques and technology makes it possible to use low-cost devices for sufficiently accurate and fast documentation; however, the mentioned ViDOC device can only be used for very close and small objects up to about 5 meters. For the documentation of sculptures, classic close-range photogrammetry is especially appropriate; for the documentation of buildings, laser scanners are suitable; the problem here is with hidden spaces and it is often necessary to use either a platform or a combination with photogrammetry using a drone, especially for the upper parts of the object


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    The probation service was introduced into the Criminal Justice System of the Czech Republic in 2001. From the beginning, in terms of content and organization, its work was based on the principles of restorative justice. The practice of probation officers is directed in this regard at the resolution of the problem; it does not engage only the offender but also the victim and the local community, who may participate in the process of resolving the consequences of the crime. The conditions for the realization of the process of mediation are set in the special legislative framework that provides for mediation between the victims and the perpetrators under the jurisdiction of all courts in the Czech Republic, and this procedure is free for all participants. There is a regional centre in every region of the Czech Republic (the country is divided into 13 regions), as well as in the metropolitan area of its capital, Prague. Mediation between the perpetrator and the victim has become one of the most important activities and most effective methods in the work of Czech probation officers when it comes to restorative justice.Probacijska služba u kazneno-pravnom sustavu u Češkoj Republici uvedena je 2001. godine. Od samog početka, u sadržajnom i organizacijskom smislu postavljena su pitanja o tome kako djelovanje službe postaviti na restorativnim osnovama. Praksa probacijskih službenika usmjerena je u tom smislu da se u razrješavanju problema ne angažira samo počinitelja kaznenog djela, nego i žrtvu, ali i lokalnu zajednicu koja treba sudjelovati u postupku razrješavanja posljedica kaznenog djela. Uvjeti za ostvarenje procesa medijacije postavljeni su posebnim zakonodavnim okvirom koji osigurava medijaciju između žrtve i počinitelja na područjima svih sudova u Češkoj Republici, a taj je postupak za sve sudionike besplatan. U svakoj regiji u Češkoj Republici postoji jedan regionalni centar (Češka Republika je podijeljena u 13 regija), a jedan je za područje glavnog grada Praga. Medijacija između počinitelja i žrtve kaznenog djela postala je jedna od najvažnijih aktivnosti i učinkovitih sredstava u radu čeških probacijskih službenika kada je riječ o restorativnoj pravdi

    Remarks on continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compacta

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    summary:A family of compact spaces containing continuous images of Radon-Nikod'ym compacta is introduced and studied. A family of Banach spaces containing subspaces of Asplund generated (i.e., GSG) spaces is introduced and studied. Further, for a continuous image of a Radon-Nikod'ym compact KK we prove: If KK is totally disconnected, then it is Radon-Nikod'ym compact. If KK is adequate, then it is even Eberlein compact


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    Mobile laser scanning systems confirmed the capability for detailed roadway documentation. Hand in hand with enormous datasets acquired by these systems is the increase in the demands on the fast and effective processing of these datasets. The crucial part of the roadway datasets processing, as well as in many other applications, is the extraction of objects of interest from point clouds. In this work, an approach to the rough classification of mobile laser scanning data based on raster image processing techniques is presented. The developed method offers a solution for a computationally low demanding classification of the highway environment. The aim of this method is to provide a background for the easier use of more sophisticated algorithms and a specific analysis. The method is evaluated using different metrics on a 1.8km long dataset obtained by LYNX Mobile Mapper over a highway

    Reasons for discontinuation of distraint

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    Důvody zastavení exekuce - abstrakt Předmětem této diplomové práce jsou důvody zastavení exekuce prováděné soudním exekutorem podle exekučního řádu. Důležitost zvoleného tématu odůvodňuje skutečnost, že jediným prostředkem, jímž se povinný může proti exekuci účinně bránit je návrh na zastavení, popřípadě odklad exekuce. První část diplomové práce se zabývá prameny právní úpravy, nejvýznamnějšími novelami a základní terminologií, která úzce souvisí s řešeným procesním institutem zastavení exekuce. Jednou ze stěžejních zásad ovládajících exekuční řízení je zásada ochrany a obrany povinného při provádění exekuce. Kapitola zaměřená na základní zásady ovlivňující průběh exekučního řízení pojednává zejména o těch, jenž se uplatňují ve fázi exekučního řízení od podání návrhu na zastavení exekuce, případně návrhu na odklad exekuce až po rozhodnutí o něm, nebo i tam, kde je rozhodováno o zastavení exekuce bez podaného návrhu. Nedílnou součást diplomové práce představuje kapitola o obsahových náležitostech návrhu na odklad a zastavení exekuce, o vadách podání včetně postupu při jejich odstranění. Následují dvě samotatné kapitoly věnované procesním institutům odkladu a zastavení exekuce. Nejzásadnější částí diplomové práce je kapitola, která se soustředí na důvody zastavení exekuce. Rozlišujeme obecné důvody zastavení...Reasons for discontinuation of distraint - Abstract The subject-matter of this diploma thesis are the reasons for the discontinuation of distraint performed by a court distrainor in accordance with the Rules of Distraining. The importance of the chosen topic is justified by the fact that the only means the liable party can use to effectively defend themselves against distraint is a motion for the discontinuation or postponement of distraint. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with sources of the legal regulation, the most important amendments and the basic terminology which is closely related to the discussed procedural institute of the discontinuation of distraint. One of the key principles governing the distraint proceedings is the principle of protecting and defending the liable party while performing distraint. The chapter focused on basic principles affecting the course of the distraint proceedings deals particularly with those principles that are applied in the stage of the distraint proceedings from the filing of the motion for the discontinuation of distraint, or the motion for the postponement of distraint, until a decision on that motion is taken, or also in the cases where a decision on the discontinuation of distraint is taken even without filing a motion. The chapter focusing on the...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Effect of temperature on life cycle of zygomycetes

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    Tato práce pojednává o významu zygomycetů, jejich aktuálním postavení v systému hub a především o jejich ekologických nárocích. Práce shrnuje vliv teploty na životní cyklus, tj. především na růst, rozmnožování a produkci metabolitů. Zaměřuje se především na psychrofilní a termofilní druhy a popisuje mechanismy adaptace na nepříznivé podmínky. Pro výzkum vlivu teploty jsou zygomycety mimořádně vhodnými modelovými organismy, např. v řádu Mucorales nacházíme příbuzné zástupce rostoucí v diametrálně odlišných prostředích. Mezi mechanismy adaptace k extrémním teplotám u zygomycetů převládá produkce trehalózy, dále změna stupně nasycenosti membránových fosfolipidů a produkce látek stabilizujících membránu - sterolů, glykolipidů a cukerných alkoholů. Klíčová slova: teplota, růst, rozmnožování, životní cyklus, stanoviště, extrémofilové, Mucoromycotina, MortierellomycotinaThis thesis is aiming on zygomycetes, their importance, their current position in the Fungi kingdom and above all their ecological demands. The paper summarizes the influence of temperature on their life cycle (i.e. primarily on the growth, reproduction and production of metabolites). It focuses mainly on psychrophilic and thermophilic species and describes the mechanisms of adaptation to unfavorable living conditions. To investigate the influence of temperature, zygomycetes are exceptionally suitable model organisms, e.g. in the order Mucorales we can find relatives growing in diametrically different environments. Among the mechanisms of extreme temperature adaptation for zygomycetes are in particular trehalose production, a change in the degree of saturation of membrane phospholipids and the production of membrane stabilizing agents - sterols, glycolipids and sugar alcohols. Key words: temperature, growth, reproduction, life cycle, habitat, extremophiles, Mucoromycotina, MortierellomycotinaKatedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Correlation of human figure and tree drawings

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá kresbou stromu a kresbou postavy z projektivního hlediska. Vycházím z knih Zdeňka Altmana a věnuji se vzájemnému vztahu kreseb. Práce obsahuje základní charakteristiku metod a diskuzi o jejich vědeckosti. Popisuji postup při zpracování knih a následně jsou uvedeny jednotlivé interpretace autorů kreseb. Kresby jsem sesbírala od patnácti adolescentů žijících v dětském domově. Na závěr popisuji korelaci kreseb.This bachelor thesis deals with the figure drawing test and the tree test from the projective point of view, based on the books written by Zdeněk Altman. I focus on the interconnection between these two kinds of drawings. The thesis contains the basic characteristics of these two methods and discussion about their scientific basis. I describe the process of using the books as manuals for drawing analysis. This thesis also contains results of drawing analysis and characterization of their authors. Fifteen adolescents placed in a children's home participated in research. In conclusion, I address the correlation of both drawings.Katedra psychologiePedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Molecular aberrations in testicular germ cell tumors and their significance in tumor pathogenesis and clinical practice

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    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) are rare in general but they are also the most commonly occuring malignant tumors in adolescent and young males. Predispositions for the incidence of TGCT include genetic factors - a number of discovered DNA risk loci, epigenetic changes in DNA, alterations of various signaling pathways and also external environmental risk factors. These tumors usually respond to cisplatine therapy very well, nevertheless some patients develop a resistance to this cytostatic medicament. There is still relatively small amount of research dedicated to the cause of cisplatine resistance, as well as to bio-molecular characteristics of TGCT and their role in the pathogenesis. As a result, there is only a little development in TGCT therapy to this day and thus there is no targeted therapy available, which would be highly effective for treating patients with developed cisplatine resistance and/or poor prognosis of their disease. As a result of the fact that TGCT incidence is increasing in the recent decades, it can be considered an actual problem requiring urgent addressing in order to improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients with advanced TGCT. Theoretical part of this thesis deals with the main currently known molecular characteristics of TGCT as well as cisplatine...Testikulární germinální nádory (TGCT) jsou celkově vzácné, ale současně také nejčastěji se vyskytující zhoubné nádory u dospívajících a mladých mužů. Predispozice pro vznik TGCT zahrnují faktory genetické - několik desítek objevených rizikových lokusů v DNA, epigenetické změny DNA, alterace různých signálních drah, i zevní rizikové faktory environmentálního charakteru. Tyto nádory často velmi dobře reagují na léčbu cisplatinou, nicméně u části pacientů dochází k rezistenci na toto cytostatikum. Vznik cisplatinové rezistence, stejně tak jako molekulárně-biologické vlastnosti TGCT a jejich role v patogenezi, jsou doposud relativně málo probádané jevy. S tím souvisí i malý pokrok v léčbě TGCT a nedostupnost cílené biologické léčby, která by byla efektivní u pacientů s cisplatinovou rezistencí a/nebo celkově špatnou prognózou onemocnění. Vzhledem k tomu, že incidence TGCT v posledních desetiletích stoupá, jedná se o aktuální problém vyžadující urgentní řešení, jehož cílem je zlepšení přežití i kvality života pacientů s pokročilým TGCT. V teoretické části se práce věnuje hlavním v současnosti známým molekulárním charakteristikám TGCT a cisplatinové rezistence, mechanismům jejich vzniku, vlivu vnějších faktorů a mezipopulačním rozdílům ve výskytu TGCT. Cílem praktické části práce je identifikace a...Department of Anthropology and Human GeneticsKatedra antropologie a genetiky člověkaPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc