211 research outputs found

    Why and when social support predicts older adults’ pain-related disability

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    Pain-related social support has been shown to be directly associated with pain-related disability, depending on whether it promotes functional autonomy or dependence. However, previous studies mostly relied on cross-sectional methods, precluding conclusions on the temporal relationship between pain-related social support and disability. Also, research on the behavioral and psychological processes that account for such a relationship is scarce. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the following longitudinally: (1) direct effects of social support for functional autonomy/dependence on pain-related disability, (2) mediating role of physical functioning, pain-related self-efficacy, and fear, and (3) whether pain duration and pain intensity moderate such mediating processes. A total of 168 older adults (Mage = 78.3; SDage = 8.7) participated in a 3-month prospective design, with 3 moments of measurement, with a 6-week lag between them. Participants completed the Formal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory, the Brief Pain Inventory, the 36-SF Health Survey, behavioral tasks from the Senior Fitness Test, the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, and the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia. Moderated mediation analyses showed that formal social support for functional dependence (T1) predicted an increase in pain-related disability (T3), that was mediated by self-reported physical functioning (T2) and by pain-related self-efficacy (T2) at short to moderate pain duration and at low to moderate pain intensity, but not at higher levels. Findings emphasized that social support for functional dependence is a risk factor for pain-related disability and uncovered the “why” and “when” of this relationship. Implications for the design of social support interventions aiming at promoting older adults' healthy aging despite chronic pain are drawn.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Buffer or amplifier? Longitudinal effects of social support for functional autonomy/dependence on older adults’ chronic-pain experiences

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    Objective: This longitudinal study aimed to investigate (a) the moderating role of formal social support for functional autonomy versus dependence on the relationship between pain intensity and pain-related disability among older adults with chronic pain and (b) the mediating role of pain-related self-efficacy and pain-related fear in this moderation. Method: One hundred and seventy older adults (Mage = 78.0; SD = 8.7) with chronic musculoskeletal pain participated in a 3-month prospective study, with 3 measurement moments. Participants filled out the Formal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory, the Portuguese versions of the Brief Pain Inventory, the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, and the Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia. Results: Using structural equation modeling, it was found that perceived promotion of autonomy, at Time 1, moderated the relationship between pain intensity (T1) and pain-related disability (T2); this moderation was fully mediated by pain-related self-efficacy (T2). Perceived promotion of dependence was not a significant moderator. Conclusions: These findings highlight the importance of social support for functional autonomy in buffering the impact of pain intensity on older adults’ pain-related disability. Also, they clarify the role of pain-related self-efficacy in this effect. Implications for the development of intervention programs, with formal caregivers, to reduce the impact of chronic pain on older adults’ healthy ageing process, are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The information professionals in the Algarve region: a study of the users perspective

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    In this article it is presented the research carried out in the South of Portugal (region of Algarve) with the general objective to know the users perspective about the information services (public libraries and archives) and their professionals and afterwards define a marketing strategy to improve the image of these services. After the literature review it was decided to apply a questionnaire (quantitative approach) to the users and non-users of archives and libraries of the region. The data collected were analysed and although the perspectives of the users were very good there is the need to develop a marketing campaign to show the non-user the information services potentiality.CIDHEUS-UE/FC

    Development and validation of a socio-emotional learning programme

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    Throughout his development, the individual will learn and expand his capacity to understand both the causes and the functions of one's own emotions, as well as to recognize the various emotional experiences (Denham, 2006). This learning provides the individual with strategies and skills that allow him to be able to identify his emotions, to reflect on their causes and to understand how these emotions condition his behaviour in order to regulate them. Thus, given their importance, these competences must be considered and developed at an early age, awakening children to the importance that emotions and the ability to recognize and regulate them in a positive and oriented way on their process of development (Mayer & Salovey, 1999). In this line, the Socio-emotional Learning (SEL) emerges, which presents itself as the development process of fundamental Socio-emotional Competences (SEC) in children and which is embodied in programmes aimed at promoting these competences. SEL programmes are based on the understanding that many different types of problem behaviours are caused by the same or similar risk factors and that better learning emerges from supportive relationships that make it challenging and meaningful (CASEL, 2003). Thus, given the importance of SEL to children who are not at risk, the advantages of working SEC in children with Intellectual Disability will be even greater, assuming that they understand more than they can express and feel their emotions spontaneously, and can also modify them in knowledge, not always orally expressed (Damásio, 2001). Based on these assumptions, this thesis had as main objective the construction and validation of a SEL programme, "Smile, Cry, Scream and Blush", in order to be implemented to groups of children diagnosed with mild ID and integrated into regular teaching classes, in order to verify its effectiveness with regard to emotional understanding. The thesis is organized by the compilation of three articles, two published and one submitted for publication, corresponding to three chapters. The results obtained in the third chapter point to a positive influence of the programme implementation, since statistically significant differences were observed between the mean pre-test and post-test values in the experimental group.Ao longo do seu desenvolvimento, o indivíduo vai aprendendo e ampliando a sua capacidade de compreender quer as causas, quer as funções das próprias emoções, bem como reconhecer as diversas experiências de ordem emocional (Denham, 2006). Esta aprendizagem fornece ao indivíduo estratégias e competências que lhe permitem mostrar-se capaz de identificar as suas emoções, refletir sobre as suas causas e compreender como essas emoções condicionam o seu comportamento, visando a sua regulação. Assim, e tendo em conta a sua importância, estas competências devem ser consideradas e desenvolvidas desde cedo, despertando as crianças para a importância que as emoções e a capacidade de reconhecê-las e regulá-las de forma orientada e positiva exercem sobre o seu processo de desenvolvimento (Mayer & Salovey, 1999). Nesta linha surge a Aprendizagem Socioemocional (ASE), que se apresenta como o processo de desenvolvimento de Competências Socioemocionais (CSE), fundamentais no desenvolvimento das crianças e que se consubstancia em programas dirigidos para a promoção destas competências. Efetivamente, os programas de ASE baseiam-se na compreensão de que muitos tipos diferentes de comportamentos problemáticos são causados pelos mesmos fatores de risco ou similares e a melhor aprendizagem emerge de relações de apoio que a tornam desafiadora e significativa (CASEL, 2003). Assim, tendo em conta a importância da ASE junto de crianças que não apresentam risco desenvolvimental, as vantagens em trabalhar as CSE em crianças com Dificuldades Intelectuais e do Desenvolvimento (DID) serão ainda maiores, assumindo que compreendem mais do que conseguem expressar e que sentem as emoções de modo espontâneo, podendo modificá-las em conhecimento, nem sempre expresso de forma oral (Damásio, 2001). Partindo destas assunções, esta tese teve como objetivo construir um programa de ASE, Smile, Cry, Scream and Blush, a implementar a grupos de crianças diagnosticadas com DID e integradas em turmas de ensino regular, a fim de verificar a sua eficácia no que concerne à promoção de CSE, incluindo a identificação das emoções, a expressão e a regulação emocional. A tese está organizada através da compilação de três artigos, dois publicados e um submetido para publicação, correspondentes a três capítulos. Os resultados apresentados no terceiro capítulo apontam para uma influência positiva da implementação do programa, uma vez que se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os valores médios de pré-teste e de pós-teste no grupo experimental

    O espaço exterior escolar como potenciador do desenvolvimento socio emocional das crianças em idade pré-escolar

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    O presente relatório realizou-se em contexto do Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, para a obtenção de grau de Mestre. O mesmo apresenta uma reflexão das aprendizagens mais significativas, resultantes da experiência de estágio no ano letivo de 2021/2022, nos contextos de Educação Pré-escolar e de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. O desenvolvimento do presente estudo teve como principal objetivo salientar a importância do brincar no espaço exterior escolar para o desenvolvimento das relações sociais das crianças e, realçar a importância da sua regularidade na prática pedagógica diária. A metodologia utilizada rege-se pelos fundamentos da metodologia da investigação-ação, que parte da origem da investigação qualitativa seguindo um paradigma interpretativo. A abordagem incidiu sobre o projeto de intervenção “Recreio Incrível” implementado durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionado em Educação Pré-Escolar, que potencializou melhorias significativas. Para recolher os dados foram realizadas observações, notas de campo, conversas informais, entrevistas aos adultos e às crianças e registos fotográficos. Os resultados do tratamento dos dados recolhidos indicam que, tanto as crianças, como os adultos atribuem ao brincar no espaço exterior escolar uma importância elevada. Com o cruzamento de toda a informação, compreende-se que a regularidade do brincar no espaço apresenta desafios quanto à sua utilização, mas que o seu uso, mostrou-se pertinente, pois é considerado um ambiente de aprendizagem de qualidade e, consequentemente um meio que favorece o desenvolvimento de competências socio emocionais

    The relationship between perceived promotion of autonomy/dependence and pain-related disability in older adults with chronic pain: the mediating role of self-reported physical functioning

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    Chronic pain is prevalent among older adults and is usually associated with high levels of functional disability. Social support for the promotion of functional autonomy and dependence has been associated with pain-related disability and self-reported physical functioning. Nevertheless, these relationships need further inquiry. Our aims were to investigate: (1) the relationship between perceived promotion of autonomy/dependence and pain-related disability and (2) the extent to which self-reported physical functioning mediated these relationships. 118 older adults (Mage = 81.0) with musculoskeletal chronic pain completed the Portuguese versions of the revised formal social support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory, the pain severity and interference scales of the Brief Pain Inventory, and the physical functioning scale of the Medical Outcomes Study-Short-Form 36 v2. Higher levels of perceived promotion of autonomy were associated with lower pain-related disability; this relationship was partially mediated by self-reported physical functioning (B = -.767, p < .001 decreasing to B' = -.485, p < .01). Higher perceived promotion of dependence was associated with higher pain-related disability; this effect was also partially accounted for by self-reported physical functioning (B = .889, p < .01 decreasing to B' = .597, p < .05). These results highlight the importance of perceived promotion of autonomy and dependence for managing older adults' experience of chronic pain

    Adaptação e validação de tradução de instrumento de avaliação psicológica em Cuidados Intensivos

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    Introdução: O impacto psicológico da doença crítica sobre o próprio doente pode ser grave e frequentemente resultar em sofrimento agudo, assim como morbilidade psicológica após a alta hospitalar. São ainda escassos os métodos validados para fazer esta avaliação. O instrumento de avaliação psicológica em cuidados intensivos - Intensive Care Psychological Assessment Tool (IPAT) foi desenvolvido como ferramenta simples e rápida de rastreio, apta a ser usada em rotina, para detetar sofrimento psicológico agudo e o risco de morbilidade tardia em doentes nos cuidados intensivos. Objetivos: Tradução e validação cultural e linguística para a língua portuguesa do IPAT na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) do Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira. Métodos: O processo de tradução foi o preconizado pelo grupo Translation and Cultural Adaptation, consistindo na tradução, retrotradução e aplicação de um teste piloto numa amostra de 20 indivíduos com as mesmas características da população do estudo de validação original. Resultados: As 10 questões e instruções traduzidas formam o Intensive Care Psychological Assessment Tool- versão portuguesa. No teste piloto dois doentes precisaram de explicação em relação à pergunta nº 5 e quatro tiveram dificuldade em entender a pergunta nº 8. Seis doentes responderam com dúvida e três não conseguiram responder à pergunta nº 10. Após algumas modificações foi conseguido um questionário com boa compreensão. Conclusões: A versão portuguesa do Intensive Care Psychological Assessment Tool mostrou ter boa compreensão com adequada equivalência semântica, idiomática, experimental e conceptual. No entanto, ainda carece de estudos que avaliem outras propriedades psicométricas.Introduction: The psychological impact of critical disease may be serious to the patient and it frequently leads to acute distress, as well as psychological morbidity after hospital discharge. Validated methods to evaluate this problem are still scarce. The Intensive Care Psychological Assessment Tool (IPAT) was developed as a simple and quick screening tool, capable of being used routinely, to detect acute psychological distress and the risk of future morbidity in critical care patients. Objectives: Translation and cultural/linguistic validation of the IPAT to portuguese in the Intensive Care Unit of Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira. Methodology: The translation was based on the method described by the Translation and Cultural Adaptation group. It consisted on the forward translation, back translation and pilot testing on a population of 20 individuals with the same characteristics of the original validation study. Results: The 10 questions and instructions translated form the Intensive care psychological assessment tool- Portuguese version. In the pilot test, two patients needed explanation about question 5, and four patients had trouble understanding question 8. Six patients had trouble understanding question 10 and three were not able to answer that question. After some alterations we achieved a questionnaire with good comprehension. Conclusions: The Portuguese version of the Intensive care psychological assessment tool showed good comprehension and adequate semantic, idiomatic and conceptual equivalence. However, it lacks studies that test other psychometric properties

    O tempo no tempo: um estudo do desenvolvimento das durações a partir das primeiras palavras

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    The study of duration patterns in early speech has yield contradictory results regarding the role played by biological factors and language specificity. We have examined the development of duration patterns in the speech of one European Portuguese child, from 1;04 to 2;04. Our findings show two different moments of temporal reorganization: the first related to PW duration; the second to syllable duration as a function of number of syllables in higher prosodic domains. The latter moment leads to the emergence of phrase-final lengthening. We interpret these findings as supporting the role played by the native language, and as providing evidence for the emergence of prosodic structure in language production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise do desempenho acústico de elementos construtivos na reabilitação de edifícios

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    Ao longo desta dissertação é apresentada a legislação em vigor em Portugal relacionada com a acústica de edifícios, bem como as normas europeias existentes. Como caso de estudo optou-se por analisar um edifício recuperado no âmbito do programa de reabilitação urbana do Porto, incidindo o estudo experimental na realização de ensaios acústicos, avaliando e validando através dos mesmos as soluções construtivas preconizadas no projeto de execução do edifício. Assim, para cada uma das soluções construtivas, realizaram-se estimativas de acordo com diferentes métodos preconizados nas normas e na bibliografia da especialidade. Efetuou-se também a avaliação acústica do edifício através do método prescrito pelo Laboratório de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), a qual reverteu numa classificação de acordo com os parâmetros considerados, a qual é apresentada no presente trabalho.This dissertation lays on the study of acoustics in buildings related legislation currently in force in Portugal, as well as existing European standards. As a case study we chose to analyze a restored building inserted in the Oporto rehabilitation program, focusing the experimental study on the conduction of noise tests, evaluating and validating the constructive solutions adopted in the design of the building. As a method of verifying the results of the tests performed, calculated estimates were made according to different standards and methods recommended in the specialty literature. An acoustic assessment of the building by the method prescribed by the National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) reverted in a classification, according to the parameters considered, and that is presented in this paper