974 research outputs found

    Migration, gender and control in the life paths of foreign national women detained in Portugal

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    Women’s experiences of border crossing: gender, mobility and border control

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    In recent years, new migration patterns emerged in Europe and border control operations became more complex and broader, resulting in an increasing number of non-nationals detained for migration-related reasons. This paper aims to explore how gender, migration and border control intersect in the lives of women detained for not having authorisation to remain in Portugal. Several visits were made to a detention facility, where ten women detainees were interviewed. Our findings reveal how gender plays a crucial role in women’s mobility pathways, and how the lack of a secure migrant status can be used as a control mechanism within the context of gendered relationships. Overall, due attention is paid to the way crossing borders impacts the lives of these women, reinforcing their vulnerabilities, and to the ways in which women deal with and resist the precariousness and violence they are exposed to, seeking a meaning and continuity for their lives.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Between crisis and austerity: potentialities and challenges of the new Forms of activism of the recent global social movements in Spain and Portugal

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    Impulsionadas pela conjuntura de crise política, económica e social, desde 2008 que incontornáveis transformações têm vindo a ocorrer ao nível dos movimentos sociais e das formas de ação coletiva no mundo, a começar pela chamada “Primavera Árabe”. No Sul da Europa, Espanha e Portugal não ficaram indiferentes a estes processos e é neste contexto que se tem vindo a registar a emergência de novos atores políticos e de novas formas de mobilização e de ativismo que muito têm contribuído para a reconfiguração da relação entre Estado, Sociedade Civil, participação política e democracia. Este texto parte centra-se nas realidades de Portugal e de Espanha, avaliando, para cada país, as potencialidades e os desafios que têm vindo a emergir da análise destas dinâmicas, sobretudo na sua relação com a democracia no contexto da crise.Driven by the economic, social and political crisis since 2008, inescapable transformations have occurred in social movements and forms of collective action in the world, starting from the so-called "Arab Spring". In southern Europe, Spain and Portugal were not indifferent countries to these processes and it is in this context that the emergence of new political actors and new forms of mobilization and activism can be registered, contributing to the reconfiguration of the relationship among the State, Civil Society, political participation and democracy. The work focuses on the analysis of Portugal and Spain, which allows to evaluate, for each case analyzed, the potentialities and challenges that have arisen in the investigation of these dynamics, especially in relation to democracy against the context of the crisis.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSO2016-78386-

    Trainee programmes: a comprehensive analysis of companies and trainees' perspective

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    Today’s workplaces are experiencing a continuous evolution regarding generational differences and so, organisations strive to attract and recruit the best young talent. As a result, Trainee Programmes are becoming more popular and are being implemented by companies which aim to hire high-potential graduates and provide them with a series of organisation-related courses that focus on trainees’ training, development and retention. Despite the growing importance of these programmes, there is a gap in the literature to explain the proper structure that accelerates the achievement of the intended objectives, the reasons of implementation, the impacts on companies’ business and, ultimately, the trainees’ perceptions and expectations about these schemes. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to address these limitations and investigate both companies and trainees’ perspective about Trainee Programmes to understand their evolution and provide accurate and upcoming recommendations. Thus, a mixed-method methodology was used to gain a deeper understanding about this topic by means of interviews to comprehend enterprises’ perspective and through the application of a questionnaire to current and former trainees. The findings disclosed the effectiveness of this tool when constantly monitored so, programmes should be designed to strengthen the psychological contract, set clear goals and expectations, provide career orientation and advancement, training opportunities, supervisory support, challenging tasks, wage-setting and an enjoyable environment to enhance trainees’ intention to stay in the company after the programme’s conclusion.Hoje em dia, os locais de trabalho estão a experienciar uma evolução contínua em relação às diferenças entre gerações e, por isso, as organizações esforçam-se em atrair e recrutar o melhor talento jovem. Como resultado, os Programas de Trainees estão a tornar-se cada vez mais populares e estão a ser implementados pelas empresas com o intuito de contratar recém-licenciados de alto potencial, proporcionando uma série de cursos relacionados com a organização que se focam na formação, desenvolvimento e retenção dos trainees. Apesar da crescente importância destes programas, existe uma lacuna na literatura em explicar a estrutura adequada para alcançar os objetivos pretendidos, as razões da implementação, os impactos nos negócios das empresas e, por último, as perceções e expetativas dos trainees. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é abordar estas limitações e investigar a perspetiva das empresas e dos trainees acerca dos Programas de Trainee para compreender a sua evolução e sugerir recomendações precisas e futuras. Deste modo, uma metodologia de método misto foi utilizada para obter um conhecimento profundo sobre este tema, por meio da realização de entrevistas para entender a perspetiva das empresas e através de um questionário a trainees. Os resultados revelaram a eficácia desta ferramenta, se monitorizada constantemente, por isso, os programas devem ser desenhados para fortalecer o contrato psicológico, estabelecer metas e expetativas claras, providenciar orientação de carreira, oportunidades de formação e promoção, apoio da supervisão, tarefas desafiantes, remuneração competitiva e um ambiente agradável, de forma a aumentar a intenção dos trainees em permanecer na empresa após a conclusão do programa

    Police Officers’ perspectives on state (police) violence: a sociomoral and psychological-driven study on disengagement

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    This paper comprises a theoretical and empirical incursion into the phenomenon of state violence, namely police violence. Although extensively explored in different perspectives within and outside academia, police violence is complex and has not been sufficiently problematized yet. In our understanding, this phenomenon requires a dialectical and dynamic discussion wherein both the development of state powers (macro-perspective) and how these powers affect the subjectification of those who act on their behalf (micro-perspective) are articulated into a critical analysis. In more concrete terms, the present study contributes to such analysis by shedding light on the main processes of moral disengagement (cf. Bandura, 1990, 1999, 2004) disclosed in the internal perspectives of six Portuguese police officers about common daily work-related situations. To legitimize the resort to police violence, police officers rely heavily on different mechanisms of moral disengagement. For instance, sanitizing language (anchored in a police technical jargon) is typically used as a linguistic mechanism to disguise violent actions; advantageous comparisons with other law enforcement agencies or with the recipient’s conduct are typically employed; non-lethal violence is usually minimized and portrayed as innocuous; and the recipient of violence is usually dehumanised and seen as responsible for the acts of violence. The findings are discussed based on the moral disengagement theory (Bandura, 1990, 1999, 2004); on the denial approach (Cohen, 2001, 2003); and on the impact of organizational, legal and socio-cultural dimensions of police organization (e.g., Fassin, 2011; Huggins, Haritos-Fatouros, & Zimbardo, 2002).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio