3,220 research outputs found
Filtering the Tau method with Frobenius-Pad\'e Approximants
In this work, we use rational approximation to improve the accuracy of
spectral solutions of differential equations. When working in the vicinity of
solutions with singularities, spectral methods may fail their propagated
spectral rate of convergence and even they may fail their convergence at all.
We describe a Pad\'e approximation based method to improve the approximation in
the Tau method solution of ordinary differential equations. This process is
suitable to build rational approximations to solutions of differential problems
when their exact solutions have singularities close to their domain
Four suspensions for transtibial prosthetics: a case-study
Objectives - The harmony between the residual limb and the prosthesis with an effective and comfortable suspension system allows the amputee to fully continue their daily living activities. With this study, the authors intended to measure gait efficiency and conclude whether the suspension systems tested differ in the various transtibial prostheses, based on the data provided by indirect calorimetry. Methodology - Functional performance that each suspension system allows will be approached by analyzing quantitative variables such as gait efficiency through indirect calorimetry using Lin-Chan protocols, which uses 5 different treadmill speeds.
Results - Gait efficiency analysis of the four suspension systems (2 suction; 1 PIN; 1 VASS) showed that when comparing the four models, the most functional suspension system was the prosthesis with the active vacuum suspension system (VASS) with lower values for mlO2/kg/m and higher distance than other suspension systems. Conclusion - Differences in results of the tests carried out in the various suspension systems prove that indirect calorimetry is sensitive in the assessment of the identified variables and is a viable tool in the analysis of gait efficiency in amputees, proving that the VASS suspension system is what presents a greater efficiency in walking and so a higher functionality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Choosing best components for an amputee: a methodology for the best decision-making
The harmony between the stump and the prosthesis is critical to allow it to fulfill its function enabling an efficient gait. A well fitted socket, with an efficient and comfortable suspension, allows the amputee to continue their daily living activities, maintaining the stump functional, making this correlation between socket and suspension very important in the functionality of the prosthesis, mobility and overall satisfaction with the device. Of our knowledge, the quantitative correlation between all of these factors as not yet been assessed. Aim of study: Verify and confirm the process of decision-making for four different trans-tibial prostheses with suspension systems: Hypobaric(A), PIN(B), Classic Suction(C) and Vacuum Active –VASS(D) according data provided by gait efficiency (mlO2/kg/m) imagiology (pistonning) and amputee perception
Estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem diversificadas: percepções dos alunos e dos professores
A inserção em contexto escolar do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico conferiu-nos a
possibilidade de realizar uma investigação centrada nas estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem.
Tema este, que articula a ação do professor e dos alunos, bem como todo
o contexto. Definidos como únicos, os alunos necessitam de um processo educativo
personalizado através de meios distintos que lhes permita aprender, mas sobretudo,
receberem uma formação holística. Assim, Quais as perceções dos alunos e professores
sobre a utilização de estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem diversificadas? foi a questão-
-problema que norteou o presente estudo.
De natureza mista, assente numa investigação-ação, recorremos ao inquérito por
questionário, aplicado aos oitenta alunos; ao inquérito por entrevista, realizado aos seis
professores cooperantes e ao par pedagógico; e às notas de campo, retiradas ao longo
de oito meses durante 2014/2015, para responder aos propósitos investigacionais. Analisados
os dados e feita a respetiva triangulação, emergiram resultados que respondem
à questão-problema e que confirmam a necessidade de um processo educativo diversificado,
atual e cativante.
Apesar de algumas desvantagens, a aplicação de estratégias divesificadas demonstrou-
se um meio extremamamente favorável para os envolvidos. Aulas dinâmicas
e proativas; alunos dedicados e atentos; docentes empenhados; variedade de materiais
foram algumas das justificações apresentadas. Quanto à estratégia preferida dos
alunos, o jogo evidenciou-se das demais devido ao seu caráter competitivo, lúdico e
interativo. Além disso, os alunos apreciam aulas ativas justificando com foi diferente e
trabalhei com os meus colegas.
Concluímos assim que são precisas estratégias diversifcadas, para um público diversificado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Insights from bacteroides species in children with Type 1 Diabetes
: In our previous study the enrichment of the intestinal proteome of type 1 diabetes (T1D)
children with Bacteroides proteins was observed, which led us to our current study that aimed to
isolate and characterize Bacteroides species from fecal samples of T1D and control children. Repetitive
sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR) was used for typing the isolated Bacteroides species. The antibiotic
susceptibility and mucinolytic activity of the isolates was determined. The quantification of specific
bacterial groups in the fecal samples was determined by qPCR. The ability to adhere and invade
the human colonic cell line HT29-MTX-E12 of strains of P. dorei, B. uniformis and P. distasonis was
determined and their whole genome sequencing was performed. The results showed similar numbers
of Bacteroides species in T1D and control samples, but unique Bacteroides species and a higher recovery
of P. distasonis from T1D samples was observed. Rep-PCR grouped the different Bacteroides species, but
no discrimination by origin was achieved. T1D children showed a significant increase in Proteobacteria
and a depletion in Lactobacillus sp. All tested P. dorei, B. uniformis and P. distasonis were able to adhere
to HT29-MTX-E12 cells but significant differences (p < 0.05) in the ability to invade was observed.
The highest ability to invade was exhibited by P. distasonis PtF D14MH1 and P. dorei PtFD16P1, while
B. uniformis strains were unable to invade. The damage to tight junctions was also observed. The
presence of Lactobacillus sp. inhibited the invasion ability of P. distasonis PtF D14MH1 but not P. dorei
PtFD16P1. Sequences of agonist peptides of the human natural preproinsulin and the insulin B chain
insB:9-23 peptide mimics were identified. The results reported in our study stresses the continued
efforts required to clarify the link between T1D and gut microbiota.PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-22122info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
O Movimento da Matemática Moderna e diferentes propostas curriculares para o ensino de geometria no Brasil e em Portugal.
Disponível em: http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/2912/291222086008.pdfO artigo tem o intuito de refletir sobre como as reformulações da matemática escolar durante o Movimento da Matemática Moderna (MMM) afetam, interferem e modificam as propostas curriculares para o ensino de geometria no Brasil e em Portugal. O currículo de geometria é identificado como um problema (DETIENNE, 2000) que atravessa os dois países, fonte privilegiada para estudos comparativos. Analisamos livros didáticos destinados aos primeiros ciclos do ensino secundário e identificamos quatro casos nos dois países. Dois autores que mantém suas propostas para o ensino da geometria, António Palma Fernandes e Osvaldo Sangiorgi; e os livros de António de Almeida Costa e Alfredo Osório dos Anjos, por um lado, e os do Curso experimental da Bahia, que integram as novas idéias alterando profundamente o currículo geométrico. Em suma, concluímos que a elaboração de currículos apresentados nos livros didáticos não segue de forma linear as recomendações internacionais, mesmo quando elas não são uniformes, como no caso do currículo de geometria durante a Matemática Moderna. As produções deste novo momento curricular hibridizam as influências externas produzindo novas entidades culturais que não são cópias de recomendações curriculares internacionais.Antes procedem de forma diversificada, com maior ou menor sucesso, adaptando-se às contingências de cada sistema educativo
Cyberbullying sobre professores : uma realidade escondida
As extraordinárias virtualidades disponibilizadas pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação trazem consigo potenciais riscos, se usadas de forma abusiva ou indevida. O estudo a que nos reportamos neste texto insere-se nesse potencial de riscos e conflitos focalizando-se na análise do fenómeno do cyberbullying sobre os professores. O tema apresentou-se como relevante e inovador, no contexto português, pela gravidade das repercussões no quotidiano emocional e social dos professores e na organização escolar onde estão inseridos. Com o presente estudo, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, pretendemos contribuir para desocultar o fenómeno, fazer uma aproximação à sua dimensão e características, perceber qual é o seu impacto sobre a vítimas e percecionar o interesse que suscita. Os dados foram recolhidos através dum inquérito por questionário, online, ao qual responderam 3426 professores. Para além da clarificação de múltiplos aspetos do fenómeno, registe-se, como principal conclusão, o facto de cerca de um terço dos professores ter declarado já ter sido alvo de cyberbullying.The extraordinary virtues of Information and Communication Technology bring potential risks, if used improperly. Our research analyses part of these risks and social conflicts which teachers are exposed to. The topic - "Cyberbullying against teachers - a hidden reality" – is both relevant and innovative in the Portuguese background because of its impact in the teachers’ everyday emotional and social development and in the school organization where they are inserted.
With this exploratory descriptive and quantitative study, we intend to contribute to uncover the problem of cyberbullying and analyse its dimension and characteristics, realize its impact on the victims and understand the interest raised by this phenomenon.
The data of this study was collected through a questionnaire survey online responded by 3426 teachers. A third of teachers said they had already been targeted by cyberbullying
New implementation of the Tau method for PDEs
AbstractIn this work we propose an extension of the algebraic formulation for the Tau method for the numerical solution of partial differential problems set on domains in Rn,n>2. This extension is based on an appropriate choice of a basis for the space of polynomials in Rn and on the construction of the algebraic equivalent representation of the problem. Another feature of this implementation is related to the solution procedure for the necessarily large dimensional linear systems involved. We developed for this purpose an adapted LU factorization with a special pivoting strategy to build approximants in the sense of Tau method and to allow the solution of large problems.Numerical results for differential problems in 2D and 2D will be shown
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