446 research outputs found

    Preliminary design of a Primary Loop Pump Assembly (PLPA), using electromagnetic pumps

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    A preliminary design study of flight-type dc conduction-permanent magnetic, ac helical induction, and ac linear induction pumps for circulating 883 K (1130 F) NaK at 9.1 kg/sec (20 lb/sec) is described. Various electromagnetic pump geometrics are evaluated against hydraulic performance, and the effects of multiple windings and numbers of pumps per assembly on overall reliability were determined. The methods used in the electrical-hydraulic, stress, and thermal analysis are discussed, and the high temperature electrical materials selected for the application are listed

    Oral Histories about the Famine of 1941-1945 as the Source of Knowledge of the Everyday Life of the Rural Population of the Ulyanovsk Area of Volga Region

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    Based the analysis of narratives about hunger in the rear areas during the great Patriotic war some features of everyday life of rural population in the territory of the Ulyanovsk Area of Volga Region are analyzed. It is noted that the daily life of Russian female peasants is revealed mainly in memories. It is shown that, despite the extreme conditions of life and fundamental change in the composition of the family, everyday life of a woman included the same basic elements as during peacetime: obtaining and preparation of food, raising children, work on the garden plot, the maintenance of family and neighborly relations, the performance of labor and economic duties to the State, including the local authorities. However, as the author of the article emphasizes, the realities of wartime have transformed these components of everyday life significantly, prioritizing the development of a strategy of physical survival and, above all, the overcoming of hunger and its consequences. As is established by the analysis of narratives, that is why during wartime were the diet and those everyday life practices that had been developed by the Russian peasantry to overcome hunger in the XIX century and the first third of the XX century were revitalized. Thanks to the analysis of oral stories about hunger in 1941-1945 it became possible to reveal in detail the emotional and personal perception as well as experiences of Russian female peasants during the wartime. Like any study of everyday life, the analysis may significantly complement and change the historical knowledge of that time

    Genre Specificity of Oral Histories about Starvation of 1941- 1945

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    The genre specificity of oral histories about starvation of 1941-1945 is covered. The review of the main works on the history of study of oral history in the national folklore is made. Consideration of the oral history as a speech genre allowed to establish that taking into account the peculiarities of oral speech helps to understand some of its properties in a new way, which, in turn, allows to rethink the traditional folkloristic approach to its analysis. It is shown that certain types of oral histories have a dual genre nature - on the one hand, they are speech genres, and on the other - folklore. The analysis of oral histories about starvation of 1941-1945 in the context of other works of reliable stereotypical prose, including those about fighting on the fronts of the Great Patriotic war, the blockade experience, the stay in captivity, led to the conclusion that a group of oral histories about starvation of 1941-1945 can be identified as a type of speech genre memories. It is shown that at the same time it is possible to define such stories as a folklore phenomenon representing a kind of a genre of the oral story devoted to the narration about a person in an extreme life situation

    Motif System in Oral Narratives of Rural Population about Starvation in Ulyanovsk Volga Region in 1941-1945

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    The narratives on starvation in the rear during the Great Patriotic war on the territory of the Ulyanovsk Volga region are analysed. It is shown that they functioned primarily in the family sphere and were the means of transmitting not only life experience, but also family “symbolic capital.” The analysis of 43 oral stories found that they include a number of repeating and persistent motifs of different frequency. Different degree of development of motifs in the narrative is noted. Utterances about starvation typical to such texts which express the attitude of the narrator to events or associate the past experience with the time of telling are highlighted. The example of motivic organization is the analysis of oral story in which the motifs themselves, and some types of relations between them (thematic, associative) are most fully represented. It is shown that in some narratives some of these motifs are combined with references about various household details, descriptions of the experiences of the characters. The conclusion is that the narratives about Great Patriotic war can form complete plot that are separate stories or plot-compositional elements of a complex narrative

    Laughter Contest in Traditional Russian Wedding of 19 - early 21 Centuries

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    The author describes the experience of many years of work on the study of laughter in the Russian folk wedding. In this work, in particular, one of the forms of its embodiment in the Russian traditional and modern wedding is considered. Special attention is paid to such rites as Courtship, Visiting the groom’s house by girls, Ransoms in the bride’s house. It is shown that these and other wedding rites that require active interaction of the parties were very often at the same time laugh competitions, which clearly manifested mastery of such a type of folk eloquence, which is called balagurstvo . This competition, which was a dialogue, includes both spontaneous and stereotypical speech statements, in particular, such folklore genres as groomsman’s sayings and korilnye songs were replicas of the parties. The article proves that in the modern wedding this speech competition not only has been further developed and strengthened, but could already be implemented with the simultaneous use of oral and written speech, including official documents. Greater development in modern wedding also got not a verbal contest of parties, but action accompanying of humorous dialogue, which could use items having in the specific wedding situation a humorous meaning (for example, setting the table for guests by food waste instead of holiday treats)

    Mark’s Mountain: Certain Features of Current Existence of Legends about Robbers

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    The legends about the robber Mark is analysed, whose name refer to a small hill near the village Sadovoye of Novospassky district of the Ulyanovsk region. It is noted that holding the name of a real person in the name of the settlement or natural object is one of the ways of preserving national historical memory, as well as an important and meaningful component of the cultural landscape. It is shown that oral stories about the robber Mark develops some typical motifs: indication of the place of stay, “noble” robbery, help to farmers etc. It is noted that the motif of the secret love of Mark is unusual, having a detailed plot. It is indicated that the analysis of the current existence of legends demonstrates their widespread popularity. The author notes that, in addition to the traditional method of retranslation - orally in the family from older to younger, there are other ways: through the media, museum, school. The assimilation of legends can also occur non-traditionally, that is, not from older to younger, but, on the contrary, from junior to senior, if the latter settle in the area. It is shown that historians, cultural workers strive to give Mark’s mountain as a cultural landscape object the status of a local brand

    Retelling Legend of City of Kitezh in Video Texts by YouTube Bloggers

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    This article examines the functioning of the traditional genre of Russian folklore, specifically the religious legend, through the example of retelling the legend of the city of Kitezh on YouTube. The paper highlights the specifics of video content on YouTube, which can be defined as multimodal texts. The legend is presented in two main types: variants of texts recorded earlier and texts conveying personal verbalized mystical experience of communication with the city of Kitezh (folklore legend). The paper identifies three main types of retelling the previously recorded variants of the legend: brief retellings, expanded retellings with reference to “The Kitezh Chronicler,” and expanded retellings with the addition of other historical, quasi-historical, and mythological elements. The article establishes that these multimodal texts can be distributed into three groups depending on the number of resources used: weak multimodality — using only two resources; medium multimodality — using three or more resources; strong multimodality — using more than 4—5 resources. The article shows that the told / retold legend is a fragment of a more complex multimodal text or cycle of texts

    Identification of a 200-kD, brefeldin-sensitive protein on Golgi membranes

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    A mAb AD7, raised against canine liver Golgi membranes, recognizes a novel, 200-kD protein (p200) which is found in a wide variety of cultured cell lines. Immunofluorescence staining of cultured cells with the AD7 antibody produced intense staining of p200 in the juxtanuclear Golgi complex and more diffuse staining of p200 in the cytoplasm. The p200 protein in the Golgi complex was colocalized with other Golgi proteins, including mannosidase II and beta-COP, a coatomer protein. Localization of p200 by immunoperoxidase staining at the electron microscopic level revealed concentrations of p200 at the dilated rims of Golgi cisternae. Biochemical studies showed that p200 is a peripheral membrane protein which partitions to the aqueous phase of Triton X-114 solutions and is phosphorylated. The p200 protein is located on the cytoplasmic face of membranes, since it was accessible to trypsin digestion in microsomal preparations. and is recovered in approximately equal amounts in membrane pellets and in the cytosol of homogenized cells. Immunofluorescence staining of normal rat kidney cells exposed to the toxin brefeldin A (BFA), showed that there was very rapid redistribution of p200, which was dissociated from Golgi membranes in the presence of this drug. The effect of BFA was reversible, since upon removal of the toxin, AD7 rapidly reassociated with the Golgi complex. In the BFA-resistant cell line PtK1, BFA failed to cause redistribution of p200 from Golgi membranes. Taken together, these results indicate that the p200 Golgi membrane-associated protein has many properties in common with the coatomer protein, beta-COP

    BAMBI is a novel HIF1-dependent modulator of TGF beta-mediated disruption of cell polarity during hypoxia

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    Hypoxia and loss of cell polarity are common features of malignant carcinomas. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF1) is the major regulator of cellular hypoxia response and mediates the activation of similar to 300 genes. Increased HIF1 signaling is known to be associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transformation. Here, we report that hypoxia disrupts polarized epithelial morphogenesis of MDCK cells in a HIF1 alpha-dependent manner by modulating the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) signaling pathway. Analysis of potential HIF1 targets in the TGF beta pathway identified the bone morphogenetic protein and activin membrane-bound inhibitor (BAMBI), a transmembrane glycoprotein related to the type I receptors of the TGF beta family, whose expression was essentially lost in HIF1-depleted cells. Similar to what was observed in HIF1-deficient cells, BAMBI-depleted cells failed to efficiently activate TGF beta signaling and retained epithelial polarity during hypoxia. Taken together, we show that hypoxic conditions promote TGF beta signaling in a HIF1-dependent manner and BAMBI is identified in this pathway as a novel HIF1-regulated gene that contributes to hypoxia-induced loss of epithelial polarity.Peer reviewe

    Oculomotor function in frontotemporal lobar degeneration, related disorders and Alzheimer's disease

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    Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) often overlaps clinically with corticobasal syndrome (CBS) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), both of which have prominent eye movement abnormalities. To investigate the ability of oculomotor performance to differentiate between FTLD, Alzheimer's disease, CBS and PSP, saccades and smooth pursuit were measured in three FTLD subtypes, including 24 individuals with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 19 with semantic dementia (SD) and six with progressive non-fluent aphasia (PA), as compared to 28 individuals with Alzheimer's disease, 15 with CBS, 10 with PSP and 27 control subjects. Different combinations of oculomotor abnormalities were identified in all clinical syndromes except for SD, which had oculomotor performance that was indistinguishable from age-matched controls. Only PSP patients displayed abnormalities in saccade velocity, whereas abnormalities in saccade gain were observed in PSP > CBS > Alzheimer's disease subjects. All patient groups except those with SD were impaired on the anti-saccade task, however only the FTLD subjects and not Alzheimer's disease, CBS or PSP groups, were able to spontaneously self-correct anti-saccade errors as well as controls. Receiver operating characteristic statistics demonstrated that oculomotor findings were superior to neuropsychological tests in differentiating PSP from other disorders, and comparable to neuropsychological tests in differentiating the other patient groups. These data suggest that oculomotor assessment may aid in the diagnosis of FTLD and related disorders